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    Friday, September 10, 2021

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : September 10 2021

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : September 10 2021

    Feudal Friday : September 10 2021

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to another Feudal Friday, a place for you to regale the courts of Europa with your tales. Stories, screenshots and achievements are all welcome.

    Previous Feudal Fridays

    Current Tutorial Tuesdays

    Regale us of your tales on our Discord

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Loaded a save I haven't played in a long time and Past me really leave me an interesting challenge

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:04 AM PDT

    Well that's ominous

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    After all, why shouldn't he seduce his immortal horse chancellor

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    Thanks Pope Man, Thanks A Lot

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 01:07 AM PDT

    The Mad Lad Lived Until 100 and Almost Singlehandedly got me the Nepotism Achievement

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 07:26 PM PDT

    Hæstinn is at it again

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    I finally managed to form the North Sea Empire!

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 04:17 AM PDT

    I swear I'll never understand women ....

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Wikibox for my "Last Karling" conquest of England

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 12:46 AM PDT

    Do you guys like Narrative-style Videos? - "Gold"

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    My oldest ruler, she got to live 118 years!

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    Henry VIII wished he had my luck. My king of Navarra is 31 years old and I've had three wives die in childbirth.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 02:25 AM PDT

    What is your instalock trait?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 12:55 AM PDT

    Managed to get King of all Isles in 70 years and was heading after Nepotism, but he decided to wipe-out all 30 courtiers including wives and half of his dynaty up to the great grandsons, didn't touched any of the guests though, berserker or not - hospitality is hospitality

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 12:19 AM PDT

    I restored the borders of the Achaemenid Empire and surpassed them starting as the last independent Zoroastrian character in 867, Marzoban Justan of Gilan.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    Keeping Up with the Neighbors Without Being Able to see the Map?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 05:10 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    As a totally blind player, I struggle a bit using the map. I wonder if anyone has tips for keeping up with what's going on nearby or larger game world trends? I am open to all techniques people might suggest.

    I know that I can pin characters in the outliner, and this may be one way to do so. I don't know where the pin button is however, and would appreciate any help in locating it.

    I've also seen a message from the game about a neighboring ruler losing their war, the Holy Roman Emperor getting excommunicated and a few other similar events. I wonder if there are any mods that might add more messages of this nature to keep me informed.

    Finally, I wonder about tools that might read data from save games. When I played Stellaris, one of my favorite programs was called Stellaris Dashboard. It basically read a lot of info from the game, including data on planets, other civilizations etc. I wonder if anything similar exists for CK3?

    Any other advice or tips will be greatfully received.

    submitted by /u/BlindGuyNW
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    I guess this is the ugliest character that I have ever seen without using ruler designer

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    I feel bad for her I really do marrying to a disfigured lunatic almost 30 years older

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 12:37 AM PDT

    Who the hell is this?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 02:58 AM PDT

    How do you guys like my borders?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    Keep getting trolled by civil war mechanics

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 06:58 AM PDT

    A civil war to place a duke onto my throne began. I managed to capture the duke in battle, their duchy was no longer part of the civil war, but for some reason the Duke was not counted as a traitor.

    Meanwhile a different duke started a war for independence, I called Scotland into the war to help, they captured him and the war ended inconclusively, he's now in a Scottish dungeon and also no longer a traitor...

    This means i can't revoke their titles without a tyranny and stress hit (from just). Is this an oversight, or am I missing something here?

    Edit: It looks like this when it happens, I have around 90 hours and I've never noticed this before

    submitted by /u/cyomcat1
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    Yes, that's usually what wigs are made of my dude

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    Yes, we've seen your OP Haesteinn's, but have you seen no brain Haesteinn?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 02:35 AM PDT

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