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    Friday, November 12, 2021

    Crusader Kings Bisexual Genghis Khan and his gay lover & friend Subutai.

    Crusader Kings Bisexual Genghis Khan and his gay lover & friend Subutai.

    Bisexual Genghis Khan and his gay lover & friend Subutai.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 04:43 AM PST

    Historical Europe AI

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 07:20 AM PST

    Does anyone agree that a much needed feature is demographics?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 04:46 AM PST

    Every region has one culture/religion etc. An excellent way to increase immersion and give us more options re day to day realm management and role-playing, would be to include this.

    Breakdowns of population numbers, subdivided by age, sex, religion, culture, class. These all have internal and external stories and squabbles, and associated representation to the local rulers.

    Could make for some great decision making and policy.

    submitted by /u/Katow-joismycousin
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    Stop Resisting, You Will Be Mine.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 01:24 AM PST

    Not Holy, not Roman, but definitely an Empire

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 03:14 PM PST

    Epic Cornish Revival :)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 08:44 PM PST

    I Present to you, The mighty Emperor Vlad Dracula of Carpathia. Patriarch of Vladism and savior of man

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 06:35 AM PST

    What is that one character that wasn’t overpowered, yet held a special place in your heart?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 01:30 PM PST

    Maybe the achieved something against all odds or you grew attached to them because they were awful in every possible way, but they lived for 120 years. It doesn't have to be your own character.

    Mine was Theodoric. He was a commoner at 16 when my character, a 3 title count at the time, just came of age. They were childhood friends and he had amazing martial skill so he became my Marshal.

    He stood by me all this time. Fighting in my wars and attending every feast. Then there was a final battle for a kingdom tier, which (if succesful) would make me emperor. This old madman actually managed to kill the enemy commander!

    When the fighting was done, I was ecstatic and formed my empire. But when I looked at Theodoric, it said he died in battle a month ago.

    I will never forget him.

    submitted by /u/DuckRetriever25
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    help i am getting a really weird glitch and i need help fixing it

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 11:18 PM PST

    Why the HRE hate?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 06:31 AM PST

    I often see posts or comments here about how people hate playing as part of the HRE, or even being elected as the HRE emperor.

    Why is that? What makes it so repulsive?

    Context: I am a relatively new player, and haven't played as a member of the HRE.

    submitted by /u/Gazelle_Smooth
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    I am so sorry Theognosia.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 08:12 AM PST

    I never meant for it to happen this way, I just wanted to keep my grandson safe...

    I never meant for you to be involved, it wasn't your fault that your eunuch father was the target of our multi-generational plan to place my Dynasty on the Byzantine Throne.

    If only your father, the Despot, had agreed to my proposal of marriage between you and my first born son, you would have sired a genetically superior heir, who would live to be the next King of Bosnia and Nikaea.

    Instead your fool of a father deemed you, a traitless, shy, paranoid pawn, to be too prestigious for my Slavic Hercules of an Heir. He was forced to marry your similarly unremarkable sister, fathering a single son before divorcing her, and dooming your fate.

    It truly was unfortunate that you dad to die, but it was necessary for my grandson to inherit the Despots crown. It had to happen, but... It did not have to happen this way.

    You got lucky, or should I say unlucky.

    Your life was ruined the moment you survived my assassination attempt, you see, I could not allow you to further your dynasty, as it would impede on our superior Bosnian genes.

    I truly tried to avoid as much bloodshed as possible, I abducted your husband to prevent him siring an heir, but I was too late, you were with child. Your daughters would have to suffer a similar fate. I genuinely never intended him to die in my prisons, he would have been more useful as a captive than as a corpse.

    Some may say your husbands torture was unnecessary, but I needed to gain court secrets in order to facilitate the murder of your daughters...

    Your first born was a neat job, simply never woke up from her sleep as a babe... The windows were mysteriously open that night.

    The next daughter was trickier, got lucky when my peasants failed an assault on her carriage, I was forced to abduct and execute her. At least she got a quick death.

    Your second husband was a devious soul. spymaster to the Emperor, his intrigue rivaled my own.

    You were instrumental to his death, as you well know, I was forced to threaten your life until you became an agent into his abduction.

    I never meant for you to get caught up in this, I simply needed to secure the Crown of Nikaea for my dynasty, my grandson needed another in the Empire to support his claim, he needed allies, he needed you dead, he needed you to die, he needed your daughters dead, your husband tortured, he needed it. He needed it. He needed it.

    We needed it.

    I needed it.

    You have to die, Princess Theognosia.

    I hope your new chambers are sufficiently comfortable, they used to be your husbands. Now unfortunately I will need to uncover any court secrets you may know...

    submitted by /u/Generic_name_no1
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    All of the Knights!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 08:59 AM PST

    Screenshot from an ironman game I did shortly before Iron Century came out.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 08:03 PM PST

    After yet another case of multiple rebellions following death of the previous ruler, I finally snapped.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 11:21 AM PST

    So do you guys start over often or what?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 12:19 AM PST

    I've just started playing this more seriously after thousands of hours in eu4. I should note, I've got about 300~ hours in ck2/ck3 so i have a decent spat of playthroughs but the thing is, I've never really just been interested in playing back to back after i lose or get bored with my current run.

    Recently, i discovered the character creator and had a fantastic time building up an empire. But after about 10 generations, i could tell i had ended up in a weak offshoot of my family. My sons were all idiots and my uncles, powerful kings of their own quarters of the empire. Obviously my death led to a completely impotent reign beneath my heir who got challenged by four separate factions and the empire was essentially torn to pieces.

    Now, i know that this is how the game is supposed to be. You rise and fall, letting the narrative take you up and down and around, maybe one day gloriously reclaiming the throne with your cracked great grandson who spent his whole life training to one day unify the empire like his ancestors before him, 200 years ago.

    And, well yeah, i could try to do that. But at this moment the idea of running a backwater duchy, making 0.8 gold per month and waiting for better player characters just pales in comparison to how thrilling it was to Ascend. After reading some meme post earlier, all i can think about is creating a new character with ludicrous skill learning and see if i can't do some wild shenanigans with development in a 'tall' partake.

    Am i in the minority here? Majority? What type of playthroughs do you guys end up spending the most time on?

    submitted by /u/Yousaidthat
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    Dude would not die (105)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 02:15 PM PST

    Should i help my vassal become King?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 09:33 AM PST

    One of my vassals wants to become the king of East Francia, the problem is i am a king as well, if i win this war for him, what will happen to his current holdings in my territory?

    I play in Iron mode so i can't just try what happens.

    submitted by /u/who-shit-my-pants
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    How do you beat the Muslims as Abyssinia?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 02:56 AM PST

    I've tried playing Abyssinia a bunch of times now (charlemagne and viking age startdate).
    The early game is never an issue, but some time in the midgame a vastly superior force of muslims declares a holy war against me (15k+) and at that point I just don't have the resources or troops to deal with that.
    Is there any way to withstand the muslim invasions?

    submitted by /u/Garchomp17
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    Game Difficulty - Feels too Easy

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 06:16 AM PST

    As a preface, I love this game. It's concepts, interface, intractability, characters, history, etc. are all amazing. My only main gripe is how easy this game feels to me. I see people make jokes on this sub with how powerful they are late game and often see screenshots of people conquering the entire map. To me, this game feels too easy and I wish there was a difficulty higher than "Normal" in the settings. Since I can't raise the difficulty and can easily conquer whoever I want to, the game loses a little bit of its magic for me.

    The only challenge is not splitting my kingdom on succession, but even if that happens, it's very easy to raise an army and conquer the brother who ran off with part of your kingdom. To me, there doesn't feel like there's any real threat to me "losing" the game or having my empire torn out of my hands. I just wish other rulers were smarter or more capable of defending against my army. Or that my leaders/heirs would get assassinated more. I feel like my character is a God each time I play, no matter what the other circumstances are.

    Has anyone had similar feelings? Have you set rules for yourself to make your playthrough more challenging? What goals do you set after you've created your first kingdom/empire? Are there mods that people are using to make the game more difficult? I'd love to hear ways that people have made the game more challenging, even if it's just a personal challenge - not a change to the game's settings.

    TL;DR - CK3 feels very easy. How do you make it more difficult?

    submitted by /u/Yoda_Ate_My_Nuggets
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    No shit, bro, you *helped me* do it.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 08:57 PM PST

    From the mongol empire to the restoration of the roman empire =D

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 07:12 AM PST

    I love the name but I'm not sure it goes with our African faith

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 06:55 AM PST

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