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    Sunday, February 14, 2021

    Crusader Kings Introducing the prettiest ruler I've ever made (DNA in comments)

    Crusader Kings Introducing the prettiest ruler I've ever made (DNA in comments)

    Introducing the prettiest ruler I've ever made (DNA in comments)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 06:51 AM PST

    Restore Roman, Unify Italy and Unite the Slavs all done

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 01:42 AM PST

    So I accidentally made Kanye (Starting in Paris, of course)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 12:32 PM PST

    IMAGINE, if someone made a mod that would implement TOTAL WAR SERIES battle system into CK3! How cool would that be! You could fight the battles actually with your armies and siege settlements in real strategy field war! The game would be definitely 10/10 for me at that point...

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 10:46 AM PST

    "He is a foreigners pet" im sorry what?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 01:02 AM PST

    My first Roman Empire in Ck3

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 10:10 AM PST

    "That's a bear"

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 11:02 AM PST

    AI reformed the tengri faith in 782.. thats the fastest I’ve seen

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 11:25 AM PST

    I present the Atlantic wall.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 08:55 AM PST

    What is the best total conversion mod for CK3?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 07:30 AM PST

    I'm really excited for the got mod so in the mean time I want to try out some mods

    submitted by /u/TheMoonLord123
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    Am I doing this right yet?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 09:08 AM PST

    Uhh... Thanks for the information I guess.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 09:43 AM PST

    Why can I not declare war?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 06:11 AM PST

    In Honor of Valentine's Day

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 10:59 AM PST

    On Observation-only Game With Muslims Wiped Out?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 08:32 PM PST

    CK greatly depicts the issues of governing an empire and its a valuable lesson [Story]

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 12:18 PM PST

    Tl;dr: 100 h playtime; starting as a count and restoring the Persian Empire. Now I have factions agains my empress although all my lieges have +100 opinion toward her, and it makes perfectly sense. I build my dream empire only to realise that I have to disband it to preserve the ideas and foundations I laid out for the future.

    I started early on as an independent, zoroastrian count (Ironman + achievements enabled).

    Step by step, my dynasty pushed against its neighbours, taking advantage of moments whenever the great empires around me had internal struggles.

    In the 9th century my little county is surrounded by powerful Islamic nations, and I've to navigate carefully, flying under the radar. Fortunately, no one has an claim on my lands, and the title of the kingdom of Dailam (caspian see) is not created yet. But who cares about some Zoroastrians, my neighbours have bigger problems.

    A neighbouring Duke declares independence and wins the war against his suzerain - wonderful, here I come, crushing your weakened army and conquering the castles which are still torn-down from the last war. It takes decades to recover from the war, the efforts are enormous, but slowly, just short of my one hundredth birthday, I declare myself Queen of the Dailam Kingdom, the last safe space for Zoroastrians.

    Our resources are limited, so we have to be smart. Instead of large armies supplied by a vast economy, we need to cultivate and educate our successors. We invite artists, warriors and shunned scholars from places far away, the Dailam court is illustrious and diverse. We look for T-shaped personalities, people who are jack-of-all-trades and world class masters in one field at the same time. Family is holy in our society, and thus all positions in society are held by dynasty members - beneficial to our clan structures.

    The years pass by, our kingdom grows. There's a hunger for growth, each generation needs to get a new piece of land.

    As the kingdom is ruled and governed by one dynasty, internal struggles are unknown. Rumours say that the members of the dynasty are holding secret ceremonies, strengthening the bond with each other, but who can say for sure? Unity and centralism make the last Zoroastrian dynasty, it's state, armies and economy way more effective than those of the corrupt empires surrounding it.

    Fast forward to the end of the 14th century. My current ruler, an Empress and grand-daughter of the first Shahanshah of the Persian Empire, leads the people from Constantinople to Mumbai. And while the empire is still growing, it is obvious that the peak of the empire 100 years ago also showed the first cracks in the system. The empire is collapsing, slowly.

    What are the roots of this issue?

    First of all, we have powerful lieges. Whenever a new land was to be distributed, it was the dynasties policy to ensure centralisation, to raise stronger and larger armies. But within generations of wealth accumulation, the dukes became powerful. They invested their gold into building cities and infrastructures, enabling trade, and thus growing richer and richer. And these riches eventually went into their castles and armies.

    Centralisation (succession laws + absolute crown authority + domination of dynasty, with my ruler always as head of dynasty) made the kingdom very effective to govern, and lead to strong competitive advantage over the three large empires surrounding us. But as the Persian Empire has reached the end of its spatial expansion, and with absolute crown authority, the lieges start to faction and scheme against the Emperor. Thanks to the dynasty, there haven't been to many plots to kill the head of the dynasty, but it seems that one of my rulers was indeed poisoned (in his late 80s and in the second Persian civil war, so that made a lot of sense - his heir, a infant son, was not eligible to rule, so in an attempt to save the empire from its collapse, the council decided to sign white peace treaties with every rebellious faction. Rumours say that the plot to kill the first emperor, the Saoshyant - the god-chosen saviour and restorer of the World Order - a intrigue by its own council, as the old emperor, beloved and admired in his first decades, become less and less "perceptive" and demanded more and more respect and authority, starting to believe his own divine nature (which was a marketing plot in the beginning to strengthen the bond and loyalty of the people towards their emperor...).

    Well, anyways.

    Strong vassals are an issue.

    The next problem became the sheer size of the court. With more than 60 lieges, the empire became less and less manageable. While it didn't cause any unrest within the lieges (which were still governing their dominions effectively; it was just that the imperial tax collector and imperial office of war where overwhelmed to organise their tasks for an empire which was stretching over a distance of 5,000 km, thus making it more and more ineffective, til to the point where almost no men were trained or any taxes collected for the empire, severely weakening the disabling the country). At one point the emperor has to oversee the issues of almost 100 lieges, making it impossible to take care of any imperial business. It seemed that every day he received another invitation to festivities or he had to mediate between to lieges, or WORST, THE WHOLE COURT BECAME A ****** telenovela, as our emperor was informed on a daily basis about the affairs and bastard children of his courtiers ("A is not the child of his mother and his father, but of his mother and her brother / uncle / grandfather...).

    The whole court became a shit-show, and it took until the successor of the first emperor had taken over, to assign kings to manage provinces.

    But again, this strengthened the lieges, and it becomes more and more difficult to govern this empire.

    Currently, the empress I'm playing with (1413) is just being tired of all the schemes and efforts it takes to manage the country. It would just take one stupid mistake, one idiot, incestous child (we made sure that the main line of the dynasty has some fresh blood after a couple generations of inbreeding. Because no one wants to marry his daughter / son to a zorotrastian besides the Indians, and I wanted to create a superior dynasty of white haired blue eyed Aryans, we started to kidnap, extort, imprison and seduce the daughters and sons from courts far away) to mess up everything.

    Lowering crown authority is not on the table, as it would eventually create bigger problems (permanent wars between lieges are a Machiavellian approach and would solve the factioning problem - until one rival eventually is powerful enough to overthrow the government and declare himself emperor).

    So what can we do? The Persian Empire has peaked. We restored the Zoroatrustian faith, and we rebuild what was once broken. We defeated the other religions and there is no one who's willing to fight us or start aggression with our empire. There are no external threats anymore. Sure, the Byzantine emperor hates us for conquering Constantinople, but you know what happened? Although the ERE was the dominating europe, southern Italy and Northern Africa, after our push over the Bosporus, the ERE finally started to collapse. Their heritage is no more, instead of the multi-ethnical superstate smaller, culturally more unified nations are rising from the ashes of the dying ERE. And the Arabian Empire? They have their holy wars with the Catholics, and truth to be told, while they still reign over vast size of lands most of it is desert. We defeated the Muslims in India, and Hinduism and Buddhism are not enemies to our believes.

    So, what are we doing with this empire? To sustain its identity and its ideas over the next 500 years? Clinging to power will eventually destroy the advanced society and culture we have build, because we need to put more and more energy into keeping the internal cracks together, becoming more and more ruthless. And while I don't have a problem being ruthless to my enemies, I do so if it's against my own people. After already appointing Shahs to the provinces which are not core Persian empire just to manage the empire... let's say, my gut feeling wants to disband the lieges in east (Indo-Persian kingdoms) and west (Graeco-Persian kingdoms) and grant them independence. They will be ruled by our dynasty, that is sure, and this could secure peace for many centuries. It won't be my problem anymore, eventually my successors have to figure it out. I hold correspondence with kings from countries far away in the west, and whilst their culture and believes differ a lot from ours, I don't see them as enemies anymore. I don't feel the urge to invade the western kingdoms, although the guild of the spice merchants, the "new" money nobility in our empire, lobby at my court to invade and vassal a city called Venice, which is far from Isfahan, and it would be necessary to build ships... but that's another story.

    We build an empire and a dynasty based on the idea of unity and centralisation. Now it is time to let the nations beyond the core empire find their own way, and develop their own cultures. You could say we build an empire just to disband it, but I think we did create the foundations for prosperity and cultural advancement.

    submitted by /u/NBKDNZR
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    Kings to the seventh generation done in one generation

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 08:29 AM PST

    Make game challenging

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 12:07 PM PST

    Is there any way of making the game actually challenging like in a strategy game way besides giving the ai artificial buffs ?

    Once you know the mechanics the small count to emperor path is usually just a matter of time unless of have some bad luck early on .

    Why does it never feel like you actually competing against the ai over creating a great dynasty?

    Every time I play I feel I am the only one playing crusader kings, scheming my way to the top while the ai barely does anything besides the occasional hopeless war .

    Is this game actually only really competitive in multiplayer ?

    submitted by /u/zsjok
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    I'm sure nobody has ever used this empire name

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 03:55 AM PST

    Love this game (The text box)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 11:37 AM PST

    Is this legal..?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 05:07 PM PST

    Hot can I get a character out of prison that isn't from my court?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 02:39 AM PST

    I betrothed my heir to the first daughter of the heir to the ERE, so I will eventually have a claim. Only problem is, she was recently imprisoned, and I can't ransom her, because she's still in the ERE's court. I have gifted money to both her and her father, hoping they would pay the ransom themselves, but either they won't, or only the emperor can. Problem is, he's 4,000 gold in debt because of a war he just had. How can I fix this?

    submitted by /u/UnholyDemigod
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    Open-Lobby CK3 Multiplayer Discord Server!

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 06:23 AM PST

    Open-Lobby CK3 Multiplayer Discord Server!

    Discord Link: https://discord.gg/eMBMMzMd5Y

    Right now its just a small thing and I'll ping the server when i start a lobby. But if theres enough excitement about this I may start scheduling a regular time/day for this!

    submitted by /u/Skali66
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