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    Monday, August 16, 2021

    Crusader Kings And it's always some peasant thousands of kilometers from me

    Crusader Kings And it's always some peasant thousands of kilometers from me

    And it's always some peasant thousands of kilometers from me

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 03:30 AM PDT

    It's like he never left... (ironman) got most of Rome back under de jure

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    My daughter was born as an adult

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 08:27 PM PDT

    When you're only alive out of spite

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    Orthodox Italy inherited land roughly in the shape of Italy inside my Russia

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 03:13 AM PDT

    Did my husband just tell me to touch grass?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    Consonants for everybody

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 07:32 PM PDT

    Vengeance for Lady Margaret

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    Pray for me bois

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    Guide to baronies, holdings and domain management

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 01:58 AM PDT

    The inner workings of this game are less than intuitive sometimes and I'm still learning things after many hundreds of hours so I thought I might make a bit of a guide in case some of this information might be new to others as well.

    Each County that makes up your personal domain is divided up into a number of Baronies. The biggest counties in the game, such as Madurai, have 7 baronies each, while the smallest, such as the Isle of Man, have only one. Within each barony you can build a single Holding.

    There are 3 types of holdings: Castles, Cities and Temples. Tribal settlements are sort of a fourth category but they are interchangeable with castles depending on whether your government type is Tribal or Feudal. If you are tribal though, you can't build any more tribal settlements in empty baronies the way you can with castles.

    Anyway, every county will have a capital barony which is the first one in the row when you click on the county and is usually denoted by a little crown icon. In almost all cases it will be a castle holding but there are a very few counties where the capital barony is a temple or a city. Those are much more difficult to hold directly and you might as well just grant them to a vassal as long as you have a Duke title or higher.

    Your domain limit is not an indication of how many counties you can control directly, but an indication of how many holdings you can control directly. If you only control the castle in the capital barony of each of your counties then it might as well be the same thing, but if you build a second castle in an empty barony in one of your counties that will also count towards your domain limit. The same is true if the mayor of one of your cities dies, the city will revert to you and count towards your domain limit until you grant it to a new mayor. Importantly too, if your religion has the Lay Clergy doctrine then you can hold Temple holdings directly instead of leasing them to your realm priest. That means they count towards your domain limit as well.

    Any holding which you validly control directly and which counts towards your domain limit will grant you 100% of its gold and levies. A Baron vassal who holds a castle in one of your counties gives you 10% of that holding's gold and levies. A Mayor who holds a city gives you 20% of gold and levies. Your realm priest who leases a temple gives you anywhere from 0-50% of taxes and levies depending on his opinion of you. At 0 opinion or any negative modifier you get nothing. At 1-50 opinion you get 1-50% of taxes and levies at a 1:1 ratio i.e. if his opinion of you goes up by 10 then you get another 10% income. Anything about 50 opinion has no effect as it maxes out at 50% but any surplus gives a buffer so you can safely annoy your priest with your actions without affecting your income.

    Whether you start as a feudal realm or Adopt Feudal Ways, most of your counties will have a city or a temple or both in addition to the main castle. Depending on how many baronies are in the county you may also have a few empty holding slots where you can build additional castles, cities or temples. You must have at least one of each in a county but if the county has four or more baronies then the others can be whatever you like. Bear in mind that once you construct a castle, city or temple holding in a barony there is no way to deconstruct or replace it. That once empty barony will be a city or whatever you built for the rest of the game. Constructing a new holding typically costs 400 gold although there are perks to make this cheaper and to make the process faster.

    Once built, extra castle, city and temple holdings each have 3 building slots and Barons, Mayors and Priests have their own gold income. Over time they will automatically spend that gold to build and upgrade buildings in their holdings. You have no say in what they build but you also don't have to pay for it. However, if you get in first, you can spend your own gold to construct a building in one of your baronies even if it is held by a baron-tier vassal. This is important since it allows you to optimise your domain.

    Let's start with castles. You'll already have a castle in the capital barony of each of your counties which you will control directly. Unless you are particularly trying to play tall or you have some military reason for doing so, you probably don't want to build too many extra castles since you are better off using your domain limit to hold more counties, each of which will have additional baronies within them. Also, you could grant extra castles to baron vassals but barons give only 10% of their holding's income to their liege while Mayors and Priests give 20% and up to 50% respectively. So don't build castles.

    As for cities and temples it is up to you, there are pros and cons for both. Temples can give you a higher percentage of their income but you have to keep your priest happy. Cities are consistent no matter what. Each has a unique building which can only be built in that type of holding. For cities it is the Guilds building which gives a bonus of 5%-40% to development in the county and for temples it is the Monasteries building which gives a bonus of 0.1-0.8 to both piety and control. Both buildings also give gold income although Guilds give slightly more. If left to their own devices your Mayor and Priest vassals will almost always build the unique buildings in their holdings first. In the case of your realm priest this is important as he will usually build a monastery in all of the temples he leases in all of your domain counties before he starts building other buildings in any of them. This gives you time to build other things before he gets around to it.

    If you don't want to leave the decision on what buildings are in your city and temple holdings to your vassals then you need to get in first and you need to pay for the construction. This will all be in the early game and is easier in 867 when things are just getting started rather than in 1066 when things are more established.

    If you are going to do it then start with your temples since, if you are playing a spiritual religion where your temples are leased out to your realm priest, then you will never be able to hold them yourself and so you will never be able to change anything once it is built. Figure out how many temples you have in your domain and build whatever buildings you like in 2 of their 3 slots. Also, once you have built the building in the first place, your priest will spend his own gold to upgrade it over time, whatever it is, and will never demolish or replace it. The priest will build a monastery in the 3rd slot for you at his own expense and you might as well let him since they're pretty good buildings, a rare source of piety and you can only get them in temple holdings.

    The decision on what the other two buildings are is up to you but something to bear in mind is the difference between a holder and a lessee. Some of the buildings you can build will just say 0.3 to gold income while others will start with 'Holder of this holding...'. Barons and Mayors are both holders whereas your priest is a lessee. That means that you are still the holder of the temple holding although it doesn't count towards your domain as it is leased out. So if you build an economic building like Farms and Fields then the gold will go to your priest, but if you build a military building like a Barracks then the bonus to the power of your men at arms will go directly to you. So there may be some advantage to filling your castles with economic buildings where you get 100% of the gold income and filling your temples with military buildings where you still get all of the bonuses to your troops. This isn't obvious in the current version but in a previous update there was a little icon on the temple holding indicating that buildings in the leased holding were providing bonuses to your troops.

    The same is not true of cities though as Mayors hold their cities rather than lease them, so any military benefits going to the 'Holder of this holding' are wasted as the Mayor doesn't have an army and you aren't the holder of the city. So don't put any military buildings in your cities, fill them with economic buildings to maximise your income.

    Also, the reason to start with your temples when you have limited gold in the early game is twofold. First, the realm priest tends to build up gold quicker since he has multiple leased holdings giving him gold so the point at which he can start building monasteries and then later extra random buildings will come faster than for mayors who only have one city each. It takes them quite a while to build up 150 gold to build anything and they will always go for Guilds first. Second, is the point from earlier about never being able to hold the temples yourself. The same is not true for cities though. Since Mayors are holders of their cities, you can revoke their titles at any time. As they are barons there is no chance of failure, no risk of rebellion and no tyranny so there's basically nothing stopping you at any point. The only reason to hold back would be if the Mayor was particularly skilled and was on your council because if you revoke his title he will likely disappear. Regardless, if you aren't quick enough and a mayor builds some pointless building you don't want in his city then you can simply revoke his title. That makes you the holder of the city and gives you the ability to not only upgrade existing buildings but actually replace them with new ones. So at any point in the game you can swap out a building from a city, but it's far more difficult to do so with a temple. Once you have replaced the building in the city just press 'Grant to Low Noble' and the city will be assigned to a new Mayor who will start spending the city's gold upgrading your new building.

    So that was longer than I expected but hopefully there might be something new in there even for veteran players.

    TL;DR: You should plan the buildings you want in not only your castles but in the cities and temples in your counties as well. Do the temples first, build the buildings you want and the AI will upgrade them for you over time. Temples are leased, not held, so any 'holder of this holding' effects still apply to you, not the priest leasing them. For that reason, build military buildings in temples. Cities are the opposite. The Mayor is the holder and he doesn't have an army so military buildings are wasted. Build economic and development boosting buildings in cities since you'll get 20% of the income.

    submitted by /u/SagaciousElan
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    Then they wonder why we kill them XD

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Can I do anything with EXTRA perk point when tree is full? [ck3]

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    When the Queen of Jerusalem is patrilineally married to someone of your dynasty

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    How do I get the money to pay for kingdom? Yes, I wasted some to kill baldie before he kills me.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 06:49 PM PDT

    How did the byzantine emperor inherit my duchy when I have absolute crown authority?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    My successful Mother of Us All run, the longest and most difficult run I've done so far

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    Behold mighty High King Of Scandinavia King of Norway and Sweden Sovereign of the Isles and Finland...

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    What start date should be added in CK3

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    What start date do you want in CK3. Comment Other starts dates.

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    submitted by /u/Torrejulian37_
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    Italy unified & witch coven by 1154!

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 09:55 PM PDT

    So I think that I went little bit overboard with conquering and marriages.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 11:13 AM PDT


    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    POV: The Vikings Got Genghis

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 05:10 AM PDT

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