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    Crusader Kings Tutorial Tuesday : September 22 2020

    Crusader Kings Tutorial Tuesday : September 22 2020

    Tutorial Tuesday : September 22 2020

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Tuesday has rolled round again so welcome to another Tutorial Tuesday.

    As always all questions are welcome, from new players to old. Please sort by new so everybody's question gets a shot at being answered.

    Feudal Fridays

    Tutorial Tuesdays

    Tips for New Players: A Compendium

    The 'On my God I'm New, Help!' Guide for beginners

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Regarding a post I made about "Margaery Tyrell" in Crusader Kings 3

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    (Don't know what flair to use, so I'll just put CK3 as default.)

    TL:DR: I thought a game of thrones character was a vanilla easter egg but someone told me it was from the mod Coat of Arms fix which I was not aware of it, post blew up to 4.9k karma, felt guilty cause I felt I was essentially misleading people. So I deleted the post.

    I made a post about Margaery Tyrell in Crusader Kings 3 which suggested it to be a vanilla easter egg from the title I had given it and it blew up, eventually becoming one of the hottest posts of CK3. I didn't expect it to blow up as much for me to recieve 4.9k Karma from people. The initially thought Tyrell from Game of Thrones is not a vanilla easter egg but a modded easter egg from the mod "CoA fix" or "Coat of Arms fix".

    I was made aware of the error after I was told it wasn't vanilla and immediately deleted my post so I wouldn't further mislead people into thinking it was real. Apologies to those that were misled by my post yesterday :^(

    Edit: Thanks for recieving this apology better than I expected instead of flaming me to oblivion, the CK community is absolutely one of the best Paradox communities to be a part of! You guys are funny asf in the comments.

    Edit 2: Edited some words. i.e. apolagies....

    submitted by /u/AlienFromTerra
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    Opening late game family tree be like

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    All that Jenga has paid off for my son!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    I found Shrek during a hunt in the marshlands of Garðaríki

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:13 AM PDT

    Why is my husband's crown so much fancier than mine? I'm the one with the empire here

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    TIL You can see your feast participants by clicking on the golden goblet at your capital

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Shocking news at court today, where my king has discovered that his male soulmate might be... *gay*.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Virgin Spain's Badajoz vs Chad CK3's BADAGOD

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    There is too much incest among the AI

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    I know this is the funny incest game and memes, but among my eight children literally 4 of them, two brothers and two sisters, were fornicating. In the generation after that, almost every branch had more extramarital incest in it. It seems once you breed attractive looks into your family the AI just looks for the next available attractive female and goes to town, not considering (enough) if she is a close relative. So if you make a lot of your sons dukes or whatever and both your sons and daughters have attractive genes almost half of them end up inbreeding. That's insane. Whatever modifier there is for the AI to decide whether to seduce their sister or mother or whatever should just be halfed.

    submitted by /u/ThatStrategist
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    Playing with the shattered world mod. I think I gave birth to Freddie Mercury.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    I kidnapped the King of England and now I don't know what to do...

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    He stole my home county. Called three full fucking empires to do it actually. 17,000 soldiers against my liege's 3,000. So I kidnapped him.

    Actually, I tried to kidnap his son, but it wasn't happening. So I kidnapped his daughter instead. Then murdered his son, making the daughter his heir. Then kidnapped the king himself. Then kidnapped his most powerful vassal just for good measure. And the vassal's son. Then I requested a claim on England.

    So, now I have this zoo full of Royals and I don't know what to do with them...

    Side note: I've discovered something of a glaring flaw in the game as a result of this debacle. If you kidnap enough powerful leaders, the whole will region just kind of grind to a halt because nobody can declare war.

    submitted by /u/pyronius
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    That's some real character progression

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:34 AM PDT

    If only my heirs were as resilient in battle as this stubborn bastard...

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    I made a map of every mine province in Europe for CK3 (these mines make some serious money)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    A Child at Heart?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    I am a good Catholic. I have no other choice.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    I wouldn't really call them Mongols or Infidels...

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    My spouse is so pious she even makes me like myself more

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    I lose my vast Kingdom due to a one one on fight challenge from a nephew? Umm...wut?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    So I was having a nice run as the King of Sweden. Had conquered most of the Norwegian peninsula, had some random outposts in England and mainland Europe, on my way to Exalted of Men, etc., etc. My heir was a young buck with some good stats, and I was just about to reach 50 years old and earn renown and prestige in my golden years.

    My nephew started a faction against me for independence, but he was a ways away from reaching ultimatum status (not even close to having enough military might to challenge me). The prisoners in my jail were sweating as they knew that in my quest to bully the populace they'd be dead for the dread gain (which would solve the faction issue).

    Then a single page event occurs. My nephew challenges me to a one on one fight for the Kingdom of Sweden. Option one had a 100% chance of me losing and him gaining the Kingdom of Sweden. Option two was basically the same thing, but 50/50 chance. Option 3 was give my nephew my Kingdom. What about the Battle of the Bastards Jon Snow option, i.e., I decline to fight and we just settle on the battlefield? Not an option.

    So I pick option 2 and lose the man to man fight against my nephew and he becomes the King of Sweden and I am his vassal. WTF??! All my hard work gone with one click.

    I don't mind harsh consequences from difficult choices, but that is ridiculous. Spent lot of time building my empire and was just about to create the Kingdom of Denmark, but a one page event has me lose my entire realm? Not even remotely realistic, as if a nephew challenged me one on one in the "real world" and I knew I was too old to fight I'd either use a champion or just go to war against the agitator. I wonder if this is a bug as option 2 had a typo in it. Just strange.

    Anyone else have this happen to them? Just frustrating, and an Iron Man game so no going back to an old save to avoid the nonsense.

    /rant off

    submitted by /u/huskylawyer
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    Recreated a bit of obscure history for non-Iberians, I recreated the Crown of Aragon!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    What's a little attempted murder between good buds?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    Found the Prophet Muhammad in game!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Big Chakravarti, Ruler of India. A proud moment

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:05 AM PDT

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