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    Monday, January 25, 2021

    Crusader Kings Join the BDSM Club!

    Crusader Kings Join the BDSM Club!

    Join the BDSM Club!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 11:31 PM PST

    Shhhh. Be vewy vewy quiet. We'we hunting hewetics, huhuhuhuh!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 04:15 PM PST

    A sweet harvest!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:55 AM PST

    Why You Should Choose Theocratic Spiritual

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:53 AM PST

    Who’s horse is that?? New to the game and CK in general, but have noticed that every time my old ass computer glitches slightly upon loading, this horse flashes on the bottom of the screen. He is a very fancy horse with a crown. Once my computer adjusts he disappears. Who IS he??

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:53 AM PST

    Can we be abled to see the improvements we made in castles,cities,etc.?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:05 AM PST

    Wouldnt it looks good if ,lets say for example, we built fields in our castle that we can see that the castle is surrounded by field? This would make the map look more alive and you could see how wealthy/developed an area is in a more pleasant way than using a map filter.

    submitted by /u/Predator_Hicks
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    A frightening new nation has appeared on my doorstep..

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 03:36 PM PST

    Literally every 5 minutes in CK3

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:21 AM PST

    When your Dynasty starts getting a bit too big

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:40 AM PST

    Is this a is this a reference to "monty python". 250K Wipe and still not accepting peace. (Hellenic Roman Empire WC)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:23 AM PST

    Holy Roman Emperor how to keep control

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:55 AM PST

    Noob currently playing as the holy Roman emperor. Somehow got a claim on the title and high king of Ireland and now it's a different ball game.

    There are currently 6 different factions wanting independence and to install a new ruler.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to quell these factions and keep control of the empire?

    submitted by /u/BlackberryNumerous
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    The game files went corrupt because power went off and pc shut down incorrectly although i exited the game, this is my second run after i got invaded by china in my previous one, this is the last ss but i took all of eastern europe and was about to finish the invasion of cumania, game hates me ig

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:25 AM PST

    I love this game!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:20 AM PST

    I recently acquired CK2 with a fair amount of DLC, as I got hyped for CK3 but my laptop is unable to play it so I'm using CK2 as a learning experience and to tide me over until I eventually purchase a new computer. I've played a handful of throw away games to get used to the mechanics, UI, basic strategy, etc. and have now finally started my first "Real Game" and man, it's such a cool story telling game.

    Here is how my first game has gone so far:

    --- I've begun my dynasty as King Sean Elessar of Mumu, an incomplete Petty Kingdom in Ireland. At the ripe age of 30, Sean has spent most of his adult life honing his diplomatic abilities and becoming a competent courtier until his fathers passing and his coronation. Being the only son, Sean has always felt a strong desire for family and to ensure his dynasty is strong, large, and continues through the ages. To achieve this, he married the Danish princess Olga (later known as the Oakskin) and secured familial ties with the Danish, who have long had dealings in the British isles. What was a political move soon flourished into a loving relationship as Sean became deeply attached to Olga - an admirable but ultimately disastrous reality. Shortly after their wedding, his wife was found to be pregnant and Sean was ecstatic that his line had begun. However, his wife bore him a daughter, and not only that, the daughter was discovered to not be his at all. Stricken by love and a desire to establish a great family, he overlooked Olga's infidelity and forgave her - after all, she was but a teenager in a foreign land married to a man nearly twice her age. He did not legitimize his new daughter, as she was a small stain in his family tapestry, but raised her as his own regardless.

    Managing the Petty Kingdom of Mumu was fairly smooth sailing for Sean - a just and kind leader who focused on developing his lands and ensuring peace and prosperity. In this time, to his delight, his wife became pregnant again - this time, surely with his child. Again, however, his wife bore him a daughter. 'This is alright,' he thought. 'I will love my elder daughter, Ogalaith, as she deserves, and soon enough I will have a proper heir.' It was not alright in the eyes of God, it seemed, as his daughter was accused by his own bishop as being the spawn of Satan - and his beloved wife a pagan witch! Again, his love for his wife and daughter blinded Sean and he denied and revoked the slander of those who would smear his family and their reputations. This caused Sean to grow a stronger attachment to his wife, who he now had managing the whispers of his holds to ensure no-one aimed to bring down his family due to her tarnished reputation. It also caused him to develop a special attachment to Ogalaith, his princess who had been wrongly attacked from birth.

    With his young family now in place, Sean began to maneuver as the capable political leader he was - in order to secure a more centralized kingdom, and to acquire counties for his heirs to rule. He revoked the claims of Vassals who had no blood ties, as their land was rightfully his family's. He secured the entire De Jure of Mumu, with a close friend holding one county until he bore enough sons to hold them all. During these skirmishes, Olga became pregnant once again - this time finally bearing Sean the son he had so longed for. It was a glorious day, as the line of Elessar now had a secured and proper heir. Following his sons birth, Sean betrothed his eldest daughter Lily to the heir of Denmark, and matrilineally betrothed his favourite daughter Ogalaith to her uncle and moms brother, Prince Svend of Denmark.

    Then tragedy struck.

    The first son and rightful heir was found smothered in his cradle. Rumours began to spread that the possessed child Olagaith had murdered her brother in his sleep. Rumours that, if heard by King Sean, would result in imprisonment or worse. No one dare slander his beloved daughter.

    More wars were fought - primarily to the aid of Seans Father in Law, the King of Denmark. The Kingdom of Mumu prospered further, and the vassals and courtiers of Sean were delighted and content with their lot under his just rule. In this time, two more daughters were born to him. And then, another son and heir. Finally! Before the age of forty he surely had time to groom a proper heir to continue the dynasty.

    He was wrong. For his newborn son was found dead in his cradle at the age of 1. Natural causes, disease, or something more auspicious? Olga heard the quiet whispers that lingered in the halls and courts of Mumu - the demon child has struck again. Damn near treason, was Sean's response to these rumours. However, something deep within him might have believed there could be some truth to the words and as such he provided his daughter the most orthodox Catholic education he could find, if only to put to rest the small doubt that lingered in his heart.

    After a failed attempt to claim another county which one of his courtiers had a birthright to, Sean returned his attention to the oversight of his lands. Becoming more of a homebody, and getting older and more fragile, Sean focused again his attention on domestic affairs. Which produced for him another daughter, and finally another son. Brego. The one true heir and the last hope Sean had of finally securing his dynasty. A glorious day for the aging king, who has wanted nothing more than to see his line continue. But all good things must come to an end, and to an end it came. For in the night, Brego was found with a dagger in his eye - screaming in pain. The dagger was removed and the wound tended to, but whatever was there of Brego was no more. The childs mind and will died in the attack, and he became nothing more than a pile of living meat. His eldest sister, Lily the Bastard, who had at this point taken the clothe and revoked her betrothal, took care of Brego in her convent. Sean, older and softer, seeing what a saintly woman his bastard had become, finally legitimized her and repaired a relationship he should have spent more time developing. Brego was her ward for three years, before passing to his incompetent nature.

    With a loss of hope to have his line continue in the way he had hoped, Sean turned to the traditions of his people and evoked the Tanistry succession laws to perhaps let the will of his people and fate decide who would continue his line - be it distant relation or one of his daughters. His second eldest daughter was quickly chosen as the rightful heir - a quiet and modest girl who cared deeply for her Irish heritage, even at the age of 9. But as quickly as she was brought to the limelight, she left it. For the curse of Elessar seemed to affect not only the male heirs, but the female as well. Her younger sister was then chosen, but she too perished. Leaving only Ogalaith and her youngest daughter - whom the council again chose as heir, for fear of empowering what they believed to be the spawn of Satan.

    It was here that Ogalaith, Seans favourite daughter, matured into adulthood and took her uncle as her husband and further affirmed the strong ties between Mumu and Denmark. She had proven to be a master theologian through her studies, which was explained by her genius and deceptive nature. Her supposed possession was full fledged at this stage of her life, and empowered her to emotionally dominate and manipulate even the powerful Svend to wait on her hand and foot. Her ambitions had caused her do whatever it took to get the throne of Mumu, even if it meant killing everyone of her siblings. The last of her targets is the current heir, her kid sister Slaine (ironic, right?) Of course, the now elderly Sean sees none of this - for his favourite daughter could do no wrong. As proof of this, the Pope had just called the first Crusade in History, and Sean raised all the forces he could muster to finally secure land for Ogalaith, to give her a place far from the hate of her kin, where she can prosper in peace and happiness.

    I'm sure she has other plans. ----

    I can't believe such a dynamic story can come out of one generation in this game. I can't wait to see how this all unravels! Thanks for letting me share!

    submitted by /u/Vanilla_Feline
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    When can we marry horses in CK3? (Asking for a friend)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:27 AM PST

    High partition - is this working as intended?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:06 AM PST

    How can I get the nickname: the great?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:59 AM PST

    I want to make a Roleplay as Friedrich der Große but I need the name the great. Is it possible to get this somehow (without cheats)?

    submitted by /u/xyassi1912
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    My Norse Throat Singing game is looking good, but the Finns are being a pain in my neck

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:59 AM PST

    I was peacefully doing my A Perfect Circle achievement run on Iceland and chilling after a civil war and suddenly I got raided by Lithuania. I wonder why would they even bother coming to a Volcano island?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 11:30 PM PST

    Don't make war, make love!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:41 AM PST

    What a squad

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:15 AM PST

    I created my version of the Empire of Portugal!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 03:06 PM PST

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