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    Monday, January 27, 2020

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : January 24 2020

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : January 24 2020

    Feudal Friday : January 24 2020

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:08 AM PST

    Welcome to another Feudal Friday, a place for you to regale the courts of Europa with your tales. Stories, screenshots and achievements are all welcome.

    Previous Feudal Fridays

    Current Tutorial Tuesdays

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My eugenics program is more important

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 03:29 AM PST

    The Pope has had it with these crusader kings

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:06 PM PST

    That is my boyy!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:21 AM PST

    Just realized that 769-1453 is a longer time period than 1453-present day.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:37 AM PST

    Mind = blown.

    Really puts into perspective the speed of technological advancement increase. Hell even the technology advancement in the Victoria time span is far more than in all of CK2's even beginning with Charlemagne.

    submitted by /u/assureattempt
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    Today's CK3 Q&A with the developers

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:40 AM PST

    A few interesting ones:

    Q: Will there be any kind of animations for events? The character models moving around, briefly interacting etc.

    A: There will be animations relevant to the context of the event. Like a character being shocked when his spouse is caught cheating

    Q: Are you planning on including societies or a similar system in CK3, and if so, is there a possibility we may see more varied types of societies for different lifestyles than scholar/warrior/monk?

    A: Societies are not planned for CK3 at release

    Q: Do armies still use moral?

    A: No.


    Q: Will it be possible to make improvements that affect multiple counties? Like building roads or primitive irrigation?

    A: There are Duchy Capital buildings that affect all Counties in a Duchy

    Q: will lineage skills limit the variety of playability of the character?

    A: Given the lifestyle system, there's still tons of room for variety, arguably more so than in CK2.

    Q: Will there still be a command prompt or a debug mode in which you can edit characters and give them money and prestige or specific counties like in ck2?

    A: There's a console, so you can do this with console commands.

    Q: Are there plans to include some form of game master mode for multiplayer?

    A: Not on release

    Q: Will the characters have their own voices(speaking a complete gibberish language similar to Simlish in The Sims) or will they be complete mutes?

    A: Characters don't have voices.

    Q: will non personnality traits will also be limited in number ?

    A: No

    Q: How will Learning - Scholarship's questionable experiments be handled by pagan (reformed or not) religions.

    A: Events can be restricted by various triggers, including religion. Pagans will not receive events that are not suitable for them.

    Q: will nomads and pagans be added in the future

    A: Pagans will exist at start

    Q: Which lifestyle is your favourite?

    A: Chivalry

    Q: Would be there any mod developing tool provided by Pdx? Because now we have to stick to using Notepad++, IntelliJ IDEA or even PHPStorm (lol), not to mention lack of map editor

    A: There's a map editor, like in Imperator. For script, text editors are what we use internally as well. Mostly Sublime rather than Notepad++.

    Q: How different are the peace negotiations going to be? Like CK2 willl you onky be able to use the casus belli you sarted the war for?

    A: Same as in CK2.

    Q: how far will stats be able to be padded with modifiers ie can I make a 3 Diplo character into a 10 or 13 Diplo character

    A: Of course, within reasonable limits

    Q: Will we get armour for characters potraits?

    A: Yes

    Q: will the character background depend on Culture and other factors, like clothes?

    A: in some situations it will.

    Q: What other funny bug encountered during development can you share with us this month?

    A: Parents would be completely oblivious to the death of their children unless they had at least +50 opinion of them. Since most children and especially infants have low diplomacy scores, this meant parents didn't even notice when their Strong Genius heir died at a young age.

    Q: Will the adult age remain at 16 as in CK2 or will it be different and or more dynamic to reflect the values of the middle ages. And as a followup, will the issue of facial hair be adressed so that my 15 year old son doesn't instantly grow a massive Hagrid-like beard on the day he turns 16.

    A: The adult age is the same, but character portraits now age gradually rather than at hard boundaries.

    Q: will heraldry be equal to ck2 or it will be changed? (Especially in locations without its own heraldry medieval traditions, such as Russia,l or northern Africa)

    A: Heraldry will exist for all characters/realms but with culturally adapted iconography. The system is more advanced than it was in CK2, allowing us to do more with it.

    Q: Will religious approved human experimentation (with the appropriate lifestyle) be an option if a pagan religion practices human sacrifice?

    A: Not exactly in the way you're asking, but we do have both human experimentation and human sacrifice in other contexts.

    Q: Have personality traits mostly been moved to the perk trees? How are genetic traits handled this time around?

    A: No, the perk trees contain Lifestyle traits only.

    Q: Are courtiers going to be able to develop lifestyles and get lifestyle events?

    A: Only rulers interact with the lifestyle system currently

    Q: Will the education system be like Conclave's, vanilla CK2's, or something new?

    A: It's been updated, but is closer to Conclave than vanilla CK2.

    Q: Will CK3 have a new unique OST or will most of the songs be reused/updated from CK2?

    A: Completely new

    Q: With addition of stress, will personality traits be more interesting? In CK2 some traits are basically just good or just bad and that mean your characters all tend up to be the same with similar good traits and lack of bad one and that I don't feel would be interesting or work well in CK3 with its stress system. A kind character should be stressed for murder for example.

    A: That's one of the major reasons for the stress system. Traits that give good boosts might in some causes encourage you to take different actions to avoid stress.

    Q: what gameplay aspects will affect the personality of the character, is it posible change it with depression or something?

    A: Personality is mostly fixed after childhood. The main cause of change after childhood is a Stress-induced mid life crisis.

    Q: Will the background images of events depend on region and culture?

    A: its less about culture and religion and more about location and theme

    Q: Will we be able to see the other side of lifestyle events that our vassals or liege have picked?

    A: Yes, you may occasionally be involved in the lifestyle events of your liege or vassals, and will have some influence in how they play out.

    Q: Will a character's name have an impact on their ambitions and dreams? For example a Byzantine character named Constantine or Alexander might feel pressured to live up to their names by doing deeds similar to Saint Constantine and Alexander the Great.

    A: No

    Q: I know there is a lifestyle about it but how interactive in parenting and having a wife vs CK2, as in CK2 often time you would just leave a child until you got notified about choosing a education, no events or anything, is that different

    A: Parenting is still relatively abstract, but if you set your child as your ward you will receive some additional events about raising them.

    Q: What exactly are the effects of "stress"? Are there multiple levels of stress?

    A: We will expand on Stress in a later Dev Diary

    Q: will there be ways the gain skills/traits from other branches than the one you are pursuing via events? if so, how?

    A: You can progress down any tree in your chosen Lifestyle. You can very rarely gain experience or perks outside of your Lifestyle, mostly by random chance.

    Q: Can you still recruit characters from other Courts like in CK2 or do you have to wait for Wanderers?

    A: You can recruit directly as well, but it is more difficult than in CK2

    Q: Do ethnicities blend well in CK3? For example let's say a black African Moor and a white Spanard had a child, would they look like a mixed person does in real life or would it lean strongly towards one of the parent's race?

    A: There is some randomness in it to mimic real life but yes children look like a blend of their parents' appearances

    Q: As homosexuality will be part of the development, is there a possibility of adoption of child?

    A: Adoption is not planned for release.

    Q: There will be supernatural events?

    A: There will not be any explicitly supernatural events at launch

    Q: in ck2 1 year old children already have opinions about you, and your character has opinion about them. Will this be changed in ck3 perhaps, because it always made me feel strange?

    A: As the father of a one-year-old I must say that the CK-series always has modeled this very well. The way he judges me for my bad traits, but still likes me for our common culture is very real.

    Q: There will be new special traits? It would will good that give you special mechanics of gameplay (like everyone liking you or special causus belis).

    A: This is largely the domain of the lifestyle system.

    Q: what is the most strangest event?

    A: God I don't even know.

    Q: Will the great and (moderately) powerful Kingdom if Frisia still be in Crusader Kings Three?

    A: Yes.

    Q: Will courtiers play a greater focus in Roleplay?

    A: Yes they will, through appearance as agents and characters in events

    Q: Will there be dynamic CoAs for realms? I.e. a king gains a second kingdom so his realm CoA change to reflect 2 king titles (for example party per cross and having the original 2 CoAs in the opposite parts)

    A: Not on release.

    Q: How often will the events from lifestyles make a apperance and how often will other events come up?

    A: Approximately 70% of your Lifestyle events will be directly related to your own Focus, with the other 30% being related to one of the other two Focuses.

    Q: How different will the map look to the CK2 map (nations-wise)? And what area has the greatest obvious change in county density or country density?

    A: Quite different, the areas most different are Africa, the Steppe, India and Tibet

    Q: Is the cost to hire a guest scaled to your own's wealth/income?

    A: No

    Q: will the system with de jure titles and formation of new titles work the same in CK3?

    A: Yes, it is more or less the same

    Q: Can events change your Lifestyle, like a lunatic character maybe for some reason completely change their Lifestyle from like chivalry to torture.

    A: No, changing lifestyle is a player choice.

    Q: How will alchemy and witchcraft be handled? Can you achieve anything as a alchemist or is the Great Work only a legend? Will the "mysteries of cosmos" theme from CK2 be still present or will witchcraft be more like "village healer's lore"?

    A: There will be no supernatural content in the base game. However, the knowledge you gain pursuing alchemy or witchcraft may have other uses...

    Q: The portraits we've seen so far have different stances and expressions. Are these affected by personality traits? Or is it their job?

    A: Character poses and animations can be based both on their personality and job, as well as their current emotion, depending on the situation

    Q: how will other traits which aren't personality traits, such as malnourished or Erudite, manifest?

    A: That depends massively on the trait.

    Q: Will there be a way for skills to grow over time, outside of getting new traits? A low stewardship character getting better at it after managing the realm for a decade for example.

    A: Yes, but it's not common. Traits are still the most important source.

    Q: Will there be any lifestyle events specific to your ruler's religion too, e.g. specific Sunni events and specific Catholic events?

    A: Lifestyle events have been designed to work with many different cultures and religions, so we won't have religion-specific lifestyle events at launch.

    Q: Looking at skill trees it looks like as you get older you unlock better and better traits, but in real life this is usually not the case. What is your vision on this topic?

    A: People do generally get better at what they do in real life as well.

    Q: Is the ethnicity of new characters still determined by culture or could we see dynamic ethnic blends occurring as borders change?

    A: Portrait ethinicity will be much more dynamic than before due to children being a blend of their parents genes. Newly generated characters are still based on culture though.

    Q: How are Men at Arms going to affect combat? Because now levies will be generic soldiers while Men at Arms are more specific things like archers or pikemen. Do we expect the first years of combat just hundreds of peasants killing each other?

    A: Men at arms are available from the start; most realms can afford buying some before the game unpauses. Men at arms are stronger than levies, so they form an elite core.

    Q: Do certain buildings, like the marches, change your (flavour) title, e.g. marquis

    A: No.

    Q: will characters get ill? In that case, can we recruit a medic? Will the health system from CK2 be expanded in this title?

    A: Yes. Yes. It's similar with some tweaks and such.

    Q: with the improved genetics system in ck3, will i be able to create a new "race" of dwarfs if i keep breeding dwarfism into my lineage?

    A: They would not be a "race", but you could definitely manage to have a family of dwarves spanning generations.

    Q: Will education traits be more important now when they also increase gained xp and presumably also give a major boost to attributes?

    A: Yes, education is much more important in CK3. Heavily a well-educated heir can make a noticeable difference in what they can achieve during their rule.

    Q: Will modders be able to add lifestyle events by hooking into the ruler's specific religion? E.g. can I as a modder create events that only have a chance to show up if I am Catholic and no chance if I am non-Catholic?

    A: Yes, that would be simple to mod in.

    Q: Will we get different flavours of titles, such as Marcher Lord, Marquis, Lord, Earl, Grand Duke etc etc

    A: Yes, there's tons of flavor titles. Maybe not specifically the ones you mention, but there's plenty of variety across the map.

    Q: Is having multiple strategist or tactician characters still matter? Now that there are no flank commander as in CK2.

    A: They are less important, but still useful — especially if you have commanders that excel at specific situations, such as sieging or defending mountain passes.

    Q: Are there any depictions of some of the "great works" in the map? For example special graphics for the city of Constantinople? Also do nomad cultures have tents instead of a city in the map graphics?

    A: There will be some special buildings that are shown visually, Hagia Sophia among them of course. Nomads use tribal holdings at release.

    Q: How will crusades (and kn general Great Holy Wars) work at the begining? Like before Holy Fury where all men are called and the one that gets more warscore wins the title?

    A: Very similar to how they work in Holy Fury

    Q: Does knights stats in battle scale with characters combat rating?

    A: Knights ability in combat is based on their prowess skill.

    Q: What is your favourite change between CK2 and CK3 so far?

    A: Religions

    Q: Will gunpowder weapons be available late-game and in what way?

    A: At the later stages of the game you will be able to get Bombards, which really excel in sieges

    Q: with new troops/combat system does smaller army with better troops/general have more chances to win than in ck2?

    A: Smaller armies can sometimes win if they're high enough quality. Though 10 000 vs. 1000 men will still be a foregone conclusion.

    Q: You guys said there's big border changes in some places. Are there also big changes to the de jure map?

    A: Yes.

    Q: Will we be seeing the old favourites, like Glitterhoof return for Crusader Kings Three?

    A: Who knows?

    Q: Will all men-at-arms have their own unit model?

    A: Men at arms will not have their own unit models, but their looks do shift, more on that later.

    Q: Are clothes of characters strictly tied to their title like count and duke, and can we change their clothes and stuff?

    A: Yes the rank of a character decides how fancy clothes and headgear they have access to and yes you can change the clothing and hairstyles/beards in the barbershop

    Q: Will the Learning attribute get a buff in CK3, I felt it was pretty weak in CK2 and could probably be more useful.

    A: Yes. We have a big document internally about the issues Learning had in CK2, and how we have improved it in CK3.

    Q: Will there still be gameplay mechanics tied to different cultures, such as Norse being able to raid or Irish having tanistry succession?

    A: Yes

    Q: Can we play ck3 in a peaceful way, without going on war?

    A: You can, though it is likely to be less rewarding. But you could focus on gaining land via marriage rather than conquest.

    Q: Will exclave independence rules come back?

    A: Maybe.

    Q: Can my characters lead troops in Jerusalim, and in a single moment teleport to England for a game of charades, and then again in a moment teleport back to Jerusalim?

    A: Most events require you to pass an 'is_available_for_events' trigger, which will fail if you are actively leading an army.

    submitted by /u/Agamidae
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    there are 2 revolts for new King of France while a FUCKIN BEAR controls Flanders

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 05:35 AM PST

    Somebody's obsessed with immortality

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:14 AM PST

    Wtf Satan? I devote my whole life to you and this is how you repay me???

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 03:23 AM PST

    Playing as Mumu, formed Ireland, then this happened

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:50 AM PST

    Started as the Count of Nantes (with Shattered World) in 769 AD. Ended as an Emperor of 11 different empires, in the year 1453. How’d I do?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 09:05 PM PST

    I had an inbread child for no reason

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:31 AM PST

    I'm pretty new to the game but for some reason one of my character's children is inbread even though none of his relatives 5 generations in the past are related. I checked it, since I was confused, but sadly I don't have a screenshot on me. How is it possible? Is that a bug?

    (I write it on my phone and days away from a pc, that's why no screenshot)

    submitted by /u/Tamtumtam
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    And yet there are still people who wonder why we hate the Karlings

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:15 AM PST

    God Syria Bashar

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:56 AM PST

    Tibet has gone full Byzantium

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 11:15 AM PST

    “You can’t declare war against your overlord because your overlord is holding a close relative hostage.” A.K.A. The game wants me to wait 15 years before i do anything

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:33 AM PST

    I fucking hate this mechanic. No events, no input, no nothing. Somehow the game is a-okay with me being my son's guardian.

    Edit: all I had to do was make my council members the guardians of my kids, now i can declare war. Still hate this mechanic above all the rest.

    submitted by /u/Helmetlookslikeduck
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    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:36 AM PST

    Monarch journey bug?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:51 AM PST

    I was doing the monarch journey of the queen of egypt, which was a pain as everyone hated me and the crusade took ten years to end. I killed a couple of dukes and got 4 kingdoms, so I had two gold achieviments. But when she died and became the heir, both of those wenr back to zero, but still had the gold outline. Do I have the points or do I not have them?

    submitted by /u/Jon_on_the_snow
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    What if some events were triggered by having two traits?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:21 AM PST

    Let's say for example you have the proud and charitable trait. It could have an event where you loose gold but gain prestige as you try and show off how much you give to the poor.

    Some ideas: Lust + gluttony: Either you try and stop eating to prevent yourself from getting to far to get laid or you just hire hookers giving your character an STD.

    Lust + greed: disturbs vassals and has an event which lowers relations with opposite sex. Commit sex crimes if combined with cruel.

    Lust + Sloth: After the it's good to be king your partner gossips about your poor performance causing you to loose prestige.

    Lust + Wrath+ Cruel: use sex as weapon on captured rivals; has negative opinion, especially by the church.

    Lust + envy: Attractive characters of your sexual orientation become rivals.

    Lust + Pride + Lunatic:you pull an lbj and give your genitals a nickname and pull them out at inappropriate times, causing your vassals to dislike you.

    Lust + temperance: you have a chance to gain pride.

    Lust + charity: you give gold to your wife and lovers.

    Lust + diligence: you're attracted to competent councilors of the opposite sex.

    Lust + patience: An event saying how you crush " will be mine".

    Lust + content: Chance of hedonism.

    Lust + humble: you fall in love with your spouse.

    Gluttony + greed: you get fat and embezlle money.

    Gluttony + Sloth: you get fat.

    Gluttony + charity: you can use food in away attempts.

    Gluttony+ content: you get an event saying how happy you are.

    Greed + sloth: you take shortcuts on councilor missions and siphon gold.

    Greed + wrath: people with titles you desire become rivals.

    Greed + envy: you become rivals with your liege.

    Greed + diligence: adds to stewardship; occasionally brings in gold.

    Sloth + Chastity: An event saying I've got a headache honey. Causes spuse to dislike you

    Wrath + pride: an event where you blow up at someone causing them to be rivals or fight a duel.

    Wrath + Chasity: you get mad at your spouse for wanting sex. Add on domestic violence with cruel trait

    Wrath + diligence: Add random chance to kill rivals.

    Envy + pride: gain depprsed or lose prestige.

    What do you guys think? Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/cinisxiii
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    Would Justinian have been able to reform the Roman Empire under CK2's rules?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:29 AM PST

    Cursed HRE

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:34 PM PST

    I don't even fucking know anymore...

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:52 AM PST

    You love to see it

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:49 AM PST

    The 90 Year Queen

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:05 PM PST

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