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    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : July 10 2020

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : July 10 2020

    Feudal Friday : July 10 2020

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Welcome to another Feudal Friday, a place for you to regale the courts of Europa with your tales. Stories, screenshots and achievements are all welcome.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    First time in 300hrs of gameplay

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    Better Looking Garbs mod actually displays pets in portraits !

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    I'm locking these 2 in the breeding dungeon with a crate of Viagra...

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    I always chuckle when I get the JFK assassination event.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    Even when you marry off your bitch sister to the farthest realm...

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    "Wow, I've got England, France, and the HRE all paying tribute to my little kingdom, I wonder if I'll get a cool nickna-"

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    There is no plague in ba sing se

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    Things to do: Survive until release day

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Advice for anyone playing in the Near East: create a Trade Republic in Khozistan, make them your friend, and tax the shit out of them.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Never seen this before, a mercenary company holding land and as an independent ruler no less

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    "Thorough Investigation"

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    Didn't form the Archduchy of Austria but I formed the HRE as the Habsburgs in 850

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Just finished a full Slavic Union (rp)-playhtrough starting as Dyre the Stranger - Will share random/funny moments the coming days!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    Battle of the empires

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Bloodlines: The Legacy of Charlemagne (Part 14)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Bloodlines: The Legacy of Charlemagne (Part 14)

    Emperor Julien I


    14th of December, 1314

    I've grown so tired of the days waning in and out. All sorts of nonsense. Why do people get caught up in the petty and foolish whims of old men? Today I've chosen to pass a few new reforms for France upon the advice of my court physician and my council. I've ordered for provincial apothecaries to be built across the provinces of the Empire. This should help better the health of my subjects and hopefully make them more productive. This along with granting more powers and abilities to some of the more capable women in my court. I've passed the Women's Full Status Reformation Act which will allow women into positions as governors, advisors, administrators, though I don't expect them to fill my court. Dorothea had come to recommend this act and truly I've met many capable women in my life who could do my advisors' jobs leaps and bounds ahead of them. This has surely irked some more traditionalist factions in the court but frankly to hell with them. I'm Emperor and I can administer this Empire how I please. If France is prosperous the just thing to do is make sure this prosperity can be expanded onto all of my subjects. Besides, the truth lingers in the back of my mind. The secret that's haunted me my entire reign. Based on my last letters exchanged with her Douce is sick now, her mind once so sharp and wonderful is now riddled with madness and hysteria. The Great Pox consumed her. I pray for her daily and yet I know there will be no answer. I don't write to her anymore and I feel like my heart is being torn once again. While I care for Dorothea, no I love my wife. Douce was always a woman whom I held especially close in my heart and knowing she's suffering leaves a terrible void. I wrote her husband to inform me should anything happen to her though in truth I hope to pass first. I doubt she will, in her current state, mourn my loss as I would do for hers.

    14th of April, 1316

    When I awoke my joints ached especially hard I laid in bed crying out as I grabbed my drink downing it I looked at the bottle of wine in my hand and felt it drip into my beard before the servants came in. I could barely make out their voices as they were helping me out of bed. Everything was numb and the world was so quiet. I had a sudden vision. A memory almost gone of the sound of a glass bottle breaking. The day my father had passed. I resented my father, he was truly a vile man. Yet as I held the bottle in my hand and stumbled out with a cane in one hand and a servant holding my other arm they began dressing me and I just kept looking at my bottle. Will my children remember me the same way I remember my father? Had I truly become him? All of my efforts, all the suffering I put myself through had been in an effort to stray from his path. I did not want to be remembered in the same breath as 'Charles the Terrible'. I've become my father. The very thought disgusts me to my core. I sat on the throne though my mind was never really in focus. By the time I started making my way back to my room I just kept looking at the empty bottle in my hand. I could barely walk and by the time I collapsed onto the floor I didn't even call for help. Everything hurt so much, and the longer I went without drink the more it hurt. My father drank because of his sickness and so did I. This can never excuse me. I am truly despicable. The pain in my foot was almost unbearable. I looked up to see a tapestry depicting Charlemagne with a sword on display and I was tempted to cut off the foot and hope the pain would go away then and there. But I knew the pain would always be there. Help was on its way but everything was going dark. The pain was fading. I saw some guards rushing towards me but I couldn't hear their armor or footsteps. Only the slow beating of my own heart before it too fell silent. I didn't hurt anymore.


    Emperor Julien II


    6th of June, 1316

    Father's funeral had been relatively brief but it was a lovely ceremony. Hundreds of subjects had shown themselves surrounding Notre Dame in a massive swarm in mourning for their late Emperor. He was quite popular among the people. I was stunned to learn of his death, he was still relatively young. But his gout had gotten worse over the years. Brandimena had been comforting during what has honestly been a very difficult transition in my life. I'm supposed to be Emperor now, and although I've been preparing for this my whole life it is still jarring. For now my first duty and priority is to organize a coronation ceremony. Since father was a bastard there was naturally some question of his legitimacy as Emperor and by extension my own. Of course father's popularity and his good life helps. Hopefully I can live up to all of these great expectations set out for me.

    18th of July, 1316

    After over a month of celebrations the day had come for the coronation. As I approached and knelt before Pope Ioannes XX he held the crown over my head reciting a prayer in Latin before placing it upon my head "And so by the grace of god I name you Emperor Julien II of France, Emperor of the Romans, and King of Navarra!" And with that a resounding cheer as the crowds of nobles shouted "Long live the Emperor! Long Live France!" as I rose and was handed the cross orb and the family sword I turned to the crowd. Afterwards I had to deliver my greetings to everyone and meet with my council of advisors. This ceremony was expensive, as were many of the projects my father had started prior to his death mostly building up castle fortifications, keeps, and training grounds to help train larger armies. As this whole thing came to an end I set my mind to my next goal which was to refill the royal treasury.


    13th of June, 1318

    My reign has so far been peaceful and mostly uneventful. Administering and managing new construction projects my father started. I've been focusing instead on grooming Julien as he's now getting older. It's time to start the process of introducing him to his future vassals. Though today, I spent at Brandimena's side as she gave birth to our fourth child. It was announced to be a boy, our second son. We named him Baudouin, a family name that unlike Charles hasn't been tainted. My great-grandfather was an excellent Emperor in his day and his name is still respected. Feels appropriate to name at least one of my sons after him.

    2nd of October, 1321

    I've received a report that some distant kinsman from the Latin Empire is staking his claim on France. Apparently he's rallied support from several thousands of Greek soldiers to try and seize power. Honestly it sounds like the laughable attempt. I tell my Imperial Marshal to prepare some levies for when he arrives. Once destroyed he'll be imprisoned and never see the light of day again. I figured it'd be a matter of time before a pretender rose to challenge me.

    9th of March, 1322

    While preparing to face this pretender a letter had arrived from the Pope. It seems he has personally demanded that I reverse France's investiture law which states that I as Emperor may appoint bishops in my land. Frankly I find the notion insulting. France is a sovereign Empire, the Emperor does not serve the Pope. I had sent a reply some weeks ago stating that it is I who rules my land and the Pope must mind his own quoting Matthew 22:21 "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's". It seems he took that quote quite literally using his powers of God to formally excommunicate me from the church. As a zealous man who deeply worries about my own soul I can't let things escalate this far. I've issued a declaration of repentance to the Church and hopefully the Pope can forgive me. I care about my status but not enough to damn my immortal soul.

    13th of March, 1322

    I met with the Pope who was still in my court from his excommunication and after some repentance and confessions he lifted my excommunication, there was also the passing of the Papal Investiture Law. And with that done I now ride off with my armies to face this pretender as reports have come in that he landed in Normandy some days ago.

    23rd of April, 1322

    My father was never much of a commander himself; he had little training or education in most martial skills. Me? I personally loved sparring, jousting, honestly I always wanted to be a warrior king and lead my men into battle personally. Now I had that chance and to face off a pretender though as we arrived in Alencon the pretenders army was much smaller than initial reports suggested, I wonder if this is even his main army? Either way I lead the center of my forces as we descend down on them. Arrows flying overhead raining down on them as they returned with their own volley. The volley alone forced them into a retreat as we gave chase. This was much too easy and there was no signs of Yves the Pretender. Either way we must give chase further south to eliminate them and find out what is actually going on.


    25th of July, 1322

    The pretender army was crushed in Chartres and the Pretender himself was captured. Was this really all he had? I expected so much more, a truly pathetic display. Either way being able to lead a charge in battle was exhilarating. With Yves now arrested and imprisoned the only question as we return to the capital is what to do with him. Executing him would be wrong after all he is a member of the House of Karling. Perhaps living as a monk will do him good. I will write to the Knights of Sardinia and exile him there to join their order. That should put him somewhere he can't do much damage.

    30th of August, 1322

    When I returned to Paris I was greeted by a messenger from Pope Ioannes XX. He apparently arrived recently and had come to deliver an 'urgent' message to me. As Emperor of France and defender of Christendom his Holiness wants me to join in a new crusade. The Seventh Crusade was one of utmost importance and was called upon the request of Queen Clara of Italy. With the Holy Roman Emperors having abandoned the church causing chaos and the frequent invasions into Italy most have had enough. It's time to cripple the Emperor by removing all imperial holdings in northern Italy. The lands would naturally go to Queen Clara as the rightful monarch of Italy or rather to beneficiaries of the crusaders who would then become Claras subjects. I knew this was bound to come up during my reign. Ever since the Emperors and German nobility adopted the Fraticelli heresy they've been a constant threat at the very heart of Christendom. I was hoping the Pope would do something about it. "Inform Pope Ioannes that France pledges its full support and I am more than happy to make a large sum donation from my treasury to support this crusade." Finally, a battle where I can actually test my abilities as a commander. Considering that my Uncle Louis was at least for a time King-Consort of Italy it only makes sense if I make him my beneficiary going into this.

    18th of May, 1323

    Dangerous times we live in, a terrible plague of Smallpox has broken out and spread across France and the lowlands. Almost the entire empire along the Atlantic side has fallen ill. I've been working with my advisors to build up apothecaries to deal with this epidemic but only so much can be done. I worry if this will hinder the crusade, hopefully it passes before then.

    15th of July, 1323

    I came into the royal bedchambers to find my wife Brandimena sobbing into her hands, "My dearest, what's wrong?" I asked rushing to her side as she shook her head wiping her eyes "It's nothing Julien really..you shouldn't worry about me." I touched her cheek and pulled her in an embrace as she cried against my chest and I could feel her tears soaking through my clothes "Whatever it is I'll be here for you. Hey, it is okay." she then said between the sobs "father is dead." I sopped for a moment "By God, I'm so sorry. I'm here for you." she continued "Five days...five days ago he simply slumped in his chair and he just never got up. It was hours before anyone noticed." "It seems it was his time to join in heavens light. He's in a much better place now you know." she nodded against me as I then offered "Do you want to pray? Together?" she smiled wiping her tears before breaking again as we went to pray she sniffled constantly trying to keep her composure. Being Empress was not easy on her, like me she had to constantly keep her emotions bottled up. But losing a parent isn't easy. At least I still have my mother.

    8th of November, 1323

    With the crusade in two months time I've decided to call on the levies. The smallpox plague has subsided along the coastline and so I suspect it won't play a large role in the coming war. Either way I've ridden off to lead the crusading army southeast into the Imperial holdings in Italy. Soon these heretics will face the collective wrath of Christendom.

    19th of January, 1324

    Today is the day, Pope Ioannes XX has formally declared the Seventh Crusade against Holy Roman Emperor Ehrenfried. As my armies cross the alps we will be the first crusaders to arrive, honor and glory. More importantly a chance to repent for any sins I've committed in my life and prove myself as the warrior king I know I am meant to be.


    17th of May, 1324

    The initial skirmishes in the Alps were harsh as one might expect. After all these are incredibly treacherous mountains that have claimed the lives of many. Though as we siege the city of Piedmont and my other armies perform their own sieges across the German held territories. Though a letter just arrived from one of my armies in Cossato to the north. It seems the Germans have arrived with an army of 13 thousand men. I know this is not their full force but certainly they are facing threats from the east and north as well. Either way, I've issued orders for the other armies to travel to Cossato and rendezvous. Once they do they will be able to support one another and hopefully beat back the Germans into the mountains. The longer they are here with little supplies or food the faster they'll starve out. Hopefully this siege will end soon and I can join them!

    5th of June, 1324

    The Battle of Cosatto is over and it was a slaughter. Being positioned in the mountains meant we were able to trap and ambush the Germans and routed them with minimal losses. I arrived near the end of the battle rallying my men as we chased down the retreating armies. In the end not a single German survived the onslaught as their army was wiped out. Those that did flee will surely die in the snowy and mountainous wastes. I order for my men to begin dispersing and travelling back to their original targets. Hopefully with enough sieges this war will end quickly and decisively. As for me, I've chosen to travel east to Milan which will be the vanguard of my armies and surely the front lines.


    21st of June, 1324

    The siege of Milan was going well though today another army of around 12 thousand or so Germans arrived. I've sent out calls for reinforcements while preparing to lead the center charge as volleys of arrows fly across the battlefield. This is finally it, my glorious moment at the forefront of a crusade leading my people in the name of France and Christendom. As their right flank collapses entirely I call them into the center in a cavalry charge as I command a second volley. Once they crashed together their forces began their full retreat as we mounted cavalry and began the pursuit to cut down any of these heretics we could before they could get away. As we gave chase I noticed one of the commanders crawling over a rock in a huff fleeing in the opposite direction of his men "Who was that?" I called out as one of my men answered "I believe that's King Pieter of Frisia m'lord. I think he's fleeing." he said before taking aim with his bow "No no, don't let's spare the coward. We have more Germans to kill." I said as we continued to give chase. A successful battle indeed.

    1st of August, 1324

    Just as we were regrouping near the end of the battle another ten thousand Germans arrived from the north in a sudden rush to reinforce those that did flee. I noticed among their ranks the coward King Pieter. Either way the second phase of the battle seems to have come. After months of fighting and chasing I once again took charge of the center. Once cavalry charge and they almost instantly fell apart. It seems they weren't ready for our superior numbers. Either way we swooped to the right to trap and kill who we could as our left flanks continued to clash. In the end we secured our victory despite their reinforcements. That is the price of cowardice.


    13th of September, 1234

    More sieges and successes all around. It seems the German forces are avoiding us though as we continue sieging Milan and Piedmont it becomes apparent that this crusade is coming to an end. With land secure all that will be left will be chasing the heretics back across the alps and getting the Emperor to formally surrender. Despite sitting here in my tent most days I grow increasingly tired and filled with fatigue. My court physician says there's nothing to worry about probably just due to high exposure to the elements. He'll treat my general fatigue and hopefully I'll start feeling more awake.

    21st of October, 1234

    After my physician had me drink salt water to induce vomiting and balance my humors I still have not recovered any. He is consulting various records and looks to me quite seriously "Your grace this could, according to the stars and your records here, be the earliest onset of gout. It seems many of your predecessors have had it in the past including your father. If that's the case I have some treatments that can help it getting worse but once you have severe pain in your joints, especially your foot, let me know." he said before starting a blood letting to drain out my blood.

    30th of October, 1234

    As I wake in my tent with aching joints and pain I knew the physician was right. Damn him! This hurt so much. I remembered how my father complained about his own gout for years, how he turned to drinking near the end of his life. And just to add to my misery I was practically shaking violently in anger when I read the letter. My son, Julien, has apparently decided to renounce his claim to the Empire and become a Bishop. It seems he was convinced by his bitch wife Duchess Valence of Blois. She then married some peasant Norseman. Of course she picked when I was gone on crusade to do this. Though clearly she underestimated my connections. I've sent various letters including to my spymaster. She will be killed but first I will formally revoke her title of Duchess and hand that to someone else. The sooner she's buried the better.

    10th of December, 1234

    We gathered in the capital of Parma, there I met Queen Clara for the first time in person. There was a mass celebration and ceremony as the crusade came to an end. The one eyed Emperor Ehrenfried was also present as he signed a treaty fully recognizing Clara as the rightful Queen of Italy and renouncing the Empires claim to the Kingdom. With that the Pope has proclaimed the Seventh Crusade a success as the Fraticelli Heretics have been pushed back. Though, beneath the surface of celebrations and drinking there was the air of tension. This was not the end of the religious wars in the Holy Roman Empire. No this has opened an entire new series of conflicts that will only continue to grow in the coming days. Either way for now the catholic population of Italy has been freed and I am to return back to France where I suspect a rebellion might soon emerge. Apparently the King of Brittany has been growing his influence further and further out within the Empire and it's time to properly curb his lands. Luckily I have an entire army of crusaders at the ready should he resist.

    The Holy Roman Empire and Kingdom of Italy c.1325

    13th of March, 1325

    We've arrived in Brittany itself with the entire crusading army. Should a rebellion emerge my forces will be at the ready. Hopefully this display of force alone should be enough to get what I want. Mostly through inheritance over the past few generations King Jaspert d'Anjou currently has vassals all across the Empire well beyond the borders of his Kingdom. It's best I start changing that before he only grows his power base further.

    24th of March, 1325

    It's just as I feared. My father and grandfather had allowed Brittany to grow more and more powerful without checking them. Now as I came with my returning Crusaders King Jaspert has raised a banner in rebellion refusing to give up his lands. A civil war has broken out though I am confident. Jaspert is a fat and proud man, too arrogant to surrender and known for his cruelty and cold attitude. He hasn't made any friends and he has as much military experience as a nun in a nunnery.

    The Breton Rebellion of 1325

    submitted by /u/Leopath
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    Is this meant to happen?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    Anyone interested in CK3, its 18% off rn on greenmangaming. Its a legit site as far as I can tell. Ive used it a few times now with no problems. See yall in September!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    When you kick the Roman Emperor's backside so hard he resigns

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    When I raid the Byzantine empire I RAID the Byzantine empire.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    No mercy for the young Karling...

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    First complete Ironman game. Napoleon would be proud.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Go fuck yourself

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    I Like Those Odds.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    My first ever game where I became Emperor. What should my next objective be?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 03:34 AM PDT

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