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    Wednesday, October 13, 2021

    Crusader Kings Kingdom of Heaven Map Edits #1: Constantinople.

    Crusader Kings Kingdom of Heaven Map Edits #1: Constantinople.

    Kingdom of Heaven Map Edits #1: Constantinople.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    I Used A Smallpox Child To Kill The Great Khan

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    Why do they all vote for me

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    This can't be real, right?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 11:49 PM PDT

    Begone, hussy!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 03:35 PM PDT

    Managed to turn a doomed crusader state from a failed crusade to the largest Christian empire on the map! (Scroll right)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    Considering the developers said they wanted to keep events realistic for now, isn't introducing the Marvel universe a bit early at this stage?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 04:42 AM PDT

    Viking prepared invasions rant

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    So, I'm angry as hell. I've been building my kingdom of Estonia for almost 300 years now, and conversion to Cathar religion with gender equality was a cherry on top of my roleplay. I don't want to go outside of my kingdom de-jure borders, nor do I require to conquer whatever there is in the world. No invasions while Pagan, no invasions while Manichean (don't ask). And then - every goddamn viking scumbag in Scandinavia thinks he is so smart he can just go and take my stuff? My beautiful lighthouse in Saaremaa that I've spent like already 3000 gold? I'm gonna mutilate, humiliate and torture every norse face I can imprison and then I'm gonna break my roleplay and just lay waste to that pathetic peninsula. And it's gonna burn like my chair right now.

    submitted by /u/JunkyardEmperor
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    Don’t Rush the DLC - Stop Harassing the Devs

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    I'm writing this post mostly not as a response to this subreddit, but to any person that comments a mean spirited or even well intentioned "Royal Court when??????" on any Paradox social media post.

    You're harassing the devs, risking them losing interest because they realize they are serving a toxic community that would turn on them and who doesn't trust their work flow. I don't know how much Leviathan (a train wreck release for Eu4) is too blame for this attitude toward the devs, but it's annoying as fuck and I don't even work for Paradox. And I'm the last person to support the corporate overlords and suck paradox's dick, ultimately they are guilty of anti-consumer tactics with their DLC spam in prior games, but to pretend like the community isn't literally asking for them to do that again is disingenuous. I see all too often ppl demanding they want the DLC asap, while simultaneously demanding it better not be another buggy mess.

    That's to say, you realize that by pressuring them to release sooner you're literally asking for a less ironed out product? I know you bought the preorder and really want to play the video game you paid for, but if you thought critically you'd realize that you didn't have to preorder anything, and doing so is entirely to support the devs. Which, ironically, is counter to the attitude of the comments.

    I love CK3, I'm nearly 100% done with the achievements (fuck you Russian conversion to Islam, somehow conquering all of Africa was easier), and so I frequent a lot of the game's social media communities. And I've got to say this community has a penchant for harassing the devs, which, I know Leviathan was a disaster and Imperator might've been a let down to some but I really don't understand it. Paradox routinely lands some of my (and a lot of your) favorite games of all time, so much so that I struggle to even try other strategy games bc I know they won't share the same depth.

    I guess all I'm trying to say is this: the devs read your comments, they read your salty attitude toward their work flow, and it probably (read certainly) impacts their attitude toward the community and work product. Which in turn just hurts the community at large, ultimately, we want to foster a patient but high expectation. So, be patient and try to be kind.

    submitted by /u/HarryTheLizardWizard
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    They are all jealous cause she is pretty, confident and independent

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    Are there any (fantasy) mods that fully utilize the new 3D character system to introduce cool fantasy races such as elves, lizard men, cat people, giants, etc... or add some sort of body modification magic that can change your character model and give you associated (de-)buffs?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 07:52 AM PDT

    CK3s launch was quite some time ago and it's new 3D character model system offers a ton of new possibilities to modders.

    No longer are we confined to just crappy 2D portraits but now have a highly detailed and realistic 3D model for our characters.

    Thanks to the DNA system one can mod in DNA for elf ears, lizard tails, etc... and have it be passed down to descendants in a realistic (and good looking) way, unlike the limited portraits of CK2 where a hybrid culture would only be portrayed by the portrait of one race.

    This system also potentially allows for one to introduce a sort of body modification magic system, not unlike the Satanistic magic in CK2, where you could absorb the life force of others to make yourself younger and such things, and that would be even better and more realistic with the new 3D character model system.

    Also, most importantly, we now have the potential for 3D glitterhoof and hybrid horse people.

    So are there any mods that do any of these things?

    submitted by /u/Pashahlis
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    My best character so far in CK3

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 02:29 AM PDT

    I laughed way too hard picturing how my lisping grandson would pronounce his name. I present to you... THNORRI THAGATHON

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    How did that happen?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    another wikibox

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    Sacrificing a heathen ruler in the name of Odin every Tuesday until Royal Court release. Ep. 1: The Fine Scotch

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    Got declared on by a 2 county chump, i then noticed he has 7k special soldiers, thanks paradox!

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    Challenge: how many times can you make the same person appear in your family tree.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    This character's raid on my capital caused the death of my beloved wife, i declared war in revenge. He lost two sons in battle and i executed another two. Suddenly i don't feel good, rather i feel regret, and i think that's all credit to CK3's ability to tell interesting and surprising tales.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    Byzantine empire made a HUGE mistake

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    I am currently working towards the unite Africa decision, and the byzantine empire had a two duchy territory I needed in order to get it. I had a levy size of 37,000 and the byzantines had a levy size of ~30,000. However, there ruler had just died and the new ruler was 5, so i figured it was the perfect time to strike. I sent out 3,000 men at arms to take the territory and was making decent progress. I didn't raise any more because this was in north Africa near Spain and the Muslim jihads had just started so i kept forces in reserve in case of a holy war near my east African territory.

    I was expecting a few things. The byzantines would ignore it an let me do what I want, or they would send maybe half their troops to fight me. The one thing i was NOT expecting was to see a 27,893 army land on my shore next to their territory i was trying to take. I was genuinely surprised and confused. Why on earth would they send their ENTIRE MILITARY across the world when they border a Muslim nation that had just started a jihadist movement.

    After a couple seconds of confusion, I raised my armies and got some mercenaries and the holy order to defend the east, and i fought their army. I won. After a few skirmishes with their remnants, i won the war. I just went to check their military size and they are down to 7,604. I think im about to see the fall of the byzantine empire.

    submitted by /u/jmturn
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    The Trials of St Geraud the Soldier

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    The Trials of St Geraud the Soldier

    AAR: Norse pagan Siculo-Norman doge sacks Rome, converts to Christianity, defends it from the Byzzies and Saracens and is martyred and sainted. There's a lot of cool coincidences in this story but believe me they were just that! I have only tweaked minor details. Ignore the Greek culture - that was just a last-minute switch to build the Grand Amphitheatre.

    The three sons of Count Gerald de Salerno were Gerald, Geraud and Gerard. Our story begins with the birth of the middle son, Geraud, in 978 AD. As a child, Geraud liked nothing better than to attend his father on his many campaigns and raids overseas until, when he came of age, he was allowed to join the Wolf Warriors and lead raids of his own. Geraud was already an accomplished warrior when, with the death of the Count in 1005, he ascended to the seat of Salerno and soon thereafter was elected Grand Prince of Amalfi.

    Set to become one of the most feared Vikings of the Mediterranean, Geraud's life was turned around after the 1010 sack of Rome. Christendom was ailing, beset in the west by the Umayyads and in the north by the Normans, and the sack of its spiritual centre should have been the death knell for Catholicism. However, chance would have it that amongst Geraud's captives was Beatrix, the exiled princess of Jerusalem. Beatrix was the daughter of the late King Bernard, leader of the Children's Crusade who had been martyred in combat at the hands of the Abbassid Caliph. Geraud took pity on Beatrix and then, unexpectedly, fell in love, converting to Christianity in 1014. Before long, Rome's enemy had become its most diligent defender as Geraud turned the same skill he had shown for raiding towards building a new Christian republic.

    But before he could be considered a true Christian knight, the Norman raider had a lot to learn. Fortunately, he had a lot of time. Geraud was taken ill in 1019 with an infected wound, remaining abed for two years. In this time, he renounced his affair with Beatrix, whom he had never married, taking a vow of celibacy. He also wrote the collected works that would become known as Geraud's Mirror, and converted his estranged son Turold to Christianity (Turold would go on to become one of the first of the Knights of Calatrava). These would later be presented as evidence of his saintliness, proving his chastity, diligence and kindness, and become known as the trials of St Geraud.

    Geraud's most lasting achievements, however, were yet to come. Emerging from his bedchamber in 1022, Geraud found his realm tearing itself apart, with simultaneous heretic Waldensian and Germanic rebellions taking place. He put these down with surprising vigour, and turned his sights to Byzantium, which was recovering from the loss of Constantinople to the newly-formed Shia Caliphate. Geraud seized the moment, declaring a war of religious liberation to remove the Byzantines from southern Italy, declaring victory after defeating several attempted landings by the Byzantine fleet in Lecce. These battles would be recreated in the Grand Amphitheatre of San Ciro for centuries afterwards and spawn the legends of the Orsinian Cycle.

    Geraud's final campaign would be against the Shia Caliph, at the head of a powerful realm which had pushed the Byzantines out of Anatolia and Thrace and captured Constantinople. The Sarmin Caliph Uways the Hammer declared a jihad for Sicily in 1041. Seeing the hopelessness of his situation, Geraud went on the offensive, gathering his companions from the Wolf Warriors for one final, legendary journey. Marching at the head of his army, the many battles of these companions are detailed in the Frisian Sagas, and culminated with Geraud challenging the Caliph to single combat to settle the siege of his capital, Ikonion. The Caliph agreed but, on entering Ikonion, Geraud was betrayed and set upon by a bear. For the first time, Geraud was defeated in personal combat. Pope Marinus declared him a martyr, and his army stormed Ikonion in outrage, ending the war.

    Geraud's descendants would go on to unite Italy and then liberate persecuted Christendom under the Holy Roman Empire. However, his most immediate legacy would be setting the conditions for the crusade for Thrace, three decades later, with a Norman Sicilian army at its head. The crusade restored Constantinople to Byzantium, with the crusaders swearing alleigance to the empire after their victory in 1074. Both the Byzantine and Catholic descendents of Geraud would bear his charge - the black bear on the white field - and the name "de' Orso", or "of the bear", given to him posthumously by the people of Amalfi, where his saintly tomb is located.

    submitted by /u/Wintry_Calm
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    Can't live chaste?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    Now this may be about to be the most simple question of all time, but I really want to be able to live chaste in the game in order to prevent my children from splitting their land
    I've unlocked the restraint perk, but I just cannot find the right place to actually be able to live chaste


    submitted by /u/JUSTATF2CL0NE
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    Update to the Kingdom of Normandy run, It's now the Empire of Normandy

    Posted: 13 Oct 2021 11:14 AM PDT

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