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    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : March 27 2020

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : March 27 2020

    Feudal Friday : March 27 2020

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Welcome to another Feudal Friday, a place for you to regale the courts of Europa with your tales. Stories, screenshots and achievements are all welcome.

    Previous Feudal Fridays

    Current Tutorial Tuesdays

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I cant wait.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    im so excited for ck3 religions

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    Extrapolating from the religion dev diary...

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    When you don't recognize your rivals

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    Today's CK3 Q&A with the developers, April 1st

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    Q: Any fun bugs you had with religion?

    A: When we first got art assets for Christian priest robes, we blocked priests from wearing non-religious clothing. However, since we blocked non-religious clothing for all priests but only has special robes for Christian priests, the priests of every non-Christian faith collectively shrugged and decided to walk around naked.

    Q: will zoroastrian be a religion in base game?

    A: Yep!

    Q: Will you be able to make a same sex positive religion?

    A: You can make same-sex relations acceptable, but marriage will still only be opposite due to historical constraints

    Q: How diverse are the different Pagan religions?

    A: There is a lot of different pagan faiths of many kinds!

    Q: How will pagan reformation work in this game?

    A: stay tuned for the next dev diary :wink:

    Q: In the Dev Diary 18 it is mentioned that mercenaries will have an upfront cost equivalent to three years of pay. In the march video uppdate, two years upfront cost is mentioned. Which is it?

    A: This is a matter of balance, so is subject to change, but currently 3 years

    Q: Will there be recommandations for what someone who is new to CK Should Play as for example what Nation?

    A: the tutorial ireland is a good start :smile:

    Q: Will Scotland have clan or tribal government?

    A: Scotland is Feudal in 1066, Tribal in 867

    Q: is the multiplayer mode gonna be more stable if there's gonna be one? I'd love to play some ck3 agot mp

    A: we've definitely aimed for MP stability! So hopefully!

    Q: how many dead religions there will be?

    A: It depends on the start date, there's more of them in 1066. Generally there's not that many, but a few notable examples are Hellenism and Zunism.

    Q: Can you have an "agnostic" faith of a religion? Or do you always have a "real" faith and other traits show your fevor?

    A: Everyone always belongs to a faith

    Q: Will there be polyandry in doctrines?

    A: Yes, if you set Polygamous Marriage along with Female Dominated. Female Rulers will then be able to have up to 4 husbands.

    Q: will the magyars religion be separate in any way from tengrism?

    A: Yes, they're separate

    Q: For custom religions, how will we choose an icon for the religion?

    A: There's a set of icons to select from for each religion. More info on this in the next dev diary most likely

    Q: Will there be cultures like in CK2 formed in special enviroments like the Norman or the English? And will there be some a bit alt-history for unlikely combinations?

    A: we will have roughly the same melting pot cultures as CK2, English and Swedish etc.

    Q: If a player is the leader of a faction, do they need to wait for the Discontent to reach 100% in order to send their ultimatum?

    A: The player can bypass this requirement

    Q: In the crime doctrines, can "crimes" be encouraged as well? Or even mandatory

    A: You can set the crimes to 'Allowed', where there are no penalties and characters will gain certain traits (like Witch) openly. You can not currently make them mandatory.

    Q: Will we be able to create custom heresys based on real religions

    A: I don't see why not.

    Q: How much does tactically planning your army helps? Can you beat an army of 5000 levies with only 500 good men-at-arms?

    A: 5000 vs. 500 you'll almost certainly lose, but 5000 levies vs. a couple thousand men at arms with a good commander might go the other way

    Q: will there be polandry and polygamy in same sex marriages?

    A: There's no same sex marriage due to historical constraints

    Q: out of curiosity, did you use the "sacred lies" tenet (or a similar unusual one) for one of your premade religions?

    A: sacred lies is not used in any existing faiths, but for your own heretical desires.... :wink:

    Q: Will there still be MP cap?

    A: We do not have a hard cap on the number of players, though if you play with several hundred people you're likely to run into issues

    Q: Will autocephalous Orthodox Churches be considered as separate Faiths?

    A: We will not have autocephaly as a mechanic on release

    Q: 1. I didn't see Zoroastrianism in the dev diary, will it be in the game? 2. I saw that Catholicism and Orthodoxy had art in the background of churches. Will all religions have similar art? 3. Will Hellenism be in the game at launch or is it something that will be considered later?

    A: They are in yes

    Q: Can lifestyle traits be sins/virtues?

    A: There are a few lifestyle traits that can be sins or virtues, but it isn't common. This can be modded, of course

    Q: Can we expect more detailed vassal contracts in the future? Like split tax/vassal obligations, war participation, etc

    A: It is a system we do want to expand upon at some point

    Q: What are some spicy mechanics in multiplayer to mess with your friends

    A: There is plenty of ways to mess with people in MP :smile:

    Q: Will we see Hellenism in the base game?

    A: Yes

    Q: will we have specific national units for each nation or just culture specificc units?

    A: Only cultural

    Q: Will there be more muslim religions such as Ibadi?

    A: There are far more variants of Islam in CK3 than CK2

    Q: Has the Slavic Faith changed in anyway if so how?

    A: With the new Tenet and Doctrine system all pagan faiths, including Slavic, are more differentiated/unique based on their historical traditions.

    Q: Will religions such as the old Greco-Roman and Celtic faiths be present in the files?

    A: There will be some dead faiths in the files for historical characters

    Q: Can you still take prisoners and artifacts from raiding?

    A: You can take prisoners and gold. Artifacts will not be in CK3 at launch.

    Q: with part of the martial focus only increasing knight effectiveness/numbers will the pagans have a special unit equal to the knight, or will pagans just have different martial skills?

    A: Pagans also have knights, just under a different name. E.G., for Scotland in 867 they're called "Champions"

    Q: will Romuva get any flavor?(as in flavor events, decisions etc)

    A: Yes :wink:

    Q: is it planned to be able to "downgrade" from a feudal government to a tribal one? Or move to a clan government? Basically, how do changing one country's government go?

    A: Generally switching governments down like will not be a thing

    Q: are the dead faiths part of the 99 faiths count?

    A: Yes they are counted in that 99

    Q: will Giraffes be in CK3?

    A: Not yet...

    Q: to whoever answers this, what's your favourite tenet so far?

    A: Adorcism :possessed~1:

    Q: If I remember correctly, it has been mentioned that the AI in CK3 will be less random than in CK2. How will this be achieved?

    A: There's plenty of randomization in some AI systems, and less in others. E.G., troop movement has very little randomization, while building construction has quite a bit (but has weighting to ensure bad choices aren't made). We haven't quantified how the amount compares to CK2, but it has had more thought put into where randomization makes sense

    Q: How moddable will be succession systems?

    A: Quite moddable! You can mod the weights for elective types and who is valid voters, for non elective you can still choose when they can be enacted and the methods of building valid heirs from a few options

    Q: Will spiriutal heads like the Pope be playable, will we be able to be chosen as them from bishops etc.

    A: Theocracies (including the Catholic Pope) are not playable. Only Temporal Heads of Faith (such as the Muslim Caliphs, or other created religious heads) can be played.

    Q: will the map extend itself to European Atlantic islands or will we only have a few of the canaries again?

    A: The map ends just west of the Canaries. The whole Western African coast is in

    Q: Can we play as character with too exotical confession like with matriarchal clergy and supporting lesbian polygamy? :)

    A: Sure. Though there's no same-sex marriage due to historical constraints

    Q: How moddable will heresy/reformation system be?

    A: Very moddable, as with everything in the faith system its controlled via our moddable text files!

    Q: will we see the return of the Fylkir, or will reforming Germanic Paganism take a more true-history approach?

    A: If you reform the faith to have a Head of Faith, it will have a Fylkir.

    Q: Seeing how can you mod religions in the game (very cool stuff, btw) is there a cap, for example to how much Holy Sites you can have? Meaning, can you have less than 5? And more importantly, can you have as much as you want?

    A: There's no hard cap. You can have more or less than 5. The vast majority of faiths in CK3 have 5, but there are some that have more (E.G., Hindus)

    Q: Will athieism be a possible "religion"?

    A: Atheism as a faith sort of goes against the entire point of a faith, atheism is the lack of believing in a faith and a religion, and even then at best in medieval society being an Atheist was not something at all common if even a thing at all, and if you were one it would at best be a secret that you were a non-believer The closest you're really gonna get is the cynical trait, cause being so openly atheist was not really a thing in those times as far as I've seen in research, and in most faiths if you were you'd almost instantly be declared a heretic and hunted down

    Q: any special events or artifacts for reforming a religion?

    A: You receive a special event, but there will not be artifacts in CK3 on release.

    Q: Will we be able to change in-game whether an event should be a Notification or a Toast, similar to what we can do in CK2 with low/high priority messages and the pop-ups?

    A: That is not planned for release

    Q: will it be possible to set up your own head of religion if you don't like the caliph/pope?

    A: You can make your own faith

    Q: Can Orthodox people crusade?

    A: They cannot crusade

    Q: How playable is the game right now?

    A: Very

    Q: are children of destiny a thing in ck3?

    A: No, at least not yet...

    Q: How far east will the map go? Will it be the same as CK2?

    A: The game goes as far East as Burma, so slightly further than CK2

    Q: Will I able to alter the doctrines of existing religions over the centuries or will every change create a new heresy? For example, if I am powerful enough, will I be able to change the doctrines of the Catholic church over time to the point that the Pope is a woman who practices witchcraft with her four husbands or will I have to create a whole new heresy for that?

    A: The codebase does supports having Faiths change their doctrines over time. Unfortunately we will not have any content that takes advantage of this on release (my dream of sponsoring new ecumenical councils sadly did not make the final cut) but we hope to add that stuff in later patches. Mods, of course, can also do whatever they like with this.

    Q: will hinduism be one faith?

    A: No, the Hinduism Religion is comprised of many different Faiths

    Q: Will there be able to be female bishops or, maybe even female popes? I'd love a Momacy

    A: If your religion allows female priests then yes :slight_smile:

    Q: can multiple military groups engage in one combat and is there any advantage to doing so? E.g. attacking from 2 directions

    A: There's no concept of directions in combat other than river crossings

    Q: will there be a different training system? as in will you be able to train infantrymen into different groups of people? that'd be interesting

    A: No. There's a levy system and a men at arms system, as well as mercenaries.

    Q: will clan government only be possible to mulims?

    A: Not just Muslims :slight_smile:

    Q: Will my lustful son bring me shame?

    A: Depending on your faith's sins and virtues :wink:

    Q: Since Islam is being heavily split up, how will that affect what countries will defend against crusaders?

    A: Great holy wars targeting a kingdom will target everyone of a hostile faith within the kingdom, so that can result in multiple faiths being targeted. Right now though, only the primary target's faith will have people from outside the kingdom joining. It's possible this might change

    Q: how similar is the ck3 syntax compared to ck2, i.e. will it be a somewhat smooth transition, and what editor do you use for the txt files?

    A: Its different enough that you cannot copy paste anything from CK2 really, but similar enough you can probably see what to change. Most people here use either Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code for their work in the text files, or if they are a sinner Notepad++

    Q: If you can give a rough estimate, when will the map reveals come? I.e. are we talking just before launch or earlier?

    A: Yes

    Q: Will my character suddenly forget how to navigate rivers if they convert away from Asatru? And can we please have river harbors?

    A: River navigation is cultural rather than religious

    Q: Those three categories, Abrahamic, Pagan and Oriental, would seem to struggle with some religions which don't fit into any of those categories such as Zoroastrianism. Are there more categories or do they just end up under one of the others?

    A: We just have those 3 currently. While it is possible this will be expanded after release (or with mods) the current system does what we need it to do. More details will be coming in our Fervor and Heresy Dev Diary in several weeks which will explain why we set it up that way.

    Q: What do I stand to gain siding with a peasant revolt or 'popular uprising if one should appear?

    A: You cannot side with the peasants as you are well a noble :wink: But if you side with the populists by joining their faction and they then win you will of course get the benefits of the faction fulfilling their demands

    Q: Are Bulgarian and Serbian Orthodox Churches a separate Faiths?

    A: No, Orthodoxy is one Faith.

    Q: is it possible for you to create an alien invasion DLC to tie into Stellaris? Like, have a chance that in 1200 ad some space ships will land and try to take over?

    A: Possible? Yes. Likely? No.

    Q: Are there going to be family trees in the game? If yes, can you go back to Charlemagne or Mohammed?

    A: we do have dynasty trees yes :slight_smile:

    Q: will the map go any further south in Africa?

    A: The map includes the entire Western African coast; it goes almost to the equator

    Q: In the timespan of the game we saw the rise and fall of countless kingdoms and empires, especially in the Muslim world. What systems do you have in place to make sure that for example the Abbasids or the Umayyads will collapse and won't just blob into Europe/Africa/Middle East without resistance?

    A: Clans, being very opinion-driven, see much more of an up-and-down in realm stability. A poor Clan ruler is much more likely to collapse their realm than it was in CK2.

    Q: What's your favourite ruler to play as currently?

    A: Matilda of Tuscany for sure!

    Q: Will you be able like in Holy Fury to secretly convert (or fasely convert)? And what kind of impact will someone with a secret faith have on gameplay?

    A: We don't have secret religions like in Monks and Mystics, but some Faiths do have a 'False Conversion' Tenet that behaves similarly.

    Q: Can we make a province a Holy Site?

    A: Holy sites are currently static

    Q: Will the sympathy for others religion work same as in CK2?

    A: Not like in CK2 but there are some tenants that effect how faiths view each other

    Q: will there be Varangian Guard still as mercenaries or as something else?

    A: Yes they exist as mercs!

    Q: How are faiths where people choose one of multiple gods in a pantheon to follow represented? Will it be possible to create such custom faiths?

    A: Some Hindu Faiths have a 'Bhakti' Tenet which allow followers to devote themselves to a single god. Custom Hindu Faiths keep this feature, but allowing other Faiths to do this will require mods.

    Q: will concubines be tied to religion, culture or both?

    A: Concubines is tied to the doctrines of your faith

    Q: Will it still be possible to demand that vassals convert to your faith?

    A: Yes, but it's a much more involved process now.

    Q: Will iberan christians have any kind of special event (Beyond crusade) to have a chance of reconquer the peninsula?

    A: Iberian Christians do have several special advantages when it comes to reconquering Iberia.

    Q: will women get any major debuffs that weren't in ck2?

    A: Depends on your faith and how equal they are, the debuffs and double standards depend on how your faith views the acts of men and women

    Q: How hard was it to stop at 99 faiths and not find a weird religion forgotten in the annals of history for that sweet, sweet round 100?

    A: Reaching 99 Faiths was actually a complete accident. We did not have a goal to reach any specific number of Faiths, we just added them where we felt they were needed.

    Q: Have you developers had the opportunity to play the game on your own yet as in a (nonpublic) CK3 dev clash for example?

    A: We do weekly multi player sessions, or if that is not possible with enough people single player time, and many of us also play single player ourselves at home

    Q: is there any new ways to take over countries that dont involve warfare?

    A: Not new, no. Warfare and inheritance are the ways to expand. And title/vassal grants from your liege, of course. You can also request someone become your vassal, much like in CK2

    Q: What will be the mechanics behind crusader orders? Will they just appear for hireing or found crusader states and have holdings like the Teutonic order or Livonian? Will this happen progressively through the game or just in start dates?

    A: We have holy orders coming up, so stay tuned for that once it is out

    Q: the diary said that one could not only play as different sects, but also as a school of thought within those sects such an in Asha'ri and Isma'ili. How will that work and will there be differences between these.

    A: Each school of thought is represented as a different Faith. What doctrines those Faiths have will determine if that Faith is considered to be Sunni or Shia, and this how other Faiths perceive them.

    Q: Will the Aztecs show up on the shores of Europe in CK3?

    A: No

    Q: Can we wait different confessions in Asatru, Suomenusko, Rodnoverie (Slavic paganism) and other paganies?

    A: Different confessions of the various pagan Faiths will not exist on game start, but they can be created during the course of the game itself.

    Q: Would it be possible to usurp the Papacy, if a higher (feudal) title is held?

    A: You cannot usurp religious head titles

    Q: how moddable is the map? Is it easier to make a map than in ck2?

    A: you can fully mod the map and we, like Imperator, have tools built into the game for doing so

    Q: how will magyars be able to reform their own faith?

    A: Same way as everyone else

    Q: what was one of the hardest religions to find accurate sources for?

    A: The native Mali faith was tricky

    Q: Will there be a faction or intrigue plan to overthrow the king/emperor in some way?

    A: There are claimant factions

    Q: How will flavor titles adapt together with custom religions? For example what will determine what a Christian "Caliph" will be called, or what a Suomenusko Pope or Caliph be called, what a Islamic "Pope" would be called, or what a custom-religion King or Priest would be called?

    A: Each Faith has localization defined for it's Religious Head Title. This title is used regardless of if the Religion Head is spiritual or temporal.

    Q: Will it be possible to play as the pope ?

    A: Not that Pope, but maybe you can become your own Pope :eyes:

    Q: If you receive a nickname like "the drunkard" and then conquer the entirety of europe, will your nickame change to, say "the conqueror" , or will your vassals still remember you as the guy who passed out drunk that one time?

    A: Nicknames can get replaced, and we've got priorities for more "significant" nicknames. "Conqueror" would take priority over "Drunkard"

    Q: Will the church try to make you "disappear" in case you will make some big science work public? (Like saying that Earth is a globe like in CK2)

    A: Medieval people generally all already knew the Earth was round, its a myth that they thought it was flat

    Q: will you be able/need to change localiztion when creating a new faith?

    A: Stay tuned for the next dev diary on creating a new faith :wink:

    Q: Will heresies like Lollardy be in the game continuously (like Ck2) or appear when they historically appear? Will we get events to notify us they appeared?

    A: We have minor and major heresy outbreaks, and your example of Lollardy can appear at any time as part of an outbreak. Lollardy will tend to appear in the british isles, any faith tied to a specific region wil ltend to appear in it. This can be modified with Game Rules.

    Q: if you are the religious had through reformation. Will you be able to excommunicate, grand claims and or make characters saints? And is this something that might be added later?

    A: For balance reasons only Spiritual (unplayable) Heads of Faith can excommunicate characters. Temporal Heads of Faith have a different, slightly more limited option with the Religious Law tenet, which has similar penalties but can only be used by high Learning characters on sinful vassals.

    Q: How much of an impact do traits have on the way you play the game?

    A: Quite a bit! For example each personality trait matters more than before hence not being as many on each character, in both how an AI will act and how a player will deal with their events

    Q: will you keep the sunset invasion in late game ?

    A: No

    Q: I sent in big "effortposts" a while back about Baltic paganism(which I stopped due to irl issues, but now that I actually have a PC I might restart but doubt), where they considered when writing stuff for Romuva?

    A: Yes

    Q: Will cultures have more flavour to them as in CK2 or will most of them have "no special cultural effects"?

    A: We will talk more about culture in a later dev diary

    Q: is it possible to field full calvary armies?

    A: You could, but there's no reason to; you'd have to disband your levies to do so. But all your men at arms could certainly be cavalry

    Q: will each culture when reforming an religion will have cultural names? For example if a Lithuanian reforms Romuva there is Perkūnas, but when a prussian does so there is Perkūns?

    A: No, but that could be modded in.

    Q: Will CK3 be an awesome time devouring masterpiece of a game ? It sure looks like it's heading that way !

    A: We sure hope so :smile:

    Q: Is Slavic paganism a single Faith, or is divided into multiple ones?

    A: Single Faith.

    Q: Is there any chance that it can be like in CK2 where if you could raid you could also raid over the sea? That really made raiding fun.

    A: The Norse are able to raid overseas

    Q: what will be the earliest start date

    A: 867 is the earliest

    Q: will the government be fully based on religion?

    A: Nope

    Q: How have your thinking been when you consider what start dates should be present at launch?

    A: Popularity and maintenance cost

    Q: Will there be more interactions with pets at events? and more events?

    A: There are some events about you and your beloved animals...

    Q: will there be tenants that modify how goverments work?

    A: The 'Unreformed' doctrine will affect how it is to play Feudal/Clan, it will not be easy... Unreformed pagans will do best staying tribal, and converting/reforming before turning Feudal.

    Q: Will we still be able to declare war with an army of Mercenaries and Men-at-Arms a day away from the enemy border?

    A: No, you can't start a war while you have any troops raised. You might have mercenaries hired, but not raised

    Q: How are disabilities, be it mental or physical, represented?

    A: As respectfully as possible. While they do have character penalties associated with them, we strove to ensure the penalties were as medically accurate and took care to avoid falling back on stereotypes.

    Q: can you be Spartan?

    A: I think you might be thinking about Imperator if you want to do that :wink:

    Q: Can you have mercenaries hired, but not raised?

    A: Yes

    Q: what is the most morally repugnant thing a character in game has done to do during your playtesting(be it because of a bug or otherwise)?

    A: One AI kep imprisoning my easter egg character and beheading me, that was pretty harsh

    Q: In the early muslim faith there was only one Caliph, that was both militar and theologic leader of all muslims, until an Omayyad ran away to Hispania and proclaimed himself Caliph, meaning that he was the religion leader of his realm. Is there going to be a consequence to a muslim ruler becoming emperor tier? Seeing how in real life that meant being some kind of anti pope?

    A: - We will not have this on release, but we do plan to expand the religious head system in later patches which may include something like this. Mods, of course, are free to add anything they want to help model this kind of interaction.

    Q: Will mercs still be able to raid?

    A: No they cannot

    submitted by /u/Agamidae
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    My heir is Amazing (thanks Satan)

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Sorrt fellow crusaders but what am I too noob to understand here? Why dont they count?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    Oh so young ��

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    First time drinking from *checks cards* the "fountain of youth"

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Tenets for the religions. Every Religion has Faiths, and each Faith has a unique set of Tenets

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    Little did he know, I am Magnus Carlsen.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    Ironic, isn't it..

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    All Mentioned CK3 Religions

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:05 AM PDT

    After reading the last dev diary, I've tried to organise the different faiths mentioned by religion and religion group. I've mentioned only faiths seen in the diary or the screenshot. Not including Catharism, which he specifically calls a heresy, there are 29 named, 32 with the three branches of Confucianism. Feel free to give me your ideas on what others would be. I imagine the heresies from CK2, as well as the other pagan faiths (Romuva, Slavic, etc.) Also, interestly nothing is said about Zoroastrianism, I guess that would fit under paganism now.






    • Catharism
    • Other heresies (it is unclear how heresies work)





















    (three different schools)

    Dualist (edited, I put it with pagan, the consensus is that they are oriental)



    Zoroastrian (edit, mentioned in a post on the paradox site)






    Bori Animism

    Senegambian Roog Sene

    (other African pagans)

    Indian/Tibetan Pagan


    (other faiths)

    Steppe Pagan



    Cushitic (?)

    Kushite (Egyptian)

    Waaqi (old monotheistic religion, little is known about it)

    Other (?)

    Asatru (Norse)

    (other old favourites)

    submitted by /u/Mersault26
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    Francia turned into a theocracy...

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Why haven’t Paradox, or any other developer, made a game with the role play aspects of Crusader Kings set in a different time period?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    Is it just easier to do with old history, not having to worry about accuracy? Or not making people mad now? Similar to how Muhammad's portrait in game is a symbol not a face.

    I think if a game set during EU4 or HoI4's time period with the character and role play aspects of Crusader Kings, it'd do really well.

    submitted by /u/Xedrot
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    Donald of Trump

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Excuse me?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    Rule Britannia? Seems a little early - AI did something

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    So i just tried to download ck2+ and this is happening any idea how to fix it?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    Fuck the tower event, why is there no option to cancel here?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    I’m in the Benedictine order and well my son is not following my footsteps

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    sex with sister bad

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    april fools haha

    submitted by /u/undyingLiam
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