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    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    Crusader Kings i really do

    Crusader Kings i really do

    i really do

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:51 PM PST

    12 years to go

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:52 PM PST

    An unspeakable act.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:22 PM PST

    I think the pope took the exile too seriously...

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:46 AM PST

    An alternative to Noob Island: Matilda di Canossa

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:15 AM PST

    An alternative to Noob Island: Matilda di Canossa

    With CK2 now being available for free, there's been an appreciable influx of new players, many though, lack direction. The game is pretty big. Where should one even start?

    Not Ireland.

    Seriously. Despite the recommendations for noob island, it sucks. It's slow and boring, especially for a new player who hasn't picked up all the tricks on keeping it lively. What's more, most of these new players don't have any of the extensive DLC, creating gap between the new arrivals and the veterans. Without DLC the strategy of "just kiss the Popeman's ass and ask for claims on stuff" doesn't work. So, where can a new player find an exciting, low risk intro to the game?

    Allow me to introduce you to Matilda di Canossa. In 1066 Matilda is a bachelorette and one of the strongest nobles in Italy. As a vassal of the Holy Roman Empire, she doesn't have to fear somebody's gonna came kick her shit in two year into the game. As an Italian new players don't have to worry about suddenly being elected to the head of the HRE any time soon. It's just the right mix of power and intriuge to create a fun first playthrough.

    The following guide assumes the player lacks DLC's such as Way of Life and Conclave, and possess relatively limited expereince overall. Overall, this thing is pretty long, so if you've got some experience under your belt, you may want to skip the wall of text.


    So, let's boot up CK2 and dive in. Start up a new game and choose custom setup and the High Middle Ages bookmark. They date is September 15th, 1066. She's not independent, so you'll have to click the dukes map mode to find her. Zoom in on Italy and click on any region that says Tuscany. Duchess Matilda will pop up on the right side, and you're ready to slam the play button.

    Of course, we're not done yet, can't make it too easy to just start playing. A window about game rules will pop up. For now you can leave them the way they are, as you experience more of the game you may decide to change game rules, but for now, it's in pretty good shape. You can just hit the start game button. One final window will ask you to name your save file. Now we're really cooking.

    The First Second (That's an oxymoron)

    You've made it! You are now in Crusader Kings! If you haven't already, read the information pop-up explaining the basics of how CK2 works, then close that stuff. Now unless you've already installed some map graphics mods, you'll be staring at the relatively ugly terrain map mode. I'm not a fan of this mode, not even a little. It's gross, so we're gonna get rid of it. Down in the bottom right you have a mini-map with a set of buttons to change map mode. The second button, looks like a shield and says "Realms" when you hover over it is pretty useful. It color-codes regions by the top dog in the area. You can click and drag the button to the row of boxes to the right of the mini-map to start building your hotbar. Click through the other map modes to explore what they show. You can add whichever map modes you please to your hot bar, I personally recommend: Realms, Direct Vassals, and De Jure Duchies. The last two slots I change depending on what I need at the moment, but the Religions and Opinions ones are both pretty useful.

    Right, now that we can properly see the world, let's look into those circular icons up top, they're gonna be pretty important, not just now, but for much of your gameplay expireince.

    First up, on the left is the Golden Crown "No heir of your dynasty!" This is some thing we'll need to remedy pretty soon here. The second icon, the broken shield "Title Loss on Succession," since we have no heir, we lose all our titles if we die. That's not so hot. Then a blue shield "2 Title(s) can be Created" we'll hold off on that for now. surprisingly, more titles is not always a good thing. Two People with Crowns indicates "Ruler Unmarried" we'll get back in a moment to that one. The Green Blob means you "Demesne [is] too Big" You can only hold a certain number of titles on you own, right now that number is kinda low, like 4 or 5, but you have 9 titles that count against demesne. I've got some trick to help with that. Circle number six (from the left, or number three from the right) has a thought bubble with a crown "Pick an Ambition." Sounds like good advise, click on the pick an ambition circle.

    Bam! We just brought up the character sheet. It can be accessed a number of ways, the easiest being clicking on your portrait in the upper left corner, though clicking it now, while the sheet is open will dismiss it. So let's pick an ambition. Below your name to the right of the portraits and coat of arms is a small blue circle with a familiar symbol (it's mirrored, which is weird but whatever). Clicking the blue circle with the crown thought bubble will display your options for ambitions. Find the one with two hearts "Get Married" since we already need to do this, it seems like a good plan, completing this goal will net us extra piety.

    Marriage Game

    With our ambition to get married now declared it's time to mingle. Down and to the right of your portrait is another blue button, this one features gold rings "Arrange Marriage". We'll click it. Wow, would you look at all these rich and powerful men willing to marry us. Just kidding they don't care about us, they just want our land, but we're not gonna give it to them. First things first check the "Only Adults" and "Matrilineal Marriage" boxes. This will ensure we get a spouse who is ready to help us produce an heir, but isn't gonna steal our land. Suddenly all the kings have no interest in us. That's fine, we didn't want them anyways. Unfortunately for our gal Matilda, there aren't any potential grooms that are all that interesting. Fortunately for our femme fatale, there are other ways of finding a kickass husband. We're headed back in the direction of the mini-map. At the very bottom are another row of buttons, the second to last from the end displays an icon of people "Find Characters". This is how we're gonna find our man worth fighting for. This new window has a bunch of buttons at the top, and a list of people underneath. Set the buttons to the following:

    Search All; Gender: Men; In Prison: No; Married: No; Ruler: No; Diplo Range: Yes; Join Court: Any; Religion: My Religion Group; Culture: Any; Adult: Yes; Great House: Any. Finally there's a text box in the top-middle, type "genius" into the box. Finally click the treasure chest icon above the stewardship column to sort results by stewardship skill. The results should resemble the following image:

    For bonus points, click \"Save Filters\" => \"Slot 0\" so that you can bring this filter back at any time with \"Load Filters\" => \"Slot 0\"

    Most of them have no interest in joining us. But it appears we don't even have to scroll to find ourselves a catch. The Johan fellow with the little yellow hand by his portrait would be willing to join us for a bribe, and we just happen to have a plump little pot of cash on standby. The highest person meeting this criteria with a yellow hand may be a different character, but the steps are the same. Right click the portrait, click "Send Gift" and approve the 15 gold piece bribe, then right click him again and "Invite to Court". If all has gone well, the little banner above the send button should say yes (if it doesn't the send button will be grayed out anyways). We'll hear back from our mail order husband in a few days, until then, we have a realm to manage.

    Still Paused...

    Righty then, it's time to get our laws in order. A the top just to the right of our portrait is a row of blue buttons, the second from the left has a little hammer "Laws" which contains, you guessed it: Laws! An important tool for any ruler for sure. When we open it up for the first time it will show our succession laws, for now, we don't want to mess with those. Click the tab title "Realm" so we can work on our realm laws. As a duchess, we only have to worry about one realm law "Centralization". Right now it's at min, but we want to start raising it up, but we can only do that gradually. Click "Low" this will start the voting. Unfortunately as a duchess, you have to ask all the people below your rank to approve your laws. Right now none of them want to because you've got more land than your supposed to, but we're working on improving that.

    We're finally ready to move on to the final two circle at the top of the screen. The trophy is for "Special Minor Titles Grantable" which is great since handing out some minor titles will make people like us extra, and vote for our law changes. "Designated Regent" is a special title for many reasons, but for now all you need to worry about is find somebody with high stewardship to fulfill that role. Click the "No Character" box and sort the candidates by stewardship, and select the best steward. The remaining unfilled titles can go to your counts since they're your most powerful vassals. Before we leave this menu, let's hit up the "Positions" tab.

    The Crew

    Without DLC, these people, your councilors essentially act as your special agents, each has a set of tasks they can perform based on their skills.

    First up: Your chancellor, he's your main diplomat, but we're mostly gonna use him to facilitate theft. Of his three round buttons, we want the middle one, the hand and shield "Fabricate Claims". Once you click the button, the land will turn green, indicating regions where he can be deployed, find the county of Bologna, just to the north of your capital, Florence (it has a tiny white checkerboard shield above it). Left click to send him out.

    Next, the Marshal, he's in charge of the fighting forces. Since we aren't planning on getting in any fights too soon, we'll put him on research duty. The Far right button, with the Sword and Plus sign "Research Military Tech". With this one you'll have far fewer green options for deployment. Send him to Florenz, your capital, denoted by the white shield with a red fleur-de-lis.

    The Master of Economy, your Steward has many purposes, including his own set of research, but for now, we really need some extra cash to get off the ground. The first button, Stacks of Money "Collect Taxes" will help with that. Send him to Florenz as well.

    Nobody is better at making other people do what you want than the Spymaster. In this case we want some technology. Italy is pretty advance to begin with, but there a certainly more technologically inclined regions, the City of Man's Desire, Constantinople, for example features quite a lot of tech that would help our cause. The right button, a gear and shadowy figure "Study (read: Steal) Technology" and a click on Constantinople where Europe meets Asia Minor will get him there. Constantinople has a giant coat of arms indicating the capital of an empire, shouldn't be too hard to find.

    Finally, The Court Chaplain is your guide in all things spiritual, his "Proselytize" ability comes in handy when conquering, but we're just chillin' for a hot sec, so button number two "Research Cultural Tech" and another click in Florenz will get him where he needs to go.

    Alright folks, that's as much typing as I can bear to do on one sitting. I'd be glad to answer questions, and I intend to continue with this little guide for beginners in the near future. Until then, stay spicy.

    submitted by /u/blaster_man
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    So my daughter... Yes , She has a daughter , at age 13

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:11 AM PST

    This child tho

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:18 AM PST

    Sandwich England, best titular title I have ever seen

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:59 AM PST

    Idea for CK3 I've been toying with for a while, dynastic opinions.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:30 AM PST

    Despite being a dynasty-based game, I always felt like CK2 is more about invdividual characters and and titles than it is about dynasties. The only time I pay attention to dynasties is when I'm interacting with China. Because there I have to make sure that the dynasty stays in place so I don't lose grace.

    And I started thinking about the Bourbons and the Valois. The Borjigins and the Songs. Why is there nothing of the sort in CK2?

    So I had this idea, when you go to a non-dynastic character page, beneath their dynasty CoA, there is a number from -50 to 50. This number will affect your dynasty members and this dynasty's members opinion of each other. The number will start at 0 for most dynasties, and will increase and decrease depending on how you the dynasties treat each other.

    Let's say you're of de Hauteville, and there's this other dynasty, di Canossa. You give Antonio di Canossa a title, and your dynastic relations with di Canossa increases. It's now at, say, +2. But then you go to war with Matilda di Canossa and execute her in battle. Now your dynastic relations are in the shitter. -2 for going to war with her, and -5 for killing her. All di Canossa members now have a -5 opinion penalty of you and all your dynasty members.

    And yes, I am aware that there are "executed my family member" opinion penalties but those are for family members, not dynastys, and only affevts your character.

    I think something along the lines of this could make dynasties more than just names of muslim nations. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/EYSHot69
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    Ironman be like

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:52 PM PST

    OK CK2

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:18 AM PST

    The First Byzantine-German War for Italy: Part of my 1068 campaign to restore Rome.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:50 AM PST

    Bipolar Saint

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:40 AM PST

    William the conqueror apparently had an army of less than 10000 soldiers in 1066

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:24 AM PST

    General Opinion -10

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:10 PM PST

    Finally formed Hispania for this first time!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:05 AM PST

    Created Israel (on Ironman) as none other than Haesteinn. I'm only 700 piety away from creating the Third Temple.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:33 AM PST

    The Chinese threat is getting out of hand...

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:37 AM PST

    I literally gagged.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:55 AM PST

    I know its not a big deal, but after my first 78 hours I was finally able to create the empire of Brittania from the Ducky of Mumu. I think i've just finished the basic tutorial and Im ready for the advanced tutorial.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:18 AM PST

    20,396 Besieging Soldiers vs 1 Absolute Madlad

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:31 PM PST

    Ahh. DEUS VULT!!!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:36 AM PST

    well done son

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:45 AM PST

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