• Breaking News

    Monday, September 28, 2020

    Crusader Kings CK3 Dev Diary #42 - 1.1 Patch Notes! 📜

    Crusader Kings CK3 Dev Diary #42 - 1.1 Patch Notes! ��

    CK3 Dev Diary #42 - 1.1 Patch Notes! ��

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    ck3 logic i guess...

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    I put the World Conqueror in William the World Conqueror.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    I'm looking at you, Mayor

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    CK3 Dev Diary #42 - 1.1 Patch Notes

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    Im glad they're having a chat with the ai about our issues

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Do you like the fact that claim fabrication and religion conversion now takes a set amount of time instead of the MTTH system?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    I like it honestly, it just feels better when I know exactly when it's gonna be done, I mean you're forging a bogus document, it's not like this is legit lol

    That and likewise it achieves roughly the same thing. MTTH puts unnecessary amount of CPU power to achieve essentially the same thing. The math is streamlined and honestly, CK3 at launch is noticeably faster than CK2 is in it's current state

    Now, claim will be done in 15 months, with MTTH (most of the time) it could be between 12 and 18 months, you get the idea, same result, expect currently it feels better for my brain

    Your thoughts?

    Oh btw, Paradox, thank you thank you thank you for allowing me to grant counties by clicking on them rather then selecting them one by one from a stupid menu, thank you!!

    (Now we need the same system for single county CBs, I should be able to select which county I want to target on map, rather than from the menu)

    submitted by /u/Brother_Judas
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    Yet another awesome loading screen painting

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    I managed to unite the steppe tribes and became the next Khagan, reformed Tengrism, became the head shaman of it and and I did it in Iron Man mode. Kinda proud of it, considering CK3 is my first Paradox game.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    This would fit in as a loading screen in CK3

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    This is probably the most metal house motto I've seen in CK3

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    North Korea Mode just got nerfed

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    I made some characters from Vikings in the Portrait Editor.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    Patch 1.1 is coming tomorrow. Here is the changelog

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:49 AM PDT


    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    Just purchased, wish me luck

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Wait, being a giant is considered a bad Congenital trait?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    I wish you could play as wandering characters, at least once you lose your land.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Basically the title. Since guests, courtiers and so on can all scheme and stuff, it makes sense if you become unlanded to find a way to regain everything.

    submitted by /u/DarkAbandon
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    CKIII - Can't wait for custom characters!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Slaughter is an understatement.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    Why I breed Albino into my line

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    I breed albino in to make sure my kids aren't cuckspawn. Even legit kids can have rumors that make it appear they are not yours, especially if your spouse is a dirty whore. But if I'm albino, my wife is a melaninblood, all those pasty kids are mine.

    Plus if you're the only albino game in town and are worried your kid is a bastard, you can just marry them to their pure blood albino cousin to be safe.

    Also it's cool.

    submitted by /u/Xralius
    [link] [comments]

    Balance has been Restored

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Just unified India in ironman mode and am now feeling pretty pleased with myself

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    The greatest deal in history of great deals

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:58 PM PDT

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