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    Crusader Kings Tutorial Tuesday : August 10 2021

    Crusader Kings Tutorial Tuesday : August 10 2021

    Tutorial Tuesday : August 10 2021

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    Tuesday has rolled round again so welcome to another Tutorial Tuesday.

    As always all questions are welcome, from new players to old. Please sort by new so everybody's question gets a shot at being answered.


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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I finally figured out how to become the pope!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    Dev Diary #68 - Inspiration Never Dies​ ✨

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    How do I stop the game from creating the Britania Empire on succesion?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 02:53 AM PDT

    The best stats I've had on a character yet. Pope Ragnarr 'The Enlightened'

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 06:26 AM PDT

    Well that's something you don't see everyday

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    I tried to murder Glitterhoof in private... now shes gonna tell everyone :(((

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 05:42 AM PDT

    all of this to find out midway a mod was stopping me from getting achievements.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 09:55 AM PDT

    Easy gold.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    I accidentally made Keanu Reeves.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:37 PM PDT

    I don't know what i expected in a game like this, where incest happens regularly, but i was not expecting my 30 YEAR OLD GREAT GRANDSON to sleep with my leader who is 107 YEARS OLD!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    Never seen this before but in one of my hunts I killed a dragon

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    Anyone else a little bit disappointed by the way ck3 ends?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    I knew the end date was some point in the 15th century, so I googled it and got 1453. I assumed there'd be some notification telling me the campaign was nearly over but I got nothing.

    I had hoped there'd be a recap of my campaign, similar to the recap you get when your character dies. I started with Connacht, united Ireland and moved into conquering parts of England & Wales. I set up my own version of Celtic Christianity (the original English invasion of Ireland IRL was based on the idea that we weren't Catholic enough, so I thought I'd give them a good reason.) When I got too big for my boots in the 1300s I lost most of my titles but for the Petty Kingdom of Cornwall and a small Welsh territory. I climbed back up to be Queen of All-Wales, most of Scotland and various small chunks of England. I was pretty close to forming an Empire.

    When the game ended, I didn't even get to look at my map! I was expecting some kind of meta text explaining that the columbian exchange was about to happen followed by a recap of my Dynasties various inbred hijinks. It all seems a bit anti-climactic. I don't think I ever finished a campaign in ck2, but while the gameplay in ck3 is more fun this feels like the kind of thing ck2 would handle better.

    submitted by /u/RuralHaze420
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    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 05:01 PM PDT

    First time ive seen a dynasty expand other than the karlings.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    Interesting educational video about the Medieval Eurasian Steppe and Steppe Nomads. It also gives a brief oversimplified history and context to the political situation of the steppes circa the 769 start date.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    At least my wife is intrigued by my explanation of this game.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    I love her, and love her more for tolerating my nerd out with my computer games.

    But with CK3, she honestly wants to listens to my "whatd you play last night?"

    "Yeh. I was up for hours last night because I had to kill 4 wives because they constantly gave me only daughters then would get to old. I was pissed at those bitches"

    "My wife hates me.... Yeh I revoked her titles, and killed her husband, than married her, but *why won't she give me a son!?!"

    "Dont worry, my whole empire was overthrown because I finally revieved a son and died 3 weeks later only to have faction after faction invade me into quitting.."

    "I get 3 concubines with this religion bug I still want to try and have a bastard son so I can try marrying him off to a daughter"

    "Baby. The God Damn Swedes refuse to stop attacking my Denmark even though my heir married their daughter. "

    Just confused looks, but at least she's intrigued by the explanation instead of just eye rolling herself out of the room.

    submitted by /u/magnoliasmanor
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    After 3k hours in 2 & 3, I finally completed a game!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    Love these games, play the hell out of them but never seen the end screen until today!

    Started as Pagan, went on to unite the three Indian empires and completed the What Nepotism achievement (which was basically something to do while I ran down the clock).

    I can see why some might call Pagan the Ireland of the East, it is a fairly easy start particularly if you push the special temple for the sweet early income, and getting the three baronies up quickly means you're not hampered by partition early game either.

    But yeah, a very satisfying run, with nicely spaced achievements and only once came close to losing it, but thankfully all they wanted was lower crown authority.

    Damn though, the end screen could be a little more exciting!

    submitted by /u/InGenAche
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    We lost 5 men for every one we killed,I declare this a victory - Peasant Leader

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    This is some Bene Gesserit shit.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 12:30 AM PDT

    Long live(ing) king!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    I have to book a stadium for the family reunion...

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    We need a legal system DLC

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    I would love to see a mechanic where you can deal with how crime is handled in your territory. Like setting up standard sentences for specific crimes, and would auto-release prisoners when the sentence is up.

    Hell, even just the ability to see why people are in your prisons would help

    submitted by /u/ActualPimpHagrid
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