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    Monday, April 26, 2021

    Crusader Kings I guess you could call that a recovery?

    Crusader Kings I guess you could call that a recovery?

    I guess you could call that a recovery?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    How is my wife not labeled as an adulterer

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 04:01 AM PDT

    My character has been celibate for years to make sure no new heirs pop up and my wife gets pregnant. Unless she was impregnated by God then I am pretty sure she is an adulterer.

    submitted by /u/Grasshopp3r
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    What's the highest prowess you've seen?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:20 PM PDT

    Vassal with 100 opinion joins faction, They had 100 opinion before they joined. Why are vassals like this? Seriously, from a game design stand point, What is the point of playing benevolently if the vassals are going to do this shit anyway?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    WIP - Europa Magnifica, Britannia Update

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    Rebels killed his parents and uncle. It's now him, his little sister and little wife against the whole world...

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    Oh no. The baby wants to take back the holy lands.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:34 PM PDT

    At what speed do you usually play on?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    I'm just curious.

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    submitted by /u/Drevil335
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    So there was this dude named Haesteinn... Honnestly I just love how annihilated Europe is when he dies

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    Ideas for moving ck3 forward

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 12:13 AM PDT

    I really like ck3, but I feel like there are key features that were in ck2 and I want to discuss they're implementation in ck3.

    First defensive pacts, these were really bad in ck2, and it was because they drew way too many factions in. What I think would be great is if regional powers had a diplomacy screen where based off size and strength it showed they're sway in the area. Individual culture religious blocks and related ones are likely to ally against a power expanding into their area, they might even have a path to unifying into a kingdom under this system. However a power can also mostly ignore an area or instead prop up buffer states who will mostly do what you want and gives you increasing control over them. The screen could show for example Irish anti English league. Depending on the leaders leading it there might be multiple if the Irish lords have a grudge against each other. Other greater powers would be able to see leagues against a power and have their own potential interactions, such as funding wars and sending troops. An ambitious and persuasive lord would also be able to use the factions to unify the country, having better vassalization for pro factions and cbs against other factions of their group. There could be two competing league in Ireland opposing England, one funded by France and another by Scotland, Scotland should also see a large influence power if Scotland isn't a great power France (im assuming a normal 1066 setup for these descriptions) and be more likely to work with them. There could also be a pro English league in Ireland that are states working with and unlikely to be attacked unless the king of England tries to take full control and turn a tributary/buffer state into a direct vassal, but that is only likely to happen if the other leagues are defeated. Larger powers would see more small factions and incentivise more leagues to potentially form, but usually only if you're in the associated de jure. Buffer relationships would also spring up more to defend from conquerors in a powers perceived zone. Navarra should often have seek good relations with a neighbor power. Peaceful relations would also be big with other hopeful changes. The Greeks, Abbasid/Seljuk, and hopefully China would have the longest range of influence and would interact with other powers the most.

    Tensions are extra relations based off recent and potentially longer events. You can have house, dynastic, cultural, and religious, all with different interactions, either positive or negative, the positive producing things like mending the schism or defending or holy wars for religious, but more often negatives like being unaccepting of alliances or marriages for bad cultural tensions and prone to war, along with more likely to form leagues opposing, holy wars against supposed co religionists, a potential 4th crusade, dynastic and house tensions being either between branches of a dynasty or between different dynasties.

    I'm not certain on trade and would like to hear your opinions. What I do know is that trade networks need to be expanded mapwide, trading should be part of diplomacy and peaceful relations should support trade growth. Going off that raiding needs to be made available to almost everyone and more common on hostile borders, with problems rising from tensions and buffer states protecting trade growth and other hopeful improvements to county management.

    Imperial and nomadic government should return each with a completely different set of laws to focus on, especially for vassals. The byzantines should be revolting for a claimant, not to get gavelkind or lower crown authority. For imperial you should potentially be able to add a claimant or claim it yourself in any revolt. Imperial should mostly focus on taxes and laws for revoking lower titles. Viceroyalties should make a return. Vassals might occasionally try to form pretender empires by breaking off current or former empires and other nearby breakaway territories (think gallic empire). It should be beneficial and possible to switch most governments to imperial. Nomads feel very urgent and leagues would make them a lot fairer and more interesting. Besides that don't make every nomad the same rank, they should try to form better titles too. Give nomads the migration cb and the option to settle if they want on arrival. Nomad land should mostly be useless like ck2 to discourage conquest, but capitals should be richer along with important trade areas, nomads and peoples on the steppe should potentially have the option to easier swap between either government, I don't know if this should be culture locked, and it shouldn't be as hard differences.

    There needs to be intrigue diplomacy and semi independence that comes with alliances with vassals. England should be able to ally with Flanders and create an independent state from a war, or work with factions with France. Your vassals allying with a hostile neighbor should be very alarming. There needs to be potential minor territorial wars between vassals on different sides of a border like Flanders and Holland competing for Zeeland without the hre or France getting involved. Your spymaster could make contact with foreign factions or leagues.

    The papacy and Byzantium would each compete for souther Italy both viewing it as within their influence sphere. There could be added event chains for worsening relations there triggering religious tensions with the pope and the emperor competing for influence with states. Each power being more likely to support different states. The more powerful one great power might bully states more but is also more vulnerable to its multiple fronts and leagues responding better to opportunities. Byzantium is less likely to blob into its neighbor orthodox or apostolic via allying with buffer states and under good circumstances briefly (or longer) vassalizing them, while catholic states are likely to be in the sway of either the Pope, hre, or others. Muslim states also are likely to be in leagues opposing them, while leagues also open up the traditional byzantines politics of using the nomads or slavs on a carparthian, Bulgarian, or danubian rival.

    The religious system of conversion should be looked at so that pagans convert sooner. Ck2 had it mostly right by the end.

    submitted by /u/theterribaddy
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    Fun Mongol fact: The 30000+ free troops from being super khan don't take attrition and therefore are the best raiders ever

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    Too confusing due to too much Alabama

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:58 AM PDT

    Day 12 of posting a Brythonic/Celtic themed meme every day until flavour pack.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    Over 1000 hrs in the game, first time I've ever come across the decision to "gain weight". I usually get obese characters.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    Paradox please let us raise our men at arms from the military screen (very quick and dirty mock up)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    [POLL] More Personality Traits?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    Do you think that Crusader Kings 3 could use some more Personality Traits? Feel free to elaborate for either choice.

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    submitted by /u/Odensramn
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    When Cute Events have horrific actors

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    Breed, breed, breed. Our race will replace inferior human species.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    Is there a CK2 mod that adds a vengeance casus belli?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:19 AM PDT

    I married off my daughter to a random earl and a few months later I received a message saying that he burnt her at the stake. I feel like I should have a casus belli for that. Sure, I can plot to kill the guy, but then I risk being found out and losing a bunch of vassal opinion. This should really be in the game. Rival wars are very limited.

    submitted by /u/blambliab
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    When Exclave independence Procs, It makes life so much easier.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    On the issue of prowess ...

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 07:39 AM PDT

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