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    Monday, May 31, 2021

    Crusader Kings Karlings Hate Him!

    Crusader Kings Karlings Hate Him!

    Karlings Hate Him!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:45 AM PDT

    When I have another son

    Posted: 30 May 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    The HRE is dead! Long live the HRE!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:08 AM PDT

    It's always a council member too

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    Never seen this before - my King just burned his whole family to death

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:40 AM PDT


    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:42 AM PDT

    Nera, The Queen of the North

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    Apparently my ex-wife is a kingdom

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    A closer look at the new Italy update for the Medieval Arts mod

    Posted: 31 May 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    2 of these seem impossible

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    Duchess Frida was a good woman.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:52 AM PDT

    Duchess Frida

    Duchess Frida was a good woman.

    She clasped her hands tightly and pursed her lips at the room's finery again. Across from her, opulent cloth spilled across polished wood, casually draped on furniture that would never be used. She shifted in the chair that had been assigned to her, and tried to pull the gown that clung tightly to her sweating legs away from her clammy skin.

    She forced her hands back to her lap, and willed her heart to slow. The Pope would not judge her clothing, she could afford to look sufficiently mendicant after her long travels. He would judge only her soul. She sat steps away from his private office in the Lateran Palace. She had done all that she could.

    And she was a good woman. She always had been.

    Ever since she had seen her her father smile weakly at her, wrapped in bandages and covered in furs, as they shivered in a cold unkempt bare stone room. Count Erenfield of Ezzonen had been laid low by Count Rainier of Chaumontois during the last desperate battle in the Palace of Aachen. Where Karl the Great had once built his Empire, where she had played with her servants and laughed, she had watched the Count of Luxembourg pierce her father's chest and sweep away the life she had known.

    Later, she learned that King Lothair had lost a war to his cousin Charles, the King of France and soon-to-be Charles II - not Karl, she still couldn't help but note - the first true Holy Roman Emperor after his grandfather's death a half century earlier. The Chaumontois had turned their backs on King Lothair and driven her father and his court from Aachen. In return, Charles II, as newly crowned King of Lotharingia, had let Count Rainier seize the Palace and collect taxes and levies from the surrounding lands.

    When her father had died smiling at her a few months later, House Ezzonen was left with a five-year-old Frida as the new Countess, surviving on little more than merchant's generosity to her father's memory.

    "Be good," her father had said on that final morning. "And God will reward our family again."

    And she had been good. And she had been rewarded.

    Had it not been God's will that the neighbouring city of Antwerp invited the young Countess to rule over them? At 22, young but ambitious, Frida had exploited an inept heir and leveraged a few charming diplomatic encounters, followed by a brief show of force to the Duke of Flanders, and doubled her lands.

    She had bowed her head and felt the power of her Bishop's holy hands as he blessed the seizure of Kleve as part of her family's rightful claim on the Duchy of Julich. A small amount of gold had been donated to monks who had laboured to create the official manuscripts. It had gone to the Church, but they had praised her generosity in public sermons and private confessions.

    Had she not asked the Church to bless the union of her children to scions of French Dukes, rising in power under Charles' ascent decades before, to secure allies for her march on Aachen? God was surely with her when she had stood before Pope Callistus II, and convinced him to grant the Duchy of Julich to her so she might serve the Holy Emperor better. Had her court not prayed every morning beneath the fluttering banners of House Ezzonen for all the men who died on the fields below to see her returned to the rooms of her childhood? No one but a good woman would have been given the Duchy of Lower Lorraine, direct control over church lands once held in perpetuity. The Archbishop had agreed graciously to her rule, as gracious as any who had faced her Marshal's steel.

    Her daughters she had taught what her father had taught her - be good, and God shall reward. Her first daughter and namesake would follow her as Duchess, she had decided, and she showed them how to be good and powerful. Her sons she gave to the monasteries and and foreign courts. Her family would never be caught powerless and alone as her father had been in the halls of Aachen.

    She made her pilgrimages to the Vatican, and kissed the Papal ring. She had restored the Cathedral of Aachen and prayed amidst its soaring stone. She used her gold to improve the lives of her subjects, and built fortifications to defend from Viking raids and invested in the villages and hamlets that sprawled the hills. She watched as Charles' son Louis rose to the Imperial throne, and then served his son, Charles III, as Chancellor. She gave wise counsel to a man not even born when Frida had been forced from her home.

    Year after year, she traveled the Empire, making friends as she served as the Emperor's voice in local disputes. 'The Lady of Julich' was known across Christendom, the velvet fist of the Emperor, his most loyal servant and well-deserved guardian of Palace of Aachen, the last resting place of the great Emperor himself.

    She had regained all that her family had lost. She held more lands than what had been taken from them and wrapped herself in influence so that no child of hers would endure what she had endured.

    But there was so much more good to do and more wrongs to right. King Lothair had fallen from the Lotharingian throne, too weak to defend himself or protect his subjects. Charles II had seized it, and let her father's claim on Aachen lay unfulfilled. None stood to defend the realm of the last true Emperor, the King of the Franks.

    Would not God reward her life of service with the title of Queen as well? One last blessing?

    It had all led to this moment and this stifling room in another holy palace, asking the one power above the Emperor for one more blessing from God. Beyond the doors, the Pope considered the documents she had gathered, she manuscripts she had commissioned, and the scraps of history that proved House Ezzonen was the rightful heir to Emperor Karl's Lothargian throne, not the French Emperor Charles III she served.

    The Pope would see the truth. She had served the Church. God had been with her.

    Once she had her claim, God would lead her. God would show the Emperor that she could serve him and the Church as Queen. God would stand with her and the thousands of soldiers who stood with her and her allies outside Paris.

    Duchess Frida was a good woman, and she would be rewarded.

    Countess Frida of Maastricht in 879 aged 12, seven years after the death of her father.

    Duchess Frida of Julich and Lower Lorraine in 936 aged 69, a year before her death. She was never crowned Queen of Lotharingia.

    submitted by /u/WaferDisastrous
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    Gotta love it when your soulmate Sister-wife cheats on you with a 74 year old heathen..

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:09 AM PDT

    This is my viking family and the father became an Emperor an then I make him convert to Islam and for some reason his son and heir decide to go full arab.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    The hell do you want Alfred? She is not popping any kids

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:12 AM PDT

    Fuck Byzantine: all my Pagan homies hate Byzantine

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    Only in CK...

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:03 AM PDT


    Posted: 30 May 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    Alfred The Great's Nightmare

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:29 AM PDT

    When your heir is born an imbecile ��

    Posted: 31 May 2021 11:49 AM PDT

    Dynasties not helping each other make no sense

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    So I'm playing as the karling king of arles lotharingia just declared a holy roman unification war on me. I'm not going to win the war he has far more troops than me and I have no allies my brother who loves me has 100 opinion of me is the king of west francia. Why can't I call him in it makes no sense wouldn't he want to help a dynasty member preserve their crown if he has 100 opinion of them.

    submitted by /u/ChooseYourUsernameQ
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    When you step in shit.

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:36 PM PDT

    A tale from my first time playing CK 2

    Posted: 31 May 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    I'll try to keep the story short, this one happened a long time ago, I do not have any prints or anything to back it up really, at the moment I didn't even dwelled on it and ended up remembering it today at work.

    I was playing the grandson of Count Diles, a vassal of Britanny if I remember correctly, I didn't know shit about fuck so my decisions on the campaign weren't here nor there, but I did decide something right, my lineage was breeding warriors, my current lord also named Diles had two sons, Gundyr and Arthas, the first one was a prodigy, had almost the same martial skill and personal combat as his father (which was already pretty damn high thanks to a life of well fought battles and the sword of heaven that he found in his younger days) and he even had diplomatic skills to back it up, he was born with both the strong and beautiful traits, while his brother Arthas was good too, but honestly he never stood a chance, Gundyr accompanied his father in the war against France, he died there in the battlefield, that incredible boy, that prodigy died at mere 19 years of age, we won the war, but at a very high cost, his brother was now heir, and without the shadow of someone bigger to put him in place he grew defiant, he rose in rebellion against his elderly father, Diles now nearly 80 years old had to fight his own flesh and blood, he put down the rebellion and imprisoned his son, but what now? In no age to have another heir how could he punish this boy? Would he let him tarnish the family name? His brother's name? No, he couldn't, but if this boy died than the ancestral lineage would be forgotten and lost to time, how could he give his own son the due punishment? He had to, brandishing his legendary sword one last time he condemned his own offspring to death, a boy that died for land that was to be his anyway, a lineage that died for the broken heart of a proud father.

    PS: I did really choose to lose that campaign instead of letting the little shit live.

    PSagain: English is not my main language so I'm sorry if there is any typos.

    submitted by /u/PuppetMitsuke
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    United the west slavs finally

    Posted: 31 May 2021 11:37 AM PDT

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