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    Wednesday, December 23, 2020

    Crusader Kings I can't with this game

    Crusader Kings I can't with this game

    I can't with this game

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:55 PM PST

    The Boss Baby

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:55 PM PST

    What the fuck

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 04:07 AM PST

    The Kingdom of Old Saint Nick

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:56 PM PST

    "The Scholar" nickname should be the lowest priority nickname on the list.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 06:15 AM PST

    I like for each of my rulers to achieve some form of greatness and earn a dope nickname for their troubles. I've had King Jean 'the Saint,' (for Consecrating our Bloodline); Emperor Isaac 'the Messenger of Christ,' (for forming the Empire of Outremer); Emperor Gargamel 'the Scholar,' (for founding a University, he also was a Scholar, made sense for flavor); Empress Alienor 'the Scholar' (formerly 'the Blood Mother' for Strengthening our Bloodline); and Pope Centule 'the Scholar' (formerly 'the Ecumenist' for mending the Great Schism, he also reformed Catholicism).

    There's no reason those last two should have changed their nicknames, when their legacy was much more significant than founding a University. I know I could've just not founded the extra Universities, but the buff they provide is quite significant. This is my simple request to change it so Scholar only applies when no other nicknames are available.

    submitted by /u/super_cdubz
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    Finally I pulled it off! 60 Indian Knights deleted 20k army!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 07:03 AM PST

    What a charmer

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:35 AM PST

    Don't appreciate this disrespect coming from steam

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 02:59 PM PST

    The chieftess with the biggest breasts of the realm

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 05:25 AM PST

    Just completed my first World Conquest: 375 years, from Iceland to Sri Lanka.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:00 PM PST

    What a true Christian man freed of all Sin

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:47 AM PST

    Crusader Kings III has been nominated for the "Best Game You Suck At" award in the 2020 Steam Awards!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 04:18 PM PST

    Turns out William the Conqueror had greater ambitions for England, sacred land of the Jews

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 07:23 AM PST

    I really hate that we can't kill our own children

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 04:51 AM PST

    Alright, so I'm still playing ck2 because I lack the coinage for ck3, and I was doing a run yesterday, just having fun, getting some achievements. I really can't explain what campaign it was because I wanted to created the Empire of Italia as the karling king of Italy and ended up being the Empress of Burgundy two generations later.

    Anyway, my empress, Augusta, had three sons and one daughter. No problem there, I had already created an empire-tier title which meant my five kingdom-tier titles wouldn't become independent from each other after my death. Well, when my third son, Henri, was born, I got the start of the child of destiny event and this was THE FIRST time this event fired for me. I had devil spawn about three times, but no child of destiny, and I was stoked!

    Well, except for the fact that unless I did something, I'd play as my elder son while Henri had the greatest life ever on the sidelines. But that was no problem, because I was determined I'd make him my primary heir. Friendship ended with Charles and Philippe, now Henri is my favorite child.

    Except I couldn't plot to kill them. I'm an intrigue person first, martial later. Most of my kills were through plots, and I just couldn't do the same to this two nuisances that came out of me at the wrong time. I mean, at least the devil spawn kids take care of the other heirs for you, while with this COD, I'd have to get my hands dirty if I wanted to make the empire of Burgundy the greatest empire ever.

    Anyway, my second son, Philippe, decided to join the Children's Crusades and stopped being an heir. I was like, hey, look at this. The game is helping me. I genuinely thought he would just be sold off to slavery and stop being such a pain in my ass (also he changed cultures to German instead of french which isn't good.) And that left me with my older son, Charles, as my heir. He was about 10 years older than his brother, which was very fine with me, because while Henri was killing snakes, drinking poison and reading latin, I was just waiting for Charles to turn 16 so I could, I don't know. Do something.

    Well he did turn 16, and I was like alright, let's make him a leader in an army and just send him to some ill county. Except there was only one problem. I'm guessing in 936, Europe was wearing masks, social distancing and washing hands, because THERE WERE NO EPIDEMICS HAPPENING. Literally, the only epidemic in the world at the time was in fucking India. I can't go to India, I need fast-results!

    I was like, hey, you only live once. This isn't an Augusta playthrough, this is just me setting up the stage for Henri. So I imprisoned Charles and ordered him to take vows. He accepted no problem, and I was so very sorry for what had happened (not really though). I thought the -40 opinion among my vassals for tyranny was a price to pay for extending our borders across the known world, and finally, FINALLY, Henri was my primary heir. I showered him with love, got him a cuture wife with the fair trait that could be very loyal to him, and was just waiting around for him to turn 16 so I could, I don't know, fuck off and die, I guess.

    Except CK2 had other plans. I think about two weeks or something after Charles was disinherited, the Children's Crusade won. It has never, NEVER, won for me and suddenly Philippe was my primary heir, and I just couldn't get rid of him because he was 12 in a foreign court and I COULDN'T PLOT TO KILL HIM. Also his name was Philipp now, and I couldn't handle that as well.

    I took a deep breath and decided to be patient. Henri grew more. At 14, girls started to surround him, and he gained the lustful trait. At 15, he had three infantile bodyguards following him around. Philippe was the son directly above Henri, so they had about a 3 year difference, which meant my time was running out. I didn't know what would happen if Henri turned 16 without being my primary heir, and I wasn't willing to find out.

    Philippe turned 16, and I, the kind and gentle mother that hadn't seen him in five or six years, sent him a letter.

    'To my heir, Please, my son, come home. It's time to be amongst your own. Mother misses you very much. Love, Empress Augusta.'

    He accepted, obviously, and as soon as he arrived at my court, I arrested him as well. He fought when I ordered him to take vows, but it didn't matter. I think he finally knew that Henri would always be my favorite child, and that I live to serve him. He left for a monastery and teenage Henri became my heir. So yeah, all worth it. Would do it again if I had to. No hesitation. Sometimes, I like to think what modern historians would say in the world I created, so I'm thinking Augusta doesn't go down in history as a good image. Maybe there's a movie with Dame Judi Dench playing her, who knows.

    I'm now playing with Henri and I'm having the greatest fun ever. When he turned 16, I just got into a boat and stayed there until scurvy killed me. I'm realizing now that I should have done that rather than just imprisoning my sons. Henri is called the great and he has over 50 martial. I'm thinking about invading the Byzantine empire and taking Constantinople, who knows. Also, all my children except him are dead now, including the daughter, Emma, from illness. He's about thirty and named his eldest daughter Augusta.

    Also, my bastard was devoured by her step-father. What the fuck, bro. She was one.

    Sorry for the rant, I just have a lot of feelings. Thanks for reading this.

    TL;DR: Had three sons. Youngest was a Child of Destiny. Had to wait around until the older two were 16 to imprison them and send them to monasteries so they would be disinherited. No regrets.

    submitted by /u/pandizzy
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    It would be cool if development levels would cause counties to change appearance.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:02 PM PST

    Now that we use the map that shows the real terrain more often (that was great idea to make zoom levels automatically swap map modes) it would add more satisfaction to developing counties if more cottages, roads, civilised objects etc. would appear on them.

    Right now the development overlay' colours are the only thing to behold, and its underwhelming. I truly hope it would come one day. I always liked that in civilization series, where developed cities were a sight to behold.

    Also medieval settings and CK focus in general (focus on families and land) is a perfect base to introduce more connection and love for the land itself. THat after all was important stuff in these times. Love for your land. Stronger connection than in ages that came after (that was more focused on nations and national identities).

    Right now in CK its sadly all about titles system and just icons and values. I believe a lot of people would like to see their effort of developing their own land rewarded with some visual feedback. Some real bond with the land their "ancestors" worked on.

    In sum: the CK3 is a step in right direction, but it could go further.

    submitted by /u/MrFalrinth
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    Some of the faces in this game are genuinely hilarious

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:33 AM PST

    He isnt a custom charakter tho ...

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:00 AM PST

    My Eunuch monk brothel loving brother is now an independent count in the middle of the Finnish Arctic

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:45 PM PST

    Fortune Favors the Bold - A Little CK3 Roleplaying

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 11:23 AM PST

    I killed a entire family, feeling good

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Title says it all I the king of Femboy(Italy) was really bored and pissed at Byzantines for existing so I slowly but surely as a side project assassinated every single one of the rulers and their children

    submitted by /u/tavuklar1
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    Just a minor thing that happened to me, but never even heard of someone still under 16 becoming a parent in the game

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:29 PM PST

    Crusader Drips 3

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 11:21 AM PST

    Is the North Korea Strategy still viable in CK3?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:41 AM PST

    I wanted to try it for so long, but I just got the game. Is it possible to do it still or has it been patched out?

    submitted by /u/JPHierophant
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