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    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : June 05 2020

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : June 05 2020

    Feudal Friday : June 05 2020

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Welcome to another Feudal Friday, a place for you to regale the courts of Europa with your tales. Stories, screenshots and achievements are all welcome.

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    Current Tutorial Tuesdays

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    A king's greatest ally is himself

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    (CHUCKLES) i'm in danger

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    AVE MARIA Dev Diary #1 : Scope and Roman Bureaucracy

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:43 AM PDT


    Hello ! Welcome to a wall of text where I talk about my crazy modding of Crusader Kings 2 in a project I dubbed very concisely: A Very Extensive Modification for Appropriate Realism and Improved Authenticity.

    You would think with Crusader Kings 3 around the corner it would be stupid to mod CK2. But from reading the dev diaries and knowing Paradox as well as their classical development cycle I felt the usual hollowness I experience with their titles: I like playing them, but my desire for historical contextual mechanics and gameplay is not quenched as I simply cannot find those things in the game despite updates, DLC and/or mods (My thirst was quenched only with MEIOU).

    It is only recently though that with the end of the Paradox development cycle on CK2 that I felt coming back at modding the game as mod breaking patch/updates have disappeared and a lot of modding utility/possibilites have been added over the years.

    After all, if people are still modding Battlefield 2, so can I right ?



    Mod Scope

    I am modding to make a mod I would like to play, with the objective of having contextually accurate mechanics and events as is humanly possible within the limits of engine, modding and gameplay.

    Paradox games have a tendency of drawing people towards ahistorical ideas and beliefs. At large people are mostly aware that CK2 is unhistorical but believe it has some merit in teaching a few historical basics and there is still a pervasive idea that the game fundamental mechanics are historical but have a few inaccuracies "for gameplay purposes".

    Crusader Kings 2, and from what we can see of Crusader Kings 3, falls right into medievalism, that is if we are to quote Umberto Eco1, "a dream of the Middle Ages", a re-construction full of ideological attachment to values associated with medieval societies that we can find all over popular culture media that often hides a reality only the medievists and specialist academics usually see.

    This mod is founded on the belief that latest scholarly research on the Middle Ages can and should influence the game design and events of a game named Crusader Kings. The objective of this mod is to break away from vanilla and overhaul the core mechanics and gameplay while trying to be as historically authentic as possible within the technical limits of Crusader Kings 2 modding.

    For now I am focusing on the 1066 start date and have three pillars driving my work:

    • Rework government and how they function from war, to taxes and power relationship. It thus includes the dreaded f-word (feudalism) and the various parts of the world that are wrongly covered under it and I will talk about it in the second part of this diary with the Romans.

    • Economy rework: Think MEIOU meets CK2. I chiefly have a Dei Gratia system in mind that I deem necessary especially for the Islam part of the world.

    • Immersion: This is the lightest mechanic wise as it is mostly events and flavour. Did you ever wondered why there is a ridiculously low number of events about mass in a game spanning 700 years of medieval history (But do not worry, Glitterfhood events got you covered /s ).

    The mod is also developed with HIP in mind, it is technically a sub-mod of HIP as it uses an HIP installation with SWMH (not compatible with EMF).


    Roman Bureaucracy

    The idea to mod CK2 in order to better represent the bureaucracy of the time and especially the Romans/Byzantines is old (that is why it is doubly frustrating to learn that vanilla CK3 will have the Romans/Byzantines similar to their feudal french contemporaries) and there are live threads right now on the official forums theorycrafting how it could work in CK3.

    To contextualize succinctly the situation of the Empire in 1066, the defensive posture adopted in earlier centuries has largely been abandoned and by the eleventh century, they had mostly won the endless war they had been fighting for about four centuries against the caliphate. But this was not to last as dramatic military reversals and political instability were to come.

    Thanks to infamous rituals science and experimentation, I managed to have a system that should work within the CK2 framework.


    How it works:

    In 1066, the armies of the Empire are centralized once more and salaried by the state and the elite tagma at their head (Scholai, Excubitors, Arithmoi/Vigla, Hikanatoi and Varangian).

    Those titles have event spawned troops associated with them (Mercenary bands are not viable for technical as well as design reasons) that should be paid regularly if you do not want to face troop unrest. (They are event spawned troops that cost money, the Emperor can decide to increase their size or even create a new Tagma unit) The military title holders can be called by the emperor manually, through the vanilla Levies menu as a vanilla call to arms or from a new decision. They are counted as allies in game term so the AI does not launch unwinnable wars too much.

    The provincial government is contrary to the previous period free from the military and in the hands of the Krites2, the judges of the themes, the administrative unit of government, and also in charge of tax collection in addition to their judicial duties. They are the main "land-holders" of the game.

    The military component of the theme headed by the strategos is still alive but is mostly toothless. I handed them this special tributary relationship as otherwise it would be impossible to track of who and what as de-jure territory cannot be shared between titles.


    Title Succession:

    Titles are not for life. As you probably have seen from others screenshots, each office has a term. For simplicity's sake, each office has a five year term after which the title is passed to your successor.

    Your successor is "elected" in game terms with the electors being you, the title holder, your council and the emperor.

    As a fallback if you happen not to have your heir/son being in office when you die or just from other circumstances, you have a fallback Family title. With this system you can play the nepotist aristocrat and push for your ineffectual sons to succeed you in your office so they can lose battles against the Seljuks !

    The Emperor can also decide to Fire an official at a prestige cost, or Name someone in his place (at an even steeper prestige cost). If you happen to suddenly be in possession of the imperial throne and all your political ennemies happen to control the armies, it might be a good idea to replace them...


    Landless Content

    All those systems and titles shown are based on a landless gameplay. Having a bureaucracy within the CK2 engine means moving away from CK2 core mechanic of landholding. Roman/Byzantine elites were not their feudal counterparts 3 despite what is commonly thought.

    An alternative system is thus needed to generate the main currencies of the game: money and prestige as well as occupying the player.

    Money should be coming from two sources, estates represented as modifiers (Roman/Byzantines nobles had not the same extent of landholding as their feudal counterpart) and salary from jobs represented as minor titles automatically distributed when getting the job.

    Prestige is gained passively from jobs title passive prestige, job actions, general events and war if you are holding a military office.

    There also needs a way to spend it, so most actions within the bureaucracy intrigue (try to get elected to a post, placate a superior etcc) should use prestige or bribes.

    New events and decisions related to the job should also provide Prestige and gameplay decisions.



    I am not finished with the Romans yet of course, as you could guess there are a lot of things that can be integrated/added, but for now the core of the system is here. It needs polishing and added content with flavour content (I have a long list of possible events...).

    Anyway I hope you appreciated this, in probably two weeks I will post a new progress report on where I am and what I cooked. I also created a discord if you want to hop in and help in some way. Cheers and have a good day in those troubled times :) .



    1. Umberto Eco, "Dreaming of the Middle Ages," in Travels in Hyperreality, transl. by W. Weaver, NY: Harcourt Brace, 1986, pp. 61–72.

    2. AHRWEILER, H. i960. 'Recherches sur l'administration de l'empire byzantin aux ixe-xie siecles', BCH 84:1-10

    3. CHEYNET Jean-Claude. L'aristocratie byzantine VIIIe - XIIIe siècle. In: Journal des savants, 2000, n°2. pp. 281-322.

    4. Cormack, Robin & Haldon, J.F. & Jeffreys, E.. 2012. The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies. 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199252466.001.0001.

    submitted by /u/Linred
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    Ah, the power of the Assassin Order

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Just a Bedouin Germanic Rome for your amusement

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Well boys we did it. Catholicism is no more

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    Anyone want Sunni Norse Ireland?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    King to Persian Empire, Saoshyant, Immortal and Legendary Journey bloodline in one lifetime

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    The Four Kingdoms of Great Britian: England, Scotland, Ireland, and Venice

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    I love democracy

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    The game said my vassals would not object agist revoking the title of a traitor. Well, that was a fucking lie

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    I did it bois, I managed to reform African paganism...

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    I hate Karlings

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    Well, goshdarn, my lords, I reckon I hate the absolute fuck out of this

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    Chases Down Enemy While Incapable

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    What?? My grandson is inbred even though his parents have no common relatives.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    Preserving that Elective Gavelkind succession realm for my future heir, going for a saint at the same time. Cant let the realm break

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    The most badass female character I've seen so far in-game.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    Give me your lunch money, sis.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Just Bohemia Doing Bohemian Things

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    Time for some easy claims

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Best ways to spread minor religions?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    I recently converted my character to Nestorian deep in Central Asia and took one of their holy sites. Besides holy wars, building temples and making sure my vassals are also Nestorian and zealous, what else can I do to grow the MA and spread the religion?

    submitted by /u/iheartdev247
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    Best character played so far. Lover of my wife, 107 confirmed kills, leader of warrior lodge, 10k prestige, built great works, lithuanian

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    One of the most badass AI duchies I've ever seen

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 08:20 AM PDT

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