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    Wednesday, November 3, 2021

    Crusader Kings The Byzantine AI be like

    Crusader Kings The Byzantine AI be like

    The Byzantine AI be like

    Posted: 02 Nov 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    My daughter became a drunkard right on her 16th birthday

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 04:48 AM PDT

    "I'll have tons of children so I have tons of choices for heirs! What could possibly go wrong?"

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    I did a thing

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    Fight CK3 battles using Mount and Blade MOD!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Ugh, I conquer you for the sake of humanity.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 02:46 AM PDT

    When your neighbors are Adamites, so you conquer them just to get saggy boobs off the screen. If I want to see old saggy tits, I just gotta look down...

    submitted by /u/dragonjz
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    I am beginning to fall in love with CK2 again.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 08:18 AM PDT

    Basically the title. CK2 is easily one of my most played game of all time only surpassed by Total War Warhammer 2. For the longest time CK2 was basically one of the few things that made my depression at least bareable, it's so addicting and I'm amazed at how much I'm enjoying even doing old playthroughs again. I always enjoyed reforming religions, trying to get influence with the Pope so he'll grant me claims on other Catholics and of course restoring Rome to its full glory and managing to keep my Dynasty to the Roman throne through buying up favours. I also always enjoyed its building system and how many troops and money you can squeeze out of one county through the baronies. CK2 has truly given me some of the best gaming memories and I'm keen to getting into CK3 once its second major expansion drops because as it currently is I feel that 150 hours is enough playtime for this game, I think it's a great foundation for something that will surpass CK2 but it lacks much flavour at this point.

    submitted by /u/kostandrea
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    I am a complete noob that has almost completed the tutorial. Are there any tips you can give me that will help me out, no matter if I'm a county, duchy, or kingdom?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    I am basically in need of wisdom from the old masters. What are some basic things that i should know or am likely to miss? Some tips on the army and economy would be appreciated. (I converted the Irish petty kingdom in the tutorial to Iconoclasism and I had my neighbor and the HRE come to murder my soldiers.)

    I am playing Crusader Kings 3 btw. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Luxri
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    Historical houses are implemented as dynasties

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    Abbasid, Fatimid, Umayyad and anyone else with "Sayyid" trait are branches of Hashimid. Is it just because those were carried over from ck2 or would it make dynasty head OP (I understand he's mostly limited by faith but still)? There are also surviving branches of Sassanid in 1066 like Bavandid.

    P. S. does anyone what have trouble opening dead dynasty trees? I had to change mine through console so it got a living member

    submitted by /u/Turalcar
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    Not bad for a (300 hour) tutorial run

    Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    Why is the horse icon thing from ck2 here??

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 10:36 AM PDT

    Is there more I can do on this achievement run?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    TIL that...

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    the AI won't actually join the defense if their same religion neighbour gets holy war'd. Like its actually programmed in that the AI will check whether they should join but haven't been set to do anything

    Luckily, there's a mod for that


    Also the AI will always muster their troops at their capital, I've pretty much done the same thing now since its too OP that I can magically summon all my guys to the border but my war target can't

    Don't think there's a mod to fix that though

    submitted by /u/Zanadukhan47
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    House Chaumontois, who hurt y'all like that?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    Saints are severely underpopulated

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    I'm not a hagiographer, just some instances I came across, about half of them before I started looking for those that I remember: Edward the Confessor, Constantine the Great, Olga of Kiev, Vladimir the Great, Martyrs Boris and Gleb (at least their killer is marked as a kinslayer), St Stephen.

    And what really got my attention: St Andrew, y'know, the Apostle

    P. S. History for Hungary title looks messy: it said it was destroyed in 1000, when in fact it was Mogyer confederation title that was destroyed then its history got copied. The next 2 kings, I'd argue, were Arpad through matrilineal marriages, not different dynasties. Also, Olga of Kiev was Norse (Rus) not Slavic (Russian). We already have Franconian and French, this shouldn't be confusing.

    submitted by /u/Turalcar
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    Went to check on the Mongols but I couldn't see pass the ginormous balls on this dude

    Posted: 02 Nov 2021 08:17 PM PDT

    Primary heir without eligible children

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    Can someone explain to me, how the game determines the primary heir if a ruler doesn't have any (eligible) children? I feel like it should give it to the next living relative (siblings, parents, parent's siblings, grand-parents, etc.) but that is not (always) the case.

    Here's my scenario: The great-grandson of my player character is of my dynasty and is also my direct vassal. He doesn't have any children yet. The realm succession law is Confederate Partition with male preference. According to the game, once he dies (or abdicates) the primary heir is from another dynasty that has no relation at all to my great-grandson and has never owned (or even claimed) any of the titles in question. It doesn't make any sense to me why he would inherit instead of somebody of my dynasty (or if there were really nobody to find a previous owner of the titles in question or their relatives)

    Edit: in case it matters, my player character is also the de jure liege of his great-grandson and the primary heir is from a distant kingdom (same rank as my character).

    submitted by /u/MaSmyfication
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    Kingdoms and duchies in Hispania

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    I've created the Empire of Hispania and am wondering how do you people ''divide'' it? Do you create every kingdom/duchy to give away to your vassals/children? What kingdoms/duchies do you keep for yourself?

    I really enjoy CK3 but I've never gotten this far before and it's a bit overwhelming..

    submitted by /u/GuyNostal
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    Tell me what your preferred “Path to Power” Is & Your favorite start

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    As for me, I typically start as a count. So far my major Ironman play throughs (I'm a save scummer so I force myself to play Ironman) I've done a boot of Italy -> Italian Empire run, Norman count -> Brittannia run, Alexander's "heir" Byzantine count run (ongoing), and a couple independent Norse paint the map (most of Europe at least) runs.

    So far my favorite is probably the Norse/Visby runs, it's such a unique start and you can expand out to nearly anywhere. That said I'm curious what type of play styles everyone else have really enjoyed up until now. Any fun/unique starts I should give a try?

    submitted by /u/ibtrippein
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