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    Saturday, December 12, 2020

    Crusader Kings My main man Derrick 'The Imbecile' has captured Sardinia and named everything "Derrick."

    Crusader Kings My main man Derrick 'The Imbecile' has captured Sardinia and named everything "Derrick."

    My main man Derrick 'The Imbecile' has captured Sardinia and named everything "Derrick."

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 06:58 AM PST

    Just because I executed a couple dozen people suddenly everyone starts using big words such as “tyrant”

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:56 PM PST

    Held sword by the wrong end whole time! Hahaha.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Forgers of Empires. My Attempts at Cyrus the Great and Augustus Caesar

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:03 PM PST

    Mother and daughter. I think lip genetics could use a little improvement.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:57 PM PST

    i did it! i mended the great schism as a Nestorian!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 06:23 AM PST

    A king as a tribute of a unlanded courtier.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 04:52 AM PST

    I've never experienced this in the game before. There's no joke here, I just need time to mourn.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 09:18 AM PST

    Brittany 867. An amazing, powerful starting position. Pure, unadulterated power.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 10:30 AM PST

    Consider this:

    • Starting character, hard-coded to Intrigue (usually rolls with good Intrigue traits).
    • If you Reset the Lifestyle trees, you get ~14 Intrigue unlocks to place where you want.
    • You are Unmarried. Your son is Unmarried. (Charles the Bald conveniently has 2 unmarried daughters... although for your own marriage, I pick someone (usually Lowborn) with the highest Intrigue.)
    • You're starting as a King. All you need is to play the hand you've got to make Emperor.
    • It's a small Duchy-and-Kingdom, so you can instantly North Korea the entire thing from day 1. (Who cares about tyranny when you have no vassals other than Barons? Imprison and execute them all for the Dread, if you feel like it.)

    This is what you get with Brittany. It's VERY powerful, assuming you know what you are doing. It'll cost you Stress to reset your Intrigue trees (if you do not have Schemer), but that's it.

    Once you get Schemer and set to Skullduggery? (Also, marry the highest Intrigue stat you find, set her to Court Intrigue. Set your Spymaster to Hostile Schemes. Turn the Intrigue power up to 11.)

    At that point, you can rearrange the entire Western side of the map. You can do whatever with East Francia, make it better.

    (When Haesteinn wanders over to kill Ludwig the German? That's a free County for you.)

    Brittany is just a pure power position, sitting right there next to Karling lands, and you can easily get cover by marriage alliance to West Francia.

    It's a sick amount of power and freedom.

    The only issue is that King Salomon is 57, so you need to act quickly and decisively in whatever direction you choose. With age comes a ton of Lifestyle unlocks, however, and that's what makes the starting position so powerful.

    You're instantly a Kingmaker, and you're already a King, so the map is entirely your toy to play with.

    (Francia is the obvious choice to make Empire, but Britannia is feasible as well. Even Iberia can be done with the right circumstances, or Scandinavia.)

    submitted by /u/bandanas4all
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    My attempt to re-create CK2 Poster Guy (possibly Ivanhoe?) in the CK3 Ruler Designer

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:29 PM PST

    You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 07:48 AM PST

    Guy with 3 commander traits, didn’t know it was possible

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 03:55 AM PST

    A fun start I've found: Aachen 867

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:59 PM PST

    The three reasons I like this start are that you are a vassal to someone who isn't out of your reach to overcome, you're in your late teens, so your first character will last a long time, and Aachen is one of the few counties with a special building, while also being directly adjacent to another special holding in Koln.
    More importantly, the special building starts off built and it's Charlemagne's palace-- which gave me a sense of significant flavor in my desire to become emperor of Francia or the HRE.

    As a few tips for playing this start: try and get an alliance wherever you can in the immediate area to begin by marrying off your starting kid. Also, work on getting Koln once you surpass the neighboring prince bishop in power, but be mindful that the AI does see Koln as valuable and sometimes the lord above you might try and seize it as well. Becoming a duke is immediately possible should you amass the money, which there's a trick to in the next paragraph, but it saves you the headache of being stuck as a count under a duke under the king, so it's worth gunning for as well.

    You're not gonna be strong out the gate, but you have an amazing secret weapon. That weapon is Secrets. You always start with a 22 int spymaster, the Mayor of Tilburg. And he will work wonders. I had him in my liege's court, which is bountiful with secrets, given that IRL Lothaire II took illegitimate lovers, sired bastards, and has little chance of a legitimate heir, given his barren wife. I've been able to extort money out of him on several counts-- you have many angles to discover his secrets, given that each of his lovers, each of the children, and himself are all potential sources of varying forms of the same illegitimacy secret (Parental origin, lover, adultery, fornicator, etc) Also, being a king's court, many vassals spend their time there as well, and you can often get secrets on most other lords of the realm from parking in one spot. This massive web of secrets can lead to all manner of successes, be it forcing ideal marriages in the realm, factions, or just sheer repetitive monetary gain.

    Later, I took Koln and the duchy title and made Lower Lorraine my money making duchy, and kept Aachen and Maastricht as my levy region. You will often inherit the barony in Koln, and there's space for two more castles in Aachen itself. With just those two counties it's possible to play very tall, which is what I tend towards.

    submitted by /u/Rosencreutz
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    My run thus far as a Prussian Romuva king, what do you think;

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 08:14 AM PST

    Pope Honorius II has some doubts about God and is really angry about it

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:53 PM PST

    slightly related - why are mercury, bacchus and pluto evil gods according to ck2?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 09:14 AM PST


    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 04:28 AM PST

    When should I turn feudal? [Mother of Us All achievement ]

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 11:19 AM PST

    Story of my life: i am unfortunately me

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 09:29 AM PST

    Succession laws to add

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 11:02 AM PST

    I have a strong personal preference for primogeniture of whatever flavor,but there are some succession laws out there that it seems to me ought to be permitted variants.I'm not sure what sources Paradox uses to decide what's valid and for whom (they don't allow seniority for Islamic realms but the only real-world realm I know of using it,Tunis(ia),is Islamic).

    But why not consider:

    Horizontal agnate succession.This was devised by Yaroslav the Wise of Kiev and lasted for a couple of generations after him.The sons would rule Kiev in order oldest to youngest,followed by the sons of the oldest son from oldest to youngest,the sons of the second son from oldest to youngest,and so on until the death of the youngest son of the youngest son would lead to the sons of the oldest son of the oldest son,et cetera.

    There are complications involved that might be difficult for the program to model,and might be omitted in consequence,but...the senior ruler ruled in Kiev,and the next few princes in succession ruled a few other principalities in a set order,there being a musical-chairs succession whenever a death above led to a prince moving on to a higher-ranked throne....and any prince who died before succeeding to Kiev thereby disqualified his sons (termed izgoi) from succession.(I smell claims).

    This was also (centuries later) the system employed up to a point by the Rana hereditary prime ministers of Nepal.Jang Bahadur,the founder,had had a setup whereby the prime ministership would pass first to his brothers and then to the sons of all the brothers in order as above,while his other title of Maharaja of Kaski and Lamjung (which had been the original title of his liege the Maharajadhiraja of Nepal) would pass vertically to his son and so on down,but the succeeding prime ministers took that title for themselves as well,and when the youngest brother died as heir apparent (making Jang Bahadur's son the next in line to the second-youngest brother),the sons of the youngest brother mounted a coup and limited succession to their branch only.

    Generational seniority.This was used in the later Ottoman Empire.Rather than horizontal agnates based on one's father's birth order,or pure seniority based on age,the Imperial title was for the oldest member of the earliest surviving generation descended from a common ancestor.

    Nominative seniority. This is used in the Malaysian sultanate of Perak.The monarch is not empowered to name his own heir,but to fill vacancies on a ladder of nominees where customarily each member moves up a notch on each death.The heir apparent (Raja Muda) and second in line (Raja di-Hilir) have seats on the Sultan's council,and after them are the Raja Kechil Besar,Raja Kechil Sulong,Raja Kechil Tengah,and Raja Kechil Bongsu.

    There have been some changes in detail over the years and a certain amount of "gaming the system"...one can be removed from one's place,or a new person inserted above those below a vacancy rather than letting those below move up...in CK there could be certain penalties for that sort of thing.The current Sultan managed to succeed his father,the heir apparent is a distant cousin nearly 80 years old,the second in line is a closer cousin around the Sultan's own age,and the Sultan put his young son into the third spot so he may be succeeded by his son as well...the heir apparent's adult son has not been given a spot at all and everyone else in line is older than the Sultan's son.

    This system also applies in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...ever since Brigham Young won the battle over who should succeed Joseph Smith,seniority in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has been the determinant.(That's why a church founded by young men now has a 96-year-old president with the next men in line aged 88 and 92).Church presidents name new apostles but any future presidents among them get to the top of the ladder long after the president who named them died(the president from 2008-2018 was chosen by the one who died in 1970,the one from 1985-94 by the one who died in 1945,the one from 1970-72 by the one who died in 1918).

    submitted by /u/TheSensibleCentrist
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    Intrigue Guide - Strategies, Tips, and Tricks for an Intrigue focused playthrough of CK3

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 09:18 AM PST

    This is a "guide" to an intrigue playstyle for Crusader Kings 1.2.2, but it's mostly tips and tricks for how to get the most out of an intrigue-focused game. The first part is strategies for intrigue rulers, and the second part is a very brief overview of an intrigue start in 867. It's not meant for beginners, but for players who have already played several games. I am not a min-maxer, so this is not some sort of optimal playthrough.

    I think most people think of intrigue in CK3 and think that either it's just for dipping in to get the fabricate hook perk in the Schemer tree, or just for fun/chaos runs. On its face, it does not seem as use or as versatile as the other lifestyle trees. But I think it is as powerful as other lifestyles, if not more powerful ones if you play it well.

    The most important part of Intrigue is understanding that it allows you to cheat without cheating. CK3 has set up laws against murder, imprisonment, torture, and seduction, and these rules force certain behaviour from you as player and your opponents. You are punished if you break them, but intrigue lets you ignore these laws with impunity, to play outside the rules of the game.

    So remember that you are a criminal and a cheater. Forget everything the game taught you about how to play a ruler.

    Part 1 - Tips and Strategies

    I personally prefer to lean right into the intrigue focus, but there are certain perks which are better than others:

    • Truth is Relative (first perk in Schemer). Let's you fabricate hooks, which is the bread and butter of many schemes.
    • Divine Retribution (second perk on left side in Torturer). Let's you torture without penalties. Absolutely necessary, especially as you will get Dark Insights as well.
    • Twice Schemed (second last perk in Schemer). Let's you have two schemes running at once. Extremely useful while waiting for schemes to fire.

    There are of course many other good perks, but these three are essential for a lifetime of murder, kidnapping, and torture.

    I would suggest always filling out the the Schemer and Torturer tree. Personally, I find the Seducer tree to be relatively useless, but I could see its value if you are into eugenics. It's a lot of perk investments for very little return though, except maybe the first fertility perk, Like Weeds in a Garden. Usually I get Schemer and Torturer, then go to Learning/Medicine Focus/Whole of Body to live as long as possible.

    Every intrigue run should focus on starting with the following:

    • Fabricate a hook to modify your feudal contract first to protect against title revocation. You are about to do a lot of evil things, so your ruler will likely hate you. Because of this, it is much easier to do intrigue as feudal rulers, and I have not tried it out with tribal/clan.
    • Fabricate a hook to demand a council position, or if you're on the second generation change your feudal contract to get council rights. Become Spymaster. Because of the bonuses from this position, being a vassal is almost preferable for intrigue games (hence these first two tips).
    • Ruler Designer is very helpful to set up your first ruler with the right focus, and make sure to educate your children with +intrigue traits (like deceitful, impatient, fickle, etc.).

    Hooks will be your bread and butter. They will let you force people into your schemes, which hopefully won't be necessary because you're so sly, but when your scheme is uncovered a well placed conspirator will change your success chance from single digits back up to 95%.

    • Ways to get hooks: Fabricate hook (duh), Abduct and negotiate release, Find Secrets. This is in order of best to worst, as fabricate is usually successful and easily targeted, while abduct is targeted but not as successful, and Find Secrets is random (essentially) and not targeted at all.
      • Truth is Relative lets you "buy" hooks, but still randomly. This can be useful, but I find it is often too expensive. One of the options is increase relations for free, which is okay. It can be useful however when trying to hold off an internal rebellion, but it's so random that there are better ways to manage this.
      • Target your hooks. A hook on someone's spymaster or wife or guardian is worth much more than some Knight who lives in the Keep's cellar. They are almost always the person with the highest bonus addition to your schemes, so if you can force (or bribe) them to join, it's almost always an instant success. You can also use Find Secrets in the court of the Spymaster if they are a ruler.
    • Unfortunately, you can't identify the highest +power/secrecy target until the scheme is already in progress. For your liege, check the "Liege's Council" tab, found on your council tab (F4) and get a hook on their spymaster. For identifying Spymasters of fellow vassals or foreign rulers, this can be a crapshoot. Generally the AI will put a landed ruler on the council if they can, but who knows if it will be the one best suited for it. The easiest method is to launch a murder scheme on their wife/husband, to see that top potential agent, and then cancel the scheme. That agent will likely be the Spymaster or at least the same for the ruler you actually want to target.

    Hooks are great for helping your schemes, but they also unlock one of the most powerful tools of an intrigue playthrough: forcing guardianship and marriage.

    Remember you are a criminal and a cheater. Guardianship is no longer just about culture or religion (though this is useful), you can also use it to guide rivals into ruin by teaching their children negative attributes. It is, unsurprisingly, much easier to kill a rival's heir when they are showing up for class in your throne room.

    • You can also assign a guardian from your court to another ruler's court. This might be a way to get rid of a troublesome bishop or serial adulterer. Or you might want to send a high intrigue (unlanded) character to act as an assassin when the time is right.

    Marriage too is yet another weapon to wield against your enemies. I would suggest in an intrigue game that, rather than focusing on rising through the ranks from Count to Emperor, you instead focus on making your dynasty the most powerful in the world and conquer by proxy.

    • Use a hook to force a ruler's daughter to marry your son. Kill all other heirs to ensure your wife and children inherit the title. Or force matrilineal marriages with the 2nd or 3rd son (often even with hook can't do first born). Again, kill all other heirs until your son-in-law and your dynasty children inherit.
      • If the ruler children are married, kill the husband/wife/betrothed. If they don't have children, click on their title's flag/shield and see the line of succession. Sometimes a distant uncle will be just as useful after a few years of murdering your way down the successions.
      • Be careful about killing the ruler to force inheritances, it is much more stable to leave the ruler alive until your chosen heir is directly next in line. Sometimes killing the ruler will shift the succession line due to marriages / parents of different dynasties inheriting from children.
      • Best to do this with your own second and third borns, so that you aren't pushed into suddenly managing a large kingdom or empire. Keep your line of the dynasty small and powerful, but push out siblings to take over surrounding realms.
    • If you are running your eugenics program for the most beautiful, smart, and strong children, why not keep a twisted branch of the family tree filled with ugly, inbred, idiots? Force your opponents to marry these genetic trojan horses. This does less than you might think, but it's fun if you really hate the Karlings.
    • See a queen in a neighbouring dynastic realm who doesn't have a matrilineal marriage? Kill the husband and force a matrilineal marriage.

    Marriages and playing the long game can be an alternative to conquest. Obviously, you should find out if this style of playing is for you. Sometimes it means marrying your grandson to a 3rd cousin of the Italian King, spending a few decades killing men, women, and children, until that cousin inherits, and then a generation/ruler later, watching your 2nd cousin rise to the throne with your heraldic shield on their breast. Start to finish, about 50 years maybe. Clearly, there are faster ways to conquer Europe.

    But the advantage is that, if you are living as a simple Duke under the King of East Francia or what have you, it is a very safe playthrough. As a vassal, foreign rulers will generally ignore you. With your feudal contract protections (always update this every generation with a new hook), you are essentially untouchable by your liege. With your circle of fellow dynastic vassals and kings around you, you will always have easy alliances. Just keep an eye on liege's wars to make sure you're not going to be given away to rebels or some Karling bastard.

    The bluntest and most fun tool in your arsenal will be the many many assassinations you conduct. I think I hit 83 kills on one ruler, all from assassinations and torturing, almost all landed rulers or their immediate family. Once you get twice schemed and other intrigue bonuses, you can really plow through a line of succession (2 murder schemes at a time, 12 months each, means after a decade you've taken out about 20 people). * If you have two schemes running, and start a third one, it will cancel one of your running schemes. It says so at the bottom of the Scheme screen, but it's easy to miss. If this is a murder scheme, you will have to wait 10 years to start it again so be careful.

    Here's some fun things to achieve by murder/torture:

    • Kill a ruler to force partition inheritance to dilute their power. The tooltip over the Title Shield/Flag will show the sucession laws, or you can click on it and find it at the bottom.
      • If it is Confederate partition, that means NEW titles are created on death, so watch to see not only if they have multiple dukedoms/kingdoms, but also if they have the de jure land of another one.
    • Kill wives who are not producing heirs for someone married to your chosen heir. Or maybe the AI married someone to a close-to-infertile woman. Or maybe they are just producing daughters and you want a young wife to give it another go.
    • Kill husband or wife that are the lynchpin of an alliance to break that alliance. Put your cursor over the alliance shield with the blue flags (on F1 screen) and a popup will show who's married to form that alliance.
    • Kill good generals (15+). This is less effective for larger realms, but a small one might only have one good general in their ranks. A single good general can change a battle's outcome. I also tend to target military engineers.
    • Good council members (10+)
    • Kill friends/lovers/children to drive someone into depression or death from grief.
    • Just kill rulers or heirs until someone worse is in charge or an heir, like a child or someone with bad stats.
    • Sometimes, even when you are very powerful, your murder schemes won't work or you will accidentally cancel them. Abduct and torture is a great backup to muck up with some poor soul. Torture sometimes hastens death quite a bit, so I usually ransom them back right away.
    • Remember to torture / execute people regularly to keep your Dread up.
    • Kill a Bishop who is not endorsing you or has low learning. First one is way less important now because as of 1.2 you can now fabricate a hook (costs money usually) to get a strong hook that will force them to endorse you. Sometimes you want a new Bishop with better learning though, as only 10+ will fabricate a duchy claim.

    Most of the above is a great way to dismantle large powerful empires, like the Byzantines, which often die from many small cuts. Basically you're aiming to destabilize them by ruining alliances, generals, powerful council members, etc., and enticing people to join factions against the Emperor. Nothing is guaranteed, but there's lots of small things you can do to push it in your favour.

    Ultimately, if you've read this far, you realize that intrigue is a safe, far-seeing way to play the game. You are always looking a few decades ahead, checking out inheritanes, keeping an eye on surrounding realms, etc. If you are directly involved in a war where you are outnumbered, something has gone wrong. Although you can play as an independent ruler with intrigue, it is actually better to be the hand behind the throne, meddling in affairs across the realm and across the continent. Have a plan that will take decades or centuries, like reducing the Karlings to mumbling idiots, or extending your dynasty to every surrounding kingdom or empire.

    Remember, you are a criminal and a cheater, and the rules don't apply to you. Lesser rulers have to worry about being caught, but you just have to worry about not striking first.

    Part 2 - Brief Playthrough Guide

    If you're interested with this as a play style, then I have the perfect starting ruler for you: Count Gundakar of Innbruck in 867, vassal to Prince Karlmann of East Francia.

    I am not sure if this is the best ruler for this style, but it's definitely a good example of what makes a good ruler for Intrigue:

    • You have a solid and secure income. There is a mine in the county of Innsbruck (takes 400 gold to build) that will soon give you an extra +3 gold. This money is a great resource base for your early schemes without needing to expand.
    • Dynamic liege-kingdom and neighbours. Karling Kingdoms will be rising and falling around you so you can kinda choose your adventure and intrigue is very handy to help guide the successions in them. You can push your dynasty onto Bavaria, or East Francia, or anywhere. Lots of moving parts.
    • You are small but protected by your liege and isolated. Generally other vassals in Bavaria or in East Francia will leave you alone. Italy to your south will usually be busy with other things. No one else will really care about you. I also like that there is a lot of room to grow into a Duchy or two.
    • You have a defensible (mountain) capital. You can build Hill Forts and Outposts, and really ramp up your Defender advantage (using that Mine gold). No coasts to worry about, everyone has to slow walk through the Alps to get to you. I have beaten armies double my size while they were besieging my capital.
      • FYI defender advantage kicks in when you are attacking enemy armies in your territory. A bit counter-intuitive, but the AI will generally being siegeing Innsbruck while you gather your armies, and you can choose the site of battle with a hefty +20 or +40 advantage.
    • If you didn't catch my note above, you are Feudal. Feudal contract modifications is absolutely essential (1st title revocation protection, then council, then whatever).

    If you choose this as a start, here are the three things you need to do in the first 10-15 years:

    • Modify your Feudal Contract to get Title Revocation Protection. You are about to do some terrible things. The first thing you will want to do is choose Intrigue focus, then the Truth is Relative perk under Schemer. You can start finding secrets on your liege, the Duke of Bavaria, but likely you won't have a hook until you get this perk and you can fabricate one.
    • Have a King as liege. You can't become a Duke until this point. Sometimes your liege will naturally inherit a kingdom (lots of shifting titles in the first 50 years) and make you a Duke, but you should aim towards creating this title for the power/security. This means clearing the way for him to inherit a Kingdom, or killing him so a King inherits the Duchy of Bavaria which you are under. Serving as Spymaster to a King also gives better bonuses.
    • Build your mine. I usually save up for 10+ years to get this ASAP. In a sense the game doesn't start until this happens. Next I start building Hill Forts/Outposts and Barracks/Military Camps. You should be relatively safe, but you don't have many levies, and you will need them to keep the AI off of you.

    After this point, it's hard to provide a detailed guide as literally anything could be happening. Haesteinn invading, or Louis the Bald in France reaching east for his claims on other Karling kingdoms, or some other buckwild thing. Use the strategies I've listed above and make things happen! Choose a goal and work towards it.

    Here are some general tips:

    • I generally don't worry about stress, as spending money on Hunt/Feasts can be better spent elsewhere. It feels wrong to just ignore it, but every time you die you get also get a new chance to modify your feudal contract with your liege.
      • There's also a perk in the Torture tree that let's you get bonuses from stress. Going full stress is a real chaos run though, so try to manage it a bit if you can.
    • There's a Stewardship perk that lets you use hooks to get money. Obviously this is very powerful with the fabricate hook perk, so you may want to dip in there, but I don't like spending the 5 years out of Intrigue focus to get it.
    • I generally move north to similar culture counties (Bavarian), but keep an eye on surrounding duchies with vulnerable inheritances.
    • It will take a few decades to get really powerful in Intrigue. Once you do however, almost every murder / hook fabricate scheme will be successful. Abduction will always have some penalties, but a careful preparation of hooks for potential agents will help out a lot there.
      • 95% success/secrecy is max, so don't bother with other agents if you've hit that.
    • Use Ruler Designer to get a better start and ensure you have an Intrigue focus. I have tested out going full evil tyrant, with Albino, Scaled, Sadistic, etc., but with this play through it is very hard to survive when you are so hated as a mere Count.
      • Remember to educate your children with appropriate Intrigue traits, including sinful ones like deceitful or sadistic, but be careful about going full evil until you have a better foundation of power.

    The best advice, for anything in CK3, is to just try things out and make mistakes. Get angry, start over runs, and see what the roll of the dice will bring. I think this style is a really great change from the normal conquer your way to Empire style that is the default for CK3, so I hope you give it a shot.

    submitted by /u/WaferDisastrous
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    Give me a big name, Paradox!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:25 PM PST

    Populating the world as the Bloodfather

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 04:41 AM PST

    So I did the whole breeding-programme thing and got the "Bloodfather" title... and gee, does this guy deserve it or not? So, as I got the Know Thyself-warning at 91 years old I did a tally.

    19 children, as well as 3 who aren't recognised (one of them isn't actually born yet though), 104 grandchildren, 124 great-grandchildren, and 16 great-great-grandchildren. I've tried to land a fair amount of them while still avoiding bordergore, and his progeny include 5 sultans and innumerable emirs and sheiks.

    Most of them have some level of all three good inheritable traits, several all three at the highest level. Since I married off a lot of cousins to eachother (i.e. grandchildren to other grandchildren) some, eh, problems are starting to crop up however. My heir two steps down will be spindly, and I've seen a few bleeders floating about. I might just look for some outside blood in the next couple of generations. Only, there isn't much outside blood... my dynasty stands at over 4200 members and hold pretty much every landed title in Europe.

    Talk about populating the world...

    submitted by /u/Kash42
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