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    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : April 30 2021

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : April 30 2021

    Feudal Friday : April 30 2021

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to another Feudal Friday, a place for you to regale the courts of Europa with your tales. Stories, screenshots and achievements are all welcome.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    This annoys me so much

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 11:44 PM PDT

    Pastoral Isolation be like

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    Probably doubled my number of playthroughs

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:11 PM PDT

    Confederate Partition irl be like

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    Best House Motto I've seen so far

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    In depth guide to Development

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    The game has been out for over 6 months now and there's a fair amount of information out there by now but at one point I decided I wanted to really focus on development and see how far I could take it. I'm not the greatest of optimisers but I figured I wasn't going to get very far unless I could really figure out how the system worked, so here are a few bits and pieces I've learned:


    Every county in the game has a development score between 0 and 100. The wiki lists the starting development of every county in the game as at the 867 start and the 1066 start. Constantinople is typically the highest development county in the world in the absence of a concerted effort by the player. Rome is typically second, Cordoba third and there are also several contenders in India around the Ganges and down south in Madurai.

    You want to have as much development as you can get. There are no downsides to high development. It speeds up your technological progress and it boosts your income. Specifically, the increments by which your culture researches new technological innovations are determined by the average development of all counties of your culture. The culture head's Learning an perks will determine the percentage chance of increasing progress towards technological innovations but average development determines how much progress is added each time it triggers.

    Neighbouring counties

    Development bleeds across county borders and the lower development county receives a bonus to its monthly development based on the difference in relative development between it and the counties around it. A county with 10 Development next to a county with 15 development will receive 0.5 development growth each month until it reaches 11 development, then 0.4 per month and so on until it fully catches up. However, a county with more development than any of its neighbours will not increase at all on its own. Another source of development growth is required.

    Raw development growth

    It is important to note that there is a difference between raw development growth and percentage development growth which is that percentage development growth does nothing on its own. A maxed out Guilds building in a city give +40% development growth to the county it is in, but if the raw development growth is 0.0 then an extra 40% of that is still nothing. Aside from neighbouring counties there are only 2 sources of raw development growth: the Steward's Increase Development task or a special building. The Increase Development task provides raw development based on the Steward's skill and certain special buildings provide a fixed amount of raw development. For example, the Visby Ringmur special building provides 0.2 raw development per month as well as a 15% percentage increase to development. Any county with a special building with a raw development bonus will naturally grow over time and bring the counties around it up too.

    Existing development

    Additionally, raw development growth is reduced by an existing development penalty. The closer a county's total development score is to the cap for the era that culture is in, the higher the penalty. Also, percentage based growth bonuses apply after the final raw score is worked out. For example, a county with a raw growth amount of 2.7 per month and an existing development penalty of -2.5 will have a growth amount per month of 0.2. If it also had a total of 150% bonus development growth then that is applied to the 0.2 figure for a final amount of 0.5 per month.

    Percentage development growth

    Once you have your raw development above 0.0 then you want to stack as many percentage growth bonuses onto it as you can. There are multiple sources of development percentage bonuses. These include terrain, buildings, special buildings, lifestyle perks, dynasty legacies, random events and probably more. Almost all percentage development growth bonuses stack with each other.

    Early on, the highest percentage bonuses are going to come from terrain and special buildings. Late game, they are going to be far outstripped by buildings. The two best buildings by far are Guilds and Tradeports as each provide a 5% development growth boost per upgrade level, each maxing out at 40% when fully upgraded. There are a couple of special buildings like the Buddhas of Bamiyan which provide a 75% increase but they are unique and often they are only barely counteracting the -50% development penalty for being situated in Mountain terrain.

    Terrain and buildings

    For terrain that boosts development you want Farmlands or Floodplains which both give +20% while Oasis gives +10%. Those are the only terrain with a bonus while Forest and Plains are neutral and every other type gives you a penalty. Bear in mind that only the barony with the capital castle on it matters for development any other baronies are irrelevant. Somewhere like Roma with 6 Farmland Baronies is no better in terms of getting a 20% bonus for the capital being Farmland than Napoli which has 2 baronies and only one of them is Farmland.

    One thing which is less obvious than what terrain the capital is on is how many baronies in the county have coastline. Coastline allows you to built the Tradeport building which is possibly the single best development building in the game. Like fully upgrade Guilds, a fully upgraded Tradeport gives a 40% boost to county development as well as some gold income. Unlike Guilds, which can only be built in cities, Tradeports can be built in cities and temples and castles as well, so long as the relevant barony is on the coast. This means that a coastal city can have both a Tradeport and a Guild for an 80% development growth bonus from a single barony.

    The only possible rival for the Tradeport as best development building is the Royal Reserves. As a duchy building you can only build one of it in the duchy capital. Since you can only have 2 duchies without penalties you probably won't have more than 2 of them in your realm. The thing which sets it apart though is that the percentage bonus it gives, which is 30% at max level, applies not only in the duchy capital but in every county in the duchy so building one in West Franconia gets you a 30% bonus in 9 counties at once. The size of your duchy will determine how worthwhile it is and how it stacks up against other duchy building options but it shines in large duchies.

    Perks and Legacies

    Terrain and buildings are great but they are (mostly) limited by geography. They apply where they are and nowhere else. Even the Steward's Increase Development ability can only be applied to one county at a time. Perks and legacies though, are more flexible. There are a few lifestyle perks which relate to development. Centralisation from Stewardship's Architect tree grants 0.3 raw development growth in your realm capital. Planned Cultivation in Learning's Scholar tree makes your Steward's Increase Development task 15% more efficient. Both of those still only apply to one county though. The Scholar trait at the end of the Scholar tree though, grants you a 15% development growth bonus. As a character trait it's not clear what that means for you as a person, but it does apply a 15% bonus to every single county you rule, meaning your entire domain. Similarly the 3rd perk in the Erudition dynasty legacy grants a 20% development growth bonus which applies not only to you and every county under your rule, but to every county under the rule of anyone in your dynasty which if you've managed to spread your bloodline around a bit could be quite a large area. For sheer reach that is probably the biggest single bonus to be found in the game but it is spread out across many counties rather than concentrated in your capital where you probably want it.

    Case study

    For your consideration I submit the county of Sjaelland as one of the best places for cranking your development engine up. Sjaelland is a 5 barony county with its capital castle on Farmland terrain and all 5 baronies are coastal. It is also the duchy capital of the Duchy of Sjaelland and the de jure capital of the Kingdom of Denmark. At release it was an Asatru holy site so it also had a special building slot for a Grand Temple which would have added another 20% and 0.1 raw monthly development. After Northern Lords that honour has been taken over by nearby Skane which now has the Lund Cathedral for Christian rulers. Skane is almost as good a county as Sjaelland, also having 5 baronies but only 4 of which are coastal and it is not as central to the de jure kingdom for the purpose of development radiating outwards into neighbouring counties.

    With 5 baronies we need a minimum of 1 castle, 1 temple and 1 city, meaning we have 2 extra baronies to play with. Since we are going for development we want to build cities since only cities can have Guilds which give a 40% bonus each. So we want to have 1 castle, 1 temple and 3 cities.

    All of the baronies are coastal so we will build a Tradeport in all 5 of them. That's 40% development growth per Tradeport = 200%, plus another 120% for having 3 guilds in our 3 cities. Add to that 20% for the castle being on farmland and we'll build a Royal Reserve in the Duchy slot for another 30%. If our ruler has the Scholar trait he adds another 15% and the Erudition dynasty legacy adds another 20%. That's a total of 405% bonus growth.

    If you're crazy lucky or luckily crazy there's one more option: the Glass Monument. This is a random event for characters with the Lunatic trait and it is amazing. If you get the event and build the building, the Glass Monument appears in your capital. It doesn't take up a slot because it adds a new slot and it gives your character +1 monthly prestige and a small health boost as well as giving the county +1 gold per month, +25 public opinion and most importantly, 25% monthly development. It's like a special building you can build anywhere which gives you money, boosts your development and makes your characters live longer. It's amazing.

    The glass monument brings our hypothetical Sjaelland up to +430% monthly development. Add to that the fact that Denmark isn't a huge country and it has its own unique and fairly small culture and it has the makings of a development powerhouse. Compare it to Byzantion which is a one barony county on farmland, on the coast with some special buildings. Start with 20% for Farmland, build a Tradeport for 40% more, add +20% for the Theodosian Walls, 15% Scholar bonus, 20% Erudition perk and 25% for a glass monument and that's about it. You can't have a Royal Reserve because the walls take up the duchy slot and you can' t have any more ports or guilds because the county is too small. The 0.3 raw development from the walls probably tip the scales a bit but comparing 140% to 430% it's pretty clear that Sjaelland will catch up fairly quickly and overtake Constantinople in no time.


    Hopefully that was helpful to someone out there trying to figure out this crazy system and maybe there's one thing in here which was new to you even after many hours of conquest and politics!

    submitted by /u/SagaciousElan
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    Finally made the perfect heir.. but too bad it's 1439 on ironman and I won't get to play as him :(

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    Today was the first time I ever reformed a Pagan faith in CK2!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    Uhh..... (May have "accidentally" killed off my entire family)

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    Blessed Asatru - Christian hybrid faith

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    Zoroastrian Restoration in Persia: Complete

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    day 16 of posting a Celtic/Brythonic themed meme everyday until flavour pack.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    PSA: House seniority + designate heir = all titles inherited by one child, long before primogeniture becomes available.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 03:46 AM PDT

    Why does this keep happening to me?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    Hi Reddit, as a 60 hours newbie in this game, with the help of all of you, I finally did the Deus Vult achievement!! Just drop it here, long way to go :)))

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    CK3 Day 1 strengthen bloodline with Ironman enabled

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    CK3 Day 1 strengthen bloodline with Ironman enabled


    I don't know if others do this but I looked around for a while and didn't see anyone mentioning this strategy. I've been using it for a while and I find it very effective, it's just something I managed to pull off a couple of months ago and it still works. It comes with a rough start but if you manage to get past that that you're pretty much set to have your entire dynasty filled with great characters throughout your entire playthrough.

    OK to get to the strategy. It might sound a bit crazy but stay with me:

    - Create a ruler of your own

    - Set him/her to 17 years old

    - Give him/her one child

    - Set all skills to 0 or as low as they can go

    - Make sure the educational trait is 1 star

    - Set personality traits to: Lazy, Craven, Paranoid & Shy

    - Set other traits to: Genius, Herculean & Beautiful

    - Continue to set other traits to (here we go): Inappetetic/Comfort Eater, Contrite, Improvident, Flagellant, Reclusive, Murderer, Fornicator, Adulterer, Deviant, Blind, Cancer, Gout Ridden, Drunkard, Infirm, Disfigured, One-Legged & Leper.

    If you did as described above you should end up at 397 customisation points which means you can enable ironman and with that get achievements.

    All you need to do now is to make sure to click the decision "Strengthen Bloodline" DAY 1 BECAUSE YOU WILL DIE ALMOST IMMEDIATELY. After that you will play as the son you gave your freak of nature during creation. The son will most likely inherit one trait, either Genius, Herculean or Beautiful, however if you're lucky he will get them all. It might be worth doing this a few times to get a great heir day 1 as well.

    I've included a screenshot so that you will se how it should look.

    This is my first time posting on Reddit and I hope this will help atleast someone (?).


    submitted by /u/Jurmungandrr
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    My new temple just brought a guy back from Valhalla!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    I dun goofed it

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 02:07 AM PDT

    What exactly happens if you abdicate?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    History (Almost) Repeats Itself

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    Has anyone else gone back to CK2 after playing CK3?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    After playing 80 ish hours of CK3, I reinstalled CK2. I found that CK3 felt kinda shallow compared to CK2, especially because I had all the DLC for CK2. Has anyone else felt the same way?

    submitted by /u/neox20
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    My vassal is supporting my enemy in a war against me, the war is for a province that said vassal owns...

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    How many is too many though?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:38 AM PDT

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