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    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    Crusader Kings why do i hear boss music

    Crusader Kings why do i hear boss music

    why do i hear boss music

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:11 PM PST

    So I decided to go for a tall game as Scotland in 764 and this is what the AI did to the world. Never seen such border gore. FFS!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:47 AM PST

    The Pope: "I consider this an absolute win!"

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 06:12 PM PST

    Now THAT is a badass nickname.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:12 AM PST

    They have come across the ocean for one purpose: fight for Christ. DEVS VVLT!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:35 AM PST

    Does that "Threw out child's toy" event *ever* have a ending with a happy child?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Basically the title is the entire question. No matter what I do or how many times it happens, my kid is always unhappy about their toy and complains. Does it *ever* have another response?

    submitted by /u/PaleoGamer
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    I've been playing in the east. wh... what's going on Europe?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:52 AM PST

    This is getting out of hand! Now there are 5 of them!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:49 AM PST

    Ah yes, Caliph Caliph Fadil 'the Conqueror', how nice to meet you!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:55 PM PST

    The math is perfect....

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:54 AM PST

    Stone cold grandma

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Became pope, lost the game. Didn't know it was possible

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 04:41 PM PST

    He might be a bit chubby but a solid 10 all around

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:35 AM PST

    Immortal Emperor of Israel

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:10 AM PST

    When my vassals are better at conquest than I am

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:13 AM PST

    Umbra Spherae or Tianxia?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:42 AM PST

    Which one would you say is better for adding Asia to the game? I have tried both but I have different problems with both of them, Umbra Spherae adds a lot of cool stuff to the map but slows down the game quite quickly while Tianxia really does China well it crashes randomly every couple minutes. If anyone could tell me some solutions to the crashes it would be helpful :)

    submitted by /u/NadaVonRada
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    Kingdom of David

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:50 AM PST

    Perfection at last (also some setup advice for Not So Bad and AMA if you want)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:09 PM PST

    Hermetics can make their whole court Hermetics... wow was this wise?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:08 AM PST

    My newest game starting in the Western Protectorate and shifting from Buddhist to Confuscian Doaist McGee, and then wouldn't you know it if you are Daoist you can join the Hermetics... well I'll be. But then I realized something at the end of my last game, I can make anyone unjoined to a faction my Apprentice, even if they are a heathen. So I just made my whole Dynasty into an Apprentice and then switch them, and they stay in the cult!? This is a useful trick for grooming my heirs or family members to hopefully get them to I don't know gather artifacts and write Magnum Operas for me! But this is interesting now I can just boost the hell out of the population of a secret group?! What are the consequences that could surely not break the game?!

    submitted by /u/Eldagustowned
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    CK2 Buildings Debuff When Upgraded?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:50 AM PST

    CK2 Buildings Debuff When Upgraded?

    I'm a Merchant Republic, Reformed Germanic and a lot of my building upgrades seem to decrease what I get from them?

    Can anyone explaint his craziness?

    Happens with Militia Training Ground too, goes from

    Levy Size 12.5%

    Garrison size 15%


    Levy Size 10%

    Garrison Size 15%

    For 450 wealth!!!!




    submitted by /u/The0nlyRyan
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    What are good mods to give the game a feeling of a personal story for your rulers?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:58 AM PST

    I'm wondering if there is any mod that adds events or mechanics that give personal stories for your rulers and their friends and courtiers so that each ruler has there own memorable and personal story.

    submitted by /u/Crusading_Canadian
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    Gotta love having your game ruined

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:42 AM PST

    Was playing Bohemia, obtained the throne of Poland and independence from HRE.

    Had a new king, and so was fighting the standard new king rebellion and it was tough. I was focused on two pretender wars, and had defeated one and was just about to defeat the other when my throne gets abdicated automatically because the Duke of Pomerania won a war of tyranny started when I tried to imprison him by doing nothing, because apparently there is a ticking warscore for not occupying their territory that goes all the way up to 128%.

    So now I have a 0 year old queen, 3 more factions have sprung up when they were just coming under control, and Bohemia has some random kinsman as King.

    My only hope is someone assassinating my current ruler before everything falls apart.

    Time to stop playing Ironman.

    submitted by /u/AustinHarig
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    Achievement Guide: A Servant No More

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:05 AM PST

    As Mu'nis al-Muzaffar of Galilee in 867, become an Emperor and have at least 100 realm size.

    This is one of the hardest and most interesting achievements in the game. One of the 7 ranked with Insane Difficulty on the CK2 Wiki. Here's how I did it.

    To start with, look at Mu'nis. The Greek cultured Sunni Emir (Duke) of Galilee. He has some wonderful traits: Elusive Shadow, Ambitious, Brave and Brawny. Strategist, Desert Expert, Mountain Expert. However, he has one hugely negative trait: He is a Eunuch.

    Given his age of 22, we have a realistic time limit of around 50 years for him to become an Emperor. There are a few options available. Perhaps he could usurp the Abbassid Empire from the Caliph? Strike out and conquer another nearby Empire such as Abyssinia or Byzantium, or take enough land to form a custom empire of his own? Or, there is another way...

    Consider that Byzantium uses the Imperial Elective succession system.

    The Candidates for Sucession are: The Emperor's family, the Marshall, and the Commanders. However, disfigured characters, such as Eunuchs, are disqualified.

    When the traits that the electors (The Emperor, his council, and his commanders) favour are considered: Adults, high martial scores, high intrigue scores, Greek culture, Orthodox religion - the way ahead becomes clear. All that Mu'nis is missing is the Born in the Purple Trait. And a fully functional penis.

    Now, there are two plans to play out.

    -- Firstly, the Penis problem. It can grow back, through Dark Healing. That requires being a Rank 3 member of Lucifer's Own. There is a major hurdle to this, though. Joining Lucifer's Own requires a character to be a sinner. Mu'nis is not a sinner. Therefore he must first become a sinner. Take the Business Lifestyle Focus. It will take time, but at some point an event will occur that grants the Greedy sin. After that, he can become a Satanist. With his high Intrigue score he can quickly ascend in ranks; only the 3 year time limit between promotions will hold him back. Be careful of using other Dark powers, though. If he is outed as member, the general opinion malus will make it very difficult to win sucession support. There is also the chance of Corruption, which might grant another disqualifying trait such as Hunchback or Club-foot. Best just to heal, then leave the society.

    -- While that is happening, engineer a way into Byzantium. The Abassids in 867 are in a pretty poor state; the Caliph has awful traits and two brothers with strong claims to his titles. Rebellions will certainly form. Don't rush into the Independence faction right away, though; with the Conquest Casus Belli, Mu'nis can take Jerusalem from its Emir without involving the Caliph and the rest of the Empire. If he takes that, he can build a Silk Road trade post, and from that gain massive amounts of gold which can be used to buy favours later down the line. There is another potential trade post in neighbouring Arsuf beyond. Damascus is another tempting target. Take as much of the Holy Land as possible, when the opportunity strikes. Just bear in mind that joining the Caliph's council means no joining factions. And going on Hajj leads to regency, which might lower the numbers of the levy if the Regent has inferior martial score.

    When you grow enough - In the holdings sense, and in the genital sense - Force Independence. The Byzantine Emperor will gladly accept fealty. Immediately convert religion. Due to Mu'nis high martial score, the position of commander will be offered in short order, inserting him into the candidacy. And he is well placed to win once the Emperor dies, especially if you call in a few favours. Use the gold from Jerusalem's trade post to buy favours. If he gets on the council, accept offers of favours for votes. Use all the favours to call in succession support. Then let time take its course. Or hurry things along with some poorly maintained handrails, if you're so inclined.

    There are some further risks - A disfiguring injury sustained in battle while commanding troops, and being a focus of the inevitable holy wars, its doable.

    Good Luck and thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/DrSpectrum
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    Fuck the Demon Worshippers

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:44 AM PST

    It seems like every time I don't disable them, they go around sacrificing my perfect heirs time and time again. Yeah they're useful when you want to grow a cock back and demon spawn can be fun to get from time to time but all the negative traits from membership and shit like this make it far from worth it. Goddamn it Lucifer, leave my genius heir alone!

    submitted by /u/AfricaByToto3412
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