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    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    Crusader Kings "You're gonna die, clown!" - King Adam Sandler to his jester, 910 CE

    Crusader Kings "You're gonna die, clown!" - King Adam Sandler to his jester, 910 CE

    "You're gonna die, clown!" - King Adam Sandler to his jester, 910 CE

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:55 AM PST

    East Francia just imploded. Are there efficient ways to claim them as king of Frisia?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:51 AM PST

    In CK2, if you look at the history of Byzantium you can see all the Roman Emperors as CK2 characters

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:03 AM PST

    What happened to the Child....

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:07 AM PST

    Multiplayer family with Sexy Squidward and Lord Farquaad DNA..... behold my absolute CHAD heir

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:52 PM PST

    Margaery Tyrell from GOT

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:54 AM PST

    I've made several portraits based on real-life actors. I was told people here might want to see them, so here's the full album.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:09 AM PST

    Is this the Spanish equivalent of the 47 Ronin?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:24 AM PST

    Africa celebrates the end of my Italian game.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:53 AM PST

    I was forced to forgive.... me? By me?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:09 AM PST

    I’ve found a coolie reference to “Les Misérables”

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:13 AM PST

    [OFFICIAL] Princes of Darkness: Metamorphosis Update

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:18 AM PST

    Sup, guys, I'm here on behalf of the wonderful lead developers of the Princes of Darkness mod with a message from the fabulous Sparc about what you're going to find in the update.

    For those of you who don't know, Princes of Darkness is a total overhaul mod set in the universe of World of Darkness, that is the richest, most extensive fictional universe of vampires, werewolves, mages and other cursed creatures of the night. You might know it from Vampire: The Masquarade games. The mod is developed with the blessing of Paradox and White Wolf (the company behind WoD) thanks to the esteem its CK2 predecessor enjoyed.

    As someone who joined the community inspired by the soaring ambition of the devs, I have to tell you that what they managed to squeeze out of CK3's guts will blow your socks off. But without further ado, I hand the mic to Sparc:

    Metamorphosis Update for Princes of Darkness

    What's in it? A lot! Get ready to sink your fangs into this!

    First, the mod has been made compatible with CK3 1.2.1 Argent, the Ruler Designer update. The mod allows you to engage customize a vampire character, so you can quickly pick your clan and disciplines as traits, and pick your road as a faith. Using the ruler designer to create a character will create a dynasty that is independent of the established Clan dynasty cadet houses. In play, you can still choose the create character decision if you want to be part of an existing Clan House, or form a cadet house under the Clan Dynasty.

    You can also customize your look. A lot of new choices are available under the "monstrous" category if you want a particularly horrifying look to your Nosferatu or if your Tzimisce character has gotten creative with the Vicissitude discipline. We are looking forward to seeing what monsters you create.

    There are more than 1700 canon vampire characters in the mod from World of Darkness lore, so the choices can be overwhelming. To help you choose, the 1230 Bookmark has had additional characters added as recommended choices: one from each clan and a few of the more prominent bloodlines. A fan favorite, Helena, has her rank was raised to Duchess so her eternal lover and ghoul Prias could be landed in a county in her realm.

    Once in play, one thing you may notice is changes to the map for Eastern Europe for the 1230 bookmark. We poured over the lore and reworked the map using details from "Transylvania by Night", the "Transylvania Chronicles" and other Dark Age Vampire tabletop RPG books. We checked real world locations on google maps and checked the differences of town names between the 11th century Germanic of the Siebenburgen, the Hungarian names and the Romanian names.

    The Obertus monasteries have moved to Silesia to match the only published Dark Ages Vampire map of their location: West of Krakow, Northeast of Vienna, east of Nuremberg and Southeast of Magdeburg. As in the lore, it acts as a buffer state between the Ventrue of the Fiefs of the Black Cross and the slavic Tzimisce. Jolanta holdings in Silesia have been transferred to Obertus, because in the lore, the Niepołomice Forest she inhabits is east of Krakow. Her holding has been moved there.

    Next, the Council of Ashes has been established in a greater Duchy of Transylvania. It was useful to have Nova Arpad to have a Kingdom level title, so that Radu Bistri could be her duke vassal and he could have the Szantovich (and Basarab) Zadruga families as count vassals. Nova Arpad's domain is Mediasch, which is near CK3 holding of Feher. Nova Arpad weakly leads a multi-clan council of Ventrue, Tzimisce, Gangrel and Nosferatu. A prototype of the Camarilla. It most likely will fall apart. The Council of Ashes heraldry is a tribute to Haligaunt's Concord of Ashes design. Haligaunt's "Concord of Ashes" is a great fanon campaign we encourage lovers of the World of Darkness to read, though we do not attempt to have the mod closely follow their creation. The Concord of Ashes puts more into Transylvania than we could possibly represent on the current map.

    As it is in the lore, Radu Bistri is in Bistri (Beszterce). Mitru's holding is Napoca / Cluj-Napoca / Klausenburg / Kolozsvár which is part of Torda county in CK3. Alba Iulia / Balgrad / Karlsburg was west of Mediasch so Dragomir Basarab has been landed in Zarand, and as a vassal of Nova.

    We properly located Hunedoara castle. It is the archetypal "Castle Dracula", also called "Corvin Castle." As it is in the lore, Danika Ruthven controls Hunedoara castle, also called Vajdahunyad. She is a vassal to Ioan Brancoveanu--"The Hammer of the Tremere." Further inside the Voiovodate, holdings have been reorganized. Vladimir Rustovitch is now King of Wallachia. Byelobog the White God was elevated to Duke so that he can have the Khavi as vassals.

    We also moved the primary chantry of the Tremere-Ceoris. With use of GoogleMaps to compare tabletop RPG map locations, with CK3 holdings and real world geographic locations: Ceoris was moved one county east to be near Mt. Negoui. The snake of the Tremere holdings was modified to match both the creation of the Council of Ashes and the reorganization of the Tzimisce.

    A number of mechanics available to all vampires have been added. The resonance system has been changed to bring it more inline with table top rules. A vampire's hunger, depending on their blood potency, can be satisfied by the quantity of the blood they drink. Resonance, however, is more concerned with not only the emotion of the victim (as influenced by their personality traits) but also the quality of their blood. Most mortals have "negligible" resonance, and thus reward a pittance of resonance XP for consuming their blood. Good congenital, higher education traits, lifestyle traits and good health improve the quality of the blood to higher tiers of "fleeting", "intense" and "acute". Poor health and blood loss will negatively impact the quality of resonance. In the previous version of the mod, resonance was based on the quantity of blood consumed, so there was only an incentive not to completely drain a mortal if you faith had such an act cost piety or a compassionate trait would cause stress. Now, it make sense to regularly feed from mortals with high quality resonance. To facilitate that, we have created a system of herding to more easily drink from and manage your herd of blood dolls. If your vampire has the Presence discipline perk of "Lingering Kiss", you gain an option to easily add a hunted victim to your herd. The herd scheme is available to all vampires, regardless of their disciplines. Depending how much control you have over the lives of your mortal courtiers, you can effectively breed a better herd. It is a more efficient method of gaining resonance experience to sip from a herd of mortals with acute resonance than it is to kill and drain every mortal who crosses your path--but do as you wish, dark lord. Great persons also make particularly tasty morsels beyond their very good traits. There is now a real choice to make between embracing a new childe, herding and ghouling.

    We've hinted at it a lot in this development diary so far, player character vampires may now create ghouls. For those who do not know Vampire: the Masquerade lore, a ghoul is a servitor character like Renfield in almost any adaptation of Dracula. Blood Bonded to their domitors, these loyal courtiers are like weaker versions of their vampire masters. Player characters will have both a hook on their ghouls as well as an opinion bonus from regularly supplying them with vampire vitae. Ghouls can make useful but disposable councillors or champions. As they are not full vampires, they do not (usually) clutter issues of succession within your house or dynasty. You can train them in your own disciplines (at the cost of your own resonance). With the discipline of vicissitude, you can transmogrify your ghoul thralls into objects of conventional beauty or monstrous warriors.

    When a mommy and daddy ghoul lust each other very much, they may even produce a baby born with vampire blood in their damned veins creating what the Tzimisce call a "Zadruga" but has been mistranslated as "revenant." Revenants that breed with revenants are more likely to "breed true", but like with any CK3 breeding game, there are the risks of inbreeding. Revenants are more powerful than ghouls, but often weaker than elder vampires. Unlike vampires, they do not hunt mortals for their blood. Nor can they engage in diablerie, and their blood potency never increases. However, unlike vampires, they can satisfy their own blood hunger by their own blood. They can learn the vampiric disciplines but depending on their experience of the blood since birth and the teaching of their families rather than the high speed acquisition of resonance that vampires have from hunting mortals. Revenants may risk herding vampires to give them a supply of resonance.

    All the canon Revenant families from the lore of the World of Darkness are in the mod. We also added a few more families so that every clan has at least one obscure revenant family they hold as vassals. Each canon family has its own Dynasty or House and gets an additional modifier for that relationship. As you can expect, each revenant family has its own Coat of Arms and a county holding that either matches the lore is lore-inspired in its placement. The proper landing of Zadruga families of the Tzimisce is what drove our re-work of Eastern Europe to be more in keeping with the lore.

    As you will have noticed from the Ruler Designer appearances, our talented 3D artists have added a number of blendshapes options to faces. You will see some Tzimisce characters utilizing some of these shapes, some more subtly than others. Some of those shapes can be applied to ghoul thralls through transmogrification. Our artists did not stop there, Tzimisce can also use vicissitude to transform their forms, whether that is extending the arms and growing claws for feral weapons, awakening the terrifying Zulo shape, and the most powerful of Tzimisce Koldun can assume the forms of Dragons.

    Other clans benefit from new models as well. Salubri have their iconic third eyes and Gangrel can also grow the claws of their feral weapons. Gangrel may take on further animalistic features as the result of frenzies.

    We have been expanding our narrative events. Now, the anarchs will revolt and bring about the death of Antediluvians. Inquisition will be formed and harass those vampires who most flagrantly violate the Masquerade. Eventually, a Convention of Thorns event will form the Camarilla to try and put a stop to this madness--while the Sabbat will form to counter the Camarilla. We will expand further on these events in the future, but this should give you a taste of where we are going with big narrative events.

    The placement of the Cainite Heresy on the Road of Sin with the conviction of Self-Control rather than instinct never set quite well with us. The Cainite Heresy has been reworked as the leading faith in a new Blood Gnosticism religion that includes the Cathars of Via Pura as well as various cults inspired by the myth of Calomena--Caine's sister.

    While the Vicissitude discipline got a lot of love with this update, a late addition to this update was the inclusion of some powers for necromancers with the Oblivion discipline (your clan or bloodline might call it something else!). Player characters can now scheme to ritually murder a character, transform the murder victim into wraith and bind that wraith to their service. Then the wraith can be sent to another court to possess, haunt or spy upon others. It's a good way to soften up an enemy court for your schemes or warfare. In the future, we will look to make Thaumaturgy and Blood Sorcery better.

    Several translation projects are underway for the mod, with Chinese, French and Russian having made the most progress. If you would like to help with a translation project, we maintain several different language channels on our discord. The Chinese translation team is particularly large.

    You may notice some noteworthy characters with gold coin traits. These are creations of our patrons who support us through Patreon donations. They do not just encourage us financially, but are a core part of our development process. Patrons have access to the hottest code of our development build. Collectively, they engage in hundreds of hours of testing of the mod before new features make it to the steam release. Many of them are huge fans of the World of Darkness with encyclopedia knowledge of the lore and experience playing grand strategy games like Crusader Kings II. A few of them even go all the way back to the first World of Darkness MUSHes. They not only test but offer lots of ideas and advice about how to best implement the World of Darkness in Crusader Kings III, and the mod would be far poorer without their participation and suggestions. The patron model is working for us very well, and we encourage other mod teams to seriously consider it. Our patrons help us make big decisions like when the mod updates are of sufficient quality for a public release and what changes to make to improve the balance and feel of play.

    In addition to the custom characters in the mod, we are creating a new bookmark in 1375 AD after the Black Death which has the Patrons as dominant force. The period after the Black Death is vague in World of Darkness lore beyond the chaos of the Anarch Revolts and the rise of the Inquisition. Patrons write up their own character histories that are included in our investigations schemes and can shape the world through custom empires, kingdoms, faiths, dynasties and houses. This way our patrons and developers can tell a new story in the World of Darkness collectively that doesn't trample the very strict lore interpretation we are using for the 1230 bookmark. Its not quite ready for sharing on Steam as there is still a lot of unclaimed territory: but players and borders of Europe are starting to be defined. We also hope that it will be great fun in multiplayer.

    What's planned next? If you are playing this update, you'll notice the start of Inquisition uprisings. Our next major expansion we hope to finish sometime this winter will be Dark Ages Inquisitor. Inquisitors were a logical choice as they are antagonists to all the other supernaturals in the World of Darkness. They also do not need extensive 3D portrait model work like Werewolves in Crinos form. We can make use of existing assets like religious clothing. We already have a playable bookmark for the inquisition that starts a few days after the 1230 AD bookmark. Before we release it though, we want to expand the lifestyle trees to include True Faith so that Inquisitor characters have a chance and special powers to use against vampires.

    After the Inquisition? Our plan is to allow our Patrons to vote on the next major supernatural creature to develop: Werewolves? Mages? Wraiths? Fae? Or keep our focus on vampires. We also plan to send out a survey first to patrons and then the community at large about your experiences with the mod and what you would like to see next.

    We are looking forward to seeing your creations in the ruler designer, hearing your after the action reports and watching your streams on Twitch and Youtube. Let us know about it on Discord or in the forums.

    Also an album for you: https://imgur.com/a/kEPy3dO

    If you have any quetions, I can try to answer them myself or forward them to the lead developers. You can talk to them yourself at our discord (we don't have a subreddit yet, but I think that's a matter of time), here: https://discord.gg/vAkbCdK

    submitted by /u/CantHonestlySayICare
    [link] [comments]

    Can someone explain why I have to deal with crippling factionalism when everyone loves me

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:03 AM PST

    Religions should have 5 tenets, not 3

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:06 AM PST

    1) Religions are barely distinct from each other as is 2) Historically speaking lots of religions had many different elements, makes no sense for rabbinic Judaism not to have Communion, or for Asatru to not have pursuit of power, or for Almohadism not to have Legalism, or Theravada not to have Reincarnation, etc 3) This would balance out religions more

    submitted by /u/Emperorofliberty
    [link] [comments]

    Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen v2.0, FINAL. DNA Link Inside.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:07 PM PST

    Well, you guys know what that means...

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:22 AM PST

    I finally got this event! I know it's late but I'm still happy!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:39 AM PST

    Do you feel that CK3 is a worthy sequel to CK2?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:11 AM PST

    My Habsburg Roman Empire

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:47 AM PST

    My ideal male heir died a few months before succession, leaving his baby sister to inherit the realm. She went ahead and mended the great schism, consecrated our bloodline, and restored the Roman Empire. Total bad ass.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:38 AM PST

    I didn't even know you could that much grace from 1 action

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:46 AM PST

    Chad high chieftain vs Virgin High Slavic Emperor God. How the fuck does two have more fucking warriors than my reformed empire?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:33 AM PST

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