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    Saturday, May 2, 2020

    Crusader Kings Oh Boy my Game got Corrupted! And I was only 15 years away from Seven Centuries!!

    Crusader Kings Oh Boy my Game got Corrupted! And I was only 15 years away from Seven Centuries!!

    Oh Boy my Game got Corrupted! And I was only 15 years away from Seven Centuries!!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    Crusades are a lucrative form of income

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    I caught myself eyeing myself

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    The Byzantine Empire has hit a new low

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    Northeast America, 1100 A.D

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    The tale of the Uí Néill Noígíallach Dynasty from my corrupted save game.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    I figured after how much my corrupted save game blew up y'all deserved to hear the tale of the ill-fated Uí Néill Noígíallach dynasty. It all began in the year of our lord 769, with the rather craven Chief Congalach of Meath. His reign lasted a grand four more years before giving up the ghost at age 63. His son Flann mac Congalach succeeded him in a grand. Flann knew he possessed a great education and was widely regarded as a brilliant strategist. He also knew he had the blood of High King Niall 'of the Nine Hostages.' He then made it his goal to unite Ireland under his high kingship. He controlled the whole of the island before passing on in the year 812. His grandson Domnall succeeded him but was viewed as a tyrant. Domnall wanted absolute control and soon revoked all his vassals' titles. He then expanded his realm in the most immoral of ways. Domnall was a man of many heresies, seeming to follow whichever variation of religion would grant him the most opportunities for conquest. Countless holy wars later, Domnall passed on and with him, all hopes for the Catholics of Europe. Niall soon became the new Petty King of Meath but desired a new realm name. Niall became enamored by the work and commitment shown by the people of the Isle of Mhannin. Soon the new Kingdom of Mhannin was formed. Ireland and Wales were no more, being reduced to mere titular titles which Niall I flaunted as his trophies of conquest. That conquest soo encompassed all of West Francia which he renamed to West Mhannia as a clear insult to the Karlings whose blood he ironically now possessed. After securing Aquitaine, now called the Sudetenlan, Niall I created the Imperium of Mhannin. Before dying, Niall embraced the faith of the Norse people. Niall II inherited the throne as well as a greatly weakened Denmark from his father. He soon subjugated the Danes. Perhaps it was part of his appearance. For although Niall II was undoubtedly Irish, it was often remarked in the court that he looked more like an Anglo-Saxon than that of an Irishman. After taking Denmark, Niall saw that it was a time for a reformation of the rather unorganized Germanic faith. In his pride, he saw no issues with naming himself and his descendants to be among the Pantheon of Norse gods. Fylkir Niall II died soon after a successful Great Holy War for Middle Francia, which he referred to as Lotharingia. Fylkir Niall III soon wore the great Fylkir Crown for house Uí Néill Noígíallach his expeditions included the liberation of Iberia from the heathen Muslims as well as crushing any foolish ideas of a 'reconquista.' Niall III 'the Tempest' soon developed his own skill, raiding. All people in the Mediterranean learned to fear the long ships of Niall and those with his bloodline. Niall IV decided to confront the large and seemingly endless realm of the Muhallabid Caliphate. They had long since ousted the decadent Abbasids from power not only claiming their land but their rights to holding the the title of Caliph of Sunni Islam. Niall IV did care about the warnings of his advisors and soon declared the Great Holy War for Ifriqiya, aiming to to split the lands of the Muhallabids in half. The war was won and the land renamed to Carthage in honor of the Punic people who once called it home. Niall IV set out in the same way as his kinsman Niall III in order to become renowned for raiding, and succeeded. Niall V did the same. So did Niall VI. Soon, all those who bore the name Uí Néill Noígíallach also boasted the blood of four consecutive emperors who found there was no greater joy in the world than to raid the coasts of the Mediterranean and the Black Seas. These lords of the sea soon found raiding to be impossible. With those four emperors came six Great Holy Wars, which soon rid the Mediterranean of any coast populated by non-Irish, non-Germanic peoples. Niall V often remarked about the civilized peasant which began to appear in his capital of Paris and its surrounding lands. The great Seljuk arose somehow possessing Merovingian blood as well as his own. Fylkir Niall V laughed at this Turkish fool prompted curb-stomping him and his supposed army using only the Mann Guard, an elite corps of Irish heavy infantry which had an unbreakable defense and deadly counterattack. The Empire eventually bordered the lands of the Punjab. When Niall X witnessed the peaceful nature of the Buddhist faithful present in the region, he was felt no need to press on. "The people of the Indus are to be left in peace," he declared in a grand announcement. He was content with a large tributary state and so left the people of India to govern themselves. Not long after Niall XII ascended to the throne, there were reports of strange boats off of the coast of the Maghreb, or as it was known to the people in the empire, The Irish Congo. Soon Huetlatoani Huitztecol of the Aztec Empire and his two hundred thousand man army had declared the Invasion of the Irish Congo. Niall XII was enraged. He and his Irish Corps marched through Iberia with the firghtening speed that comes with possessing six 'warrior philosopher' bloodlines. The Huetlatoani has ill-advisedly split his troops in an effort to carpet siege the holdings of the Congo. Niall and his 58 Martial Stat showed no mercy to the invading, blood-drinking heathens were given nothing but the blade. Once the Huetlatoani was defeated, no one knew of his fate. Some say he drowned on his return journey to the lands of Mexico. Others claim he returned, but only to find the Sapa Inca seated on his throne in Tenochtitlan. No one knows what is true. What is certain is that was the last anyone heard of the Huetlatoani or his defunct Aztec Empire. The world was at peace until the reign of Niall XIV. The plague had arrived. The lands of the Emperor's direct demesne were unaffected as centuries and thousands of ducats had been expended in the development of phenomenal hospitals. The rest of the empire suffered, but it passed. What no one could have predicted was as soon as the young eighteen-year-old Niall XVI succeeded his father, that the meteor known as Corruptus struck the earth. Not even Odin could have stopped that comet, leaving this chronicle which you have just finished reading as the last remnant of the once all powerful Imperium of Mhannin. Fin.

    submitted by /u/bigjam16
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    Should CK3 have supernatural/absurd events?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    This woman has been seducing three generations of my emperors

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    You're in Greece and this guy slaps your flank, what do you do?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    I thought I'd tell the story of my favourite side character to ever grace my game.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    How I think The world looks like right now

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Alexander's invasion CB as a MR is a godly tool

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:47 PM PDT

    Thanks Jesus

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    When you find out you’ve got cancer

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    Fear and loathing in Afganistan... wait a sec

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    Who needs an educator anyways

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    There are easier ways to die, Margaret..

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    I was not looking at Europe for ten years and French peasants decided to convert to Germanic. Does anyone has any idea why? French ruler is Catholic, and he had no Germanic predecessors.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    Tried secret societies, never again

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    How did you guys conquer England as Ireland?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    Still playing through my first CK2 run.

    Originally intended to marry into the English throne but however, my wife got overthrown as Queen of England and my current character only has a weak claim on the English throne. However, over the years, my family has been chipping away at England through fabricated claims and building our military strength to the point where my kingdom's army is now double England's.

    EDIT: A lot of people are teaching me how to play the game here (I already know / have a vague plan for what I want to do) but I was actually interested in learning how you guys pulled it through in your run-throughs.

    submitted by /u/taintedxblood
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    Vassal machine broke

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:27 AM PDT

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