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    Crusader Kings Tutorial Tuesday : August 17 2021

    Crusader Kings Tutorial Tuesday : August 17 2021

    Tutorial Tuesday : August 17 2021

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    Tuesday has rolled round again so welcome to another Tutorial Tuesday.

    As always all questions are welcome, from new players to old. Please sort by new so everybody's question gets a shot at being answered.


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    Tips for New Players a Compendium - CKII

    The 'Oh My God I'm New, Help!'Guide for CKII Beginners

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The King of France just got elected Emperor. Guess I'm dead now

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 03:52 AM PDT

    Dev diary #69 - Nice, Throne Room Artifacts ✨

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    Why I hate the Crusades

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 06:39 PM PDT

    Rome is looking very siegable right now…

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    Yeah, uh-uh... marriages and alliances...

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 10:56 PM PDT

    My oldest character yet

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    Reeve doesn't let his old battle wounds hold him back from reading!

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 07:27 PM PDT

    Some um... inappropriate relations going on in this family... and crazy choices to make

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    Ok, I've been playing CK3 on and off since it released. I've got a few hundred hours in the game now, and I've never seen this 'event' happen. My son is having an affair with my wife, aka his mother?? And THEN the last choice is to invite BOTH of them to my bedroom? I had to read it three times and I still didn't believe it. Who exactly comes up with this stuff???


    submitted by /u/Fingolfin225
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    Session 3 Of The Roman Empire Imperial Game [55 Player MP Game, All Players In The Empire]

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 12:57 AM PDT

    High Partition is high indeed

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    New dev diary looking promising!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    From your royal court plan the defenses of Gondor in LotR: Realms in Exile.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    My sister was just slain by a club-footed 5 year old...

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    Definitely not a robot

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    Getting the Most From Gender Laws: A CK3 Guide

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    This is a rollup of the strategic implications- and opportunities- of using Gender laws in CK3, which I rarely see talked about.

    Bottom Line

    Gender laws can be used to greatly increase realm stability, renown growth, and protect your Dynasty's claims from usurpers.


    Gender Laws are not the same thing as religious view of gender. While the 'default' dynamic of gender inheritance (male preference, female preference, equal inheritance) is a function of religion, Gender Laws are special rules that- like Elective succession laws- are applied to Titles directly at a cost of prestige.

    The key difference between the two is 'Religious Gender' determines who can be priests and who can press claims how easily, but Gender Laws determine who inherits titles and claims. It's a religion's male dominance that says Women can only press claims on children and other women, but it's Title Law that determines whether a Woman can ever inherit (or even hold) a title in the first place.

    (Note that Gender laws do not change succession laws like Partition or Elective, they merely determine which gender the succession laws are applied to.)

    There are five different Gender laws, on a spectrum of male-to-female with 'Equal' in the middle.

    The gender succession laws are:

    Male Only: Only Males can inherit, and only males can inherit claims. (Daughters will not inherit claims to be passed to their children.)

    Male Preference: Men will inherit as long as there are any eligible sons, but if there are no sons then daughters inherit.

    Equal: Men and Women inherit equally. Succession priority will go to the first-born, regardless of gender.

    Female Preference: Women will inherit as long as there are any eligible daughters, but if there are no daughters then sons inherit.

    Female Only: Females can inherit, and only females can inherit claims. (Sons will not inherit claims to be passed to their children.

    Religious gender dominance decides which laws you can add. Male Dominant religions can add Male Preference and Male Only. Female Dominant religions the inverse. Equal Religions can adopt BOTH gender preference laws, but can NOT adopt the ONLY laws.

    The 'default' Gender law is whatever your religion's gender preference is- so Male-dominated Catholicism defaults to Male-preference, and Equal will default to Equal succession.

    HOWEVER- Key Exceptions-

    -The Clan government/Muslim world starts with Male Only title laws on nearly all titles. The exception is the Caliph title, which is Temporal Theocratic- which means it goes to the player heir regardless of gender, but the player heir will be dictated by the Male Only defaults.

    -Creating a new title will adopt the preference law of whatever you top-level title is. For Muslims with Male Only, this means more Male Only unless (probably the player) makes Male Preference.

    -There are no default Female-dominated religions at game start, so Female Only depends on a player custom-reformed religion.

    -The Visigothic Codes Innovation (Tribal era innovation for some Spanish cultures) allow Equal title law.


    Changing a gender law both 500 prestige AND having Level 3 Crown Authority. The Crown Authority requirement is one reason it's relatively rare to see in large AI unstable realms where vassal liberty wars keep crown authority low.

    MALE VS FEMALE: Are Boys Better?

    In CK3 terms, gender is most relevant in two ways: how it impacts fertility, and how Attraction buffs work.

    Fertility-Stability: Boys (But...)

    Male-systems are a bit 'safer' than female ruler systems. Male rulers will never have a risk of miscarriage for an untimely unprepared transition, but more importantly Men have more control over their number of offspring than female characters, which is important in the early game age of partition.

    If a male ruler wants no more children, at any age, they can divorce their wives/break up with lovers/put aside concubines, and marry a woman too old to have children to provide them spouse benefits. If a male ruler wants children, they can just marry a young woman. Men are always fertile, but (usually) have more control over their female partners.

    Female rulers are less flexible. Women are only fertile for a set period of time, so your only chance for children are in the child-bearing years, so no late-in-life hail maries children to save the game. Women also can't choose NOT to get pregnant from their husbands short of investing years into the Learning lifestyle for the celibacy trait. They could have no Husband, but that would be giving up potentially significant spouse benefits in terms of stats and alliances.

    Both of these dynamics give male-oriented systems an advantage in the Partition era. While it's true a man could have far larger Partition problems if he's not careful, if he is he has better means to control how many sons he has than a woman could control the number of daughters.

    Male ruler systems also have an advantage in 'harvesting' claims. Whether by Marriage, Seduction, or Concubinage, men can put their dynastic heirs into more claim-bearing women than the other way around. A Female ruler could only produce one potential heir claimant a year, and if you're pursuing multiple suitors/husbands then you can't guarantee which will be the father. This makes it harder/slower to exploit the marriage/seduction game to get dynasty members with claims to press.

    Once partition is bypassed (by election or succession laws), more children is usually a good thing. More children means more chances to dominate other dynasties by marrying the primary heir. But more than that, if someone uses Elective or Max Crown Authority Heir Selection to designate a chosen heir, more children is more chances to have a 'Perfect' heir. Later in the game when Partition is a thing of the past, female rulers will have fewer chances to 'get it right' than men.

    All told, men win the breeding/marriage game in terms of maximizing gains and minimizing risks.

    But... Women can be de facto Vice Royalty, single-generation vassals.

    As women can't have children past the fertility zone, landing old women in a female-preference society can be the safest way to have low-threat vassals. As long as the woman doesn't have heirs- meaning a commoner is better than a dynastic daughter with cousins- giving a title to a vassals too old to procreate will ensure that you, the ruler, will inherit the titles in a few years/decades when they die. Being too old for children, they won't form powerful alliances either. Moreover, those vassals will likely have a lifetime of XP in specific focus perk trees, which are fare more powerful than any dynastic bonus.

    This gives old- but not young- women a lot of use, and since you'll be giving out the same titles every few years, they will always be super-extremely grateful to you as happy, content vassals without a lifetime of grievances or tyranny objections.

    Attraction: Women

    Of all the various opinion modifiers in the game, one of the strongest and easiest to cultivate is the Attraction modifier. Attraction is a modifier that- assuming the character is pretty enough to warrant it- gives a flat opinion boost to all characters who are sexually attracted to your character. When Beautiful adds +30 attraction to a woman, it's really adding a +30 opinion modifier to all straight men and lesbians/bisexuals. 30 opinion is the same as the Evil Religion penalty, which is to say that if you're a Female Heathen lording over a bunch of sweaty Catholics/Muslims, they won't mind as long as you're hot. Attraction can help in various ways, including improving Romance plots (a great way to garner prestige), helping arrange marriages, and convincing people of the opposite gender join your espionage plots, including assassinations.

    Attraction opinion buffs are thus potential realm stability buffs, but only if there are rulers attracted to you. As bisexual/homosexual rulers are a vast minority, this means your Gender Laws will be the biggest factor for using this realm stability tool. In an Equal realm, that's 50-50 chance it'll be a help. In Gender-Only realms, only the gays/bisexuals will be charmed by your beauty. But the boon could be massive in Gender-Preference realms, if you're the only person who breaks the norm.

    Mechanically Attraction works the same for men on women and vice versa, but in practice this is a bonus for Women to exploit as most of the map's religions are either Male-dominated or Equal. There are no female-dominated religions, and thus no regions of the map where Women dominate and disarm your feminine wiles.

    Note that this benefit would only get stronger later in the game, when Primogeniture replaces Partition. The biggest objection male-dominated religions have to matrimonial marriages are the chance of someone to be an heir in succession. Partition maximizes the number of heirs, but as single-heir inheritance occurs there will be a lot more un-landed sons free for the taking in Matri-marriages.


    Only, Preference, and Equal laws have different pluses and minuses.

    Only: Making Children Safe (to Marry Off) Again, Renown Farm

    The Bad:

    [Gender] Only titles have an element of risk if your dynasty runs out of people of the appropriate gender. If your dynasty doesn't have any males who can inherit, you will eventually lose the title no matter how many daughters you have. However, this is rare, and as long as you have any sons, it's functionally identical to Male Preference as far as the male.

    Only-laws also have the issues that if it's the norm in your society, you get much less value out of Beautiful/Hale/attraction-boosting traits, as fewer rulers of your gender will be affected. These still have value on the espionage front, allowing you to recruit women by the whole to join in assassination plots of boring old men, but this is less direct and useful than vassal opinion.

    Having access to Only laws also means that- Visogothic Codes aside- you can't recruit members of the opposite gender to your council or commanders/knights or priests regardless of stats.

    The Good:

    The real power of [Gender] Only laws is that they are one of the only means of removing title claims from your dynasty members, reducing the risk of them slipping outside your dyansty to possible usurpers. In Male Only succession, for example, because daughters will not inherit any claims, neither will their children. This, in turn, means that there's a lot less risk of marrying them off to foreign rulers for powerful alliances, as you don't need to worry about a non-dynastic claimant pressing a claim.

    In male-dominated contexts, this makes marriage alliances far more valuable by taking away a serious risk of long-term cost. Marrying abroad to an Emperor, for example, no longer risks that mighty Empire having a claim to be pressed against you. Marrying internally to placate a vassal for one generation doesn't risk a claimant with a claim to press the next. You no longer need to focus on matrilinial marriages to keep the claims to your titles in your dynasty.

    *This is especially key in Clan contexts, where taxes/levies are a matter of opinion and vassals get huge opinion penalties if you don't have a marriage alliance. Male Only laws and Polygamy are key for the Muslim world to placate vassals without spreading titles willy-nilly.

    This, in turn, makes marrying off children a more viable path for renown generation. Dynasty members being spouses of rulers of a different dynasty get about 80% of the renown of if the the ruler were an independent dynasty member. IE, Empresses give 1.6 renown per month for every 2-a-month the dynasty member gets. Note that this applies even to internal vassals, whereas Dynasty member vassals produce no renown.

    All of this, in turn, maximizes the value of Polygamy/Concubinage for maximizing the number of children to marry off. As long as you can handle the partition effects on your male heirs- for which Elective is great- [Gender] Only laws make for a lot more secure child-maximization strategies to skyrocket your Dynastic renown and secure the maximum number of alliances.

    Making Use of Only:

    Gender Only laws can be used defensively if placed on yourself, or offensively if placed on all your vassals.

    If you put it on yourself, you deny other dynasties access to claims on your title, as described earlier. This is most useful for your highest-ranking title, where you can marry daughters to placate vassals and ensure your sons are married normally. Daughters can't give claims away, and sons will only be able to mess things up if they press a claim and then matrimonially marry themselves a second time- which would be impossible if you give them a single county, as rulers won't do that.

    Offensively, Gender Only laws can be a way to cripple newly made vassals, or to maximize your own Attraction gambits via elective or ruler selection shenanigans.

    If put on a title before giving out counties from a new conquest, Only laws can be a way to have a decent chance of getting the title back on vassal death due to lack of heirs. Under Male Preference, for example, daughters can inherit as needed, but under Male Only you've halved the number of potential heirs for your vassals. That means half the number of assassinations to get your (male) claimants to a throne, or to wipe out a dynasty and reclaim the title as ruler.

    This is even more powerful under Female Only, as if you put in old women who can't have any daughters, you're going to inherit the title back when they pass away. This is de facto vice royalties, or single-generation appointments, and is a great way to keep your vassals from becoming too strong. Give an old woman a healthy domain and 3 Kingdoms, and she's still going to return them all to you in a few years regardless, without the issue of having your realm eaten from the inside.

    Having a Male-Only vassal pool is also a great way to make the most of a daughter-heir if your own title is male-preference. If you 'handle' your own sons- or use elective to just directly elect a girl- you can get the massive attraction bonuses as your male vassals all fall subject to the opinion pool. That's potentially +45 opinion for a Beautiful Amazon. While Empire-level electives are basically impossible to rig, the HRE Princely Elective is ideal for this, requiring only 3 hooks to force votes for whoever your candidate is.

    Basically, being the only Hot Woman ruler in a realm of only dudes (or only man in a realm of women) is a very powerful position, and Only laws are the best way to shape the vassal field. The -10 opinion bonus for being the 'wrong' gender is easily swamped by the possible Attraction bonuses you can get, and the possibility of seducing any given vassal to mitigate their threat.

    *A separate plug for Irish Insular Christianity Tanistry. Adding BOTH Tanistry elective (which lets only dynasty members win elections) AND Male Only to your realm's duchy titles, you can ensure that every duchy only and always inherited whole by your dynasty. If you give a duchy and all its counties to a male relative, the only way the Duchy will fall outside the dyansty is external conquest.

    Equal: High pain partition, high-realm stability from weak vassals and optimized attraction

    The Bad:

    Equal succession is the most painful form of partition bar none, because not only do you have to split land amongst your sons, but also amongst your daughters. If you are a tribal, this means that you have to give a duchy to all children- not just your sons- to prevent your core domain from being split on succession.

    The AI is also notoriously bad about maintaining dynasties through marriage, or using matrimonial marriages in general, which means landing a dynasty member doesn't mean a title will stay with a dynasty member. (This does make it easier to claim-snipe through marriage, however. Because characters within 3 successions of a title will normally resist a marriage into another dynasty, it's hard in most regions to matrimonially marry a son unless there are 3+ more sons than the father holds titles. With daughters also inheriting, the title owner only needs 3+ children more than titles before the AI is willing to marry them off without a matrimonial penalty.)

    Equal has the double-edged effect that AI vassals will almost always be super weak and divided, and unable to match the player's ability to consolidate. Having few sons is no longer a defense, as daughters divide the desmense, and the AI will often fight itself before they can think of overthrowing you. This does have an issue with tax/income when partition wars lower county control and reduce taxes/levies, but if the player's base of power and income is their own domain and other mechanics, this is negligible.

    Equal is also very hard to get. With the exception of Visogothic Codes innovation, which is reserved for a few Spanish cultures, it's dependent on religion having an Equal view on gender. The only religions that start with Equal in the game are a few tribal African religions, who will be hammered by Partition, and

    The Good:

    Equal is extremely good at three things: staying strong with elective while having weak vassals, choosing the best people as vassals/advisors, and exploiting Gender Preference laws to keep yourself on the right side of the attractiveness split.

    Equal norms are terrible for partition, but awesome when you can ignore it because it keeps troublesome vassals from becoming troublesome. While Heir Designation at max crown authority is a long way into the game, Elective succession is quite early. Feudal elective is available for any Feudal player, and the nature of Elective is that- when put on a duchy title- it keeps the duchy intact as long as the Kingdom/Empire top-level title is NOT elective. If you vote for your first-born, that's de facto primogeniture when the rest of the realm is at eachother's throats... so basically the stability dynamic of the early-CK3 Byzantine Empire. This means that while the vassals tear themselves apart in partition, Equal benefits from being able to more easily keep the domain together.

    If you aren't a King/Emperor tier ruler, then Dukes can just ignore partition entirely with Equal, and focus on electing the best heir each generation. This means that no matter how many children you have, you can elect the one with the best traits and stats. This is great for mega-duke efforts, who in turn will stand far above their uber-partitioned fellow vassals.

    Equal Religion also enabled the player to choose the best person any time the player needs to choose, well, for anything. For the best Councilors, or the best knights, or the best realm priests, etc. Equal allows you to appoint the best vassals regardless of gender- including sweet little old ladies with no heirs who will give the titles back to you. While Powerful vassals will not approve being passed over for Council Positions, because your most powerful vassals will be perpetually splintered by partition, their threat is relatively meaningless... especially if you start rigging the preference laws.

    Making Use of Equal gender succession

    When Equal is a consequence of Religion (and not Visogothic Codes), Equal also allows BOTH Male AND Female preference laws. Adding these to your created duchy/Kingdom titles before you hand them out (or after you revoke them) can be huge in setting up a systemic Attractive Ruler system as described above. And unlike this [Gender] Preference vs [Gender] Only balance described before, a careful player can build an Empire with this at every level.


    Emperor- Female Preference, with elective succession on duchies (Consolidated domain, female attraction bonus with most of world, don't have to worry about sons being born first)

    Kings - Male Preference, without elective succession (weak in domain, attracted to Empress, compliant simps)

    Duchy- Female Preference (also weak in domain, but attracted to Kings to mitigate rebellions: weak but compliant simpess)

    If you start using your Blood legacy and having your dynasty in your realm be a bunch of systemic Beauties, many of your (and their) vassals won't want to rebel against the Hot Boss with the 45 point opinion boost. Add to that if you are electing/customizing the heir with your religious virtues, for a potential +30 opinion on top of the +45 attraction...

    This can also be exceptionally potent in Clan governments if you make a custom Islam that's still clan, but equal gender. You'll lose the protections of the Male Only laws preventing claims from filtering down to your vassals, but in return you can gain MASSIVE opinion buffs in a system which scales taxes and levies as a factor of opinion.

    In Clan Governments, taxes and levies start at 15% taxes/30% levies at 0 opinion. Every opinion point above 0 is worth +.1% taxes, and .305% levies. At 100 opinion, that's a 10% tax buff, and 30.5% of levies, for a total of 25% taxes/60.5% of your vassals levies.

    That is (potentially) massive, and having a Beautiful/Amazoninan ruler of the opposite gender is +45 attraction points alone, and are massive edges in seduction plots which would almost certainly max out your affection with a vassal of the opposite gender. When the opposite-gender King with their own opposite-gender Duchesses could be getting the same. That's a lot more money and troops going up the tree, meaning that the Clan Emperor could be getting a lot more of the taxes from lower levels than a Feudal one, especially if Crown Authority stays high because the attraction bonuses help keep Vassals from launching liberty wars to keep it low.

    (Though, admittedly, Clan governments can't get elective, so Partition is a problem again. But if you're the Head of faith of a custom temporal religion, you could just give yourself endless communion cash for endless mercenary armies to secure your position on the top)

    Preference Laws: The Default.

    This will be quick since we hit most of the points already.

    The Bad: It loses titles through daughters to other dynasties. It's the norm in most of the map.

    The good: It's safe-ish for not losing control of titles if you have a bad run of too few male heirs. Actually lets you have opposite-gender candidates when electing.

    Preference laws aren't bad for the claims per see- though that's a risk if you play a vassal game- but more for the fact that by being the norm, it's hard(er) to contrast yourself with other rulers to maximize Attraction and Eugencis. Not as impossible as Muslim Male Only, but hard.

    But they aren't terrible either. By letting there be women rulers at all, you can access the attraction bonus in ways that Male Only realms wouldn't. And if you use an elective title law, you can actively elect women if you control the system well enough. It's possible, but difficult, and not always reliable.

    The strength of Preference laws comes when they contrast with the regional/realm norm.

    In a Gender Only realm, (generally Islamic Male Only), moving to Preference at least opens up the possibility of getting an opposite-gender on the throne, and reaping the attraction bonuses. While this is very difficult in Islamic Polygamy, it's much more viable in Monogomous Christianity, where- if you're not concerned about your own realm title slipping out- using something like the HRE to choose Empresses even as you add Male-Only to all your vassal titles (when creating/revoking them) can give long-term value.

    This is even stronger in Equal Realms, as you can use the ability to add both Male and Female preference to create attraction-by-tier effects. While there will always be some people of the 'wrong' gender for their tier, over time and overall you will benefit from more affectionate vassals and less vassal-liege unrest. This will let even the AI benefit from higher crown authorities, which will mean more taxes going to you at thetop and- at max- fewer civil wars.

    And... that's all on Gender Laws.

    If you found this helpful, consider checking out my Compendium of CK3 guides.

    submitted by /u/DeanTheDull
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    alright, what did just happen? did my wife cheat on me with herself?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 08:12 PM PDT

    You never really know what to expect in this game... (Aztec Empire on the Eastern Border)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Will CK3 ever get a more advanced economic system, like trading in specific resources, that are only available to specific locations on the world map?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    For example: the Mali Empire

    The Mali Empire got rich because of it's vast amounts of salt and gold mines. The empire didnt become rich because they had lots of salt, but because they could trade it, in exchange for weaponry, more gold, and clay.

    (They did however arise in the late medieval era) The Byzantine Empire

    The Byzantine empire controlled all of the trade routes that went through it, which they could tax and gain large sums of gold and silver from. This might be hard to implement, and kinda broken. But it would interesting nonetheless. They would control silk and silver routes from china and India.


    France got its wealth from their agriculture, in wine and grain.

    These are just some thoughts, that could make the game so much more in-depth, and could add some great economical challenges. Since adding a royal palace to get some gold is kinda boring to me.

    submitted by /u/HardToHate5508
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    Reconquista Achievement won't trigger, I'm Castilian and Catholic, why does it not treigger?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    The Hellenic Empire of India.Lore :A remnant of the GrecoBactrian Kings managed to capture a hold on the old Alexandria town ,After a long journey his successors managed to form an empire and dominate the indian valley .

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Forever fighting succession wars?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    In history, it seems like it is fairly common for a monarch to take over the rulership of a kingdom without fighting a bloody revolution, though it did happen. I'm reading through "The Hundred Years War" by Jonathan Sumption and I had this thought: I'm nearly done with a playthrough of a Brittany campaign and I would estimate that 70%+ of my successions had independence or crown authority war, most of the time both. If I try to start a war with another country within 5 years of succeeding the throne, an independence faction almost always springs out of thin air to take advantage of troops being deployed elsewhere. Surprisingly, many of the unhappy vassals were near the Dutchy of Brittany itself and not in some far flung corner of my empire. I'm forced to build a gold reserve and focus on building good relationships with vassals before my king dies, and I hold a "succession feast" every time the empire changes hands. It never works. Do you all have suggestions for smoother successions?

    submitted by /u/Raxar666
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    Still Newish and about to be destroyed by the Byzantines? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    This absolute viking grandpa

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    Kurwa (Poland can into Space!)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:47 AM PDT

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