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    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : June 26 2020

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : June 26 2020

    Feudal Friday : June 26 2020

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Welcome to another Feudal Friday, a place for you to regale the courts of Europa with your tales. Stories, screenshots and achievements are all welcome.

    Previous Feudal Fridays

    Current Tutorial Tuesdays

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Should I be worried?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    Crusades and Crusading accessories

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    Not a fan of this "Ultimogeniture," I tell you what.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    To the person who found that the in-game Constantinople was underwhelming : here's the place it occupied within the Bosphorus. If the game was realist, Constantinople would be even smaller, and by a lot.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    Didn't know a Zheng He event was in the game, first time getting this late into the game (1417)

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    Nothing's more satisfying than restoring the Empire after 1204

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    If I had a nickel

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    It always gets them while they're young

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    I'm not so sure about this one, Filip...

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    769 is an absolutely cursed start date

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    I really have no idea how that happened...

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Today's CK3 Q&A with the devs, July 1st

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    Q: Will there be new nicknames added to the game?

    A: Yes

    Q: will changing feudal contracts have any affect on stress? for example will content characters not want it to change too much?

    A: Some traits do give stress if changing the contract, just will give you stress if you change it in an unfair contract for example

    Q: how did the "shoe loving" event come to be?

    A: I worry about our Game Designer sometimes too.

    Q: what was the most challenging event/event chain to work on?

    A: The bastardy system has caused our content designers many many headaches

    Q: Will events such as the Bearly Legal event be returning?

    A: Well if any were we'd definitely not be telling you :wink:

    Q: doe the clan and tribal gov have contracts?

    A: No.

    Q: in Dev diary #33 there was a law concerning "coinage rights" which I assume has to do with whether or not you're allowed to mint your own coins. The reason why I bring this up is that I wonder if you can clarify what that law actually implies and how it will affect gameplay as it wasn't talked about in the diary?

    A: It increases the development growth of the vassal at the cost of development growth for the liege to represent the vassals own ability to mint their coins

    Q: How often is the AI likely to do something against character?

    A: For most purposes the AI treats the player the same as any other character. So if it makes sense for them to do something with or to the player, they're likely to do it. There's tweaks here and there to ensure it doesn't get overwhelming.

    Q: Will stress affect NPCs?

    A: Yes, the AI is affected by stress too. The AI will usually try to avoid gaining stress, but can definitely get mental breaks from things like family members dying.

    Q: Can we still rename provinces?

    A: All titles can be renamed.

    Q: Concerning the Feudal Contracts, how tribal relationship will work? Something similar, something different, or you will answer it in the future?

    A: Tribes do not use individual obligations, it is constant base heavily scaled by the prestige level instead of negotiated obligations

    Q: In the Event Scripting Dev Diary, it seemed that the scripting language is very similar to Imperator's Jomini. Does it mean that CK3 will have similar modding capabilities, including Scripted GUI?

    A: Yep! Scripted guis are fully functional in CK3

    Q: will we be able to disable fantasy stuff?

    A: On release there's no fantasy content.

    Q: Will there be any downsides to coping mechanisms, and counter to that, will there be any upsides to not having any coping mechanisms? (e.g. finding out someone was a brothel addict would be a hook)

    A: There's downsides to almost all coping mechanisms, with the exceptions of Athletic and Journaller, and those are very rare. In fact, I think Journaller might have downsides too, if someone finds your journal. Anyway, some examples: going to brothels frequently can result in STD's, being Irritable and choosing to 'Lash Out' can damage your vassal's opinions of you, etc.

    Q: Will Forts work the same way as in EU4? Where certain paths are blocked unless you take a certain fort?

    A: No. You might call it a "soft" zone of control, where forts, or rather hostile counties, make you suffer an attrition hit if you enter a hostile county (from another hostile county) without controlling anything adjacent to it. This will still allow you free movement, but you'll have to take the attrition in mind if it's something you think you can afford or not.

    Q: Will the game have leap years?

    A: No. Leaving out leap years makes a lot of date math far easier, so we don't consider adding leap years worth it considering the bugs and issues it would cause.

    Q: Will I be able to prevent random courtiers (either generated by the game or banished from another court) from showing up at my court?

    A: You won't get random Courtiers except for at game start, the rest is handled by the Guest system.

    Q: Can vassals force their liege to change their contracts via factions or rebellions?

    A: They can force them to change crown authority levels, but factions cannot change individual contracts. That can be done through trading points (e.g. lower taxes for more troops) or risk gaining tyranny if you do this unjustly. Hooks will let you change them without having to trade off points!

    Q: Will Crusades work like they work now?

    A: By definition, yes. Now if you mean like in CK2, Crusades work quite similarly to how they do in Holy Fury, with some tweaks and bells and whistles added here and there.

    Q: Will the death of pets cause stress?

    A: It can do!

    Q: Can you suggest contracts as a vassal to your liege?

    A: Vassals can negotiate a different contract with their liege yes, they have the added requirement of proposing a fair trade unlike the liege who can make unfair ones and gain tyranny

    Q: will you be able to use stress as a weapon against your rivals

    A: Well, in a way. Murdering their close family if they're compassionate will definitely stress them out. Keeping them in your dungeon/torturing them will also induce a lot of stress. There are ways.

    Q: Will having several of your family members die within a short timespan give severe stress/depression

    A: Family members dying in short succession is very likely to result in one or more mental breaks, yes.

    Q: Will we be able to mod new Special Contract or Privilege options for Feudal Contracts?

    A: Yes.

    Q: In recent game-play footage we have been shown of King Alfonso of Leon, the holy site of Rome can be seen to give +1 stewardship to Catholics. In Dev Diary #20 it is said to give Orthodox characters +10% piety. Is this something that has changed during development or do the holy site bonuses differ depending on the religion that holds them? If the latter, are we able to change the bonuses when we make a custom faith or reform the religion?

    A: It would be due to it being changed. Holy Sites have the same bonuses regardless of Faith.

    Q: Can I marry my sister?

    A: With the right doctrines, yes.

    Q: Stress relief activities in CK3 that we were shown are certainly very extreme - flagellation, drinking, hedonism. What are some milder, more socially acceptable ways to do it?

    A: Of course. Your ruler might just enjoy themselves with a bit of exercise. Or can become reclusive, partake in occasional spending spree or just take additional stress hit with no long-term repercussions, but these can be much more severe if you decide to ignore them.

    Q: Is there anything prevent a player from making all of their vassals have the same special contract type? E.g. all vassals as Scutage if you're gunning for a Man-at-Arms-only army, or all vassals as Marches if you want to become really hard to conquer (though it's thematically a bit odd to have Marches in non-border regions).

    A: Currently no, though its also worth noting the downsides of the contracts and the requirements for that contract to be enacted such as innovations unlocked and the tiers of the vassals. So its not a super strong win to just give them something like that for every vassal, it is a trade off

    Q: Is thre any way to increase some NPC stress in order to.... shorten it's lifespan?

    A: I heard imprisonment is a really stressful experience, especially if ruler is of... particularly sadistic nature.

    Q: As we know, petting a pet can be used to relieve Stress, but what happens when a pet dies? Does the event of losing one's beloved Stress-sponge result in a Stress hit?

    A: It can do

    Q: Will the peace system resemble EU4 in any way? CK2s peace mechanics were pretty good, but easy to abuse and hard to take only specific plots of land.

    A: The peace system is essentially the same as in CK2, as we feel this is a better fit for the era than the EU4 system.

    Q: Some of the best fun in ck2 was playing as rulers I wouldn't have thought id enjoy playing (e.g. Bob who is a cannibal with 2 stats in every skill). With the new ability to disinherit how will this feature be balanced in a way that lets the player disinherit if they so choose but still be incentivized to "Give the bad heir a try"?

    A: Disinheriting costs Renown, which is the same currency you use to acquire Dynasty Legacies. You have to decide what's the most important to you. Also, Disinheriting costs Prestige too, which limits you a bit further.

    Q: Does the "forced partition" vassal contract option immediately change your inheritance?

    A: Yes, it forces you/vassal to adopt partition laws, regardless of your realm laws.

    Q: If feudal contracts can only be changed once per character, does that mean if I change the contract then later on get a hook, I won't be able to use that hook for the contract?

    A: Correct, the hook does not impact the once per lifetime per character rule

    Q: will we be able to resume the game time during events(like eu4) or will it be paused until the player chooses a decision to end the event (like non multiplayer ck2)?

    A: Like in CK2.

    Q: regarding modding, will we be able to create faiths dynamically in scripts? e.g. clone an existing faith but change one of the doctrines in scripting. This would allow mods to add a dynamic heresy system, which would be really cool

    A: That's not currently feasible, though we do have some vague ideas on that front.

    Q: Have succession laws and loss of land on succession been made any clearer for certain players who are not all that smart? Asking for a friend.

    A: Yes! The succession tab in the realm view will list out which titles are going where due to what succession reasons to help clear that up and make it less tedious to check every title manually

    Q: The character finder, although useful, always felt a bit gamey to me, sorting by skill and then picking the best.

    Does the new character finder have any solutions to this pick the best for the job way of doing things? A: Characters are much much harder to invite to your court than in CK2. Most characters will not be willing to move to your court since they have no reason to.

    Q: Can adult characters change their culture?

    A: Of course!

    Q: Can you demolish buildings in freshly caputured provinces, either for profit or becuase your long term goal requires a different building?

    A: You can't destroy them, but you can replace them with a different building.

    Q: It was said during the last DD that the feudal contract of a freshly landed courtier (i.e., an unlanded, claimless courtier being granted a title) would default to the average level of obligations. Wouldn't it be better if the liege could freely set that feudal contract to whatever they want? I mean, if they don't like it, sure, I'll find someone else to rule that land for me...

    A: That would be very easy to abuse and removes part of the fun of having vassals and being able to negotiate with them

    Q: Will counties adjacent to navigable rivers (e.g. Kiev) be able to embark troops onto boats or will they have to walk troops to the sea and then embark?

    A: If you can travel on rivers, you can embark on rivers. If you can't travel on rivers, you can't embark on them.

    Q: Can a vassal start a rebellion if the contract has been changed in a way that he hates it? Does that grant them a Casus Beli?

    A: They are free to join a faction or start a war like they would be for any act their liege does which they dislike

    Q: will there be heraldic stains for sins

    A: Coats of arms are tied to dynasties and titles, not individual characters, so we don't use abatements. The stain colours are also a bit anachronistic for our time period and so don't appear in the random list of tinctures.

    Q: How many coping mechanisms could we have by always taking the stressful decisions ? Is there a hard limit or can we theoretically get as many as we want ?

    A: You can get multiple coping mechanisms the more stressed you are, e.g. drunkard and reclusive.

    Q: how moddable is stress gain? Would a modder potentially be able to make certain cultural techs or religious tenets completely remove stress from things like child death?

    A: Stress gain is heavily moddable. The ideas you mention should be feasible to mod in.

    Q: will creating a custom empire/kingdom with 3 kingdom titles make the territories within the empire dejure to the title similar to ck2?

    A: Creating a custom title, say an empire, will automatically de jure drift any kingdom you hold.

    Q: will all beard styles be available at 16?

    A: You need to give nature a bit more time to grow a proper beard, which usually start appearing around 18 years of character's age.

    Q: Will you be able to walk through another country with your troops without military access?

    A: Like CK2, CK3 does not have a military access mechanic. You can walk through neutral countries.

    Q: In CK2 we had around 2 big chain events(the one with Robin Hood and the one with the Gate of Hell). Could you give us an estimate of how many chain events we will have in CK3 and if so, could you give some loose details of what they'll be about?

    A: We have some very long event chains in the game, mostly tied to interactions and intrigue. As to what they are - you will have to experience them yourself. But they are looooooooooong.

    Q: will pilgrimages reduce stress?

    A: Events during pilgrimages may increase or lower stress depending on the options you choose and your traits.

    Q: is the default obligation gains for new vassals moddable via scripting, so you could have event's that create new vassals with a set contract

    A: The defaults are scripted yes, and an event can change the contract a vassal has if they wish to

    Q: Is there a possibility that the position of "Dynast" could be renamed, e.g. to "Head Dynast" or "Senior Dynast", given that a "dynast" is normally any (eligible/male) member of the dynasty?

    A: We've changed 'Dynast' to 'Dynasty Head' for clarity.

    Q: Is CK3 more beginner friendly than CK2 or other CK series?

    A: Yes

    Q: With spouses, how many events are tied to loving or disliking your spouse and how often will they trigger?

    A: Events, their options and outcomes will be tied directly to what you think of your spouse and what your spouse thinks of you. That also impacts how you react about their natural or "natural" death.

    Q: Do feudal vassal levy laws affect Men-at-Arms stuff in any way, or do your feudal vassals only ever give you regular levies?

    A: Vassals only provide levies; men at arms are specific to their owner.

    Q: I am a little worried about the idea of 3 stress levels, they seem exploitable, wouldn't there be ways of making sure you're staying just under a stress level?

    A: There are plenty of ways to alleviate stress before you reach mental breaks, like feasting or hunting. These work especially well if you have traits corresponding with the decision, such as being gregarious!

    Q: how many events are culture/location specific?

    A: An amount greater than zero and less than the total amount of events in the game

    Q: Will ingame music depend on culture, religion or goverment type? (or a variety of those)

    A: Mood tracks no, but there is plenty of ambient sounds that are tied to regions and faiths (church bells for Christians, for example).

    Q: Can I get my vassals' men-at-arms if I revoked their titles or their titles go back to me

    A: No

    Q: Who did the plant pet in the last Dev Diary belong to?

    A: That is the beloved plant of one of our Content Designers, heptopus on the forums you may have read some of her previous dev diaries :slight_smile:

    Q: Since we won't have to raise fleets, how will raiding work. In ck2 fleet has its own wealth storage and you get event increasing province's output after arriving there with raid fleet.

    A: The raid loot is stored on the army, and you get it when the army returns to your lands.

    Q: If I conquer a county will I imprison everyone from the person's family and perhaps himself if he's there. Also in battle will there be a higher chance of imprisonments then from Ck2 ?

    A: Sieges, raids, and battles have a chance of imprisoning people.

    Q: Would it be possible to make it so that vassalizing someone or giving a landed title automatically starts a Feudal Contract negotiation to create the initial terms, rather than just giving us a default one?

    A: Its possible for someone to mod in, but for the vanilla game we feel like that would be to spammy for whenever you create a vassal needing to negotiate custom terms. If you wish you can just negotiate it optionally after landing them but it being forced would not be ideal in our opinion

    Q: Will "De Jure" realms and duchies be subject to change during a gameplay?

    A: Of course.

    Q: how often will the ai demand a contract rework?

    A: If they have a hook on you, they're reasonably likely to use it to change their contract.

    Q: is it more likely now that you actually have to manage your economy in ck3?

    A: Yes

    Q: Historically speaking, some terrain elements such as Caucasus mountains have prevented massive invasions throughout centuries (from north to east) by granting defending party a massive advantage to fight in choke points.

    Will these kind of choke points grant any additional bonus in combat, other than limiting the path from which enemy can enter your territory? (Say Georgia) A: Geographical bottle necks mostly limits the enemies movement, but that also allows you to easier know where they'll be coming. You can easily position your army to block their path, and if you happen to be standing in mountains, you'll get a significant advantage bonus in combat. Remember also that you are able to build defensive building, further increasing the advantage bonus you can get in combat.

    Q: Are Zunist and Bön in the Eastern or Pagan religious group?

    A: We have Religious Families now, rather than groups. They're in the Pagan family.

    Q: Is a hook inherited if unused (because for instance you already negotiated the feudal contract?)

    A: Hooks are not inherited.

    Q: how active will the AI be in renewing contracts?

    A: When they have a hook they will try to change the contract to benefit them, so careful who you shake hands with!

    Q: Can hooks be reused?

    A: Strong hooks don't disappear on use, but are instead not possible to use for a certain amount of time

    Q: Will the AI use the Disinherit option for unworthy heirs or this option is just for the player?

    A: It will disinherit only during extreme circumstances, such as if their heir has a very bad trait (Kinslayer, Cannibal, etc)

    Q: Will characters look like their parents even if their culture is changed?

    A: Yes, the dna and ethnicity are separate from the culture the character has, you can integrate into a culture and change that whilst ethnicity and dna remain the same and those are what determines the genetic look of children

    Q: I see in ck3 that some char pose like they are talking a picture it's usually the husband, wife and heir i assume ? what kind of feature is that ?

    A: It's showcasing the family from your latest save file!

    Q: Is the culture of a county fixed to a certain culture (group) or can a dedicated ruler "reeducate" his/her subjects?

    A: Culture can be changed if the head ruler is of different culture. Then the culture can be promoted to what the ruler thinks it should be. Ruler can also adopt local culture if they so desire.

    Q: Can we rename our children's children to ensure they dont break family naming traditions?

    A: Children can be renamed when they are born.

    Q: Will counties be able to de jure drift into other duchies, or will only duchies and kingdoms de jure drift into other kingdoms/empires, like in CK2?

    A: Only duchies and kingdom can de jure drift into other titles.

    Q: is there a music player?

    A: They will be no music player this time around, as the system is based on mood and cue tracks to make the experience more immersive.

    Q: It's very easy to unite two very big realms practically forever in CK2 by just changing them both to primogeniture, are there any measures taken to prevent something like this?

    A: You're going to spend more time with various forms of Partition succession. Getting Primogeniture is hard, and requires certain Innovations. This means that managing your succession is more important, and reuniting your lands post-succession is going to me a more present thing throughout the game. There are more tools to manage this though, such as Disinheritance. :slight_smile:

    Q: Can the appearence of the currently played character be customized in terms of clothing and hairstyles?

    A: Yes, via barbershop.

    Q: will a character get stress he inherits a title / can a non played character have stress ?

    A: As in real life all characters have stress, landed or not

    submitted by /u/Agamidae
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    Ck3 desperately needs a character creator

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:23 AM PDT

    I've been getting a little concerned that none of the information we've heard so far has referenced character creation, and am worried it won't be in the game on release.

    It goes without saying that creating you're own dynasty is a huge part of how many people play the game. Given how much effort they seem to have put into improving the roll playing experience for ck3 it would be a devastating step backwards to prevent players from creating their own characters and stories.

    submitted by /u/SecondAccount404
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    From a count in Ireland, to a weird border-gore of the English Empire.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Get your Charlemagne and have your Europe shattered

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Vasco 'the Great', 1149

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Nigeria: My parents aren't home ;) France:

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    All Hail Shah Zere, the celibate werewolf of Zabulistan.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Unpopular opinion: Conclave makes the game too easy

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    Hi folks.

    I am quite experienced player (1500+) and to get all achievements, I've recently bought the Conclave DLC. And... it made my game too easy. Sometimes I felt like I almost cheated. So

    1. Favors. Oh, favors. It allows you to cross religion boundaries, get concubines from around the world, collect all the bloodlines you want. And elective monarchies are so much easier to manage (especially the forced elective ones, like HRE or ERE). - when bribes are not enough, you have favors. Piece of cake! Also, playing as a vassal is so much pleasant. As an independent ruler, I have one very important rule. NEVER owe somebody a favor. Even death is better. With that rule in mind, you can abuse the favor system to the great extent.

    2. Primogeniture is so much easier to get. Without Conclave, you need high crown authority. And ALL your vassals have a vote when you want to change authority level. With a Conclave, you just need to send to Spymaster to Constantinople and once or twice use Scholarship focus (to get Legalism 3 and Late Feudal Adiministration). Also, Christian realms tend to be much stable, because almost everyone get Primogeniture.

    3. Managing the realm. In fact, Conclave, with the council laws system, allows you to manage your realm even more efficient. For weak rulers, war declaration law is a first choice. Council members cannot join factions (when the council is content), and usually it effectively disband all faction that could be threatening to you. And it buys you time to gather strong demesne, raise centralization, shift taxes and so on. AND when you are strong enough, you can start your way to absolutism.

    submitted by /u/DrMatis
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    My dynasty absolutely loves incest. My cousin has been married to my relatives twice(half-brother and kinsman) and now she is asking to marry my cousin. This is not the only person like this, for some reason my relatives all want to marry each other. Why, Just Why?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    I’m glad all titles can still be renamed, cause I like making custom empires and kingdoms rather than historical ones a lot of the time.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    There should be a "saved your ass" opinion bonus

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    Seriously though, I just single handedly won a war for France that they were losing. It should go beyond just honouring an alliance and the fact that I contributed 90% of the positive warscore should be recognized by the AI. It would be realistic for one, and provide a stronger incentive to ACTUALLY participate in alliance wars rather than just agreeing to join and doing nothing.

    submitted by /u/anonymousPhilospher
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    Thats how you deal with rebels, comrade.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    What you doing up there?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:43 AM PDT

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