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    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : September 17 2021

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : September 17 2021

    Feudal Friday : September 17 2021

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to another Feudal Friday, a place for you to regale the courts of Europa with your tales. Stories, screenshots and achievements are all welcome.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    After 60 years of bullying Rome I finally achieved the dream of a Norse Hellenic Carthage (Ironman, no ruler designer)

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 04:22 AM PDT

    HELP: Pope won't coronate me unless I give him Christ's Foreskin!!

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    After surviving a regency and an ensuing 6 years of foreign and civil wars, I was ready to finally crown myself as the one and true king. But whenever I ask the Pope to coronate me, he demands I give him my Holy Precipice that my family has held sacred for about three generations. It's one of the best items in the game since it gives the rare health and fertility buffs and I absolutely refuse to part with it.

    I'm going on 15 years without a coronation now and the Pope gets increasingly pissed every time you refuse to give him the foreskin (extra -10 for 10 years, and it resets the timer and stacks). Is there any trick I can do before I get excommunicated too?

    submitted by /u/TemperateSloth
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    Saved the worst for last. The spirit of Communism haunted me the entire time I made this and now I feel an urge to overthrow the bourgeoisies. Please head to Moscow and compare my work with the real embalmed Lenin.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    I think the game needs more Child Mortality.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    I think Child Mortality in CK3 is very very low because usually babies are extremely vulnerable to disease while children have 30% chance of death. In my games my children are guaranteed to survive childhood which even for the nobility is unusual. Yes they are vulnerable to assassinations but I prefer they die due to diseases. Hopefully diseases will have a DLC

    submitted by /u/GalliardLavolta
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    I was busy doing something else in the west and didn't look at the east for a while, but when I did I wasn't expecting this.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 12:16 AM PDT

    After doing one of the best leaders in history, I felt compelled to do one of the worst. I present, a young Mussolini. Sadly his balding haircut was not available so he's a little more bald than in reality.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    I spent way too long trying to make this Octavius Augustus as realistic as possible.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 07:19 PM PDT

    Every '60s boy's fantasy

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    Thanks for letting me know

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    I went from playing CK2 obsessively to playing CK3 exclusively, because the old drug was too good. It's a great sequel and it scratches the itch without enduring what felt like an intensely esoteric search for the UI. I'm sure 3 will only ripen with time. Why do you play the version you do?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 10:06 PM PDT

    What's the weirdest ,most unexpected religion/culture combination you've made in a CK game?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    My favorite was when I converted Ireland to Taoism in CK3. Irish Taoists!

    submitted by /u/purebredslappy
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    Pope Hæsteinn

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 06:23 PM PDT

    Count Markward von Mark of Mark

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    The Blood-Mother's Coven

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    I have a really fun (not Ironman) playthrough right now. It's my first CK3 game, and I've been playing as the Hausa Bori. Early on, I reform Bori to be Matriarchal, accepting of homosexuality and witchcraft, and practice Ancestor Worship.

    Eventually, I get into the grind of chasing that sweet, sweet, Strengthen The Blood decision. I get to a point where my third daughter gets all 3, got frustrated, and disinherited two granddaughters and the 2nd daughter so the third could take the throne. (They were gifted lesser titles after the fact).

    So now, this daughter becomes known as the Blood-Mother, strengthening the blood of the dynasty. And shortly after, she's visited in the night by a Shadow, and becomes a Witch. Fitting, for a Blood-Mother.

    Even more fitting? She's gay... But managed to give birth to twins, with the elder twin being the female heir. I call it auspicious.

    So now I have the option to Found a Coven, which would be perfect for the Blood-Mother to do, but since I've been playing into the big, loving, Ancestor-Worshipping family, my house is big, mostly children, and I need 60% of them to be Witches. Cue the intrigue train.

    So for decades, one by one, my Sarauniyar Sarauniya has met with or educated, and converted, over 70 relatives into Witchcraft. To her credit, she only murdered one odious relation for spurning a 95% chance conversation (because I realized in her 70s that murder was an option to get to 60%).

    And she does found the coven, and it is glorious, but one more funny story about her.

    Her daughter, the Player Heir, goes off and rediscovers the defunct Old Bori heresy, and becomes a Heresiarch. I immediately demand that she converts back. I use a hook, and it goes up to a 1% chance of acceptance. She says no, her faith is too strong to convert, and I get the option "You will believe what I tell you to believe!" and if that isn't strong witch-mama vibes I don't know what is.

    So now my heir keeps the Heresiarch trait, which is great, and is still Bori. She's inheriting a single Empire title and a Coven of Witches (+15 same trait).

    Now to unite Africa.

    (Thanks for reading! This was my first post here, hope it wasn't too odious or obvious, I don't know how common these events are.)

    submitted by /u/ProphetOfFatalism
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    Is there a ruler in the game that starts off as a Hellenist or a Roman?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    Hamlet in Crusader Kings III

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    Ah, my first empire. I wonder how the rest of Europe's doing...

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    I became Chakravarti for the first time

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 05:06 AM PDT

    I became Chakravarti for the first time

    Since everyone and their mothers is posting their Roman Empires - which is a pretty nice achievement, don't get me wrong! - I thought, 'why not form India instead'? And so I did. With a couple of mods, and no Ironman, and one save scam, but nonetheless. If you folks want to try it, it's not that hard, actually less hard than reforming Asatrú or Ukonusko and go feudal...

    Start 1066 in the Duchy of Vengi (the one with the diamond mine). Had a custom made ruler, 4 years old, quick and comely. The Barony of Ellur has the mine. It's held by a baron. But you start with 7 domains, which are too many anyway, so you grant him one or two counties, and the barony falls back to you.

    Now get 400 gold and buy the mine, use improve development to speed it up, and you doubled your income. You are still vassal to the Kingdom of Chola, but will outnumber him soon enough to become independent and get your own kingdom (which you already hold completely de-jure)

    After that, build up your MAA, you have access to one or two elephantries, which is insane. So is tech, cause India is probably the highest developed region on the map, save Byzantion or Rome. So succession is no big deal, neither are income or soldiers. After Divine Right and the tech which halves your fabricate claim actions, always do five in a row and declare war for all your claims in a single war. So forming the Deccan Empire should be quite easy. Two more to go.

    Your realm has pretty good stability due to the fact that all Buddhist and Hindu religions are only astray to each other, instead of hostile. That reduces the bad opinions your vassals might have of you.

    You won't be able to wage holy wars (except for the Muslim parts of Rajastan), but you fabricate claims every 10 months with a decent priest (and any Hindu faith will allow to replace them!) and inviting claimants for the kingdoms of the de-jure Bengal Empire is a big deal here. In addition, you are able to subjugate one kingdom per lifetime via CB. The marriage game also works wonders.

    I created a custom Hindu faith with Unrelenting faith (+4 prowess for everybody), Ritual Celebrations (Piety for feasts and vassal opinion), Esotericism (extra piety and Wise Man trait after pilgrimages. Wise Man lets you seek Divine Guidance every five years for learning xp). Equal and Righteous doctrines (you can take Muslim counties from their rulers now, Hindu faith has Pluralistic per default, which doesn't let you do that), Clerical gender either (to have more capable candidates as priests)

    If you control all three empires to the last county, you need to get Religious Icon. That takes quite some piety, so I took the most northwestern kingdom of Rajastan (Kashmir, I think...), took over all the counties (that's why Righteous doctrine is so important...), took the domain limit penalty, and spammed temples in the newly acquired counties to get the piety needed.

    Fun fact: After you become Chakravarti, all three Empires merge into Empire of India. Your head of faith can then declare holy wars, which you can redirect. So the first one went to Germany, and after installing one of my cousins as Maharaja of Germany, the second one 30 years later I changed to Sweden, where I put my second daughter as beneficiary, and play now as her for the last remaining 100 years of the playthrough.

    Totally worth it. Don't know if I'd do it again (probably without the mine at the start though...), but a satisfying experience. Didn't have a problem with factions, except at the very start of the Empress which completed the quest (she ascended to the throne at the age of 9...)

    Used non-cosmetic mods for gameplay: More buildings (two more per county, three per duchy, but the AI uses them as well!), Cities of Wonders (pretty nice one, lets you build up to 3 big cities, but no big game changer, since the barony with the mine alone nets 50 gold per month), VIET Events (couple of smaller events now and then to liven up the everyday gameplay) RICE mod (Regional and Cultural Enrichment, lets you make some smaller decisions depending on your region where you play in, absolutely recommendable)

    Hope you enjoyed reading, if you have questions just ask, happy to answer and help!


    submitted by /u/Altschulinho
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    This character I got for muse of ambition is prime 13 or 30

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 11:15 AM PDT

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