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    Friday, October 8, 2021

    Crusader Kings Clock of invisibility

    Crusader Kings Clock of invisibility

    Clock of invisibility

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    I somehow inherited france as ireland

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    Quality of life improvement: give us a slider to adjust how much gold we send in a gift.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    By the mid game I usually have more gold then I can possibly use so I want to support unique realms like an Adamite Salzburg or my dynasty members who have their own realms. The problem is you have to send gold like 20 times to give them 5k gold.

    submitted by /u/da_boy-roy
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    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    Maybe the guy with average height for the time can fix this

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    Is CK3 Easier than CK2? This One Decision will Reveal the Answer! Emperors Hate it!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    I lost my leg for no reason?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    Someone took his candy

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 05:18 AM PDT

    Ah, the famous House of Toulouse-Toulouse

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    how the fuck?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    My (long) take on improving succession mechanics

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 01:34 AM PDT

    Your ruler's death and the ascension of a hopefully-not-garbage heir is one of the most integral parts of the game, and one that you'll spend a lot of time planning for over your character's life. However, the actual mechanics involved are quite shallow and feel like they could be so much more - especially with the opportunities offered by the upcoming cultural rework. This is my take on what a potential DLC or mod focused on succession could look like.

    First, my problems with the current system.
    You can't interact with it in an engaging way: Interacting with the succession is almost always done in a 'gamey' and inorganic fashion. Most commonly this is either getting your spare kids killed or disinheriting them. Disinheriting is fine as a mechanic but it's very easy to abuse and is pretty boring as a way of dealing with succession issues.

    Claimant factions kinda suck: The counterbalance to disinheriting should ideally be pissing off your kid and making a claimant/civil war more likely, but the claimant factions don't seem to have much input from the actual claimant, who is seemingly picked at random from valid characters. The focus is entirely on the vassals in the faction, and the only thing that matters is their opinion of you. This means that an ambitious duke trying to put a weak ruler on the throne is presented and dealt with in exactly the same way as the guy who's salty that you pushed him into a horse trough 20 years ago. There's also no way to try and keep your other kids happy to prevent claimant wars in the first place, as their personality and satisfaction seemingly has nothing to do with the faction forming. All in all they just feel bland.

    Every succession feels the same: Aside from some types of elective succession, circumstances and your kids' personalities don't matter in a meaningful way. The only real variable is how many valid kids you have.

    Bordergore: I don't know how the game assigns non-primary titles but it often makes my eyes bleed, and sometimes I want my realm divided in a particular way (like switching two similar sized duchys around).

    You're locked into your primary title: This is more of a niche thing that I'd personally like, but sometimes I'd like to play as one of my other kids who's just inheriting a duchy rather than the whole kingdom. Similarly, I'd like to be able to lose my titles (through being deposed or external conquest) and have to gather support to retake my land, but that's a bit out of scope. I feel like this would make the game feel like more of a back-and-forth rather than constant expansion, and give more opportunity for cool stories.

    Anyway, here's my take on improving succession. Note that the exact options for laws etc. are just me throwing ideas around and could be altered for historical precedent and such.

    Succession laws are now divided into three parts, and the first two are now tied to culture rather than the realm: Succession eligibility, Succession method and Partition level. Succession eligibility determines the pool from which claimants can be pulled - Ruler's Children, Ruler's House, Ruler's Dynasty, any of the above plus powerful vassals. Succession method determines the variable that governs the order of succession - Oldest, Youngest, as well as more exotic things like Greatest Warrior (prowess, physical might traits), Most Erudite (learning skill and traits) or Battle Royale Open (free for all, will make sense in a bit). Elective would also be an option but would require an additional law to set the electors. They could vote based on cultural traditions and personality (eg. martial cultures would favor good generals). Finally, Partition Level sets the degree of division in the realm on death, and matches pretty closely with the existing laws ranging from an even split between the top X eligible claimants to the whole realm going to the top ranked candidate. Importantly, these laws only set what your children and vassals expect to happen on succession. This is why the first two would be cultural, as these expectations come from tradition and can't be expected to change overnight. You could have succession method limited by cultural ethos or traditions as well.

    During the life of your ruler, you would have the ability to modify your 'will' to lay out exactly how your realm is divided. By default this just matches the above laws so if you don't care then you don't have to micro this. You can select any division of titles between all possible claimants, but the further you stray from the expectations set out by the cultural laws (and electors if set) the more dissatisfied the losers will be. This is also governed by traits - content children might be ok with less than they are entitled to while ambitious or greedy ones will generally want more, just characters might object to getting more than their fair share, and so on. You can also directly select which one you will play as (within your house).

    Finally, when your ruler finally dies the titles are split according to your will and any dissatisfied parties are able to dispute the succession and rally the lords of the realm to their cause. Vassals would be more likely to join if they like the challenger more than the current title holder or if they think the chaos will benefit them. High diplo skill could also help in pursuading vassals, and they might value other talents depending on their personality. Again traits would influence this, just vassals would be more likely to support a claimant who got shafted by you and so on (this would include unjust disinheriting). Obviously hooks work too. And if your last ruler got caught murdering their kids then the vassals might have more of an issue with leaving your dynasty on the throne...

    The key thing this would accomplish is giving a clear reason for the claimant faction rather than them just popping out of nowhere, and would make the motives of all involved clear so you can deal with them appropriately. For example if your sibling was denied a duchy title they wanted, you could award it to them to calm them down and get rid of the faction - or just ignore them and deal directly with their supporters. Note that this doesn't mean you could always avoid factions - you'd generally have more people wanting land than you have land to give and some particularly greedy characters would never be satisfied with anything less than the whole realm.

    Hopefully I've done a decent job explaining my ideas, obviously this would need careful refining and testing before it was implemented. Constructive feedback is always appreciated. Paradox fanbases being what they are I'm sure you can think of plenty of ways to exploit this too - there's plenty of gamebreaking potential here. If this proves popular I might well attempt implementing it as a mod after Royal Court releases, I really think it could make the game more interesting and succession crises unfold in a far more engaging and organic way.

    submitted by /u/AkraticCritic
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    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    I'm not dead yet

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    Look at these 2 getting along!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 03:13 AM PDT

    The Year is 1191, and for some indecipherable reason, Armenia is in Bavaria!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    Changes I’d like to See in CK3

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    I've been playing this game since it launched and I've had a ton of fun with the 1060 hours I've played. This game thrives on roleplay and I have suggestions on how that can be improved.

    Warfare: make it so that you can lead your own armies, and fight important knights in there. Also there is the issue of army size. I'm not a fan of knowing before the war that my enemy has 10005 troops. Back in the day scouts would estimate the number. Maybe on the martial tree there's a path that allows for accurate troop measurements, but I don't think that should be available off the bat. Alternately maybe if you have a good martial on the council he can do that for you. Someone also said on the subreddit earlier that there should be penalties for going over neutral lands. I agree 100%. If I'm England and attacking the HRE for my claim, I should face some heavy attrition penalties if I'm not liked by the French ruler. Alternatively, maybe if he has good opinion say, +50 then my supplies are barely affected and I get little to no attrition. This would encourage you to add a little diplomacy to your warlike lifestyles. On the topic of supplies too, you should be able to buy more supplies for your units. If I have 20k gold, I should be able to choose to put that into my soldiers getting fed on the Trip to press my claim miles away. Finally, on warfare, my vassals should be able to join my wars. If I'm pressing my duke or counts claim, they should join me infighting for the claim. Same thing if I'm defending.

    Child and Wife Mortality: mortality in general in the game is so off base. Yes it did happen for people to have 10 kids but several would die in childbirth or at least in the first 16 years. This would then favour genetically superior kids like robust or hale ones making it more practical sometimes to get a hale wife. I'd like to see something whereby if wives get pregnant before say, 20 then they're more likely to lose the baby, die or something like that, likewise if they're old too. I'm aware this would make the game more punishing but to counter I think having lovers and an option to only have kids or sex with them should be an option while you wait for your wife to be of proper child bearing age.

    Trade routes/trading sites: hopefully this gets implemented going forward. Back in the day whoever owned Flanders or duchy of Holland had enough money to bankroll a nation because of how much trade was there. Same for Zaragoza and cordoba with the umayyads. I think that some places should have noticeable more gold than others due to the amount of traders they attract. This allows for warfare to be a lot more strategic and vassals owning that land to be a lot more powerful despite having less army size.

    Intrigue: I think intrigue in this game is too powerful. With 3 assasinations I can just about plunge a country to civil war. Imo intrigue needs to have lower probability of succeeding. Say 80% instead of 95% success. And maybe have to do more with what your intrigue score is rather than how much money you have . That way at least only the elusive shadows can mess with an entire kingdom. And make it so that if you're found out, it gives your target a CB against you or something as well as drastic decreased opinion among vassals and colleagues. Maybe the pope will excommunicate you then your rivals can have a coalition CB to take you down together. That maybe a bit harsh but there should be really harsh penalties for failing a scheme as intrigue killing is essentially cheating the natural order of things. High risk high reward.

    Drifting De Jure Titles: I think that land that is not de jure yours should be fought or at least negotiated for if that makes sense. Just because you have Normandy as king of England, you're not entitled to it forever as it is de jure part of the kingdom of France. Maybe you have beef with the owner of Normandy so he joins with king of france to take the title from you into Frances realm. This would in turn allow the player to make more use of the integrate title option in the diplomacy council option. Failure to do this will result in possibly losing the land which will make it more challenging to blob and paint the map.

    I've got some more issues but this getting long so I'll leave it for now. I'm aware that my solutions may not be the best so I do welcome alternative suggestions.

    submitted by /u/Everyday_Noob
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    I edited my character with the "pretty" trait already applied and the sliders seemed to not be working. I guess it was working underneath though.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 11:45 AM PDT

    Absolute unit of a Character

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    My Dynasty's life expectancy is crazy

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    I finally made it to the end date before getting bored, the Magyar Confederation stands tall over Europe

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    An A.I only time-lapse of the Lord of the Rings: Realms in Exile total conversion mod for Crusader Kings 3. The starting year is 3000 of The Third Age. Time enough to set in motion The War of the Ring and witness the Return of the King!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    Lithuanian Civil War [GONE WRONG] [INCEST] [BATTLE ROYALE!]

    Posted: 07 Oct 2021 06:35 PM PDT

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