• Breaking News

    Friday, November 26, 2021

    Crusader Kings I saw your puny Swedish kingdom, and raise to you the real Nordic ruler

    Crusader Kings I saw your puny Swedish kingdom, and raise to you the real Nordic ruler

    I saw your puny Swedish kingdom, and raise to you the real Nordic ruler

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 08:19 AM PST

    And the pope continues to crusade for Jerusalem

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 10:45 AM PST

    Just a normal 21 y.o. Pope with the Sayyid trait....

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 04:55 PM PST

    Mental breaks are weird

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 07:59 PM PST

    I'll never understand mental breaks, like why can't just start like a garden or a journal, why do I HAVE to become either a pothead or an alcoholic

    submitted by /u/El_Jorge1
    [link] [comments]

    A 0 y.o. lecherous priest was exposed, shame on him!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 06:26 AM PST

    Are hooks in CK3 good for anything but rasing feudal obligations and cancelling out other hooks?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 06:55 AM PST

    Like it seems as if there is really no reason to have hooks on anyone but vassals that like you whose obligations haven't already been raised. Kind of useless. Am I not doing this right?

    submitted by /u/lostgirl4053
    [link] [comments]

    You know you're your mommy's favourite daughter when she gets you Byzantine emperor consort

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 01:10 AM PST

    True progress

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 02:18 AM PST

    Everybody gets a Kingdom

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 07:39 AM PST

    Don't trust anyone, not even yourself.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 07:51 AM PST

    Today I just finished my first my ironman campaign, it took me literally months but here we are. I thought I could jump on this trend too so I won't forget any of this great characters that I've played with for so long

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 05:28 PM PST

    Crusader Kings 3 art, made by AI.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 07:37 AM PST

    The pope is a dick

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 08:44 AM PST

    The pope is a dick

    Here I am supporting the Pope's silly crusade to take Syria, sending my well trained and moderately expensive men and the infidels are trying to take back Aintab after some clever sod claimed it.

    I move my forces in as bait hoping the nearby papal forces will leap to my aid even though I go 4K versus 12K and thus make it a fair fight.

    Instead, they suck their thumbs and stand still...

    R5: AI be lame, look at the circles

    Edit: I've just discovered that the force that's standing there that's 4K is in fact the Knights Hospitalier who are THE HOLY ORDER I FOUNDED Can't even re-hire them as they're committed to the crusade :I


    submitted by /u/IrregularEater
    [link] [comments]

    One viking to rule them all!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 12:38 PM PST

    Hope everyone got the Gluttonous trait today ��

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 04:42 PM PST

    You are Obese

    submitted by /u/32bd
    [link] [comments]

    Just came out of a 25 years long succession crisis

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 11:55 AM PST

    no one expects the french crusade!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 10:00 AM PST

    (Pantheon Of The Gods Mod) Anyway I can make the Pure Pantheons *not* be conisdered evil by other religions?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 01:55 PM PST

    Faster Than The Fox

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 11:58 AM PST

    If I marry my daughter to my son (her brother) and don't choose matralinial will this make me lose?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 08:17 PM PST

    Like will the child born of this wedding cause me a game over or will I still become the grandchild regardless of who's side the child will be born into?

    submitted by /u/NerdlinGeeksly
    [link] [comments]

    first time player, united ireland, it's going great so far :)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 02:25 PM PST

    Married a random Mongol prince, before I know it he's the Khagan

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 08:03 AM PST

    Chronicles of House Gelgaudas Chapter I : The Life of Grand Duke Jovirdas 'the trickster' of Lithuania

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 12:16 PM PST

    Chronicles of House Gelgaudas Chapter I : The Life of Grand Duke Jovirdas 'the trickster' of Lithuania

    Chronicles of House Gelgaudas

    The entire story of a famous Gelgaudas family

    Chapter I : The Life of Grand Duke Jovirdas 'The Trickster' of Lithuania

    Early Life

    Not much is known about the biography of a legendary man named Jovirdas Gelgaudas. There is no written documents or stories of him before his rule, only in his later life will he start to document things and amongst one of them is a document revealing he was born on exactly January 1st, 851. Grand Duke Jovirdas first time officially is heard of at the year of 867, the speculated date which stories, true or not, claim or not was the year when he celebrated his 16th birthday. The stories tell that the young man was a son of a hunter, fearsome and keen into training in martial ways. Celebrating his 16th birthday he got drunk from the strong ale and got into trouble with the High Chief of Lithuania, whose name or existance is unfound. The stories tell that in order to avoid a harsh punishment, Jovirdas challanged the High Chief of Lithuania to a duel to death. Influenced by the challange and Jovirdas mocking him for being a coward, the man accepted and ultimately lost the battle the next morning, passing his title onto the young man that stood above his body. That would be the only known and arguably true beginning of Gelgaudas dynasty.

    High Chief of Lithuania

    High Chief Jovirdas of Lithuania

    While Jovirdas never confirmed any of the stories of how he became High Chief of Lithuania's tribe, he did confirm he became chief in the year 867 on his 16 th birthday, January 1st. He immedeatly married polish woman Mojmira of the Slezanie. The marriage was unsuccessful as she quickly died from a bad case of flu on 23 March, 870 without producing a single child. Jovirdas did not was time and married her sister Gryzmislawa 'the Short-tempered' of the Slezanie, with which he would have a long lasting successful and actual love filled marriage, resulting in the birth of twins, his son Grand Duke Kesgaila and daugther Neringa, who would spend majority of her life in Ireland with her Irish husband. The marriage between Jovirdas and Grzymislawa will end on 14 February, 894 with her death. The first years of rule of High Chief of Jovirdas were calm and not many expected something spectacular from him. The peace lasted until somewhere around 868-870 when Chief Ragutis of Eastern Dzūkija launched a successful attack on Western Dzūkija and took it over, ruling it in the name of High Chief Jovirdas. This allowed Chief Ragutis to build a bigger army. The laws of that time stated that the two chiefs under Jovirdas at that time had independently organised armies, which meant Jovirdas had no actual control over their soldiers. At around the year of 870, High Chief Jovirdas, realising his two chiefs, especially Ragutis, had great relations (100) with him, declared conquest of High Chiefdom of Samogitia. Jovirdas did not know that Samogitia was also being invaded by Curonians, resulting in him gaining only a small portion of land he desired to take over. This did not sit well with Jovirdas, who did not even waste a single year before declaring conquest for Samogitia AND taking over Curonia for the intervention. The conflict would mark the beginning of 25 years of inconsistent warfare, which would be known as the Pagan Wars or Jovirdas' Conquests in his hope of unifying Lithuania, recognising the threat coming from the Christian world, conquering the petty kingdom of Scania, high chiefdoms of Pomerania, Mazovia and more. The most famous war of Jovirdas' Conquests would be the war against Scalovia, since it had taken over Scania (Memel/Klaipėda) before Jovirdas, who had the land in his interests of unified Lithuanian kingdom.

    The war would go as far as involving the sons of the famous Ragnar Lothbrok. Scania, unlike Lithuanian, who was the only pagan Romuva country, had Germanic pagan chiefdoms ally with them. One of the leaders that joined King Haraldr was King Bjorn 'Ironside' of Svealand, the only son of famous Earl Ragnar Lothbrok and his wife shieldmaiden Lagertha. Lithuania was seemingly facing an opposition that started to terrifyingly outnumber them. Everyone, even the subjects of High Chief Jovirdas started to think that this might perhaps be the first war he won't be able to win.

    That was the moment when Jovirdas fame really started to lift off. He outplayed the opposition facing him while yet marching his armies towards Scanian lands. The only landed route they took through the lands of Denmark made them march in the territories of the Kingdom of Zealand. The Kingdom was ruled by another son of Ragnar Lothbrok and his second wife Princess Aslaug. Jovirdas played his chess really well and used the chance to visit the famous figure. He gave the man gold as a gift and married his daughter Neringa off to his son, who has a heir to the Kingdom of Northumbria. This way he outplayed the Petty Kingdom of Scania and invited Kingdom of Zealand, led by King Sigurd to ironically fight against his own brother Bjorn, which would result in a unepxected decisive victory of the High Chiefdom of Lithuania in a war that many thought they lost with, not just Scalovia, but also the rest Scanian lands falling under Lithuanian rule and the blood of Lothbroks and Gelgaudas would join for forever. During the conquest he personally participated in, he stole a sword from a Norse soldier and kept it as a trophy for many years of his life to come, using it personally in the coming warfares and duels.

    Kesgaila gets invited

    The next and last war of Jovirdas' conquests came against Mazovia. By that time High Chief Jovirdas of Lithuania was already a high standing member of the band of Medeina, recognised by many as one of their greatest members and had enough authority to call in the army of Medeina to his cause in the war against Mazovia and the forces of Slavic high chiefs helping them, also being aided by Sigurdr, who have allied him. He won the war and the Lithuanian lands were now under his rule, the only down taste of the time was that the love of his life Gryzmislawa died not long ago during the war, making Jovirdas fall into depression. However he was strong enough not to abandon the worldly matters surrounding him and married Yildiz, who would later become Queen Yildiz and the mother of Jovirdas' last son Daugvilas. Soon after the leader of the band of Medeina asked Jovirdas to invite his son Kesgaila, who was already a talented man in diplomacy and rule to their pagan society, promising that Jovirdas would gain further prestige among their ranks. Hearing of such idea, Kesgaila gladly accepted and won the initiation duel, becoming the official member of the band of Medeina like his father in 894

    Grand Duke of Lithuania

    The Grand Dutchy of Lithuania

    Following the recent successes and the Lithuanian lands under his rule, he formed the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania with recognition of others, proclaiming himself the Grand Duke of Lithuania on 28th May, 894 and organised a legendary gathering.

    The strenght of Lithuania and fame of Grand Duke Jovirdas, who happened to gain the nickname 'the trickster' for his love for playfulness, messing with people and pranking was now only rising and Jovirdas spent gold from his treasury not year after his coronation and legendary gathering to launch a grandiose pagan festival in Lithuania to unite the people more closely and pay respects to ancestors and the Romuva gods.

    During the end of the same year, he yet again did another spectacular thing of using his own resources to build the Great Pillar of Lithuania on 16th September, 895 to honor the power and kindness of Dievas, Perkūnas, Gabija and many other Romuvan gods, being a loyal Romuvan servant and a devout follower of Perkūnas, the Romuvan god of thunder and warfare.

    Jovirdas becomesleader of Medeina

    Grand Duke Jovirdas has been the member of Medeina for over 20 years now and, as the records written by him indicate, the leader of Medeina and his friend mayor Žemaitis of Kaunas has died. Together the band of Medeina decided in the gathering to proclaim Grand Duke Jovirdas as their new leader, who now took on the responsibility of not only Lithuania, but also this ancient pagan organisation, promising to try his best to lead them to fame.

    It was during the prosperity of the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania after his coronation and the festival that the man decided it would be best for his people to not fight in wars anymore and pledged the peace to his vassals. The relations with his vassals worsened when a claimant to the province of Wroclaw, Slezaslaw arrived to the court. Jovirdas gave him the chiefdom of Pogesania to make him his vassal and broke the pledge of peace by conquering the part of land of Czechs for Chief Slezaslaw. Their relations improved, but worsened between Jovirdas and the rest of his subjects. However this did more good to him rather than bad. After a couple of years in peace, it felt good for Jovirdas to finally be participating in battle and fighting, as a result the thrill of the warfare made him lose his depression over the loss of his second wife, which in return made him happy enough to later fall in love with his current wife Yildiz, the queen of Lithuania.

    Legend Begins

    Under the rule of Grand Duke Jovirdas, Medeina society has become stronger than ever, establishing itself firmly in eastern Europe and going as far as to Ireland as Jovirdas daughter Neringa, who was now married to a second man, had an Irish husband and was a member of the band of Medeina herself. Under the rule of Jovirdas the band of Medeina accepted literacy, trying to write down and record important events. One of those records mark the evening of 24th July, 910. It was one of the gatherings of the band of Medeina and all it's members when one of the members Rameks suggested the idea of launching a raid somewhere where no one has face them yet. In the following months, the Grand Duke of Lithuania quickly adopt the idea and organise a grandiose pagan army of Medeina which he personally led to a grand raid on the muslim lands of al-Abbasi Empire, during the preparation, the band of Medeina sharpened his [Sword name to be created] for their beloved leader before he set off far away to the east. (Insert A Toast For You track here). During his journey, one of the pagan rulers in Livonia presented him with the axe, which was rumored to be the powerful axe of Perkunas himself, which Jovirdas happily accepted and honorfully wielded in the name of Perkūnas against muslims, slaying multiple greatest muslim fighter and two bears belonging to the muslim nobles while using it.










    On January 1st, 911Grand Duke Jovirdas and the band of Medeina led by him would return to Lithuania to only to notice the news of their legendary march success reach their natives more quickly then they did. The people celebrated their return, welcoming them all back home. They treated Grand Duke Jovirdas as a God amongst men and the descendants of his would forever be marked by the famous Wolf-blood of Grand Duke Jovirdas 'the Trickster'.

    Wolf-blood of Jovirdas 'the Trickster'

    The coming years of his life would prove to be less eventful for him, yet still marked by great deeds like keeping the authority of his tribal country much more centralised, the time of chiefs having seperate armies were now gone, he also did deeds like inviting his second son Daugvilas to the band of Medeina, making him a leader of his own mercenary group, winning the war against Norway in the by request of Medeina and going as daring as successfully plotting a murder of King Raoul of France using the aid of his enemies and even his own wife, which in return resulted in King Boudewijn 'The Evil' of East Anglia reclaiming France after losing the tital by the demand of the Raoul supporters. His reign ended by putting down a peasant revolt and a rebellion by his main rival, executing him for treason while letting the female peasant revolt leader go.

    King Raoul is murdered

    Daugvilas becomes commaner of Vilnian Band

    The people of Romuva started to speak of him as though Grand Duke Jovirdas was a God walking amongst men, the stories of him to be echoing through European hearts. Even a great part of western Europe liked Grand Duke Jovirdas no matter if he was a heathen to them. They still admired him. And yet... he was not a God. Grand Duke Jovirdas 'the Trickster' died on 7 December, 925 from severe stress after ruling for 58 years. During his funeral thousands of men and women gathered to the city of KernavÄ— to say goodbyes to thei greatest leader. There is still records of his older son Kesgala having a great speech in honor to his father.

    "WHO WAS YOUR GRAND DUKE?!" he shouted.

    "Jovirdas!" thousands of people in the streets shouted back in unison, people who both knew him personally or just heard of him. Even foreigners came on that day.





    Death of Grand Duke Jovirdas 'The Trickster'

    Lithuania before the rule of Jovirdas

    Lithuania after the rule of Jovirdas

    Rest in Peace

    Grand Duke Jovirdas 'the Trickster'

    Birth Name: Jovirdas Gelgaudas

    Place of Birth: KernavÄ—, Lithuania

    Dynasty: Gelgaudas (founder)

    Culture: Lithuanian

    Religion: Romuva

    DOB/DOD: 1st January 851 - 7th December 925

    Age: 74

    Cause of Death: Severe Stress

    Place of Death: KernavÄ—, Lithuania

    Deaths responsible for: 50

    Stats at the Time of Death:

    Personal Combat Skill: 150 (-35 old age, -10 one-eyed, -10 stressed)

    State Diplomacy: 3 (35)

    State Martial: 25 (32)

    State Stewardship: 14 (37)

    State Intrigue*: 4 (23)*

    State Learning: 8 (29)


    1.Amateurish Plotter

    The Amateurish Plotter has received an education emphasizing intrigue skills. Unfortunately, it didn't stick.

    2.Aggressive Leader

    This character does not shy away from battle, and will show no mercy to opponents who attempt to quit the field.

    4.Inspiring Leader

    This character has a way of reaching directly into the hearts and minds of the soldiers on the battlefield, and not just with a sword.


    This character is physically brawny.

    6.Trained fighter

    This character has received training in the art of combat. While no master (wtf? HE HAS 150 PC SKILL, CMON PARADOX), he can hold his own in a fight.

    7.Legendary Commander

    This military commander has seen many wars and proven themselves victorious against the enemy time and timeagain. They are a legendary military command veteran.

    8.Horrifically Scarred

    This character has seen his share of fights, as his face can attest.

    9.In Hiding

    This character has gone into hiding to avoid plots against his life or capture in a siege. It makes him harder to assassinate or imprison, but life in hiding has its costs.


    This character is a masterful fencer and duelist - a dangerous lifestyle to be sure.


    This character never shies from personal danger, enjoying the respect of vassals, but the envy of cravens.


    This character has a well developed sense of jsutice - a trait much respected by vassals and courtiers.


    This character is dutiful and diligent, the fourth of the sevenvirtues - 'Industria'.


    Chastity, or 'Chastitas' is the first of the seven virtues. Chaste characters are admired for their virtue and are unlikely to have extramarital affairs.


    This character believes in the virtue of 'Temperantia', moderation - a valuable trait in rulers and stewards.

    16.One Eyed

    This character is missing an eye - not something you see every day.


    This character find the burdens of work and life almost too much to handle.


    1.Family Man

    This man is devoted to the harmony and well-being of his family.

    2.Dual Exeperience (x59)

    This character has learned a thing or to from partaking in a duel.

    3.Adept of strategy

    This character has spent time studying the military wisdom of history's great commanders.

    4.Battlefield Experience (x7)

    This character has learned a thing or two from partaking in battles.


    This character is known to show no mercy.

    6.Paying for artifact search

    This character is paying one of their councilors to search for artifacts

    7.Known Murderer

    This character has been exposed as a murderer, vehement denials notwithstanding.

    8.Follower of Perkūnas

    This character is a devout follower of Perkūnas, the Romuva deity of Thunder.

    9.Rumor of Extraordinary Artifact

    This character has been reached by a romur of an extraordinary artifact! They can send one of their councilors to search for it.

    10.Ruthless Duelist

    This character is a violent and unyielding duelist, not many have walked away alive after challenging him.

    11.Occupied Scholars

    This character has ordered the brightest minds in their demesne to aid on investigation concerning a lost artifact.

    12.Apprentice Boardgamer

    This character has found an appetite for playing strategic tabletop games.

    13.Renowned hero

    This character is famous for their combat prowess and warrior's blood they carry in their veins. Their presence alone has people swooning

    14.Renowned Duelist (6x)

    This character has built a lasting reputation fighting in many duels.

    15.Strategic Understanding

    It is one thing to know strategy from the comfort of the war room, havig first0hand experience is another one entirely. This character has seen plenty of plans unfold on the battlefield.

    16.Center of Attention

    This character is enjoying attention.

    17.Medium Loan


    19.Decree of Appropriation

    This character has made a decree allowing their treasure hunters to appropriate any resources required from the local burghers.

    20.Crushed Revolt

    submitted by /u/Senoxfid123
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    Still 72 days until Royal Court

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 10:35 PM PST

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