• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 13, 2021

    Crusader Kings And the total exclave independence claims another victim

    Crusader Kings And the total exclave independence claims another victim

    And the total exclave independence claims another victim

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 02:54 AM PST

    Show yourself

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 08:08 PM PST

    My leper, one-eyed, one-legged 83 year old wife refuses to die

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 08:13 AM PST

    Realistic Childhood Mortality

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 06:40 AM PST

    As a former medievalist, I love CK more than is reasonable. But one thing that's always ground my gears is how often my children live to adulthood. Certainly, childhood mortality rates were much lower among the nobility/playable CK characters. But overall, the thought that I can have just two children per couple and keep my dynasty alive for 500 years irks me. (that is makes it fairly easy to create genetic super heroes, also takes away from that achievement imo)

    We have regular disease sliders, but I can only make them less virulent. I want to be able to make them much, much worse (particular for people under 16...).

    Does anyone else feel this way? Anyone have a good mood suggestion to solve this healthy-children problem?

    submitted by /u/Aeschines47
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    My Court Physician cut off my son's leg trying to treat his pneumonia. That's a botched disease treatment if ever I've seen one!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 10:55 PM PST

    Tyranny Reduction is Additive

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 05:14 AM PST

    I'm a noob so I often play on very easy mode. One of the benefits of doing so is -75% tyranny gain. I reformed my religion with pursuit of power and as a result had -100% tyranny gain. I could imprison my vassals and revoke their titles with impunity. Incredibly power, but of of course only possible on very easy mode, right? Well not exactly.

    On normal difficulty: get a religion with pursuit of power (-50% tyranny) have the callous personality trait (-20% tyranny), and own the county of Aachen (-20%). If you do so, imprisonment/revocation only gives you a tyranny penalty of 2. You can revoke ten times as often as you could otherwise to suffer the same penalty. If your religion is righteous, the defender of the faith lifestyle perk can push you over the top with another -25% tyranny, allowing you to revoke your whole realm and redistribute it all at once without penalty.

    submitted by /u/Doccit
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    My ruler just has a thing for taller ladies

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 09:12 PM PST

    Well Jesus, thank you for being a master of warfare

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 10:08 AM PST

    this is my first ironman game and i won my idepentece

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 10:12 AM PST

    We come from the OTHER land of ice and snow.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 10:28 AM PST

    My Demon Baby character had an explosive coming of age

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 05:26 AM PST

    "Yes, I'm sure that the retainers of the goddamn Julianian Pope will let me have one of my retainers convert her to Catholicism" - Multiple Holy Roman Emperors

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 08:56 AM PST

    There, I did it. No I’m not making him Catholic.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 07:40 PM PST

    Loving this tenet combo for my chill Icelandic run

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 12:14 AM PST

    The Aquitaine Archipelago (NSFL; gore)

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 07:03 PM PST

    Does selective breeding for attractiveness work?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 03:02 PM PST

    Could I just marry based purely on attractiveness(not the trait but like actually genetics and appearance) and breed the most beautiful dynasty? Would that work?

    submitted by /u/istgimthisclose
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    My best save CKII

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 03:18 AM PST

    Late stages from my first finished game! Guess what i did after.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 10:51 AM PST

    A tale of two Estonias

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 01:24 AM PST

    Get a grip Belisarius!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 05:59 AM PST

    Never seen this happen before! Norway won the war for England, but Denmark pushed their claims and won!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 02:47 PM PST

    Ai Lothaire II has formed the "Capet" cadet branch in 870!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 12:53 PM PST

    why am i losing my realm capital on succession to another heir?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 07:09 AM PST

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