• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 8, 2021

    Crusader Kings It's for my holy order :)

    Crusader Kings It's for my holy order :)

    It's for my holy order :)

    Posted: 07 May 2021 07:32 PM PDT


    Posted: 08 May 2021 04:09 AM PDT

    Well, this is embarrassing

    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:41 AM PDT

    Ah yes, my wife has cheated on me, with herself!

    Posted: 08 May 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    "Tutorial completed", as they say

    Posted: 08 May 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    Somehow my son became pope

    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    My previous and new rulers' names were complete coincidences

    Posted: 07 May 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    Imagine going bankrupt for a bath

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:40 PM PDT

    For anyone doubting that After The End is the best total conversion mod, allow me to present the following as evidence: I just killed Batman.

    Posted: 07 May 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    My Vengeful Queen

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    Couldn't they just call Byzantine Empire "Eastern Roman Empire"?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 04:52 AM PDT

    People tend to oppose calling it just Roman Empire, and fair enough it might create some confusion with Holy Roman Emperor, but with "eastern"-prefix, it should be good, no?

    submitted by /u/Chlodio
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    One of my most fun runs so far. From Count of Eu and Rouen to Emperor of Outremer.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    Day 23 of posting A Celtic Themed Meme Everyday Until Flavour Pack.

    Posted: 07 May 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    4 player MP game (family tree)

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:20 AM PDT

    King Dyre 'The Great and Terrible Stranger' of Mann and the Isles.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    AI successfully managed to put 6 Sigismonds on the imperial throne of Francia over 200 years

    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    When your wife is smarter than you

    Posted: 08 May 2021 04:37 AM PDT

    Which type of battles (era based) are more interesting to you?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:12 PM PDT

    RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

    Hello all, I'm Cybrxkhan, creator of the Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE) mod, which adds simple "Flavor Packs'' to often overlooked parts of the world (Steam link here). In today's dev diary, I'll talk about RICE's next flavor pack, Aachen: Charlemagne's Capital. ETA is next weekend, but if you want to try it out, a stable beta is up on RICE's GitHub.

    Also, I am now a modern man and have an official discord server for my mods. Check it out if you want the latest previews/news on my work, or just to chat about my mods or anything: https://discord.gg/9KuyXv2uZA

    Pilgrimage to Aachen

    A core feature of the Aachen Flavor Pack is the Pilgrimage to Aachen. At first, only Christians in Aachen and nearby counties can take this decision, but as time goes on, other Christians in continental Western Europe will gain access to it too (more on that later).


    Besides the usual pilgrim bonuses, one unique aspect of the Aachen pilgrimage is that during your visit to Aachen Cathedral, you'll get inspired by an item in the cathedral's treasury, and get a temporary modifier with some bonuses. As Aachen was a city of political and historical importance, the Aachen Cathedral Treasury has held an extensive collection of esteemed relics and items, both religious and secular, over the centuries. The item that inspires you is randomly chosen, but is slightly influenced by traits you have.

    Each item gives piety, along with another bonus:

    • Cross of Lothair - diplomacy
    • Sabre of Charlemagne - martial
    • St Stephen's Purse - stewardship
    • Ivory Situla - intrigue
    • Aachen gospels - learning
    • Olifant/hunting knife - prowess & health
    • Coronation Gospel - prestige & renown
    • Bust of Charlemagne - Xp lifestyle gain (More on this below - it's special!)


    Charlemagne Decisions

    Though he's long gone, Charlemagne's legacy lives on, especially his capital. There are two decisions related to Charlemagne available to rulers of Aachen, but you'll need to have a high level of prestige and renown for both, especially if you're a lower tier ruler.

    The first decision is to Exhume and Rebury Charlemagne's Remains. At the cost of gold and prestige, you'll get a hefty amount of piety and a special modifier for 20 years, Ordered Charlemagne's Reburial.


    There's also a practical effect. This decision will make it so the pilgrimage to Aachen is now open to any Christian in Germany, the Low Countries, and France, not just those near Aachen. In real life, when Frederick Barbarossa reburied Charlemagne, he got Antipope Paschal III to canonize Charlemagne too. This was never formally accepted by the Church, but it helped increase Aachen's prestige as a pilgrimage site. As such, Aachen gets a province modifier for 25 years to represent this, More Pilgrims in Aachen, which gives you a tax and county opinion boost.


    Once this decision is taken, a second decision, Commission a Bust of Charlemagne, will be available. It costs gold and piety, and gives you prestige and a modifier, Commissioned Bust of Charlemagne. This is based on the historical golden bust of Charlemagne donated to the Cathedral by Emperor Charles IV in 1349, and which is one of the most famous (albeit anachronistic and idealized) depictions of Charlemagne. As indicated earlier, the practical effect of doing this is that now there's a chance pilgrims that visit Aachen will be inspired by the Bust of Charlemagne, alongside other items.



    Hot Springs of Aachen

    Aachen is also famous for its hot springs, some of the hottest in Europe. Legend has it that Charlemagne even chose Aachen as his capital because of this. Thus, every ruler of Aachen and the nearby counties have access to a new decision to lose stress, Relax at the Thermal Spas of Aachen.


    But there's more! Surprisingly, pagans get a bit in this Flavor Pack, too. Aachen's spas were known even in ancient times, and the city was called Aquae Granni by the Romans. Granni refers to a Celtic deity of hot springs, Grannus, for whom Aachen was a major center of worship. As such, pagans who are unreformed, reformed but have the pluralist doctrine, or Hellenic pagans (regardless of tenet/doctrine) can take the decision to Dedicate a Shrine to Grannus. It adds a permanent modifier to Aachen that gives a slight tax bonus called Shrine of Grannus.


    More importantly, doing this ensures that whenever a pagan who meets the above requirements takes the decision to Relax at the Thermal Spas of Aachen, an additional event is triggered where you'll gain piety, the amount of which increases if you are Hellenic Pagan. The event also has a chance of giving you a temporary modifier, Blessings of Grannus. The chance is slightly influenced by traits.


    Maastricht Flavor

    The County of Maastricht next to Aachen gets a little minor flavor too.

    First, the old Roman bridge in Maastricht will collapse at some point (historically, this happened in 1275). It was a major crossing point for the Meuse river in the region for centuries, so this will add a negative modifier to Maastricht, Meuse Bridge Collapsed.


    You can take a decision to Build a New Bridge on the Meuse if you own Maastricht to remove the negative modifier and replace it with a positive modifier one for 25 years, Recently Built St. Servatius Bridge if Christian and Recently Built a New Bridge on the Meuse if non-Christian. Taking the decision also gives piety.


    Next, Maastricht gets a permanent county modifier called Mosan Artists of Maastrict. Maastricht and Aachen were centers for the so-called Mosan Art style of the high medieval period, and Maastricht's painters were even praised by a notable medieval German medieval poet, Wolfram von Eschenbach.



    As always with my Flavor Packs, the Aachen Flavor Pack will come with new flavor events and German themed music. There are also some new miscellaneous things in the upcoming update, too.

    New Socotra Features

    I was flattered by the positive reception the Socotra Flavor Pack got, and I'll add a couple new features to it in this upcoming update. First, a new duchy building will be placed in Socotra via a hidden event at game start, called Dragon's Blood Forest. Credits to Fische, who created the art icon for the upcoming Sinews of War mod, and Vertimnus for donating it to me.


    Secondly, by popular request, there's now a decision to Form the Kingdom of Socotra. Though you only need to control Socotra for it to work, it won't be easy - you can't control a kingdom or an empire; need plenty of gold, and a high level of prestige and renown; and have the The Spice Must Flow perk from the Maritime Trade Dynasty Legacy. If you do form it, you'll also get a temporary province modifier to represent Socotra's newfound prosperity.


    Game Concepts

    RICE now has game concepts for a few of its features. If you don't know, these are the blue colored text you see in some tooltips that provide more info, as well as encyclopedia entries in-game. Hopefully, this will alert players to some of RICE's new mechanics that aren't readily apparent.


    Community Mods for Historicity

    Lastly, VIET and RICE has joined CMH as an associate member. CMH is a collective of mods, including well-known popular ones like Community Flavor Pack and Res Publica, that'll work together to improve historical immersion modularly. Though not a full member, as an associate I'll work with them to ensure compatibility with my mods. Check out their Discord if you're interested: https://discord.com/invite/7p9F6xNqXx

    This concludes the dev diary. Again, there's a beta version on GitHub which is stable and just missing some content. And just to reiterate in case you didn't see it above, I now have a Discord for my mods, too, so check it out: https://discord.gg/9KuyXv2uZA

    Selected Sources for Further Reading

    submitted by /u/Conny_and_Theo
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    The Jomsvikings are pillaging England! ... All 3 of them?!

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    Losing kingdom to 'swore fealty'

    Posted: 08 May 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    I keep installing my dynasty members as king of Ireland, but it seems they constantly lose it to their vassal. I check the title history and it just says 'swore fealty'. What's going on here?

    submitted by /u/Mickey95
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    I wish you could choose as which child to keep playing.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 02:06 AM PDT

    Not into the whole murdering my own children thing, especially with the renown system I find having your realm split is rather fun, and that with the alliances pretty decent.

    I just wish I could pick Which son/daughter I play as next. For example I really enjoy playing the learning and intrigue paths, while stewardship and diplomacy isn't my thing. If my first child turned into either of those but my second child is an intrigue boss, then I wish I could select the 2nd.

    submitted by /u/Comrade-Kek
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    How to ensure names like Dave III, Dave IV etc

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    Question: how do I ensure I get the suffix to ensure I get a long line of Dave's? I'm mostly confused with the third generation seeing as the game asks whether I want to make the child after the father or the father's father. Does it matter as long as the name is the same. And then on the fourth child do I make after an ancestor (the first Dave)? Serious question.

    Also, I am not familiar with Egyptian culture...I have my son named Dave ibn Dave and some more stuff I can't recall ATM. Is this like the dottir/son suffix?

    submitted by /u/sneezyxcheezy
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    Managed to create the empire of Britannia, I also conquered Antioch.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:34 AM PDT

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