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    Monday, September 13, 2021

    Crusader Kings May not be the best KD ratio ever posted but looks pretty extreme to me

    Crusader Kings May not be the best KD ratio ever posted but looks pretty extreme to me

    May not be the best KD ratio ever posted but looks pretty extreme to me

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 01:08 AM PDT

    I feel like in wars where their lands are at stake, vassals should join.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    Typically speaking, vassals are content with just giving you your levies and taxes while hanging out as part of your bigger territory. They fight their own little wars among themselves or against smaller nations outside your kingdom, they have their own troop pool, and they are basically just like a little Kingdom underneath you. I get generally speaking why vassals don't use all their troops in your wars because they already give you their levies, but when a war directly threatens to take some of their land, I always thought it weird that they don't get involved in full.

    submitted by /u/Kribble118
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    St George vs St George

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    Who hurt you man? :(

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 07:53 PM PDT

    Is this... normal? [98 years old Hæsteinn]

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    My depressed alcoholic Empress almost pulled a queen Lizzie. She drank her self to death not long after this pic was taken so close to making it to the 90s.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    New Star Wars CK3 Mod

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 09:26 PM PDT

    Hey yall!

    I'm the head creative director of a very much in early development Star Wars mod for CK3, Before the Dark Times!

    We are looking for nice folks whod be down to work with us, to be perfectly honest with you all we have at the moment is a single dev, me, and a discord server, but we wont let that stop us from making an authentic CK3 Star Wars experience!

    The mod will take place a long long time before even Episode 1, back to the founding of the Sith, and Mandalorian crusades, people trying to work together to survive, while others are torn apart by their own greed and lust for power.

    We have chosen this period in Star Wars history so we can have more creative liberties when it comes to the mods characters and events, we plan to take a new and creative take on the star wars universe.

    We plan to solve problems such as CK3 being made for one planet, by replacing the ocean with open space, and having the navigable ocean be hyperspace lanes, while still having seas and inland lakes on planets, replacing siege weaponry with orbital bombardments, fort level with deflector shields, and much more

    Now as I said this mod is VERY early in development, and we would accept basically anyone we could get our hands on, we plan to start work as soon as possible, even if you aren't interested, feel free to drop by!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/JttrC27CFT

    submitted by /u/stalinwasagoodman
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    Got the CK3 Roman Empire Speedrun World Record!

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 02:30 AM PDT

    Just got this run making the Roman Empire in CK3. I was aiming for sub-30 minutes (I managed to get it) and managed to beat the previous IGT record of 14 years. Hope you guys enjoy watching it!

    Here it is on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ7Dvnebddk

    Here's the official leaderboard: https://www.speedrun.com/ck3#VH_Achievements

    submitted by /u/TarkusArkusar
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    You know that Tinder-style event you can get in CK3? Turns out it's not so far-fetched

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    Swore fealty to Byzantines as count of malta 1066 but can't change contract?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    Is this something about the byzantine empire in particular? I figured I could use them as protection and try to prevent the title revocation since it seems obvious that it would be coming but there isn't an option.

    Also, any thoughts on playing as malta? I started with just one title and ability to have 4 wives so went with grow the dynasty but ya...invasion.


    submitted by /u/Waterslicker86
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    My spymaster is a dumbass

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    How to purge conqured lands?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    I've started a new playthrough with the intention of creating Normandy and surviving as an Asatru Norman. It is bloody hard as everyone around me declares holy wars constantly, my religion isn't reformed so it takes years to convert counties and I also have to settle each new conquest to make them the Norman culture. None the less, I'm having a ball.

    Now my question relates to a duchy in Wales, in the midst of 3 concurrent wars, this guy pulled out 4k troops in an independence revolt and I decided that of all the wars I was fighting, this is the one I could afford to lose the most.

    Now I am in a position to take back my Welsh duchy but I want to completely and utterly destroy this Welsh rebel Duke, his family, his courtiers....every Welsh person in that duchy. What is the best way to do this? I've considering raiding all his holdings first to gather as many prisoners as possible before declaring War.

    submitted by /u/Spoonpl0x
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    I have collected all 7 virtues

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Baldwin the IV struggled with supply limits too...

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 10:38 AM PDT


    Tl;dr - Baldwin the IV split his army for supply limit reasons, and lost a critical choke point in Palestine to Saladinin 1179 because of it.

    " This strategic value of the crossing point was recognised by King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem who deduced that holding this key terrain would protect his kingdom from a northern invasion as it dominated the road from Damascus to Tiberias and Acre. He empowered the Knights Templar to build a castle, named the Chastellet, overlooking the crossing.

    "Recognising the importance of such a structure at this crucial point, Saladin laid siege to the incomplete castle which was subsequently destroyed by Saladin in August 1179 during the Battle of Jacob's Ford.

    "In an attempt to ensure the uninterrupted completion of the castle, Baldwin IV had moved a large force to Tiberias on the western side of Lake Galilee which was a half days march from the castle. This force was designed to reinforce the castle's defences. However, communication between the castle and Baldwin's force failed and by the time Baldwin was made aware of the siege, the castle's defences had been breached, 700 defenders were killed and 800 taken prisoner.

    "By failing to maintain adequate communication to his forces holding the key terrain, Baldwin squandered any numerical advantage his forces could have brought to the battle and increased the vulnerability of the Kingdom of Jerusalem to a northern invasion. "

    Baldwin's Wikipedia page reads straight-up like a CK3 campaign - leprosy, marriages, annulments, vassal uprisings, murders...


    submitted by /u/Exciting_Vast7739
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    Is it just placebo to think that sadistic physicians lead to worse outcomes?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 02:19 AM PDT

    I swear physicians with sadistic trait leads to worse outcomes, I just can't prove it.

    submitted by /u/finite--element
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    I'm raising a six year old devil!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    Assigning Dutchies

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    I've recently really tried to learn CK3 and I picked Georgia to start a new campaign. My king recently died and my only heir inherited the kingdom of Georgia that the previous king recently formed. I had him consolidate the counties of his capital duchy (not sure if I worded that right) where the previous king's brother was given by confederate partition. I

    I've also had my closest neighbor, The Principalities or Armenia, queen not have a husband. I quickly set up a betrothal with her to try to get my heir on both thrones. Both of her current heirs died some how... (<.<) and our son is now the heir of both kingdoms.

    All my vassals are happy (for the most part), I'm making good money, trying to get things set up for the next king and have a question about how I should divvy up the new kingdom. I recently saw a video that explained you should grant a duchy to someone but only give them one county and give the other two/three counties to other people. This way they won't have a strong power base to rebel. I was always trying to give one person most/all of the counties in their duchy. Now with splitting up 2 kingdoms I could really use the help soon!

    submitted by /u/OsoiKame
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