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    Monday, June 29, 2020

    Crusader Kings CK3 Discord Live Q/A with the developers - Wednesday July. 1, 11:30am CEST 📢

    Crusader Kings CK3 Discord Live Q/A with the developers - Wednesday July. 1, 11:30am CEST ��

    CK3 Discord Live Q/A with the developers - Wednesday July. 1, 11:30am CEST ��

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    Well, Thanksgiving might get awkward

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:45 AM PDT

    The Doomer Duke

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    I hate this Game sometimes

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Orthodox Mass Confusion

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    I'm impressed by the Georgian AI that's the biggest I've ever seen the AI get

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 11:06 PM PDT

    After 1200+ hours, I just realized how attrition works

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Maybe I'm too used to EU4 where attrition is always on the 1st of the month, but after I saw attrition happening on other days I kind of ignored the mechanic, staying in high supply provinces and not invading pagans until I had the right tech.

    Finally in my most recent playthrough conquering godawful frozen Suomenusko 1.00k lands I tried to figure out when attrition actually ticked. It's not the first or last of the month, it's not 30 days after your army enters a province, and it's not random. It's the same day of the month that your ruler gets prestige/piety/grace/society points. Basically, when a character is born, the game selects a random day of the month (for my current ruler, the 13th), not based on your birthday or any other date I could tell, and decides that on that day every month forevermore you will get your monthly prestige and points, and all your armies will take attrition, whether they entered the county 1 day ago or 30 days ago.

    Is this common knowledge for everyone else? Conquering pagans as a non-pagan became 1000x easier now that I can guarantee arriving the day after attrition and get 30 days to siege down a holding, just like timing attacks in EU4

    submitted by /u/meroWINgian769
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    You should be playing with 1/4 Demense and 1/2 Vassal Limit, and here's why:

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Makes the game harder. Makes it more realistic. Too large realms often fracture. Greatly reduces AI blobbing. Makes vassals more powerful. Poor rulers (AI and Player) are often punished. Great rulers and better rewarded. Puts greater importance on upgrading your holding and technology. Rebellions are actually scary.

    I like to start as count tier, and I'm fed up with Byzantine or Abbasid covering half the map by the time I reach Emp. This solves sooooo many late game issues and makes the overall experience more fun and rewarding. The whole world is subject to lots more powershifts and general shenanigans. Realms are rarely exceed their De Jure size for long. It also helps with Gavelkind bc you only have 1 (or max 2) holdings.

    Also turn Mat Marriages off, they're not a historical thing. Play with 1/3 Cultural and Religious conversation speed.

    I'm in 200 years into a Nomad Turk to Persian Empire campaign and Byzantine collapsed, Abbasid collapsed, there was only 1 AI empire formed (Tibet).

    (But this does make playing Nomad or and existing Empire a bit easier)

    Or play however you like idc

    submitted by /u/IKnowYourGuilty
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    I'm just trying a simple Gotland into Empire of Russia campaign and I'm not only a few months into my campaign and this fires off......

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    My most promising emperor yet

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Auto-invite be like

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Jesus is too kind.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    what a cool lad

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    Cool cultures/religions to play as?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    I pretty much finished my Irish Catholic game (Became EMPEROR after not knowing how to make it past Duke for the longest time) and I was wondering who to play as next. What culture/religion do you guys find the most fun? Uniting Islam under a single caliphate? Restoring the Roman Empire to it's former glory? Raiding and pillaging as a badass viking? There are so many options and I'd like to know what you guys would recommend. I am obviously going to play them all eventually, (fucking love this game) but I'd still like to know which one feels the most 'exciting'

    submitted by /u/harrison_wheels
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    a nice little reference in my favorite show [including other paradox games]

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    When does the Viking age start?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    I thought the Viking age started around the year 800 but I'm waiting and I haven't had the pop up yet.

    submitted by /u/woooshmeifgay69
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    To pillage or not to pillage

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    So for my first try on mongols I decided to try not pillaging anything (mostly). And now I wonder why anyone would ever consider pillaging anything but tribes. Here are the pros for each as I see them


    + Near instant rewards

    + Sweet sweet tech points (very good early but worse later due to ahead penalty)

    + Population increase (more income) from pillaging itself in case of tribes AND increases to max population when you destroy the thing


    Don't Pillage:

    + Insane income for a nomad since you hardly spend money (I have +140 MONTHLY income now WITH horde maintenance and a bunch of wonders after conquering constantinople and a lot of arabic territory)

    + Little to no max population increase when invading places like byzantium which pretty much have 6 holdings everywhere. Which means you can spam invasions and consume half the map in a single lifetime

    + Invasions don't require any borders with the de jure kingdom you're taking so you can literally invade constantinople then go invade venice immediately (considering that)

    + Keep trade routes

    + Can actually get good levies aside from the horde (Though let's be real you'll never need them). rn I can levy up an additional 10k troops.

    + You can have 200+ vassals for fun (me rn)

    + Can ENSURE succession. With the insane gold income you can send away your favorite son as mercenary, hire him, and keep him hired forever safe and cozy in the capital which means he never dies or converts to another culture. This will only impact your levies which you never use. Or use him as a commander for a 15000+ horde in wars for prestige with essentially no chance he dies or gets captured. I'm not actually sure if mercenary leaders get prestige from winning battles they participate in but if they do then it's even more of a guarantee.


    I am currently building two wonders, 3 wonder features, and have 11(?) trade posts and my gold income can keep up. My capital and trade posts have not stopped building for like a 100 years straight.


    Also a couple of tricks I discovered that I want to share for nomads:

    1- Give your heir chinese artifacts which you can get very cheaply (with your income) to give him free prestige. You can also guarantee to keep those on succession and you won't lose any artifacts if you give them all then kill yourself.

    2- ALWAYS assault. 3500 men can assault a 1000 levy castle and suffer like 250 casulties for nomads it's insane. Maybe that's because of the warmongering reformation but still.

    3- I think everyone knows this already but: always stay at clan limit splitting a new clan with a single shitty county every time. If you do that there can never be any revolts because a revolt requires the creation of a new clan which the game can't do as long as you are at your clan limit. If you mess up or forget just immediately surrender instead of trying to deal with the 20-30k army that spawns. Will cost prestige though.

    4- Invade other nomads first until you can get hordes around 6k then start invading rich counties and don't pillage there.

    5- Do not loot ANYTHING in a county with a trade post or you'll lost the trade post. I am at 11/4 trade posts right now.

    6- Revoke any titles that may pass from your realm since none of your vassals can actually do anything with their single cities/temples no matter how much they hate you.

    submitted by /u/initiald-ejavu
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    Going live on a 769 play (now 836)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Started as the Duke of Auvergne in 769, now playing as the 12 year old king of Aquitane & Burgundy. Next in line for the throne is my sister who is 100% a demon child. If anyone wants to watch, link is below.

    Chapter 4: The Boy King & The Demon Child

    submitted by /u/AlrightByMonday
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    Event Hf. 41410 - The Pilgrim's Path to Immortality

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    I believe that this is what causes the endless pilgrimages. Why does this chain not work? I can't figure out where the bug is. Has anyone ever got it to work?

    submitted by /u/CypressCarter
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    Zunist Persians with Chinese neighbors? Jump into the stream and chill while we stretch our borders from one edge of the map to the other

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    should Ruler designer be base game or its ok to be a dlc?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    so as we don't get an info on Ruler designer and Paradox avoiding it in every interview, it's possible thats ruler design will be an other DLC. Should it be base or dlc?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Generalsouman
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