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    Thursday, August 12, 2021

    Crusader Kings I think I won

    Crusader Kings I think I won

    I think I won

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 03:05 AM PDT

    Decided to make a Wikibox on a recent battle I had

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 07:54 AM PDT


    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    why ai why

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 03:46 AM PDT

    Why must you hurt me in this way AI? WHY?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    Inheriting men at arms should merge with same type

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    I have been inheriting men at arms and am annoyed at having 3 small men at arms of the same type that could fit in one. It costs prestige to raise them, but I get no refund for trying to reorganize my men at arms. Please help with quality of life update.

    submitted by /u/wayofwisdomlbw
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    Advice: Don't overdo spreading your Dynasty if you want a stable (late) game

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    Posthumous children

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    In this game, it is pretty common for children to be born after the death of their father, yet there are no mechanics to represent it, when a posthumous child is born they don't get any inheritance, claims, and not even a trait indicating they are a posthumous child.

    Naturally, the game needs a ruler to hold the titles while the child is still unborn, but is pretty silly when you have no sons, and you die just one month before your only son is born, but at that point, your titles have been subdivided between your children.

    The simplest solution would be to make it so that when a ruler dies with the following conditions:

    • they have male-preference or male-only
    • they have no male-heir
    • their widow is pregnant

    The widow becomes the new ruler as a placeholder, when the child is born or miscarries or if the mother dies, the succession is reapplied.

    submitted by /u/Chlodio
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    Finally, a character I can relate to.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 07:45 AM PDT

    AI controlled HRE actually looking scary

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    Am I Holy Roman enough for you now?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    To all my GeForce Now playing hommies. After 2 months down for "maintenance," all I can do is laugh and meme.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    This is the second time...

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    The Sinews of War Beta is now out on the Steam Workshop

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    The Populist Uprising reigns in Essex!

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 04:18 AM PDT

    first game see CK3 Venice getting a lot territories

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 11:48 PM PDT

    What Events / Decisions would you most want added to CK3?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 04:17 AM PDT

    I would personally love an event as a Nordic ruler to discover Vinland not being able to colonise it obviously but an event that acknowledges its discovery and gives you some prestige and renown would be awesome. Another idea for an event would be able to become the Ottoman Empire through decision after you've formed the Kingdom of Rum.

    submitted by /u/Kojake45
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    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    How do I get this Coat of Arms in CKIII?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 09:04 AM PDT

    One upvote and I'll annex most of the Western Roman Empire

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 12:56 PM PDT

    Detailed Men-at-arms guide

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 04:58 PM PDT


    The men-at-arms system in CK3 is simple, yet has a lot of decisions to make regarding what you build in what region of the world. The way men-at-arms are upgraded is through appropriate buildings however certain buildings can only be built in certain terrain. Then there are regional and cultural units, is it more worth it to do a Light Cavalry build if my culture starts with Sahel Horsemen? Is there one build that is superior to all others? Should I build a mixed army to counter the AI or all units of the same kind to max out bonuses? I will attempt to answer all of these questions.

    The Basics

    All troops have 4 base stats, damage, toughness, pursuit and screen. Damage is self explanatory and is the most important stat. Toughness dictates how much damage a unit can sustain before becoming a casualty. Since refilling men-at-arms is expensive this is the second most important stat. Pursuit tells you how effective a given unit is at riding the enemy down during the retreat phase. Although it can be situationally good, 5/10 times you will just crush the enemy and the remainder of the time you will crush them in subsequent battles. Screen is how well your units are shielded from the enemy pursuit damage and since you will cease to lose any battles I will now stop talking about it.

    We all know that certain units are countered by other units. Light infantry counters heavy infantry but is in turn countered by archers. This mechanic only matters in the early game where the amounts of units is small. This is due to the fact that it is generally a shot in the dark as to what men-at-arms the AI decides to build. Another factor is that the AI generally does a poor job of managing its domain in a way to make their men-at-arms effective so negating their damage output becomes a moot point. Therefore by the time you are fielding 3000 men-at arms of a single kind the worst malus you will suffer is around 80% unless you are fighting in a great holy war where the numbers are big. This means that you should always focus on making 1 or 2 different men-at-arms units and trying to max out their stats.

    Now, in the early game most of the time you will be raising your whole army to fight and start as a duke or a count with limited resources. Therefore you should mostly build cheap units with a lot of damage to add extra punch to your levies and archers are perfect for this role. Again, since the numbers of men-at-arms are small at this point you should look at your potential targets and try to counter their men-at-arms while keeping the overall costs down. Cultural units are great at this time since they tend to have combat bonuses in the local terrain.

    Starting the build

    By this point you should have conquered a solid domain of around 5-6 tiles and maybe even hold 2 duchies. Now if you're a min-max kind of guy you should rush to secure a dutchy with at least 2 farmlands baronies and you can skip straight to the heavy cavalry part of this guide. Now if you're the type of player that loves to role play and make their starting duchy the BEST duchy in the game, regardless of initial development and terrain debuffs, then read on.

    Since buildings are locked by terrain type, some terrains are naturally worse than others. A heavy infantry build is impossible to execute in the desert since barracks cannot be built there. Manor houses (the best building for earning money) can only be built in farmlands. Therefore I will break-down the following builds by unit type and domain terrain that they are suited for. I have made a notepad document with calculated values for maxing out the listed buildings in 5 baronies and 2 duchies for each unit type and a few cultural units (maybe someone can make a excel document to plug values in lol).

    Apart from the ONE instance of Horse archers (which are OP) a skirmisher build is always a waste since their base stats are so low, regardless of what your cultural unit is. If you are doing a horse archer build it is identical to the archer build.

    Light Cavalry Build/Camelry AND Knights build


    Now while I would consider this the weakest build in the game, it is still certainly doable. The only reason you would do this is if you are playing in the desert or want to role-play with the cultural light cavalry unit. The reason this build is weak is because light cavalry is; relatively expensive, has terrain debuffs in mountains/hills and wetlands and has low base stats. The gist of this build is that your Knights win the battles and your light cav murders the enemy during the retreat. I've seen my 3200 light cav wipe out 9000 retreating units. The Konni and Chasseurs are the best units for this purpose and make the build viable in other parts of the world.

    If you are in the desert, you should build camelry and desert agriculture is every barony. Military Academies should be your 2 duchy buildings and you might want to consider getting the third military legacy for an extra 15% knight effectiveness. The reason you want to build Military Academies is because the base stats on the light cav are low, and the extra damage you would get from Jousting fields is worth less than getting added effectiveness on your knights since max Camelries give an extra 4 Knights each. If you're not in the desert build the Jousting fields.

    Heavy Infantry build


    A heavy infantry build is a monster but it is quite expensive. They have a good mix of damage and toughness so if you want those screenshots of you crushing an army while outnumbered 2 to 1 this is the build. Heavy infantry gets no terrain debuffs making it the most well rounded build. However, they are quite expensive and don't offer as much damage as the following builds. Unless you don't want to spend the money or are situated in an Indian Jungle/Floodplain/Farmland/Desert this is the build to do.

    You will want to build barracks in every barony and blacksmiths as your 2 duchy buildings. If you are in mountains you should also build stone quarries for extra toughness. Some cultural Pikemen such as the Shiltron and Landsknecht are superior to Armoured footmen so they should be built instead

    Archer into Crossbowmen build


    I'm not gonna mince words, this is as close to a universal God tier build as we will get. Archers are cheap and their main barony building; the military camp is one of the cheapest buildings in the game. Archers cost half of what armoured footmen do and crossbowmen are 25% cheaper. Although initially this build is quite squishy due to the low toughness of Archers this is off set by the sheer damage. Base archers do 25 damage while armoured footmen do 32. Since a fully upgraded Archery grounds grants a whopping 45% damage boost to archers by the time Crossbowmen are invented you're doing so much damage that the enemy gets destroyed before the relative low toughness of your units makes you lose too many men. Combine this with an Unyielding defender perk on your commander and you're set. If you are in a region with cultural archers then this build becomes the default choice.

    You will want to build military camps in every barony and Archery grounds as your 2 duchy buildings. If you want to max out stats and are in a forest you MIGHT want to consider also building forest forts but they are not essential. If you are in a Desert/Drylands/Jungle/Steppe you also might consider building watchtowers but again not essential.

    Armoured Cavalry build


    The reason this build is limited to these 2 terrain types instead of being recommended everywhere is two fold. First, Heavy cav is expensive. If you are in a farmland Manor houses should be able to pay for them but if you are in a floodplain you might struggle to pay for them without a large empire with absolute crown authority. Secondly, the terrain malus for heavy cav means that without being able to build at least 2 regimental grounds heavy infantry and crossbowmen will have higher stats in mountains/hills/wetlands. When you do have the right domain terrain not only do the bonuses offset the malus but the damage in plains is absolutely, disgusting. If you are struggling for cash consider mixing in some heavy infantry into your army.

    You should build Regimental grounds in every barony that allows it, barracks and Jousting Fields for your 2 duchy buildings.

    Indian War Elephants build

    Jungle in India

    This is by far the most guilty I felt about bullying the AI. War elephants have the most insane stats in the game. Now I might hear you say that they only have 25 people per regiment, how good can they be right? Well if you refer to my notepad you might notice that with only 5 jungle baronies and 2 dutchy buildings the elephants get a 305% damage boost. Now with the genius trait, a holy site and a stewardship education it is not uncommon to have upwards of 10 baronies. If all of them are jungle and have the Elephantry building the damage boost jumps to a cool 510%. The elephant unit has a ridiculous 250 base damage, multiplied by 5.1 that's 1275 damage, multiplied by the 25 elephants in the unit that's 31,875. This means that a SINGLE regiment of fully upgraded war elephants does the same amount of damage as 3187 levies. I am telling you right now that if you are playing in India you actively WANT the jungle tiles not the farmland. If you can find a way to pay for even a single regiment of these beasts in your otherwise archer or heavy infantry army you will destroy any enemy on the battlefield. It is worth it to base your entire build around these, they are that good.

    You would want to build elephantries in every barony, forestry for the money, and Jousting fields for your 2 duchy buildings. You might also want to build barracks or military camps to pad out your army with armoured footmen or archers/crossbowmen respectively.

    Final Thoughts

    Follow this guide and you will never need to raise your levies again aside from great holy wars. If any of you have suggestions or other strategies please do share, I am by no means an absolute authority figure.

    submitted by /u/bartosio
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