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    Crusader Kings The Virgin Crusader Kings Byzantine Army vs The Chad Historical Byzantine Army

    Crusader Kings The Virgin Crusader Kings Byzantine Army vs The Chad Historical Byzantine Army

    The Virgin Crusader Kings Byzantine Army vs The Chad Historical Byzantine Army

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 09:46 AM PST

    ATIA for causing "drama" after a huge misunderstanding with my brother?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 04:15 PM PST

    I (F38 at the time) and my brother (M46 at the time) recently had a huge misunderstanding and now my family hates me. I just need to know if I'm in the wrong, I will accept my judgement.

    A bit of backstory, my brother and I got along really well, we were friends most of our lives. But he recently got a new job and came into a lot of power and idk I think it changed him. Slowly we drifted apart and it made me really sad but I was happy for him to live his best life. I had a lot going on in my life too, I have 4 kids and a loving husband to take care of, so maybe I also was to blame for us losing touch.

    Anyway, a few years passed and my brother would occasionally reach out to me asking me to join his business, it was always a different position and I always accepted because we're family and we look after each other.

    Eventually an opportunity arose for his daughter (my niece) and my son (his nephew) to get married (in my culture this is allowed and even encouraged). My niece is the smartest little girl I'd ever seen, some would even say she was a genius. I figured, why don't I ask my brother? So I did, but he declined!!!

    Apparently, in our years apart, he had lost affection for me. I was so upset!! I hadn't done anything wrong! But, I calmed down. I thought, okay you know what I'm going to talk to him and get him to change his mind, I'm sure I can sway him and get him to see it from my perspective. But every time I talked to him, he wouldn't listen!! And I could tell that every unsuccessful attempt I made only made him dislike me more.

    Talking to him was getting me nowhere, I'd have to make him see my point of view. So I started thinking, what was the best way to do this? I had a friend who was very good at planning and thinking outside the box so I roped him into it too and eventually we had some potential dirt on him. I knew he'd listen if his reputation was on the line. But before I could do anything, he caught on to what I was doing!!! And now he hated me!!

    I was at my wits end. Nothing I was doing was working, and the brother who I once loved so dearly now despised me. He'd never agree to a marriage now. So I decided to just let it go. Maybe one day he would change his mind, but for now I was just going to focus on my family and my job.

    After a while, I get notified that my brother excommunicated me from our church?!?! That's so messed up, seriously. I had a brother who hated me, an unmarried son, and now I don't have a church.

    I admit, this next part makes me look really bad but I do think a lot of it was justified. I decided that if he wasn't going to listen to me, I was going to get back at him and get revenge. So I started talking to his wife more and more. She was a lovely girl, and she seemed to really like me too.

    Eventually the inevitable happened and we accidentally slept together. It was only the one time (at first), but eventually we grew genuine feelings for each other and we just kept seeing either other.

    My brother inevitably found out, of course. and of course, he was very upset by this. In retaliation he tried to get me fired from my job! I NEED this job, without it, I have nothing! So I fought back, I had a heap of friends I quickly asked for help, and I hired many lawyers. Somehow, I fended him off and managed to keep my job, but now my brother utterly despised me. And to be honest, after excommunicating me and trying to get me fired, I hated him too.

    So I started to wish really bad things on my brother (I'm sure we're all guilty of things like this at one point in our lives), at first they were just fantasies, I wanted to see him suffer. But then, it actually somehow turned into a reality! A spider crawled into his bed at night and bit him and he DIED! I was so shocked and upset. Although I hated him, he didn't deserve to die like that.

    But the weirdest part is that not long after, his wife also mysteriously died. She was mugged one night and they killed her! And then, his two children also coincidentally died too! His daughter choked one night at a dinner party and couldn't be resuscitated. And his son was found dead one night in the hallway, having been murdered by an intruder.

    I had NOTHING to do with those freak coincidences! But now my family HATES me and they call me "Kinslayer"!

    I'm now 67 years old, I don't have much time left in this world and I'd hate for my final years to be filled with so much sorrow and hatred from my dear family. I just need to know if I did the wrong thing, and if I should apologise, or am I doing the right thing and just try to live out the rest of my days distanced from my family. AITA?



    submitted by /u/FixedatZero
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    Reading This Makes Me Regret Murdering My Grandchild

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 04:47 AM PST

    One horse to rule them all...

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 05:01 PM PST

    One of you two need to go back home and change

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 03:35 PM PST

    Which game's warfare do you prefer: CK2 or CK3?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 01:14 PM PST

    As most anyone who has both games knows, Crusader Kings 2 and 3 have very different and distinct systems regarding warfare, but after some thought, I came to realize I had no idea which of the two games is popularly considered by the public to have a 'better' warfare system. Crusader Kings 2 had a wider variety of levies and a scaling system of Retinues, whereas Crusader Kings 3 consolidates levies into one single unit class and has Men At Arms hard-capped by title rank and having to be manually raised like any other unit, as well as having a different system of each type 'countering' another.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Danwar222
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    My favorite character I've ever played with

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 09:40 AM PST

    When you're so ahead of your time that you mend the Great Schism 244 years before it happened

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 05:33 PM PST

    I kicked the Pope out of Rome

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 02:06 PM PST

    In regards to Saga In Stone, I did what I had to do.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 03:15 AM PST

    My Newborn son certainly is well spoken

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 07:10 PM PST

    Sweden is inside Ruthenia...

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 08:09 AM PST

    Playing tall is awesome. What is your record income?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 09:25 PM PST

    The highest monthly renown I've ever achieved - Playing as Emperor of Hispania from 867 start as Asturias - Definitely my best playthrough so far!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 09:54 AM PST

    CK3 remains unparalleled in creating emergent stories. Here’s the story of how a North African woman of minor nobility ended up the lover of a Welsh King and the wife of the Duke of Brittany.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 06:42 AM PST

    CK3 remains unparalleled in creating emergent stories. Here's the story of how a North African woman of minor nobility ended up the lover of a Welsh King and the wife of the Duke of Brittany.

    I started a campaign as Maredudd of (I think) Powys in 1066 with the intention of retaking the throne of Wales. Maredudd was vengeful and ambitious, so long story short I did a lot of bad things to get my throne. As such, I was excommunicated. Thankfully, the Pope offered some years later to lift my excommunication if I pledged troops for the First Crusade. I did exactly that, and not too much later I was relatively back in the good graces of the Church (I mean my bishop still despised me and my piety was at -1000). Unfortunately, the First Crusade in this timeline was against the Seljuk Empire. As you can imagine, it was a resounding failure.

    I spent most of my time besieging the North African allies of the Seljuks because I wanted nothing to do with the main war. During my time there, I imprisoned the young daughter of a North African noble; a girl called Asanet Latifid. We failed the crusade, but Maredudd was a mean and vengeful son of a bitch, so he forcibly recruited the girl into his court and educated her, converting her to Welsh culture and Christianity. A minor victory to make up for the loss of the Crusades in his mind.

    Maredudd himself brought her up as a ward, and the two grew close. When she came of age he ended up seducing her. Very very creepy I know, but this is CK3. Initially, this was for no reason other than lust, but when the young Duke of Brittany was unmarried and his sister was the sole heir to the duchy, an opportunity presented itself.

    King Maredudd's loyal grandson Guret was married to this Brittany heiress, and the exotic Asanet was married to the Duke as an extra gift to seal our 'alliance'. My real intention was to use my devoted lover Asanet as a powerful agent in a murder scheme against the Duke. Just before her marriage she produced a son out of wedlock with a Welsh name. The boy was called Seisyll, the same name as her lover King Maredudd's dynasty (this was a complete coincidence on the game's part which is really cool). Maredudd passed away and his son Gruffydd took over, but he continued the plot to kill the Duke of Brittany. The Duke died with the help of Asanet and his sister took over, joining the crowns of Wales and Brittany via Gruffydd's heir, Guret.

    I've now brought the bastard Seisyll to my court and have started training him in the ways of medicine. Asanet stuck around in the court of Brittany after her husband's unfortunate accident and has now found herself married into the house of Normandy. I intend to turn this Welsh Latifid branch into a dynasty of loyal court physicians or vassals depending on how Seisyll proves himself. Right now though, Seisyll ap Asanet is an infant. With how this game goes, I really have no idea how his life might end up.

    King Maredudd, the absolute menace. Miss you buddy.

    Asanet herself, ready to become a countess in a few years' time.

    Finally, the boy Seisyll. Hopefully he turns out alright.

    submitted by /u/GodOfGibberish
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    You think you are strong girl?? But I am ...STRONGER!!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 11:47 PM PST

    My realm decided to make WW1 a few centuries earlier

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 06:57 AM PST

    Regency in CKIII. (If I could add more Flairs, it'd be Historical, Discussion and Suggestion)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 08:03 PM PST

    Alright, so, I was starting a new game today as one of the recommended 867 Start Date, and chose Count Eudes of Anjou. I always like to take a dive into a person's real life history to both learn about the men who defined the age whilst gauging how to roleplay them, because I like roleplaying my characters.

    Odo of France is the historical counterpart to Eudes. And the one fact that jumped massively out to me was the fact that Odo was supposed to become one of the largest landowners in France during the time, but was too young to properly rule the land he had. So King Charles the Bold gave the Margavite of Neustria to someone else, and had Hugh Welf act as regent for Odo.

    I think this is where some of the flaws in the game shine through, as it didn't come with a Regency Mechanic, they cannot simulate Hugh Welf, an Abbot of the monastery Saint-Germain d'Auxerre, being the Regent of Eudes. So they made Hugh the Duke of Anjou instead, soft-locking one of the most influential people in the development of France(As the Robertines were the progenitors of the Capetian Dynasty) because the Welfs(Themselves an influential family) will have shot down any chance they have at making a comeback without player intervention.

    So, I would like to ask you all. What are your ideas for how to implement a proper Regency system into CKIII?

    One that is much better than CKII hopefully, as Regency in that game was just a fancy sticker stuck unto a character in the realm whenever a child came to the throne. It had no real power, unlike most Regents in real life, who held tremendous sway and influence over the realm during their regency and some times even after.

    submitted by /u/Devildog077
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    Starting as the older Jimena brother i finally, after multiple failed attempts, made the reconquista.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 04:09 PM PST

    Finally got Dynasty of Many Crowns after few hundred years of scheming and babysitting AI

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 02:30 PM PST

    Why is retreat so dumb?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 07:46 PM PST

    Just got back into the game after a few months, and started a brand new Norse Iceland game. Went raiding a few times, had a good time, then got a bit of a big head and went to raid the Umayyads.

    Things went great, but as I attempted to leave, I got caught out by a larger Umayyad army, and got beaten. Not that big a deal, nothing I couldn't recover from. Until the retreat began.

    My army retreated out to sea, went about 5-6 counties north of where the battle took place, and then landed again with a bit of retreat still left. Now, where do you think my Strategist trait, 22 Martial, Viking, Veteran of a 100 battles character decided to go?

    A) Back out to sea, in order to sail home.

    B) Up the coast on foot, keeping his ocean access open.

    C) Inland to a defendable area, far away from enemy armies.

    D) Four counties inland to the capital of a powerful Umayyad vassal, ending his retreat right on top of a 4k strong, hostile, Umayyad army, getting himself and his entire army killed.

    If you chose D, you're 100% correct. Usually, when stupid shit like that happens, I can explain it away using roleplay reasons (low martial/inexperienced character makes bad decision, brave/ambitious character takes a risk that doesn't pay off, etc.) but how in the hell did a patient character with as much experience and martial skill as mine make the absolute pants-on-head stupid move to march his broken and retreating army a hundred miles inland (away from his only escape route; the sea), into the heart of enemy territory, and right smack dab into a vastly superior enemy force that was not pursuing him.

    Not being able to control your army on retreat is already pretty dumb, but come the fuck on.

    submitted by /u/Bandaid6
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    Look who I just found! In my court playing the first Count Werner Habsburg of Aargau

    Posted: 26 Dec 2021 10:22 PM PST

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