• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 5, 2021

    Crusader Kings I married my sister off in a matrilineal marriage and gave her husband the duchy of Tripoli and this rat bastard divorces her and then remarries her patrilineally.

    Crusader Kings I married my sister off in a matrilineal marriage and gave her husband the duchy of Tripoli and this rat bastard divorces her and then remarries her patrilineally.

    I married my sister off in a matrilineal marriage and gave her husband the duchy of Tripoli and this rat bastard divorces her and then remarries her patrilineally.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 06:58 PM PST

    So I murdered him.

    submitted by /u/LJBlom
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    My entire direct family is dead :(

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 11:02 AM PST

    The Maury Show would've been a hoot in the Middle Ages if TV existed back then

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 09:44 PM PST

    Nobody Likes This Lady

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 06:45 PM PST

    Rage quitted during the early moments of a "Mother of us All" attempt when I got murdered. Came back to the saddest main menu ever.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 09:02 PM PST

    Divine Marriage is disgusting

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 10:52 PM PST

    I am role playing my ruler as a faithful Insular Christian that is not going to marry off his kids in brother-sister marriages. That's crazy talk and the other rulers will look down on my dynasty.

    No, what I am doing is seducing lowborn females with good traits and getting bastards on them. Then I marry the bastards to my official children, who have no idea they are related to their new marriage partner. It's a diobolical plot. I'm also a witch, so there is that, too.

    Anyone else sparing their family the shame of incestuous marriage by making it happen on the downlow?

    submitted by /u/X17translator
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    Yeah I don't think the AI should do this

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 07:43 PM PST

    Stable Adamite Byzantines

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 10:52 PM PST

    Imagine the family gatherings lol

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 12:08 PM PST


    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 10:31 AM PST

    Achievement unlocked?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 02:56 AM PST

    Restoring the Roman Empire in IronMan in less than 80 years ! (Starting with a custom ruler as Byzantine Emperor)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 03:09 AM PST

    What lifestyle you like the most in CK3?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 05:53 AM PST

    I just developed the literal Gigachad.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 02:33 AM PST

    Norman.. Egypt.. In Sweden.. Got it. Yes.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 11:04 PM PST

    So... I fucked my own daughter.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 09:19 PM PST

    RICE Mod Dev Diary #15 - Sus Flavor Pack: Door of the Sahara

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 02:56 AM PST

    RICE Mod Dev Diary #15 - Sus Flavor Pack: Door of the Sahara


    I'm Cybrxkhan, creator of the Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE) mod for CK3, which adds simple "Flavor Packs'' to different parts of the world (Steam link here). In today's dev diary, I'll cover RICE's upcoming Sus Flavor Pack. I'm not just memeing - Sus is a region in southern Morocco and this flavor pack adds new content in southern Morocco, though some of it is available to North and West Africa in general. Please note everything here is WIP.

    The next update will hopefully be a two-parter and also include a Guanche Flavor Pack as part of another collaboration with BlackEmperor's Africa Plus mod, but I'll cover that in the next dev diary.

    Lastly, before I continue, feel free to check out the new official website for more info on my mods. Also feel free to check out the official discord for my mods if you haven't already.

    Trans-Saharan Trade Dynastic Legacy

    Like the Maritime Trade Dynastic Legacy introduced in the Socotra Flavor Pack to represent political involvement in the Indian Ocean sea trade (or the Maritime Silk Road), the Sus Flavor Pack introduces the Trans-Saharan Trade Dynastic Legacy, available to rulers in North Africa and the Sahel. Its five perks mostly have various economic bonuses (some are connected to the Trans-Saharan merchant spawn which I'll explain later):

    • Ships of the Desert
    • Gold and Salt
    • Legacy of Syncretism
    • Fortified Oases
    • African Scholars


    Argan and Dates

    Several counties in the Duchy of Sus as well as the Counties of Tindouf and Asfi now have a special building called Argan Forests. Argan is a species of tree endemic to southern Morocco, particularly the Sus river valley. It has had many practical uses over the centuries, though recently it has become popular worldwide as a source of cooking and fragrant oil. A peculiar phenomenon with Argan is that goats literally climb these trees to feed on the leaves, fruits, and nuts. It is often said argan nuts found in the goats' feces are easier to crack to access the valuable seeds, but apparently in reality goats' cud than feces are more conducive for this.


    Meanwhile, the County of Draa gets a county modifier, Date Farms of the Draa Valley, that slightly increases development. The Draa river valley is known as Morocco's "date basket" and is home to a number of date cultivars.


    Sijilmasa Flavor

    Medieval Sijilmasa, which lies not too far from Sus (in-game, at least) was one of the most important cities along the western Trans-Saharan trade routes. Muslim travelers of the time noted its immense wealth; ethnically and religiously diverse, it was home to people of many creeds and origins.

    A new series of decisions available to the owner of Sijilmasa simulates rulers supporting the city's development over the centuries. Each decision increases Sijilmasa's Prosperity, a unique county modifier, from Level 0 all the way to Level 3. Above Level 0, the modifiers give development and tax, but at Level 0, the modifier gives a malus to these as well as county opinion and control.


    In 867, Sijilmasa starts at 0 Prosperity, as it has gone through decades of unrest and fighting between partisans of rival factions of the ruling Midrarids. The strife may have been caused by between competing ethnic and religious communities in the city; as Sijilmasa was also a major refuge for various Kharijite groups, tensions between rival Kharijites may (or may not) have also been another factor. Anyways, you'll need to quickly take the decision to Resolve Sijilmasa's Long-Standing Conflicts to raise Sijilmasa's prosperity to Level 1 and remove the maluses.


    Doing that also unlocks two new decisions to increase Sijilmasa's prosperity that can be taken in any order. One decision is to Establish the Mints of Sijilmasa, available if your culture has the coinage innovation. Due to its proximity to West African gold, Sijilmasa served as a major minting center in the Islamic world for centuries. The decision adds a special building, Sijilmasan Mints, to the Barony of Tafilalt.


    The other decision is to Dam and Divert the Ziz River, available if your culture has the Communal Development innovation. Expansion of water resources was important to Sijilmasa's growth, and though it was a continuous process across generations, I condensed it into one decision for simplicity. Anyways, it nets you two bonuses. First, the ruler who took that decision (and only that ruler) gets a nifty character modifier for the rest of their lives. Secondly, Sijilmasa gets a permanent County Modifier that gives development and county opinion.


    Note that for the 1066 bookmark, all of the decisions except the Ziz River are already done, so Sijilmasa's prosperity begins at Level 2 in 1066.

    Merchant Courtier Spawn

    Periodically, merchant courtiers of diverse origins may spawn for rulers across North Africa and the Sahel, including in the Sus region.

    Besides the chance to get a new courtier, the event also offers the opportunity to gain a temporary character modifier that boosts income, to represent you improving merchant networks in your realm. Depending on the origin of the merchant who spawns - Arab, Berber, West African, or Jewish - you can get a boost in other stats. You don't even need to recruit them into your court to get the modifier, though you'll still have to pay for investing in them.


    Now, waiting for courtiers to spawn can be very dependent on RNG. Several perks in the Trans-Saharan Trade dynasty legacy track help alleviate this. The first one, Ships of the Desert, increases the chances a merchant spawns. The second, Gold and Salt, lets you access a new decision, Network with Trans-Saharan Merchants. For 5 years after you take this decision, the chances of a Trans-Saharan merchant spawning increases significantly, though isn't 100% certain per se. Even if you don't find a merchant in the end, during these 5 years (or until a merchant spawns), you'll at least have a character modifier that increases diplomacy and stewardship slightly. The fourth perk, Fortified Oases, lets you take the decision more than once.


    Lastly, to go along with this all, a new Mizrahi culture has been added to the Israelite culture group, as a catch-all for Middle Eastern Jews. Ashkenazi and Sephardi merchant courtiers might still spawn, but currently Mizrahi are coded to be the most likely for Trans-Saharan traders. (In the future, after Royal Court, I may add other Jewish cultures as needed.)


    Guanche Preview

    That concludes the dev diary for the Sus flavor pack! In a week or so, I'll talk about the Guanche Flavor Pack, which will accompany Sus and was done as a collaboration with BlackEmperor's Africa Plus mod as mentioned. It will include a new Guanche culture and pagan faith, and other goodies for the Canary Islands. For now, I'll leave you with teaser previews:



    Selected Sources for Further Reading

    submitted by /u/Conny_and_Theo
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    Which would you rather have IRL?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 11:17 PM PST

    Are you okay, Scotland?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 10:43 AM PST

    Over 100,000 Gold in the 1300's

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 04:17 PM PST

    [Ironman] Small Price for the Perfect Heir :)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 10:27 PM PST

    The amount of murder plots is unbelievable, don't tell them I'm immortal

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 10:59 PM PST

    This 3yo wrote a poem for me

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 04:01 AM PST

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