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    Saturday, September 26, 2020

    Crusader Kings Absolutely shocking

    Crusader Kings Absolutely shocking

    Absolutely shocking

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    Even short Crusader kings can't catch a break...

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Earl Earl of Earl

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    A god among men is finally born after generations of "Selective Breeding"

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:13 AM PDT

    Everyone else: Conquering the world, breeding the best dynasty Me:

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Holy Roman Empire? More like Holy Roman Mess! This Mod puts Europe into the year 1419, when decentralization was at its peak

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    African Legacy that will last through the ages

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    A long look at Councillors in CK3 and how useful each of their jobs are.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    I was inspired by a comment on another post that said that some CK3 Councillor jobs were situational at best, so I decided to sit down and write out my thoughts on each of them. My findings and opinions are summarised here for your interest, comments, or simple amusement. This drivel took 2 hours to put into language.

    Chancellor: The PR Dude

    • Foreign Affairs:

      • Gives a small bonus to monthly prestige.
      • Gives a small bonus to opinion with foreign rulers.
      • Can shorten truces.
      • More often than not will hand out claims to your counties to said foreign rulers.
      • Kind of bad in my opinion. The truce shortening is nice but only if you have another reason to go to war again with that ruler. It's made redundant by a diplomacy perk though.
    • Domestic Affairs:

      • Gives a small bonus to vassal opinion.
      • Most useful during the period immediately following succession where everyone hates you, and could be the difference between a vassal liking you just enough to stay out of that liberty/independence faction.
      • Can also change vassal contracts in either your favor, or the vassals.
      • Value of this goes up as your personal diplomacy goes down.
      • Overall the task I use the most.
    • Integrate Title:

      • Increases Dejure drift in the targeted duchy/kingdom.
      • It still takes a really long time, but a really excellent chancellor will almost halve the time taken.
      • The entirety of the target title's De Jure titles must be held by the same ruler, or a vassal of that ruler.
      • Overall not very useful but if you've got nothing better to do, go for it.
    • Overall I feel that Chancellor is the least impactful of the councillor seats in the game. Most valuable immediately after succession then forgotten about most of the time for me.

    Marshal: The Muscle Dude

    • Organise Levies:

      • Increases Levy Size, Garrison Size, and Levy Reinforce rate.
      • More troops are useful until you develop what has been dubbed as Frisian Space Marines.
      • They're still just levies though.
      • Useful if you need a bigger number on that troop counter, or your forces just got decimated in the holy land by the Arab Doomstack.
    • Train Commanders:

      • Reduces Man-At-Arms maintenance cost
      • Can improve your Knight's Prowess!
      • Can give your Commanders' Commander traits!
      • Can also wound or kill a knight/commander of yours if the marshal sucks, I guess.
      • By far my most used task. Lategame I've found that I don't even let my levies gather anymore, I just raise my MaAs and immediately shift+right click where I want them to go delete enemy armies.
    • Increase Control in County:

      • Increases the rate at which a county is brought under control...
      • Also removes county corruptions caused by your idiot steward.
      • Not much else to say, use it when you need to.
    • Overall, I feel that all of the Marshal's tasks have their value, and actually can compete with each other in times of strife. Even if I just keep the job on training commanders.

    Steward: The Ducat Dude (Dudecat?)

    • Increase Taxes:

      • Increases your Taxes!
      • Can get you a sudden tax bonus like in CK2
      • Can add County corruptions if your steward is an idiot.
      • Use it if you need more money in the short term.
    • Increase Development in County:

      • Increases Development in targeted county!
      • More development means more taxes and more levies from that county.
      • Development doesn't decrease over time, and spreads out from higher developed counties into lesser developed one, so by improving one county in a region, you're also improving all the counties around it gradually.
      • Takes time though.
      • Having 40 Development in specific counties allows you to build a University in those counties via decision, which is a special building that... increases the rate at which development increases. It also boosts renown.
      • You still have to build the university manually after using the decision, idiot. Don't be me and let the slot sit there unfilled for 50 years.
      • I use this the most, it improves your counties in the long term.
    • Promote Culture:

      • Causes the culture of the targeted county to change to your culture.
      • Honestly, I almost never use this option. Unless a county in my Demense is of a different culture to my own. I don't really care.
    • Overall I feel that Steward is pretty clear cut in what you have them do. If you need money in the short term, use taxes. Otherwise set them to increasing development in your capital county or a county that can gain the university slot. Entirely up to personal opinion what you do with them.

    Spymaster: The Sneaky Dude

    • Disrupt Schemes:

      • Disrupts Hostile Schemes!
      • Increases the chance of discovering hostile schemes targeting your court!
      • Unless your current ruler is the sneaky backstab sort, you're almost certainly just going to leave your spymaster doing this.
    • Support Schemes:

      • Supports your Hostile Schemes!
      • Toggle to this if you're doing the skullduggery.
    • Discover Secrets:

      • Attempts to discover secrets in the targeted court.
      • Takes some time, and can find nothing.
      • Secrets can be used for hooks. If the secret found is a crime if exposed, you get a strong hook. Strong hooks can be used to force a character to become an agent in your murder/abduction scheme.
      • Can be useful if your murder/abduction plot just wouldn't have enough power behind it. But it's not guaranteed that you'll find anything useful.
    • Overall I just leave it on Disrupt Schemes all the time, I've yet to really tryhard at being the stabby skullduggery sort in CK3 so in truth I have no real experience with what I'm talking about here.

    Court Chaplain: The Divine Dude

    • Religious Relations:

      • Increases your Piety income by a small amount
      • Can increase/lower vassal opinion.
      • Can randomly give you a small bonus/penalty to piety
      • Generally what your Chaplain will spend most of their lives doing unless you're an aggressive sort of person.
    • Convert Faith in County:

      • Changes the Faith in the targeted county to your Faith!
      • Takes a million years if you're Catholic because lmao low fervor.
      • Never ever use this unless you've taken the perks in the Theologian Tree that reduce the time taken and ignore the fervor penalty if the target faith's fervor is higher.
    • Fabricate Claim on County:

      • Fabricates Claims on Counties!
      • If your chaplain isn't an idiot, they could also get you a claim on the Duchy title instead!
      • Unlike CK2, actually a viable option to increase the size of your realm instead of a last resort!
      • I should be using this more often. The only issues with it are that if you're a christian faith, you probably can't choose your Court Chaplain, which could interfere with getting those Duchy Claims.
    • Overall, if you're expanding he's great. If you're not expanding, more piety is nice to get those sweet sweet Pope Ducats every few years.

    Your Spouse: The Stat Dude(tte)

    • Your spouse is a Psuedo councillor that doesn't really have a job, but helps you instead in one of two ways.

      • Assists you in general by adding 1/5th of each of their attributes to your own attribute total.
      • Assists you in a specific area by adding 1/2th of one of their attributes to your own.
    • In other words, if they're an all around amazing spouse with 10+ stats in multiple areas, it's probably a good idea to keep them on assist ruler. However if you ever need a bigger boost in one specific area, switch them over to that.

    • They also cause random effects to occur like other councillors, I most often see the message that they're taking care of you, and it says it happened in spite of their poor martial ability, which is kind of amusing honestly. This is probably tied to each of their attributes, and are applied based on whether they're assisting you in general or throwing their weight into one area.

    So that's basically everything I can think of about the councillors available in CK3. If you made it this far into my ramblings, congrats! Tell me how wrong I am about everything written above.

    submitted by /u/FluffyMittens_
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    PSA: Chaste, 45+ year old women can still give birth to perfectly good sons, but apparently that only happens if you speciffically married them to someone so they wouldn't have kids because they're 45+

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    Catholic fervor be like

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    I think that i need to have the birds and bees talk with my daughter

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    That's a nice faith you have. Be a shame if someone converts it.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    When you start a scheme to kill your brother and then he uses a hook on you to become your spymaster, helping you to kill himself

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    I see you Eudokia and raise you Burgflaed the Double Hot

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    I don't quite remember this part of the viking raids - 1279 AD.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    A character of biblical repute or just a weird bug.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    I did it!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    Crazy how powerful a build tall strategy is. Little Holland with 17k troops making 40-70g a month

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    This absolute unit of a spymaster

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    The Pope himself saw fit to come to Ireland and steal my puppy, Dave...

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    I have 50% war score from battles alone and the pope seems to have unlimited gold. Anyone else having this problem?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:42 AM PDT

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