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    Monday, May 10, 2021

    Crusader Kings Vicky 3 Confirmed?

    Crusader Kings Vicky 3 Confirmed?

    Vicky 3 Confirmed?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:31 AM PDT

    To show you the power of flex tape, I cut this Holy Roman Empire in half

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    Day 25 of posting a Celtic/Brythonic themed meme everyday until Flavour pack.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    Why do I have to wait until my daughter is 20 years old before I can have sex with her?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    For any other character I can seduce them when they turn 16. But for daughters if I try to choose the seduce interaction it says "they're too young", even though they're considered adults and can have kids with other people.

    submitted by /u/Tatem1961
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    Thank St. George we repelled the stupid followers of St. George.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    The Largest Battle I've ever seen in this game for Jerusalem. 109k Crusaders vs 69k (nice) Muslims. Pyrrhic victory for the Crusaders!

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:15 AM PDT

    Can we get an ACTIVE option to confront spouses regarding cheating and/or child heritage Paradox?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 04:49 AM PDT

    And not have to wait for our dumb-ass character to be suspicious.

    There's some pretty ridiculous situations with eunuch and celibate characters, those don't bother me.

    The cheating itself is fine, i do it in most of my runs, my spouses can do it too.

    The fucking annoyance is when i, as the player, know there's cheating, but no game mechanics allow me to expose it.

    So here's a quick summary of what happened:

    I'm playing with the child limit at 999 and have removed the stress from sibling death (to prevent a chain wave of stress from killing all my children). I don't think these influence what i'm about to describe.

    In my current run i'm at 70 something kids. I have the blood father bonus and 2 of the blood dynasty upgrades. Some of my children were pretty crappy "traitswise" but nothing that couldn't be attributed to bad luck or poor breeding. I marry them and get them out of court. Who cares if they are not mine?

    Then my "hot new 17 year old wife" presented me with a kid with the giant trait and i was 99% sure it's not mine.

    Why? Because we are both pure blooded (you know how pure blood comes to be in this game) and i never had a kid with a "bad trait".

    The kid was actually pretty good but i had to check in debug mode and sure enough one of my sons ( without pure blood) was the father. I had to reveal it. Call it pride, vanity, whatever you want. Just killing everyone wasn't enough.

    My character being great at intrigue close to 40, didn't help. He never suspected.

    10 years of finding secrets in court revealed nothing.

    Several tortures on both cheaters revealed nothing (i made a backup save for the effect)

    I did feasts, hunts, took several lovers in court ( they reveal secrets to you every now and then) hoping to find out naturally about it, but no luck.

    Now i like establishing real life comparisons to the game as much as the next guy, but this is still a game and if the player can't use game mechanics to discover in game facts, that's either deliberate or poor design.

    So can we get an ACTIVE intrigue or diplomacy check/perk against our spouse for this kind of situation?

    submitted by /u/Soladir111
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    Atzec Pope can't harm you, is not real. Also Atzec Pope:

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:10 AM PDT

    The norse empire ca. 1081. This is what the history books don’t show you

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:16 AM PDT


    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    It was an accident, I swear

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    Just got the undefeated nickname for the first time.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    The price of a kings life

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    Creating the Roman Empire for the first time after a few tries and binging it back to its former glory and beyond(Ironman)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    You ever had to fight half of Europe over 6 counties?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    My First Ever Roman Campaign

    Posted: 10 May 2021 07:20 AM PDT

    1444 - Cursed Ending

    Posted: 10 May 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    I created the Lithuanian empire inCK2, might not be a big deal but i am happy with it cause im really new to the game. Any tips to keep it goin? Thanks =D

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:41 AM PDT

    This is why you can't let your family marry on their own

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    A Norse Tribal Guide - Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Playing a Rampaging Viking Berserker, or How to Kill Christians

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    This is a guide written for Crusader Kings 3, v.1.3.1 with the Northern Lords flavor pack, and generally for the 867 start. It is based on my previous Bloood Eagle achievement guide but is written more generally for any Norse tribal playthrough.

    Although it is a lot of fun to use this to build a powerful berserker army and rampaging realm of raider, it gets old quick. So use this guide to set up some mega-empires, but then I would recommend using that knowledge for any tribal/norse run.

    It will help you create a rampaging army of bloodthirsty savages that will quickly overwhelm any AI kingdom within about 10-20 years of conquest. The Skald's Summary:

    • Get Champions - get buildings, get perks, and get legacies that buff Champions' numbers and effectiveness as much as possible.
    • Get captives from raiding and wars and make money off ransoms. Always ransom anyone over 25g. Kill others for Dread/stress relief/piety. Use this gold to get more prestige. Use prestige to build Champion buildings and access larger wars.
    • Get counties and Always Be Warrin'. Give out counties conquered to highest prowess characters to join your court and be Champions.

    This is a good guide for any of the sons of Ragnarr (but particularly the Tribal ones) in 867, as well as achievements like Blood Eagle, Canute the Greater, Faster than the Fox, etc. Or if you would like to form the Kingdom of the North Sea or Kingdom of Mann & the Isles.

    This is you


    If you want to make the most of your Norse berserkers, you have to go down several different lifestyle trees. You should maximize your army's attack power through Champions, do a bit of gold prioritization, and increase your lifespan (to avoid inheritance as long as possible). I recommend the following:

    • Authority Focus under Martial (for the Dread and slight control growth to deal with newly conquered territories). You can max out any of the trees as you see fit, but I would always try to get Bellum Justum (cheaper Casus Bellis), and under Gallant, get Stalwart Leader, Chivalric Dominance, Never Back Down, and Kingsguard (building your berserker-army of Champions).
    • Under Stewardship choose the following perks under Avaricious: Golden Obligations, War Profiteer, It is MY Domain, and Fearful Troops. This builds off your dread, and lets you maximize your gold gain without spending too much time in this area.
      • Make sure to toggle "Notify when this Decision becomes available" for Extort Subjects when you get it. Usually there's one choice that is the least bad, generally go for that, but as you get more powerful you care less about tyranny.
    • Finally, get Learning, choose Medicine and get the entire Whole of Body tree. Generally this will be later in life (40s).


    • There's a few important factors to consider when looking for a good wife. Generally, you want one with good inheritable traits to begin your breeding program. Try finding one with Quick, Intelligent, or Genius first, but really anything is good, just keep diversifying every generation so you start stacking them. There's usually a lot around.
      • I recommend getting a wife with high Stewardship stats and then go to your council and shift her focus to Domain. This can increase your domain limit, which means more gold/troops for you personally. Another worthwhile approach is getting a wife with high martial and choosing Chivalry if you're leading your armies, but generally the Domain limit increase it better in the long run.
      • Eventually you will be choosing wives for future you by marrying your sons, same idea applies. If your son is very old when he inherits, you can also just divorce a wife that already made good children and choose a new one.
      • Marry off daughters matrilineally to attract strong men to your court. (CK3 makes you say terrible things) Use the Spouse finder to find characters with high prowess and use your daughters to get them to come join your berserker army. Or, try to get a Military Engineers (sieging) or fill in gaps in your council. Raiding trait is also useful, as well as the new Winter trait, for generals. If you want, grant titles to their new husbands and have your dynasty begin spreading through their progeny.
    • If you're newer to the game or weak, it's worthwhile to use marriages to get strong alliances.
      • Choose the most powerful ally you can, and be wary of ones equal to your power - they will often get involved in wars where they will lose without your help thinking you will back them. Generally, don't help them - you are busy winning the game. Try to only pull them into defensive wars to help cover your bases, and never launch a war where you need to rely on them to win if possible. (see war section, you're taking out the weak)
    • Guardianship: Sons - train them in Stewardship or Martial. Daughters - doesn't really matter, they're just being married off unless you can reform your religion.

    Economy (tribal) - Glory & Gold

    Your economy partially runs off prestige if you're tribal, so you have to adjust accordingly. For Vikings, you should not really be running your economy off buildings, and this is especially true if you are tribal.


    • Look for rich provinces AND rulers who are vulnerable to a quick raid. I like to look at larger and richer kingdoms at war against distant neighbours or kingdoms far away from the vulnerable coast lines. Click on the county, and you will see "Loot" underneath tax in the lower right hand corner of the popup.
      • Raiding is more about taking captives and ransoming them as a means of getting gold. Ransom will usually get you more money more quickly than the actual raiding. Try to target kingdom or duchy capitals to get expensive family captives. Look for rulers with lots of children just sitting around at home and whose capitals are on the coast/river.
      • Sometimes I just raid to target capitals for captives, and ignore the actual raiding part.
      • Consider executing any prisoner that you can't ransom, or isn't good enough to recruit (look out for high prowess captives to "invite" to your realm). You will need the piety for wars against your fellow Norse, as well as for the Kingdom level CB against non-Asatru. Always try to sacrifice Christians for the RP.
      • If you can reach it, consider taking the 1-county island of Minorca (between Spain and Sardinia) as a base for raiding the Mediterranean. You will likely have to jump via Leon (west of Britanny) to get there, but it makes raiding much quicker if you're planning on doing it over the next 100 years. You can raise your raiders there and hit a lot of good targets very quickly.

    Here's some targets I usually look through:

    • West Francia /Aquitaine - often goes to war with East Francia and Italy, leading their armies away. You can jump to their capitals (East Francia via the river, Aquitaine close to coast) and get out really quickly.
    • Umayyads (Spain) - Easy river access to their capitals (Cordoba, also usually some ducal capitals near the coasts), lots of rich counties in the SW to plunder. Often goes to war with Asturias to the north, far away from your raiding. Their rulers often have a lot of children, and lots of money to pay for them back.
    • Southern Italy - the Pope is often vulnerable, as well as a line of independant counts and dukes along the south half of the 'boot.' Italy/Byzantine sometimes control this area, but if they are at war they will almost definitely have armies in other parts of their kingdoms.
    • Byzantine seems like a rich target, but they are far away and usually powerful. Even Italy can be rough in terms of distance - it's a lot of time to spend with your armies occupied / not at war.
    • England/Ireland is close, but very poor. Once you start getting larger armies, it will take a long time to hit your loot maximum.

    So once you have all this gold, it gives you more ways to get the second currency for tribal Vikings: Prestige. You will want to be:

    • Running hunts every 5 years (click that remind me checkmark!)
    • Holding feasts for the chance of +prestige events (or if you're in an elective government keeping your nobles friendly),
    • Building runestones.

    You will want to do each of these as soon as they are available so you can get as many as possible, so keep the gold coming in.


    Generally, you will want to build every tribal building in your holdings in preparation for moving to feudal, but specifically you will want to build War Camps and their upgrades as soon as you can. The +Knight and +Knight Effectiveness is incredible if you stack these bonuses across 3-5 counties. Combined with the Military perks and the right Dynasty legacies, you can easily get +20 Champions running at 200% effectiveness.

    • Because Prestige is basically a part of your economy, I consider titles to be a sort of one-time building that transfer gold into prestige. Try to only create titles that you need to - otherwise create as few as possible and leave them for when you need prestige. This can be especially useful when your heir inherits and you want to quickly bump up a Level of Fame or two for access to better CBs. I will often leave duchies for decades.
      • Use the higher level titles to quickly bump up in Fame - generally, you will want at least Illustrious to do some nice duchy wars, and eventually hit Exalted to use those once-in-a-lifetime Kingdom CBs. Each level also begins adding more champions to your coterie.
      • As noted in the War section below, give out titles to high prowess characters with a military education, and build a substantial force of Champions who will slowly improve over time (if they survive!).

    If you're feudal, generally just focus on military buildings and the counties you will inherit, but your economy will depend a lot more on raiding/ransom gold.

    War - Always Be Warrin'

    Tribal Norse can basically be at war any time their armies are close to full. This does turn your game towards rapid and rampant expansion, which can lead to overexpansion and boredom. But, it's a good approach if you want to build towards feudal, or if you want to shatter whatever empire you build after your death, or just mess up the Christians.


    • Like any CK3 kingdom, Men-at-Arms (MaAs) are the bread and butter of your warfare. You will always want at least one siege regiment if you have the tech, but otherwise as Norse you can pretty much stick to your cultural MaAs.
      • I usually start with Vigmen and Bodi, as better Archers and Spearmen, and then Varangian Veterans for the Pursuit for when you win - Huscarls have better Screen, but ideally you are never retreating and only winning battles. Personally I like keeping to the culture MaAs, but you probably could do with some cavalry as you can put in more and more MaAs.
    • Champions will be the backbone of your army. Between your War Camps, your Military perks, and your dynasty legacies, you will have a lot of spots to fill. Don't be afraid to invite champions if you have the prestige (but generally better to save it) or just pick out any high prowess character to grant newly conquered counties to so they join your court.

    Prowess grants 100 Damage and 10 Toughness. So let's say you have 20 Champions and 200% effectiveness, with each having +15 Prowess, you are looking at brutal domination in battles. Check out the battle summaries, and you will see your 20 champion killing 30-50 men each every battle. I've seen them take out 1,000 enemy soldiers out of an army of 5000.

    • After 10-20 years of building up your Champions and MaA, usually you will win a war in the first battle. Either you have destroyed their army, or you have weakened it so much that you will win every battle afterwards. Don't be afraid to fight larger armies - your Champions will cause so much damaage that even if you lose, it will be a victory. They will have to replenish levies, while your Champions will be ready for another battle asap.
    • Christians will literally melt before you and if they are foolish enough to launch a Crusade, you can rip off a generation of royal heads from across Europe in one go.


    You are going to start with County conquests, but depending on whether you are fighting fellow Asatru or heathens, you will need either prestige or piety to run constant wars. (This is where Bellum Justum perk for 50% cheaper CBs is so useful)

    • Not only is County war likely the only thing you have the prestige level for, it's also fast. One county wars means you just have to siege down one holding to win.Even if they siege down one of your counties, so long as you siege theres down, you can Enforce your Demands and win.
      • You can also ransom Heirs and prisoners as well - you will get all the warscore you need from the county Siege. You should always ransom anyone over 25 gold (even if it's like 25/50 gold), otherwise execute them for Stress loss(if you're zealous) / Dread gain. Sometimes you will find a decent Concubine, feel free to add them to your Viking harem. In these one county wars - do all this before you get peace while they still have money / a realm.
      • Reinvest this prestige/gold into buildings/MaAs, to increase your Champions/army.
    • Any time you conquest a county and you've hit your Demesne limit, give it to the highest prowess characters in your realm.
      • Go to Find Character, Choose Relation Realm, select Not Ruler, and Male gender. Sort by Prowess, and give out titles to the top results, especially if they're already your champion.
      • I try to select Norse Asatru Champions first, because they are becoming your vassals, then try to take young ones so they last longer, and then try to avoid Brave if I can cause they will die quickly (100%+ chance to die in battle).
      • Anything over 20 Prowess is a for sure get though, over 10 I follow some of those guidelines, and under they have to meet the above criteria. Avoid any champions that are sons of other vassals as well. Generally, never give out titles to non-Asatru Zealots. If they have Military education, they will start upgrading their prowess/skill using lifestyle trees.

    Once you have Illustrious fame, start taking Duchies and towards claiming a Kingdom title (for the prestige!). You will need one more level of fame for Kingdom-tier wars, but you can Subjugate any fellow tribal ruler anytime you want. I would recommend waiting to use it on a large but vulnerable neighbor as you can get a lot of territory in one war. Once your Champions are set up, you can usually take out anyone even if they have larger armies than you.

    • Use these wars to work towards your goals - to form an Empire, take Holy Sites, or dismantle rivals.
    • Gunning for kingdom titles also might let you vassalize fellow Norse Asatru rulers - so keep that in mind that once you have the title they are likely willing to join you after sending them a Gift. Jorvik is usually a great candidate for this once you've created the Kingdom of England, and they have a lot of territory.
    • If people declare war on you or you inherit wars after conquest, just win a few battles and White Peace them out. It's almost never worth the time to siege down a county.
    • If you ever run out of things to do, remember the ancient viking adage: "When in doubt, kill the Karlings." Please if you have benefitted from this guide, do at least run where you wipe Karlings from the map, thank you.

    This guide has focused on a very aggressive tribal run, focused on expanding as quickly as possible. Ultimately, I would do it a couple of times, and then use it explore other choices for a Norse leader, or a completely different tribal ruler.

    Remember, that this is just a guide to help you in your tribal Norse runs. The best gameplay will come from making mistakes, trying new things and challenging yourself, or just forgetting about "winning" as much as possible.

    submitted by /u/WaferDisastrous
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    (not completely, but moderately serious) Why is there so much incest here?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    Like, seriously. Fully half the posts, and somewhere in like 90% of the threads around here are "I can't seduce my daughter" or "My uncle is my grandfather" or "How do I remove inbreeding" or some other incest related subject.

    I don't get it. Why is there so much of that stuff here?

    submitted by /u/Viperion_NZ
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    Some very creative naming going on in that family (all 5 highlighted characters are siblings)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 04:12 AM PDT

    Bishoprics and the general religious structure were done better in CK2 and CK3 should adopt some of the mechanics.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:49 PM PDT

    So first of all, I love CK3, it's definitely a step in the right direction and more positive changes are still ahead.

    But one thing that has been slightly bothering me is the whole religious structure, more specifically, how only one priest holds all the churches in my demesne.

    In CK2 every individual bishopric had its own priest, and this had the positive effect of having several priests to choose from when selecting for a court chaplain. One more thing I liked is if you had free investiture and you forced one of your sons to take the vows, he could become in one of the churches.

    And speaking of investiture, it should make a comeback along the antipope mechanic, and the college of cardinals. Besides the roleplay value, which is high, it's also historical and I think should be represented in the game.

    Anyway as I said, I love CK3 and I know it will eventually be a beast, but this is just a minor suggestion. Cheers and sorry for the rant.

    submitted by /u/__sovereign__
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