• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 9, 2020

    Crusader Kings Finally part of the Roman club

    Crusader Kings Finally part of the Roman club

    Finally part of the Roman club

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 12:17 AM PST

    I shall bathe in their blood ��

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:46 PM PST

    Hey Charlemagne! Let's dance to death !

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:15 AM PST

    Descendant of Prophet Mohammed The Grand Master of the Teutonic State al-Adid

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:02 AM PST

    Goodbye Princess Wulfwynn

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:40 PM PST

    Wait, who's the bloodiest ruler ever?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:08 PM PST

    I turned on absurd events for AI, and now Horse M.D. is an independent Lollard mayor asking for a non-aggression pact.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:23 PM PST

    Don't concentrate on what you've lost; celebrate what you have left.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:34 PM PST

    What happened here...

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:12 AM PST

    First time in Leon during the Iron Century. Has anyone else run into an issue with having two wives as a Christian king?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:37 AM PST

    Legendary Ragnar Lodbrok, spreading tolerance all over europe

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:58 AM PST

    Lowborn you say? How about now?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 12:13 AM PST

    1439 SPQR from 1337 start

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:05 AM PST

    Getting fucked by Indian man help me

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:01 PM PST

    Getting fucked by Indian man help me


    so im playing persia and this massive indian empire is just holy warring me over and over and I dont know what to do. usually fellow muslims could help me but i already converted to Zoroastrian so I have no allies rn. Any ideas? I thought of getting china to invade with Grace as I have 3k saved up but i still need 2k more

    edit: i had no idea i left my second monitor in the post lol. that eminem album is fire tho 😂

    submitted by /u/Loupojka
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    My first demon child ever died of fucking rabies.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 04:34 AM PST

    I have an unhealthy amount of suicidal thoughts

    submitted by /u/Janis_Carrot
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    So I, an heir-less gay lunatic with about 50 years on the clock have had 12 daughters on an ironman run (council made me do agnatic recently) My uncle decides to depose me, he is the same house as me. Why, then, when he took my throne, did I not just play as him and instead get a game over?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:33 AM PST

    We are literally the same dynasty, and his kids are my kinsmen so what's going on??

    submitted by /u/Good3itch
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    Im sure I did...

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:10 AM PST


    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:51 AM PST

    When you better than China

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 01:32 AM PST

    Inexorable Succession

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:34 AM PST

    Basically, my succession has gone to Hell, and I can see an inevitable game over in 2 whole generations' time.

    My son and heir died in a battlefield duel, so his daughter became heir. No big problem, I thought, I'll just have to marry her matrilinearly. However, when my daughters started coming of age, the succession switched to them, and I'd already married them off - One to Aquitaine, the other to Denmark - and they've both already had children, of the father's dynasty. So when I die, one of my daughters will inherit, and then after her one of her sons, game over.

    Is there anything I can do to avoid this?

    submitted by /u/RexDraconum
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    How do you generally play?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:49 AM PST

    When you start a campaign do you go '' I'm gonna restore the roman empire, mend the schism and then become a saint and f*ck glitterhoof'' or just go with the flow and don't make any plans?

    submitted by /u/SolidaryForEveryone
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    CK2+ vs HIP [Updated 2020 Opinions]

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:35 AM PST

    I know this question was asked countless times 2 - 4 years ago. But there have been a few updates and new DLCs since then. So I'm curious to get the communities take on the superior mod at the moment.

    From what I've gathered, the HIP map is absolutely superior to anything in existence. And that's the strength of the mod. However the gamplely changes seem to not be as heavily fleshed out a CK2+. And difficulty seems to be only a little bit more challenging.

    For CK2+ on the other hand, the map pales in comparison of course. But the gameplay mechanics seem much more fleshed out. And the mod makes the game much more difficult (so you cant just blob the entire map) giving you a level playing field and challenging experience with AI.

    However, I know DLCs have added features implemented by both these mods. And I know the teams have been working with one another for years.

    Personally, I much more prefer a more fleshed out game that's more challenging, and I'm not too worried about pure historical accuracy. But dear god that HIP map looks incredible.

    What's everyone's take on the current match up?

    submitted by /u/iraautemtempus
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