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    Thursday, September 3, 2020

    Crusader Kings The Struggle in Three Acts

    Crusader Kings The Struggle in Three Acts

    The Struggle in Three Acts

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    My son looks like a mix between Henry Cavill and Freddie Mercury.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:29 AM PDT

    So that was a fucking lie

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    I'm loving the paintings used for the loading screens in CK3. The overall artwork in the game is top notch really

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    Irish nudist hippies defeating Mr Popeman

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 03:56 AM PDT

    my heart can't take this nonsense

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:01 PM PDT


    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    The cgi characters rather than portraits make playing a giant amazing

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:07 PM PDT

    My son accidentally cut off his balls trying to treat his cold, and now he's staring at himself in disbelief.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    your life will be 1000 million percent better if you lower your tooltip lock delay

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    C'mon dude...

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Just embrace your flaws.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    I see a lot of people complaining about stress and having bad traits.

    You won't lose the game, it's not about having the perfect character. I know it can be annoying at first but you have to get over this frustration. You will have much more fun if you go all in with your flaws. I conquered half africa with a psychopath who was hated (but also feared) by everyone. I didn't care about my court or my familly, I just killed everyone that wanted to get in my way and it worked great. I lived a long life and finally had a hair who was an introvert stoner. He had to "rebuild" the trust of his people. But he was all the time high because it was too stressfull. I decided to kill myself at 51 because It was too much. The last ruler was T'Challa, flawless emperor of Wakanda who tried to unify africa but took a crusade in the ass and lost nearly everything. But while my land was lost, my religion and culture stayed strong.

    You're not playing a character, you're playing a dynasty. It can have dark ages, rise and falls. It's ok to loose land and wars, you will get plenty of time to rebuild. And the dynasty perks will be there to help you get "better the next time".

    Embrace your flaws, have fun, play the long game and build your heritage !

    submitted by /u/Vufur
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    Knights in CK3 are a great feature. Here's the story of a peasant rebel leader who became my Knight, Commander, Marshal, Chancellor, and Vassal.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:15 PM PDT


    I started screwing around with the Knight Force/Allow/Forbid mechanic after I had one of my sons killed because I just had all eligible Knights to Allow, which just goes down the list of eligible courtiers for Knighthood based on Prowess.

    In 1075 my son, Ramon Berenguer, second in line to the Duchy of Barcelona, was called up to be a Knight during a Holy War without me noticing because everyone was set to Allow. He was then killed during a Battle at Barcelona by a Knight and baron named Wali Utman from the Dhunnunid Emirate of Central Iberia. The Emirate was assisting allies back then and weren't my main target. I pinned Wali Utman to my Outliner to keep track of him.

    I started playing with the Force/Allow/Forbid options after that. My top priority for Force were my highest Prowess Knights and direct vassals that I thought could use a little danger in their lives despite low Prowess. Top priority for Forbid are sons. I'd suggest always checking that. Unless you have 'different' plans.

    The Rebel

    A year after Ramon's death some peasants decided to rise up in my county of Tarragona. Their leader was named Renard, who claimed to be from an unlanded, obscure House called Ponç de Minerva. The peasants were put down and Renard imprisoned. As the Duke of Barcelona with a Martial Lifestyle, I thought it appropriate to release and recruit Renard because he had a high Martial stat. I mean I would've taken someone with Martial like that even without the Lifestyle, but the flavor adds to the story.

    I'm playing on Ironman and this is my first game of CK3, but I thought there was something special about Renard so I decided I'd take screenshots of him to chronicle this first serious Knight of mine. I'm playing pretty slowly because there's a lot going on around the Duchy of Barcelona in 1066.

    The Landed Knight

    So Renard became one of my first Knights set to 'Force'. As one of the people with the highest Martial stat in my Court, he led the Army of Barcelona as commander from our Andalusian frontier to Brittany in aid of our French allies.

    I eventually decided to land Renard in the County of Fraga, on the border between the de jure duchies of Barcelona and Aragon, the latter divided between me, Navarra, and the Dhunnunids. He was my first truly landed Knight, despite being the Knight with the highest negative opinion toward me. I thought I could bring that opinion up; his worst trait was that he was Greedy but he was otherwise a Just and Brave person. After being landed, Renard proved to stick to his principles and roots as a peasant rebel leader and raised a Liberty Faction against me.

    Renard eventually qualified to be a Marshal on my Council as a powerful vassal with high Martial. His Martial made him my best Marshal up to this point. He also stacked a lot of buffs for Prowess, making him my strongest Knight with about 21 Prowess at his peak. He dropped the Liberty Faction after being made Marshal. He also finally gained a positive opinion of the Duke of Barcelona, having been around -40 since he was recruited.

    Holy Wars on the Andalusian front raged between 1080 to April 1083, but by that April the conflicts seemed to be subsiding and Count Renard was prepared to return home and visit his newborn son, the first heir to the landed, obscure House Ponç de Minerva.

    No Rest For The Weary

    About a day after I disbanded the armies after taking Valencia, I noticed that we could make a rush for the Dhunnunid's Duchy of Toledo, which would hopefully cut off my rival Navarra from declaring Holy Wars on my side of Iberia. Navarra had no truces and could take a county or the duchy. I had to call dibs first.

    Renard was called back into the army probably riding halfway back to Fraga. I thought I should Forbid him due to some injuries, but forgot and it was too late to disband just to take one Knight out of the rotation.

    My army met the Dhunnunids in the Battle of Abarracin. We were even and the battle was close for a bit, but we won. While we laid siege to enemy lands, the Dhunnunids rallied and made a mad rush for Barcelona by water. After finishing a siege, we went to meet them there.

    On the way there, I decided to swap Count Renard from Marshal to Chancellor because the previous Chancellor was killed in Abarracin. I think he might've lost some Prowess because of this. I thought it was significant enough to take a picture; the guy still had the best Martial among my eligible vassals.

    "Devoted With Spear in Hand"

    Thanks to Abarracin, this Battle of Barcelona was in our favor from the beginning, despite some injuries. But this battle proved to be special.

    Wali Utman was once again serving as a Knight with this Dhunnunid army at Barcelona, 8 years after he killed my son, the accidental Knight. Though I had him pinned to my Outliner this whole time, I didn't notice he was in the battle until what happened next (though in a pic above it looks like there was a little note with him in it).

    The first tooltip I noticed was that my Chancellor and Knight, Count Renard Ponç de Minerva, was killed in battle by a random soldier.

    But then I read the battle log when it was over and noticed that right before he died, Renard killed Wali Utman himself. 8 years after Wali Utman killed my son in Barcelona, the peasant leader who I recruited and made one of my top men avenged him on the same battlefield.

    Renard Ponç de Minerva, Count of Fraga. March 29, 1036 - December 30, 1083. Peasant Leader, Knight, Commander, Marshal, Chancellor, and Avenger of the Duchy of Barcelona.

    Renard leaves behind a widow and a 1 year old son to inherit the County of Fraga. He also leaves behind a grateful Duke.

    I took a break from my game to chronicle this so the Holy War for the Duchy of Toledo is still ongoing as of this post. But Renard's story ends here.


    tl;dr: you can write a wall of text like this with one knight over the course of only seven in-game years. all the character traits and game flavor text helps to easily add to these stories.

    real tl;dr: Recruited a peasant leader to become a Knight, he led my armies, became landed, and died after avenging my son on the same battlefield 8 years apart

    can't wait to see more Knight stories from the CK3 community.

    also can't wait to see if the Knight feature will be further developed by Paradox, and what modders will do with the feature

    submitted by /u/postswithwolves
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    Could this be any more of a perfect relationship?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    It do be like that sometimes

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 02:55 AM PDT

    When the game throws Shade at you for your awful playstyle

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    14 kids. All daugthers.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    I worry he may be misunderstanding the situation.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    Everyone is saying "Crusade this", "Bang your sister that", well I say "why can't we all be nice to each other"

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    There is no meme. This is a reminder to forbid your heir from being a knight and getting killed.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    74 year old, female, dwarf, Irish Catholic Pope.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    I... uhh... I guess overweight queens can't wear crusader armor...

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    The stress system is amazing, and goes above and beyond anything in CK2 in terms of storytelling

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:39 AM PDT

    I absolutely feel like my personal biases affect my choices to cope with stress. I literally feel destressed irl whenever becoming a recluse is an option, and I've yet to shy away from beer and hashish, although that may just be my two games so far as Czechs and Mashriqis

    submitted by /u/ryuuhagoku
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    Second Crusade happened because the first kingdom of Jerusalem converted to Islam...

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    If you don't let your sons fight as knights you got no balls

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    Sorry, it's just a scientific fact. Let the boy(s) fight.

    submitted by /u/A_Humpier_Rogue
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