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    Crusader Kings Tutorial Tuesday : June 08 2021

    Crusader Kings Tutorial Tuesday : June 08 2021

    Tutorial Tuesday : June 08 2021

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    Tuesday has rolled round again so welcome to another Tutorial Tuesday.

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    Crusader Kings 3 Patch 1.4 "Azure" Notes: What They Actually Mean

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    Free Features

    • Game rule presets can be created! You can now easily switch between the normie version of the game you tolerate for multiplayer and whatever bizarre shit you get up to on your own personal time.

    • Character finder presets can be created. Never accidentally hand out that newly-conquered county to an Amazonian genius baby with claims on France or marry your heir to a landless, honest, diligent nobody of your culture and religion again!

    • Men-At-Arms can now be raised independently in case you don't need every single goddamn farmer who can swing a stick in the entire Roman Empire to deal with some brushfire rebellion or small border conflict.

    • At game start, rulers now start with a decent amount of men at arms already hired, which you will immediately destroy so you can get the exact composition you want.

    • Taking over a castle won't immediately fill it to the brim with, fuck if I know, fanatically loyal stone golems conjured from the earth or some shit. Upgrading the holding will allow the garrison to replenish faster now that sorcery is not an option.

    • Unlocked Monarch's Journey cosmetics for everyone beyond the six people who actually finished it.

    • Scots will now sometimes have mullets because fuck yeah

    • Your snot-nosed kids can now hang out with other rulers' snot-nosed kids and let you get about the matter of running the realm.

    • Arbitrary characters can now promise someone a favor and later say, "No, I don't think I will."

    • Deceitful and impatient characters who are really stressed out can just go push the kid out of a window already instead of waiting for a poisoned carpet or whatever intricate bullshit the spymaster wanted to do.

    • Forgiving characters can passive-aggressively be like, "No, it's fine! It's fine! I know I saved your life from mortal peril but you really don't owe me anything."

    • Vengeful characters can spread rumors about how Queen Lagertha licks sheep even if people wouldn't normally believe that kind of thing coming from them.

    • Wrathful characters can make criminals 1v1 them instead of going to jail.

    • Irritable characters can make anyone 1v1 them if they're stressed.


    • Iceland can now hire mercenaries. We've assured them it's a real place and not a made up country.

    • Cowards are more resistant to hostile schemes because they've locked themselves in the cheese cellar and said they're not coming out until your're really sure there are no snakes left in Ireland.

    • Gluttonous characters are more resistant to ingesting poison because we saw Duke Alonso scarf down something he found in a cranny of the larder that was either a dead crow or very, very,very old bread and it didn't seem to bother him much.

    • Gregarious characters will now become increasingly distraught if senpai doesn't notice them.

    • Honest and Just characters can lose stress by just coming clean that they're uncle-fucking cannibal witches.

    • Shy characters no longer gain stress from personal schemes. They're just really, really bad at them.

    • Factions will now actually pay attention to other factions in the same realm.

    • Factions must now obey the 5 min no rush rules like this is baby league starcraft

    • Cynical characters will now give less of a fuck if you follow a different faith, while Zealous characters will give a lot more fucks.

    • Even vassals who are intimidated by your dread will still join a faction if it already has like 350% power because honestly they're more afraid of getting killed by those guys at this point than they are of getting killed by you.

    • Terrified vassals might join a very powerful faction. Maybe. Haha just kidding. Unless...

    • Characters with 80+ opinion will no longer join a faction because even though they love you, they think you're a shit king.

    • Characters will no longer start a new Independence faction if there's already a populist faction they can join because they didn't want to stoop so low as working with peasants.

    • Vassals that have more than 50% of their territory outside of the De Jure primary title will be more likely to join or create a faction, especially in large realms, so good luck rushing for Partition and then only ever having one kingdom title and thinking you're so goddamn smart.

    • Counts are less likely to join or create factions, because let's be honest, they're basically peasants.

    • Kings are more likely to join or create factions, so holding Rome together without imperial government mechanics is now going to officially be a fucking nightmare.

    • Characters whose physical neighbors are in a certain faction will be more likely to join it, because you know how it goes: They invite you over to the keep for mead and the next thing you know it's, "Hey, what if we put the emperor's blind, leper cousin who thinks he's Jesus of Nazareth on the throne? Wouldn't that be funny?"

    • Powerful vassals who aren't on the council are more likely to create Claimant factions if they think the claimant might actually let them hold the knife and skulk around all cool in the bottom right like they've always dreamed.

    • Vassals who share a culture with the claimant are more likely to support them if they don't share a culture with you, because honestly I didn't know what a hennin was before and I hope I never have to see one again. Why would you put that on your head?

    • Vassals who are not de jure vassals will be much less likely to create or join claimant factions, because they'd rather just up and fuck off out of the empire if they had the option.

    • If you drop kick some vikings back into the sea, they will tell everyone back home to maybe avoid that, specific monastery for a while. Larger realms will have a shorter grace period because you probably have other monasteries they haven't tried yet.

    • You can no longer become so good of a viking that it takes negative time to embark and you exist in a state of quantum superposition, both on and off the sea, entangled with the very roots of Yggdrasil, at all times.

    • Faiths with concubines now give count-tier rulers a bit of a break if they're too sadboi to convince anyone to join their harem. Dukes and higher still need to be getting some play, though. I mean, Jesus Christ, you're a duke. Just pay them.

    • Funding the Capital of the Rus no longer causes Kiev to immediately become goddamn Valhalla.

    • Vikings will no longer all decide to go raiding on January 1 every year, quite literally the worst possible time to try to sail anywhere in Northern Europe.

    • Mercenaries and Holy Orders will now charge you more money if they know you have more money, which is some real galaxy brain economics logic.

    • Increased base prestige just for being Tribal, because you haven't given in to this trendy "feudalism" nonsense.

    • You can now lose stress when bad things happen to your rivals other than death, because sometimes it's way funnier if they have to live on and suffer.


    • Vassals of vassals of vassals in an empire will now declare war if able. Just because no one has ever thought about you doesn't mean you couldn't work your way up to being a vassal of a vassal, or even a vassal someday if you play your cards right.

    • AI armies should no longer ignore an ongoing battle that they couldn't win on their own and watch their friends get butchered just because it doesn't look like something they could win on their own.

    • AI should now use smaller stacks pre-emptively instead of only deciding they care about supply when someone comes and taps on their pauldron to let them know all the food is already gone.

    • Units won't worry about strait penalties or river crossings if the battle has already started and we just NEED YOU TO FUCKING HELP PLEASE DON'T STAND THERE THIS WILL LITERALLY DECIDE THE ENTIRE WAR, I CAN'T TAKE IT, STRESS LEVEL 3, I HAVE GAINED THE LUNATIC TRAIT, I AM NO MERE WOMAN, I AM THE OFFSPRING OF LUCIFER AND AN ELM TREE, I SWEAR TO ṣ̶̨̜͚̜̱̦̟͈̟̙̰̹͚̝́ď̷̨̗̼͕̟̽̂̒͠ȋ̶̢̼͎͚̦̣̜̳u̶̬̱̙̓̉̐̏̑̊̿̕f̷̡̢̮͖̘͚̽͋͑̋̔̈́͆͋́̕͠k̵̨̧̝̳̖̪̤̋̽̒ͅḥ̶̨̩̩̬͓̻̓̇̒̐̆g̶̡̨̳̙̣̲̬̟͇̻̝̓͛̑́͌͑̏̊̂͝ͅļ̵̛̝̖̜̭̯̮̱͚̈́̈́̍̓̎̌͆̿̉̋͐̌̅̾ķ̷̥̞̠̊͒̔̕͠j̷̡̭̳̦͎̮̪̩͛̊̽̈́̆́͒͐̀̀͘͠j̷̱̯̖̗́̏̈́͆̈́͂͂̍g̷̢̛͙͖͍̱̟͇̦̬͙̯̘̰̻͒̿͋͝ḩ̵͚̫̟͇̞̜̙͇̳̮̌͌͗͐͑̔̏;̵̞̳̥͕͇̠͔͊̀j̵͚̮͊̌͛͂̽͐͂̈̈́̀ͅs̶̛̭͕̻͎̪͓̤͎̝̱̿̈́̋̏̽̇̉̉̈́̈̂͒͝d̴̤̯̎̆͌;̸̭̙̖̦̙͌̆͂͂́̽ͅl̵̹̠̔̉́̓̑͘̚f̵̟̠͈̜͑̽̓̃͊̉͊͋̀ SOMEONE JUST MAKE A MOD THAT MAKES YOUR ALLIES ACTUALLY FUCKING HELP YOU IN BATTLE I'LL DO ANYTHING

    • deep breaths

    • I'm okay. I'm really okay now. Thanks for asking.

    • Units with siege weapons will be more likely to help a stack involved in a siege that doesn't have them instead of being like, "You guys good? Okay, we're going to march these mangonels across the kingdom so we can throw rocks into the sea."

    • AI that have a claim on an entire kingdom will be less likely to push a claim on like, one county in that kingdom because they don't know if they're ready for all the responsibility yet.

    • AI will no longer push a claimant's CB on a title they also have a claim on because honestly just let them worry about all that king nonsense. I have hot girl shit to do.

    • AI are now willing to hunt enemy units even if they would take some attrition. Code is no longer written by George B. McClellan.

    • AI Rulers who are brave, stupid, or both, are more likely to attack stronger targets.

    • AI rulers who are already in 30 wars because they had 11 daughters and thought it would be a good idea to have alliances with every Slavic chieftain in Europe will take that into consideration when considering the strength of potential war targets.

    • Counts serving under a ruler of the same dynasty are less likely to create a Cadet Branch, so maybe we won't have 750 different flavors of Karling by 1400.

    • Feudal and Clan rulers will now feudalize all the tribal holdings in their realm before they try to go conquer more tribal land, which might stop Byzantium from reaching the Urals in 1100.

    • AI Vassals can now only declare holy wars on realms directly bordering them, which might stop Byzantium from reaching the Urals in 1100.

    • Feudal and clan rulers will never start a Vassalization war of a tribal ruler, which might stop Byzantium from reaching the Urals in 1100.


    • The Declare War window has been restructured to tell you more things you have no conceivable way of knowing, and that your enemy probably can't even easily find out, unless you literally have spies who are university educated in accounting and customs appraisal inside the enemy's treasure vaults reporting back to you or something.

    • Fixed the "Kill ALL the prisoners!" order sometimes being interpreted by your incompetent jailers as, "Kill A FEW of the prisoners!"

    • Fixed Send Poem sometimes saying it has 0% chance of success when it actually has 1% chance

    • All former spouses are now shown in the character window, not just those that are former due to death. I know you deleted all the pictures of your ex off of Facebook but that doesn't mean she never existed.

    • If you're playing as a vassal and some of your gibberish-speaking, pig-ploughing subjects are forming a populist faction against your liege, you will now be informed about this as well because, ya know, you might not directly be the target but it kind of does affect you if they break free with a bunch of your land.

    Game Content

    • Drop kicking a bunch of vikings back into the sea can now give you unique nicknames.

    • If you have a trade agreement truce with a viking, some cool people from their lands might come hang out with you or vice-versa.

    • The guys who are always arguing at the Ting have discovered some new things to argue about.

    • You can now pay the Danegeld before they kill all of your men and set fire to your fields, which is honestly how it's supposed to work. Just less hassle for everyone. See? We can be practical and reasonable.

    • Replaced Sparta with Olympus as the Hellenic holy site because how the fuck was Olympus not a Hellenic holy site?


    • Populist factions can no longer usurp your last top-level title. At the very least, they'll let you keep eating your weird food and speaking your barbarian tongue in some out-of-the-way castle where they don't have to see our hear you.

    • It's no longer possible to get a game over because you accidentally became the Pope.

    • The Return Roma decision will no longer accidentally give the Holy See to a guy named Pate instead of the Pope because no one could read your garbage handwriting.

    • AI can no longer declare war on a vassal that doesn't belong to their realm and tell their liege to "Just stay out of it, this is personal!"

    • Fixed a way you could accidentally become God on succession instead of taking over as your heir.

    • You can no longer proclaim yourself King of the North Sea just because all of the relevant kingdoms exist. The people holding the other ones probably have something to say about that.

    • Your Kipchak wife you seduced, invited, and married purely for her stats will no longer keep dressing like a steppe nomad and embarrassing you at all the big gatherings in Paris.

    • The Bubonic Plague should no longer sweep through Europe pretty reliably 400 years early.

    • You can now tell any child without a liege to get in your boat and come back to your castle.

    • Removed a typo in the Danevirke description. We think. We can't actually find anyone who knows how to write in the Danish language properly. We're not sure such a person even exists at this point. Also we think we might have accidentally ordered a bunch of milk.

    • Varangian Adventurer will stop having new lovers appearing randomly. It's not like they can control it. They're just that sexy. But for gameplay reasons we have toned it down.

    • AI vassals will now check if you are their rightful liege all the way up the title hierarchy, not just that you hold the title directly above theirs, because apparently everyone's a fucking legal scholar these days.

    • Fixed a trigger that stopped Swedes from being adventurous.

    • Exiling a character as a nithing now causes them to hate you, not themselves. But it should work the old way, if you think about it. You wouldn't have exiled them if they weren't being such a little

    • The 'Spindly' Trait will not make you into the freaking ghost girl from The Grudge

    • Upped the likelihood for the Grandmaster of the Jomsvikings to rip their shirt off and come at you for your impiety & assorted faults. Wait, that can happen? Normally I have to pay a lot of money for that kind of thing.

    • Upped the likelihood of the Jomsvikings to harass anyone who isn't an unreformed Norse pagan. If you tried to make the religion more of a religion, even if you kept everything the same, you're still a traitor with your increased conversion rate and written scriptures.

    • Armies that have no supply issues will no longer come crying to you about "Second Breakfast".

    • If you sleep around a lot, you will no longer be able to constantly demand all of your lovers go on daytime TV to take a paternity test.

    • Holy Orders will no longer sometimes come with hidden fees. Knights of St. John may cause fervor in some counties. If you have a Crusade lasting more than four annums, please contact your head of faith. People who are pregnant, nursing, or may become pregnant should not be the first over the walls at the Siege of Acre. The Holy Land is not recommended for people with high blood pressure or those with a history of being bad swimmers. Severe dryness and redness may occur. If you find yourself ransacking Constantinople, this may be a sign of severe side effects and you should discontinue use immediately. In rare cases, Outremer culture has been reported. Terms and conditions may apply. See Holy Site for details.

    User Modding

    • Legalized gay marriage. Happy Pride motherfuckers.

    I do these for fun, but they do take up a lot of time and mental energy. If you got a laugh and you feel like it, you can buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/Leana

    submitted by /u/AsaTJ
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    Landed Heirs are Overrated

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    Now this is polraiding

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:18 AM PDT

    My 1 year old child is trying to help me seduce a barmaid, absolute legend

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:41 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 03:54 AM PDT

    Sounds a lot like Scholar

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    Mongols Shattered Byzantium with Invasion Casus Belli and then the Khan dying 18 months later.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 04:53 AM PDT

    Community Flavor Pack : African pack is out!

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    Dev Diary #63 - 1.4.0 “Azure” Patch Notes ��

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:02 AM PDT

    my partner came in saw me searching this

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:33 PM PDT

    Drake, where's France?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:02 PM PDT

    My 3 year old daughter wants to leave my court

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 03:56 AM PDT

    Oh so THAT’s why Worcestershire sauce tastes sooo great

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    Ok, it's the 8th time my character suspects cheating, investigates and finds nothing. Not funny anymore

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 04:50 AM PDT

    Tell me, how did you achieve such success in life?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    One of my sons murdered me, so my primary heir tried to imprison him, but then also got murdered, so his primary heir finished the war and arrested him. He then breaks out less than a month later and it’s tyrannical to arrest him again.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    This game is bad sometimes.

    submitted by /u/F-a-t-h-e-r
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    Is there a way to make my vassals borders look better or am i doomed to look at this for the rest of my playtrough.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:06 AM PDT

    This is my favorite achievement in CK3. Starting with a white shirt.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 01:59 AM PDT

    Day 54 of posting a Celtic/Brythonic themed meme everyday until flavour pack.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:24 PM PDT

    The most beautiful Roman Empire and its vassals. Now i just have to keep the peace.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    I've never seen anyone be so enthusiastic about vassalisation.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    mInOr ClAn uPrIsInG - Anyone have any tips? My laptop keeps freezing trying to beat it.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    This guy just ended a decade long Crusade against him by becoming Catholic... Alrighty then.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:42 AM PDT

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