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    Friday, December 11, 2020

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : December 11 2020

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : December 11 2020

    Feudal Friday : December 11 2020

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:07 AM PST

    Welcome to another Feudal Friday, a place for you to regale the courts of Europa with your tales. Stories, screenshots and achievements are all welcome.

    Previous Feudal Fridays

    Current Tutorial Tuesdays

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Keep Pregnant captives till they give birth! Double the Ransom!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:10 AM PST

    "Ok, my heir inherited some land from his mother's side; I'm sure he'll keep himself out of trouble."

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:03 PM PST

    Fine, I guess you are a good PogChamp.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:06 PM PST

    How do you rate my first serious game of Crusader Kings II?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:26 AM PST

    Guide to Childhood Trait Events

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Childhood Trait Timeline

    So aside from Historical characters that are exempt from # of traits rule, every child follows the same flow for Childhood trait events.

    Age 3: Child gains one of the Childhood Trait (Pensive, Bossy, etc), and loses Sickly, if there's any.

    Age 6: Auto-assigns Education Focus matching the Childhood Trait.

    Age 10: Child gets Sexuality. 89% for Heterosexual, 5% Homosexual, 5% Bisexual, 1% Asexual under the default setting. Player Child: You have a 20% chance to pick your own sexuality instead of random assignment.

    Age 9: Reincarnation trait if the faith has Reincarnation tenet.

    Age 9, 11, 13, 14, 15: Personality trait gets added from events. If the child already has 3 Personality traits, the chance to get a 4th Personality trait event on their birthday drops down to 5%, and disabled if there are already 4 traits.

    Age 15: Witch conversion event from the guardian.

    Note: Other than the Childhood Trait and Education Focus at age 3 and 6, all other events get randomized on the child's birthday, but delays being triggered 1~360 days after the events are deteremined (3~730 days for sexuality). If you want to savescum for these events, make sure you use the saves BEFORE the relevant birthdays.

    Childhood Personality Events

    There are 12 Personality events for kids not in jail, each of them gives the child 3 pre-set Personality options.

    The chance for each of them getting picked by the game is the same, except for event 6 and 8 containing the Chaste/Lustful options, who have a weight of 300, can only be triggered when the child is age 13+, with event 0006 being x0.25 as likely to trigger with any crush, x1.25 more if there's a crush, x2.25 if it's a good crush

    Note: Guardian and Child traits have NO impact on which event gets rolled.

    Below are the 12 sets of trait events the game randomly assigns to the child.

    Child_Personality Event ID Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3
    0001 Craven Lazy Arbitary
    0002 Arrogant Compassionate Callous
    0003 Deceitful Honest Humble
    0004 Generous Diligent Patient
    0005 Wrathful Forgiving Fickle
    0006 Vengeful Chaste Stubborn
    0007 Just Cynical Temperate
    0008 Greedy Gregorious Lustful
    0009 Brave Calm Zealous
    0010 Ambitious Sadistic Paranoid
    0011 Content Fickle Trusting
    0012 Impatient Shy Gluttunous

    There are also 35 events for children in jail, each of them assigns one personality trait for the child. The odds of Generous, Honest, Trusting, Compassionate, and Forgiving are halved, presumably you can't be happy when one's in jail.

    Player/AI Child/Guardians for Personality Events

    So now an event gets picked, how does the AI determines what to do, and what can the player influence it?

    AI child: Each of the Personality option has the same base chance to be picked by the AI child. The chance to be picked is x4 if the guardian has the same Personality, or x0.5 if the guardian has the opposite Personality. The only exception is Sadist, which has a 1/4 of the normal odds to be picked by the AI, but x9 if the Guardian is a Sadist, or pretty much guarenteed if the kid killed someone and didn't get punished for it.

    Player Child: You get to pick out any of the 3 options given in each event set.

    Once the child has picked their trait, the guardian will then receive another event, to allow Personality trait alteration

    AI Guardian: AI guardians will NEVER alter the choice the child has picked.

    Player Guardian: You can either keep the option the child has picked, or switch to any of the other 2 Personalities given by the same event set at the cost of stress increase.

    <> 3 Personality Traits

    In case if you were wondering, yes, it's entirely possible for the child to receive less than 3 traits under this system, as the AI child may have rolled the same trait option multiple times, or that you've decided to give him the same trait multiple times.

    If you were paying attention, you probably noticed it's possible to get a 4th trait at a 5% chance on 14/15th birthday, or 9.75% chance to get it if the child already has 3 traits at age 13.

    HOWEVER, in reality, you rarely see AI characters that has 4 traits.

    This is because there's a chance that the first 3 trait assigments at age 9, 11, and 13 can end up with the same trait, so the child will require trait events at age 14, and/or 15 to receive their 3rd Personality, before the child can roll for a 4th Personality on the following birthday.

    Moreover, even when the 5% chance is rolled, there's also a chance that the 4th trait event leads to the same trait.

    Is it possible to get 4th trait as a player? Yes, absolutely. But remember, it's already very rare for us to play as children without 'clever use of game mechanic', and the odds of us getting the 4th Personality event on age 14/15 is only 9.75%.

    If you truly want to try for a 4th Personality trait for your heir, you can plan your ruler's death with massive stress spike (best done with Compasionate/Just ruler with Execute) or Suicide (best done with Ritual Suicide Tenet) when your primary heir is still very young.

    Childhood Events

    If you've ever played a child, or paid attention to the description of each Personality event as a guardian, you'd realize there are additional events related to guardian, friends, crush, bully, victim (if you're the bully) and pets. You sometimes will also realize a child somehow already has a stress coping mechanism before coming of age (drunkard, recluse, etc)

    Just like the Personality trait events, the game triggers childhood events every year.

    The weight is bit more complicated, as it changes depending on if the child already has a friend/crush/bully/victim, and how many of them one already has, but if there's no friend/crush/bully/victim, there's a 50% chance to not trigger anything, 10% to get friend/crush, 5% to get a bully/victim/cat/dog.

    Now if the AI receives a cat or dog, there's 50% chance that the AI will give the pet to the educator, and this is the ONLY way for adults to get a pet. This gives you one extra reason to always have 2 wards at all times, and the younger the better, as the 5% chance will quickly gets reduced as the child receives friend/crush/bully/victim.

    (If the child found a dog, there's an option to give it to a friend, however, there's no AI chance assigned to it so I have no idea if the AI will pick it or not)

    As you probably have guessed, these events will add/remove stress, and CAN lead to mental break, giving them a coping mechanism event, if he hadn't already accumulate enough stress for being a ruler and using interactions that causes stress due to already owned trait.


    It's still a entirely up to you between giving your heir(s) to a Genius guardian for better education outcome or educating the heir yourself for better traits.

    On one hand, you get to manually pick 1 out of the 3 event set options to best suit your playstyle. However, it's still not guaranteed that you won't get one of the worse set, such as Arbitary/Lazy/Craven or Impatient/Shy/Gluttnous.

    On the other, having a Genius guardian can give them better education outcome, BUT getting level 1 education is still possible given the education roll system. You may also be stuck with undesirable traits, especially Shy that can only be countered by stress reduction from freinds and Learning Perk that have an upfront stress increase for activating befriend scheme.

    Ultimately, it depends on what you value more, education level -> Lifestyle EXP, or desirable Personality traits.

    Alternatively, if you're willing to micromanage your primary heir, it's not a bad idea to have the Genius guardian take care of the kid for most of the birthdays, and transfer the kid back to you right before the trait event birthdays, 9, 11, and 13.

    This way you get the best out of each trait events, while receiving fairly decent education outcome, as your Genius guardian can still contribute to 6 education checks out of 9.

    P.S. As mentioned, it's still a good idea to have 2 wards at all times, for a chance to receive pet dog/cat from your wards. The younger the better.

    submitted by /u/cywang86
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    Handsome vs Hideous

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:37 AM PST

    Not quite Basil... but similar

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:53 PM PST

    Hello there

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:19 AM PST

    Seven Holy Cities

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 12:09 AM PST

    I'm not sure if this is common knowledge but if you want to get the Seven Holy Cities achievement super quick all you gotta do is start as Pratihara in 867 (which has 6 of the seven holy cities in it) and fabricate a claim on Thikana of Kanchipuram. Your army is much better and you can take the county super quick. Hopefully this helps :)

    submitted by /u/Goblin_teeth
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    My horribly disfigured, useless lord just killed Cthulhu Repost due to missing picture.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:31 AM PST


    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:10 AM PST

    The most badass Pope I've had.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:28 PM PST

    You're not very good at this, are you?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 09:50 PM PST

    Dread should have some negative consequences

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:37 PM PST

    Accumulating maximum dread by executing a bunch of heathen prisoners is currently the easiest way to ensure a clean succession and prevent vassal revolts or serious civil wars. It also greatly reduces the chance of murder schemes from succeeding. Overall, there's currently no reason to not maximize your dread whenever you can.

    From both a gameplay and realism perspective, I think it would be better if the downsides of having a dreaded ruler were represented.

    • County control in territories decreases in the realms of terrified vassals, to reflect that terrified people don't tell you about their own administrative problems. This could either be a flat decrease of -0.5 monthly county control in the realms of terrified vassals, or a vastly increased rate of acquiring corruption modifiers.
    • Courtiers and guests leave the courts of dreaded rulers faster and are less likely to join/visit your court, including by marriage (except for sadistic ones, who can have an increased likelihood). Who wants to join the court of a ruler who holds ritual executions to keep vassals in line?
    • Negative random events (with a cost of prestige and gold, vassal opinion malus, negative popular opinion and/or county control) that could happen as a result of terrified vassals and councilors not bringing a matter to your attention before it became a crisis.

    These suggestions are based on a theme that dreaded rulers will not receive valuable honest feedback from vassals and administrators or attract talented courtiers. Vassals will stay in line but your empire will creak under the weight of layers of dishonest and ineffective bureaucracy.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/random-random
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    Microsoft Flight Sim, may your bloodline end!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:37 PM PST

    Pain. (It's still a good game though, jk.)

    submitted by /u/dannaboi
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    bUt I dOn'T wAnT tO pLaY aS pOnTuS!!!1!11!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:28 PM PST

    Is it possible to take and hold Rome as a Catholic ruler

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:00 AM PST

    Let's say if I was able to successfully take Rome from the pope and establish my ownlittle thing there, Will there be any long-term consequences?

    Will future popes have a vendetta against me, and try to take it back after the current pope kicks the bucket, or will I be able to hold it assuming other secular rulers don't best me for it?

    submitted by /u/freyasunshine
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    Mended The Great Schism as an Orthodox Christian on Ironman!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 12:09 AM PST

    I was inspired to do a Roman run-through and also make a story, here is the first ruler, Titus Aquila of Lucca

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:40 AM PST

    Titus Aquila was a peasant in the county of Lucca. His was a family that had fallen from grace since the collapse of the empire, though he still carried on his Roman traditions, while still remaining a devout Catholic. Titus grew up learning about people and the ways of speech. He learned how to speak softly when necessary, and when to use bold words. His ability to communicate with his fellow peasants in the county of Lucca allowed him to rally a sufficient number to his cause of restoring the Roman way in Italia. At the age of 45, he led a rebellion against his liege lord of Lucca. It wasn't until September of 1066 that he managed to wrangle control of the county from his former ruler, and took control of it himself. Seeing how the peasants loved him, and also being sympathetic towards another deft diplomat, Duchess Matilda allowed for Titus to keep the title, and made him a noble of the Duchy of Tuscany. Titus went to work soon after his promotion, creating alliances and making friends of his other fellow vassals, as he knew they wouldn't take kindly to being on the same level as a jumpstart noble. Through his diplomatic alliances and help from his wife, Guencenedl, he managed to cut a sizable chunk of 8 counties, from Pisa to Ancona for himself. During his wars, he was able to convert the populace of his home of Lucca from the practices of the barbarous Italians to the ways of true Romans. After he had acquired a sizable domain, Titus went about befriending those outside the Duchy of Tuscany, who had since become independent from the German pretenders to the Empire of Rome. Titus had 4 children with his wife, Guencenedl. His oldest, also named Titus showed himself to be quite intelligent, and could work his way around trade deals and a pouch of coins. His first daughter, Placidia, was also intelligent and took after her father's diplomatic abilities. His second son, Priscus, was brave and manipulative. Finally, his second daughter, Claudia, did not share the astute mind of her mother or sister, though she took quite well to the scheming and plotting that benefit the ancient Roman politicians of old. Titus senior saw his oncoming death and secured his son's place with a marriage between his daughter Placidia and the Duchess Matilda's only son, Riccardo. Count Titus of Lucca died at age 69 from natural causes. His son and heir, now Count Titus II of Lucca would take the reins from his father, and drive his family's name to greatness, the likes of which Italia had never seen.

    submitted by /u/The_True_Nacilep
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    What defines base stats? (CK3)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 01:51 AM PST

    My children are always so random. The base stats seem to have no pattern.

    Regardless of whatever education I choose for them, a very good guardian, how early I choose said education, traits, persoanlity etc, it seems like the base stats get chosen completely randomly which is annoying af.

    Does anyone know what affects it?

    submitted by /u/Bababooey951
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    I think that this is not how it works

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 11:37 AM PST

    Where is a good and historical place to start as a Pagan, and what culture?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:03 AM PST

    Seeing as the Pagan religion is pretty loosely defined, with holy places all around the world, where would be a good and historically accurate place to start off as a Pagan? Also, what cultures were pagan?

    I've been thinking in Alba as a Pictish Culture, seeing an AI Form Pictland where Scotland should be in one of my Playthrough, In order to make a Pagan Brittania.

    submitted by /u/Subject_Seaweed
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