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    Sunday, April 4, 2021

    Crusader Kings "Greek Love"

    Crusader Kings "Greek Love"

    "Greek Love"

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    After all this time I only just realised that the second file called dummy just exists to create the mod folder. I thought the game was calling me a dummy for not knowing where mods go

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    Ah yes, the mighty Knights Hospitaller and their terrifying army of 4 men

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    It’s showtime

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Paradox, please let me take notes on people!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    All I want is to have a simple text file attached to each character that I can make simple notes in.

    I don't have time to play more than an hour or two a week and I can't keep my damn plans straight, and I have no idea why I hate the people in my dungeons . It would help me keep the role-playing alive and have familial stories continue from one generation to the next . I just had a general who had 30 kills over his lifetime before getting his head ripped off by a berserker and I would really like to easily take care of his sons and grandsons. With everything going on and the time between playing sessions there's no way I'll keep it straight between sessions. There's dudes who bullied my heir for years, but events fire that remove them as rivals later, sure would like to keep tabs on those guys as well.

    Is there something that makes this dificult to do that I'm unaware of?

    submitted by /u/akimbo_cattywompus
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    Shout out to these 25 guys whose been fighting for my dynasty for over a century

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    I Finally Bought CK3, and I’m Already Addicted

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    Context: I love Paradox games. I used to play the hell out of Prison Architect and Pillars of Eternity, then I wanted to play a new strategy game (I was getting bored of my go-to strategy: Civilization), so I bought Stellaris and I fell in love.

    Then I decided to try some of the monumental works of Paradox, and I was stuck in a dilemma between EUIV and CK. I decided to go with the latter because of the lack of DLCs needed for it, and oh my god.

    I've never played a game like this. Ever. This has been the most fun ever. I've never liked playing the tutorials in games, but this didn't translate well into CK3, because I was immediately given an entire UI that gives little clues as to what everything does. Still, I continued to play as the Khan of Great Liao, until I lost because I forgot to check the notifications and nearly all of the counties had began independent factions against me.

    Still, after playing with the tutorial and experimenting with different mechanics, I uncovered a game I didn't know I needed. Jesus, there are so many things to do. I laugh when I find a new feature, because it's unfathomable how many new mechanics I discovered.

    As much as I had my eyes set on EUIV before learning about Crusader Kings, I'm glad I chose CK3 because it is basically a masterpiece. I don't know if y'all like CK2 better, but as a noob to the franchise I love CK3.

    submitted by /u/bumofheisenburg
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    My wife just beat herself up to leave me a message

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    Has there been any confirmation on the "more-hidden" ahistorical exception in Northern Lords?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    In the content rundown for Northern Lords, two significant ahistorical inclusions were mentioned, one being the decision to elevate Mann, and the other being a secret.

    Elevating Mann is the one major exception we allowed (and a big shout out to everyone who's already found the other, more-hidden major exception and are readying their corrective posts right now, but shhhhhh, let people find it by themselves). It's dumb, it's fun, it's for bringing out your inner pirate-monarch and stealing the wealth of the world away.

    There have been several posts discussing it, but, as far as I've seen, no definite answer. People have suggested the traveler events discussing lost Hellenists and the Sunset Invasion, but those don't seem major, and the event chain where you command the sea to obey you, but that doesn't feel like it's on the same scale as the Mann decision (plus, it is based on history, just apocryphal history).

    Has there been any confirmation or discovery since the pack was released? Or will this post fade into uncertainty like the rest?

    submitted by /u/Tintenseher
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    I may have taken my North Korea mode a little too far- this is ALL one demense by the time I closed out last night. It took 10 minutes to load the save file.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:56 PM PDT

    After many weeks of learning the game and countless restarts, I Finally formed the empire of italia starting from the duchy of Benevento this is my progress from duke to emperor

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:27 PM PDT

    I did... a thing

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 12:01 AM PDT

    Collect them all

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    IRONMAN, mended the schism, make my own religion (Orthodox-Catholicism), and formed Rome IN ONE SITTING. Very proud of this one.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    *Sends gift*

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 03:18 AM PDT

    Return of the Crusader King. LotR: Realms in Exile releases 2.0 adding Gondor, Mordor and Umbar.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:53 AM PDT

    Right in the feels

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    Heard you like bordergore

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    Hell hath no fury...

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    Tl; dr. Don't cheat on your high intrigue intelligent wife. Even if AI tells you she still has +100 opinion of you, payback is a bitch.

    Emperor Oxhard I of Britannia, 1295.

    After 15 years of marriage, Oxhard's older son, Staghard, had only produced two children, both girls. Fawn and Doe were also beautiful, robust, and intelligent, but Oxhard knew even that couldn't necessarily compensate for what their vassals would perceive as the weakness of their sex. He feared for their futures. He feared for the future stability of his empire.

    Steeling himself for the fact that in a generation's time Britannia might have its first empress, Oxhard set about doing his best to equip his older granddaughter Fawn for the unenviable task of being a woman in a man's (medieval) world. He tutored her himself in the art of intrigue, knowing that it would both give her an invaluable skillset in a game stacked against her, and would mean that, despite being an unlanded woman, her specialism would mean both he & his son would have the possibility of giving her a seat on their councils before their deaths, providing her with an early taste of what it was to rule.

    Oxhard chose her husband, Brave, carefully: good stock - but not so noble he'd have ideas above his station - and a full house of desirable traits: like her he was a handsome, robust, and intelligent. Betrothing them as infants, Oxhard tutored him too, choosing traits that both complimented Fawn's and would stand him in good stead for a lifetime of supporting her rule. He specialised Brave in martial education, training him to be Fawn's most loyal and skilled commander. Her future protector and champion.

    Fawn and Brave grew up together as wards of Oxhard's sprawling Middlesex court, and became childhood friends. The pair were also close with Fawn's sister Doe, and her betrothed, Pawl, and the four of them were often found together. Brave was 3 years older than Fawn, and Oxhard landed him as soon as he turned 16 - a handful of counties and a plum new duchy from his recent conquests in Northern Africa. As soon as Fawn turned 16, Oxhard confirmed the betrothal and they were married. Now an elusive shadow and skilled plotter, Fawn went to live at Brave's court in Zammour, happy & excited. They appeared very much in love - admiring each other's beauty, intelligence, diplomatic skills, personalities. On the sturdy basis of their juvenile friendship their marriage blossomed. They would regularly attend feasts at Pawl's neighbouring duchy, the four of them cultivating their decade long closeness.

    Then, at 45 years old, Staghard's wife had an unexpected third child, a son. Oxhard's granddaughter was no longer his heir, but he still doted upon the golden couple he had poured so much time and energy into. At only 21 Brave already had the highest commander score (34) of all of Oxhard's generals. By way of reward - for both that, and for making his granddaughter so happy - Oxhard decided to make him a king, granting him the newly formed Kingdom of Anbiya. Taking a personal interest in their alliance, Oxhard helped him through the first few rocky years of his rule with gold and arms, and soon King Brave I was thriving in his vibrant north west African kingdom. Fawn gave birth to a beautiful, Amazonian, intelligent daughter, Luna, and, a year later, a beautiful, Herculean, quick son, Courage.

    Then suddenly Oxhard received news that Brave had been exposed as an adulterer, and was given the opportunity to imprison his pregnant lover, Tudert, a lowborn Butr woman, already the mother to three bastard children by another man. Shocked doesn't begin to cover it. Tudert was immediately tossed into Oxhard's dungeons, although on account of her delicate state he showed some mercy and moved her to house arrest until after the birth. A just man, once the baby boy, Sebastian, was born, Oxhard released him, but refused to legitimise him, not wanting him to have a claim on the kingdom Oxhard had earmarked for his own grandchildren. Oxhard immediately made Sebastian a ward of one of his courtiers to retain him at his own court instead of returning him to his father's. He couldn't bare for Fawn to suffer a daily reminder of her husband's betrayal.

    Brave regularly petitioned Oxhard for Tudert's release (although apparently she was only worth a measly 20 gold to him), which of course he always ignored.

    Then Oxhard died, and Staghard ascended to the throne of the empire. Similarly stung by Brave's betrayal of his daughter, he too refused to release Tudert from his dungeons. For the first few years after his coronation, Staghard was embroiled in a long expansion campaign of holy wars in west Africa, and despite his anger towards Brave for the pain he had caused Fawn, he couldn't help but form a friendship with his courageous, charismatic commander during their long months on the march.

    In addition, despite this setback to their once perfect romance, Fawn & Brave still seemed solid. For all intents and purposes she still held her beautiful and talented husband in high regard. After a lengthy break, they even had a third child together, another beautiful, Herculean, quick son, Jericho.

    Then while Staghard was distracted, having been called to help his ally the Queen of Hungary in a liberty war, Fawn made her move. The genius queen of intrigue finally decided to let everyone know her true feelings on her husband's betrayal: she murdered Brave. King Courage I, only 7 years old, ascended to the throne of Anbiya. Refusing to imprison his beloved mother, he allowed the dowager queen to continue living at his court. Staghard too was reluctant to move against his firstborn child, and eventually declined to punish her for her kinslaying, instead granting her the freedom to marry again as she chose. Fawn picked a much older calm and kindly lowborn knight, with no heritable traits, who became his stepson's courtier. She had no more children.

    submitted by /u/pouxin
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    I am hooked

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    This is one of those thank you posts.

    TL;DR Thanks anyone who has anything to do with CK titles.

    Last 7 years I have graduated, started working, changed jobs, engaged and while doing all these I kept coming back for CK2. You know how that feels, like instead of buying new titles installing your old game because of the memories and because it is still a good game.

    So naturally like so many of you, I was excited for CK3 but I wanted to wait until summer. Because between the job and graduate studies and on going marriage preparations I don't have much time and I want to enjoy this like old times. Like wake up, turn your pc on, play, eat, sleep. It is simply not possible these months. Summer time? Maybe for one or two sundays.

    I was very determined, until I saw free for weekend a few weeks back. I spend 17 hours on two days and bought the game on monday. Since than if I am not working or studying or spending time with fiancee I am trying to restore the roman empire. So to cut the story thanks anyone who have worked on CK titles. And modders for adding to replayability. And to the marketers, free weekend works guys congrats.

    submitted by /u/KopekTherrian
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    I feel like the AI tries its best to lose crusades

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    Struggling to motivate Friends for Multiplayer

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    Hello there fellow Crusaders!

    Tl;Dr: What are your ideas to make a mp lobby where you strive for a goal while not straigth up PvP or go to the other end of the world?

    While it brings all of us joy to invade the Holy Land and topple the Karling Dynasty in Single- as well as Multiplayer some of my Friends who play the game don't enjoy it as much as I do. I enjoy just building my Dynasty with a certain in head scenarion and start conquering. Their Problem is they don't like how in the end we ultimatly marry our families togher in order to keep being the strongest and beat AI easly while not doing something special, we just struggel to survive and grow.

    So what I want to ask and am looking for is some ideas to make fun and entertaining multiplayer games?

    Their Main Concern are these Points:

    1. When we start close together we ultimatly stand in our ways as no one can make an empire without fighting the other. No one of us wants to yield to the other as a vassal, because who would?

    2. When we start spread far apart we could each just be playing singleplayer. (Even tho I think it is interesting to see the world develop, I can agree to it, that it is not so much multiplayer)

    3. PvPing each other would not be too cool as we are like 3 to 4 ppl and it would suck for the one person needing to build a new dynasty or beeing out and you guys know how long a game takes.

    4. Not really having a certain goal or objective to play to, just existing. We don't try to do something like create the Roman Empire, bc we don't know how we would make that a fun and cooperative thing to achive.

    Just all in all we don't really know how to make the game get a feeling of really doing something togheter without one beeing hurt in the end by either having to quit early, beeing vassalised or needing to start anew after building hist legacy for 200 years.

    submitted by /u/like_a_leaf
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    Crusader Kings III: Royal Edition is $44.99 (40% off) via WinGameStore

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    Let me change the color of clothes!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    I can't be the only one who hates that the color of clothes is random. I think it'd be great to have an option to dye them in the barber shop the same way we can dye hair.

    submitted by /u/Vilshong
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    Perfect creation.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 09:43 PM PDT

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