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    Thursday, August 5, 2021

    Crusader Kings Typical Crusader Kings

    Crusader Kings Typical Crusader Kings

    Typical Crusader Kings

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 03:16 AM PDT

    Is that why we are playing this game?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    Day 112 of posting a Celtic/Brythonic themed meme everyday until flavour pack.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 06:45 PM PDT

    Figured you fellas would like this post! - Map of Western Europe in 1235

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 08:18 AM PDT

    Why's it tyranny to revoke titles of someone who attempted to murder me?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 03:31 AM PDT

    Caught red-handed. I guess I can execute her and let her pass the title onto her heir, but I feel like in a feudal setting it would be fair game to take that right from her family after trying to kill me

    submitted by /u/vaeliget
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    Ck2: God tier nickname

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    Just Crusader Kings Things

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    Kingdom of the Holy Duck

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    Dread is OP, but the other mechanics are very weak

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Everyone probably knows by now that in CK3 the only way to stop the Vassal Swarm and to stop everyone from trying to put some random jackass on the throne of your massive empire is to gain dread. Lots of people are saying that dread is OP. However I think this is the case because all the other mechanics to stop revolts are broken and don't work. I've had vassals with +100 opinion join factions, swaying powerful vassals means nothing. As a Viking if you sack some place in Europe, take a bunch of randos prisoners and execute them and all your vassals will be crap their pants so hard they'll bend over backwards to stay on your good side. Even though the people you execute are different religions.

    Yes it's broken that killing hostile faiths lowborns give you dread, but the other mechanics are still broken and weak.

    In short Dread is only OP sometimes, the other mechanics are too weak imo. Feel free to sound off opinions

    submitted by /u/romainaninterests
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    Cultural men at arms in CK3

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    Characters from one culture should be able to recruit cultural men at arms from another culture if they own any counties of that other culture or had vassals that own a county with that culture.

    The Iranian cultural group for example has Ayyars, a form of light infantry as their cultural men at arms. While that makes sense historically for cultures like Kurdish and Daylamites, shouldn't other Iranian cultures have different cultural men at arms like some kind of heavy cavalry for Persians and light cavalry or horse archers for Khwarezmians and Tajiks. This makes sense historically as the Persians had a history of fielding heavy cavalry units. In fact the Persian heavy cavalry was what inspired the creation of the Byzantine cataphracts. Similarly Khwarezmians and Tajiks should be able to recruit horse archers due to their proximity to the steppe, which Tajik rules in the past often did. Muhammad Ghori for example who was a Tajik, had horse archers as a major component in his army. This was in-fact one of the main reasons why he won the 2nd Battle of Tarain, a victory which changed the course of history in the Indian subcontinent. Makes no sense why someone from the same culture should not be able to recruit those units.

    submitted by /u/T1773A054
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    Leprous, One-Legged, Disfigured, Nudist, Lunatic, Possessed, Excommunicated and thinks he's a horse: I believe I have been saddled with the worst king of all time

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:48 PM PDT

    Bless the Rains

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    Karling Byzantium

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    This guy is obsessed with ripping stuff out

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    You never seem to be able to pick the colours of your clothes, however, sometimes, they line up perfectly. Green and gold for the King of Ireland; how fitting! And if only he had red hair...!

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    I'm making Mansa Musa's pilgramage.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:40 PM PDT

    Finally getting the hang of this game!

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    First Iron Man (update) Bonjour

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    Such ugly, much *retch*

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    I’m drunk with power right now

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    Newbie here on my first CK 3 playthrough.

    A neighboring Earl did not like my aggressive stance on sacking a nearby territory. Thus, he proceeded to declare war on me. I ended up crushing his attempts, and luckily in the process, I captured his wife and only son. To remind the Earl of his mistake, and despite his pleas, I tortured and killed his wife. I then disposed of his toddler accordingly.

    I like this game.

    submitted by /u/Bobross315
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    How do you enjoy the game?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 05:25 AM PDT

    I've learned the basics of the game but I don't know what to do from here. I find myself breeding with as many women as I can and killing people who give me shit, but other than that I'm kind of lost and get tempted to use the console. Help.

    submitted by /u/Flash_Point_5
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    OMG no

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 08:43 AM PDT

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