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    Thursday, March 11, 2021

    Crusader Kings Possible DLC leak?

    Crusader Kings Possible DLC leak?

    Possible DLC leak?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 08:13 AM PST

    Community Flavor Pack : XIIIth century pack teaser

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 06:41 AM PST

    Bored? try to RP your games, its hella fun.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 05:37 PM PST

    Lord Farquaad ermine upgrade

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 06:30 AM PST

    The DLC leak seems fake to me

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:41 AM PST

    The DLC leak seems fake to me

    So I saw this 'DLC' leak post on the front page, but i'm pretty sure its fake.

    I've got a little bit of proof of backing this up,


    So this is the fake picture, First let's take a look at the launcher, notice how it is the old launcher and not the new one? If you look below the 1.2.2 (argent) on the left, you notice how it says '2020', but i'm pretty sure it's 2021 right now.

    This is what the new launcher looks like:

    Notice the 2021.1 in the corner btw

    Second of all, the actual picture of the DLC

    The picture is way lower quality than the one next to it. Also notice how the outline around the imagine goes trough the CK3 logo, while the one next to it doesn't. The same for the ruler designer image in the new launcher, the line stops at the CK3 logo.


    Honestly have no idea why you would make a fake leak, when we are literally getting the reveal this saturday. It's just gonna confuse people to be honest.


    u/Global_Wrongdoer_108 who made this leak has no other posts except for the DLC leak, seems also pretty fishy to me

    Edit 2:

    So a little more evidence, thanks to u/seakingsoyuz:

    the patch notes in the most recent developer diary say " ... and many more [will be posted in future DDs]" in several places. If there will be more than one future DD for the next patch, then the patch and the associated DLC cannot be coming out in less than a week.

    and it seems like the old launcher is just the Xbox gamepass launcher currently (also thanks to u/PM_ME_ANIME_PANTIES for the screenshot.), but that still doesn't explain the other points i made

    submitted by /u/MrBonziBuddy
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    How much can you "conquer" by only seducing, killing, abducting and fabricating in one lifetime?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 04:25 AM PST

    Romance Poetry Gameplay

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 05:42 PM PST

    I gained a level of devotion... but at what cost?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:04 PM PST

    i know ck2 is lame now but i need to show you my masterpiece

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 04:20 AM PST

    Today I joined the 100% club

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 08:41 AM PST

    Goodbye, England

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:47 PM PST

    Well, you look good for it..

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 02:40 AM PST

    I had a special event when Almohadi Imam declared war for the Maghreb Kingdom

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:18 AM PST

    DLC: The Peasant Kings

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 10:48 PM PST

    DLC: The Peasant Kings

    You want the Byzantine Empire Expansion, Imperial China, Dueling and bad poetry wielding Vikings, Medieval Merchant states. All good and well.

    But I want that bigger, amorphous and constant threat from within!

    Historically, so called peasant leaders, who really were of varied provenance, like Thomas "The Mystic with the Hammer" Müntzer, posed actual threats not only to certain realms, but to the feudal system itself.

    I want peasant alliances across Europe, I want humongous armies of peasant levies, allied with free cities, rampaging across realms, looting and revolutionizing outside the players framework of state, alliance and dynasties.

    I want proto-democratic entities forming and being crushed, I want The People be constant mini end-game crisis all over the place.

    And I want them be playable.

    By us.

    That all.

    The Mystic with the Hammer

    submitted by /u/kunstreich
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    When you can't play Civ 6, so you build your own court of love with infanticide and heresy abuse.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 04:37 AM PST

    Never been more proud for a Female Ruler...

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 11:54 AM PST

    I figured it out: The next DLC is India.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 02:19 AM PST

    I actually figured this out the day the dev diary came out, but have not had time to post about it until now. I'm sure someone else has also figured it out already, as it literally took me 20 minutes of Googling and reading through Wikipedia articles.

    In the new dev diary, the devs dropped hints about content that will presumably be included in the upcoming DLC. The hint that this subreddit had already latched on to was this one:

    Fun-fact: putting the location trigger on crocodilians turning up in fatal [REDACTED] duels was stuck on my to-do list until quite late in development. This means that, for the vast majority of time spent internally playtesting, crocodiles would tend to turn up in any fight that wasn't explicitly indoors. Taiga, steppe, European farmland, Tibetan mountain, the middle of the Sahara. None were safe from the surprise crocodile.

    So it appears that the new DLC content has something to do with crocodiles. In the comment section people had different ideas for what this could mean: Some thought this was referring to a coliseum battle and so a possible Roman/Byzantine DLC, while others made the suggestion that [REDACTED] was the word "Holmgang", which is basically a type of duel unique to Viking culture, suggesting a possible Viking DLC.

    The problem with the first theory is that the fights being described in the diary are outdoors. That rules out a coliseum battle, which would be indoors.

    The problem with the second theory is that it doesn't account for why crocodiles would be showing up at these fatal [REDACTED] duels. As someone pointed out, crocodiles showing up would mean that the redacted content either takes place in Egypt, Sub-Saharan Africa, or India. But there's another problem with this theory that people didn't seem to notice: These [REDACTED] duels are fatal, while historically medieval dueling in Europe was non-fatal in the vast majority of instances, and this includes Viking Holmgangs.

    More evidence that the redacted content includes uniquely fatal duels can be found in the dev Q&A:

    We don't currently have any duel types that result in capture, though it's eminently scriptable and certainly something I could see us doing in future. We do have fatal single combats, though the only vanilla instance of them at the moment occurs in [REDACTED]. That said, they're still part of the free feature, and thus available for modding and future content, they just aren't used in the base title at the moment.

    This narrowed it down quite a bit. All I had to do was research the history of dueling in Egypt, Africa, and India, and then find which region had a history of fatal dueling during the middle ages. A quick glance at the history of dueling Wikipedia page will tell you that this region is India.

    Not only that, but I'm almost certain [REDACTED], at least in the first quote, is the word "Ankam". To quote the Wikipedia page on ankam directly:

    In medieval Kerala, ankam served as a way to settle disputes between districts and nobles. The duellists, called Chekavar or Ankachekavar, were trained in the kalari to fight as militiamen in service of a lord. When a dispute arose between two local rulers, each side would engage warriors to fight for them in organised single combat at a fixed place and time. Each local ruler was represented by one Ankachekavar. The ankam were usually fought to the death, and the ruler represented by the surviving Ankachekavar was considered the winner.

    So basically, in the upcoming CK3 expansion, you will be able to designate someone in your court with high prowess as your "Chekavar". Disputes with other nobles, such as territorial claims, can be settled through fatal ankam duels in which the Chekavars of the two nobles fight to the death, as opposed to settling the dispute through a possibly much more costly war.

    I don't think the [REDACTED] in the second dev quote is necessarily the word ankam however. I think that may just be "India". In contrast to the Europeans and the Vikings, medieval duels in India were typically fatal even when they didn't involve Chekavars. And so, I believe only Indian cultures will have consistent access to the fatal duel option.

    But why does this lead me to the greater conclusion that the new DLC will be India focused? Well, first of all, the devs have already said that the first DLC will largely be a flavor-focused one, and imo, the area of the map most lacking in flavor is India, especially when considering just how much of a world powerhouse India was during this time period and the extreme richness of its culture. There's a whole lot of stuff that can be added to make this area of the map more fleshed-out, and that's more so true for this area of the map than any other in my opinion.

    But what fully convinced me was this line from the dev Q&A:

    Initially, yes, this was the plan, but as design went on, we became more committed to making duels as reuseable in as many places as possible. Because the system is so elaborate and involved, we wanted to have it be available for more than just [REDACTED], so that meant it had to be context sensitive.

    To say that they wanted to have it be available for more than just [REDACTED] implies to me that the duel system was initially devised for the redacted content, and since we now know the redacted content is a special type of Indian duel, this probably means the new DLC is one focused on India. Why would you devise a whole dueling system for something if it's not going to be DLC content?

    EDIT: Upon further research, it seems that Southeast Asia is also a strong possibility. In Indonesia they had special types of duels to the death called sitobo lalang lipa that were used to settle disputes, and they have crocodiles. It's also a DLC that seems much more worthwhile than an Indian content pack, as it adds an entire new region to the map.

    submitted by /u/uaretheeggman
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    Trying to unite ireland... And now im the king of Ireland, Egypt, Aragon and Valencia. Marriage is over powered

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 05:26 AM PST

    Are there any ways to brighten up my map/terrain? its just so dull!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 09:36 AM PST

    My crusader kings themed poster

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:12 PM PST

    Oh wow--accidental Santa Claus

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 04:02 AM PST

    Who has the better claim to England 1066?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 04:00 AM PST

    I'm American so I'm sorry if I'm wrong I'm just trying to learn. My understanding is that Cnut the Great (same Cnut from The Last Kingdom) is an ancestor of Harold Godwinson (therefore House Godwin is considered Danelaw).

    William the Conqueror's claim to England came from his relation to Edward the Confessor. Edward the Confessor is a descendant of Alfred the Great, therefore he is of House Wessex. Obviously William was Norman and a descendant of Rollo but his claim to England's throne is stronger when you compare it to the Godwinsons (Anglo Saxon vs. Danes).

    So the Battle of Hastings was just another battle of Anglo Saxons versus Danes or am I missing the point?

    submitted by /u/ChieftainOrm420
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