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    Wednesday, March 17, 2021

    Crusader Kings This achievement was rather fun

    Crusader Kings This achievement was rather fun

    This achievement was rather fun

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:13 AM PDT

    I really love this character's stats

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    Odin ?? Event in Northern lords

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    What the hell is this dude's deal?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:40 AM PDT

    I just wanted to be a Berserker

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:36 AM PDT

    Crusader Kings 3 Patch 1.3 "Corvus" Notes: What They Actually Mean

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    "Cattle die. Kinsmen die. I swear it wasn't me. You can't prove anything." -Havamal, probably

    Free Features

    • It now gets cold when the sun goes away and makes fluffy ice fall from the sky. I'm scared.

    • Harsh winters will probably kill more troops than the battles do and your friends who are history majors will for some reason be thrilled to point this out at every opportunity.

    • Added the Winter Soldier commander trait, which l̵o̴n̶g̶i̵n̴g̷,̷ ̵r̷u̶s̸t̷e̷d̶,̸ ̶s̵e̵v̸e̷n̸t̸e̵e̴n̷,̴ ̷d̶a̶y̷b̴r̷e̵a̶k̴,̷ ̵f̵u̸r̶n̶a̶c̴e̷,̵ ̶n̴i̶n̴e̶,̵ ̴b̸e̶n̴i̷g̷n̸,̴ ̵h̶o̵m̶e̷c̸o̵m̵i̸n̸g̷,̴ ̵o̷n̶e̶,̵ ̸f̵r̵e̷i̵g̷h̶t̶ ̷c̵a̴r̸.̸

    • Certain troop types will now fight better when it's cold outside, whereas local camel riders have expressed that they are not feeling it.

    • A new duel system has finally brought the base game of Crusader Kings up to the standards of the CK2 Game of Thrones mod that came out in like 2013 or something.

    • Kings can now be poets, too

    • Let the vibrant verse ensue

    • But from what we've seen so far

    • It seems like none of the content designers understand how meter works

    • Added a bunch of Norse coats of arms that will be appropriately replaced with something much less cool-looking like a shiny deer or whatever if you betray the Old Gods.

    • Added new historical buildings, including the Temple of Uppsala so you can garrote your enemies in stylish environs.

    • Added several new custom faith icons, including ones designed for those who decide to pay lip service to the desert god but aren't going to stop sacrificing pesky bishops to the Lord of the Gallows any time soon.

    • Discovery of a lost chin strap has fans of mediocre rock music everywhere rejoicing.

    Northern Lords Flavor Pack

    • Norse dukes can now wake up one day, look out at the bleak hillsides and rocky soil, and hear raiders from a neighboring dale marching to burn their homes and go, "You know what? Fuck this place. We're going somewhere nice! Like Russia!"

    • That one daughter of yours who was always out fighting wolves with a stick instead of doing her chores can now be made into a shield maiden, allowing you to make her your enemies' problem.

    • The Jomsvikings can now establish themselves in the Baltic, proving that the Christians totally stole the idea of conquering a bunch of Wends under the auspices of a theoretically religious warrior brotherhood.

    • Rueful rivals, wrongful wrath

    • CBs it seems, we do not hath

    • Flyting, though, is fun and free

    • i banged ur mom

    • Added new dynasty legacies for Norse characters, so you can build a dynasty that's really good at stealing everything in sight and/or fucking off into the distance any time they get bored.

    • Norse pagans can now hold a blot every nine years, so the missionaries you're suffocating can be comforted by the fact that this is a once-in-a-decade occasion.

    • Criminals can now demand a trial by combat, because there is no legal principle more sacred than the fact that if I kill you with an axe, that means I was right.

    • You can now raise runestones that have a purpose beyond giving you a one-time prestige dump and then are immediately forgotten about.

    • Norse characters who adopt the culture and religion of their new, foreign realms can still raise runestones because even the Greeks agree they're rad as hell.

    • Norse leaders can recruit several new types of Men-at-Arms: Snow Spearmen, Snow Archers, and Holy Fuck That's A Big Axe


    • Men-at-Arms have had their scrolls of teleportation confiscated.

    • It should no longer take 5000 goddamn years to unlock one line of dynasty legacies, but it will take longer than before to collect them all.

    • All Dynasty Legacy perks have been rebalanced. Their effects should now be much more tangible and interesting. [Narrator: They were not.]

    • Non-ruler characters will now suffer from old age the same way rulers do, so that bastard King Lothaire can't claim that he stays in bed all day because a long life of responsibility has drained him. You sleep under an ermine blanket, asshole. Try plowing a field for once and we'll see who has it rough.

    • Running your kingdom like a protection racket will now be somewhat less profitable.

    • You're less likely to become a Reveler if you're only going to other people's parties and drinking all their mead. You have the biggest longhouse out of any of us and the most money, so it's about time you hosted. Motherfucker wears an actual golden crown and he brought paper plates and the small thing of Tostitos, smdh...

    • Reduced the acceptance bonus on Offer Vassalization from "Sometimes" down to "Basically Will Never Happen" like it was in CK2.

    • High learning rulers will no longer be able to turn rural Siberia into the world's foremost center of science and enlightenment quite so easily.

    • You can now force any kids you threw in your dungeon to work for you as long as they're not heir to one of their liege's titles.

    • The amount of men you can lose to attrition is no longer hard capped at 5/month even if you march 20,000 heavy war elephants into a freezing mountain pass in Bhutan.

    • You can no longer launch an invasion and go 50 holdings over your domain limit, then somehow collect full taxes from all of them temporarily. Your tax collectors told the locals about the "grace period" and they laughed and told him they'd kill him next time they saw him.

    • Your grandchildren and great-grandchildren should be less likely to sneak away from a life of royal luxury, abandoning their families to pursue their dreams as ditch-diggers in Kazakhstan.

    • You can no longer raid someone you have a truce with, regardless of how much you argue that burning and pillaging "doesn't really count as a war."

    • If you're ordering your Spymaster to find secrets in your liege's court and you are your liege's Spymaster and are Disrupting Schemes, you no longer disrupt your own Spymaster's scheming... or so they think. Little do they know, disrupting your own schemes is just another part of the 8-D chess game you're playing. No one can comprehend the complexities of this web. Not even you. The fools!

    • Nobody cares anymore if you execute poor people. I mean, maybe their families will but they're probably also poor, so who cares?

    • Spouses of your vassals and councilors should be less likely to sneak away from a life of royal luxury, abandoning their families to pursue their dreams as ditch-diggers in Kazakhstan.

    • Feudal and tribal barons are no longer spending all their times on incel forums and forcing you to find some new asshole to look after their castles when they inevitably die alone.

    • When you convert your realm to a new religion, prisoners in your dungeon can no longer get the guards to let them out immediately by saying they love Jesus and understand how bad that thing they did was now, because of the Bible or something.

    • It's no longer possible for your shitty nephew to avoid being disinherited by moving to Ethiopia.

    • You won't get stress if your family members die if they're old as fuck.

    • Your rival flinging a corpse at your castle now gives you an imprisonment reason if they're your subject. It's really weird that there was a legal loophole which allowed them to do this previously, but I assure you we've closed it, my liege.

    • Forming an alliance during a war is still kinda bullshit, but at least you'll have to wait a month before calling any new allies in.

    • You no longer need to sail way the hell out into the Baltic and back to cross Mälaren.

    • You no longer need to have mastered the art of checks notes Quilted Armor to implement basic governmental reforms.

    • Paulican Christians have finally had it up to here with your bullshit.

    • AI who owe like a trillion ducats to moneylenders will be more likely to accept a white peace, even if they have like 9% positive warscore.

    • Estonians now start with longboats. You thought you were safe, didn't you, Norsemen?

    • Lifting an excommunication now costs you a level of fame, and probably leaves you with at least minor frostbite.

    • A Claimant faction that successfully presses a claim and storms the old tyrant's castle will no longer somehow forget to free the claimant from the dungeons on the way out.

    • Finally implemented a system for event troops that makes sense.


    • AI rulers being raided should no longer suicide their army into a much large raiding force just to be able to say they tried to do something to protect the monastery.

    • AI should no longer be able to be distracted by waving a shiny stack of levies at them so they split off from joining their allies in the megabattle that's happening slightly further away.

    • You can now force allied armies to actually support you in megabattles for once by modifying the defines. As this is an unintended behavior, it will disable achievements.

    • To compensate for the above, AI weights have been changed to care even more about sieges and not chasing down enemy units so you can actually win the war.

    • AI is more likely to join your armies that aren't strong enough to siege on their own. They would hate to miss out on a good siege! They just love sieges. They have a body pillow depicting a siege that they cuddle with every night.

    • If you're sending an army off to raid Ireland during a war in Finland, AI allies should try to support the army in the relevant area of the war instead of trying to tag along and see where those other guys are headed.


    • Added a button for, "Get out of my sight! All of you!" when your throne room is filled with petitioners yelling about task completed in county or ransom accepted or something.

    • Hovering over the unit plate of a friendly unit now shows its full path. Great for seeing where your allies are going so you can try to form some kind of logical theory about why in Hel they would do that.

    • You can no longer change your liege's spouse task behind their back. You'll have to settle for just sleeping with them.

    • You should no longer accidentally order your army to retreat from a pivotal battle because you were trying to clear some bullshit off of your screen.

    • Your clandestine group of schemers should no longer show up to the meeting in the murky antechamber and have no one remember what you were actually plotting after reloading a save.

    • The concubine buttons now clearly tell you when there's no one in the kingdom who would even touch that pustulent rod with a stolen sheathe.

    • Your quartermaster should no longer tell you that you'll probably run out of food for the army in, "I dunno, six months? A year? Hard to say."

    • The War Declaration screen should no longer sometimes tell you that you can't declare war because fuck you, that's why.

    • Mercenary leaders will now tell you exactly what day they're leaving if you don't have their goddamn money, instead of simply saying "Soon..." with an ominous glare.

    • The marriage interaction's "chance of children" text now has a tooltip when the chance is None explaining why (ie: "No one in the kingdom would even touch that pustulent rod with a stolen sheathe.")

    • Ghosts of dead courtiers will no longer show up in the outliner to remind you how much of an asshole you are.


    • Pregnant spymasters will no longer stab themselves (word-for-word, just to prove that sometimes I can't improve on these)

    • Your marshal should no longer insist on wearing a full bucket helm to the council meetings when the realm hasn't been at war in 15 years.


    • Added some extremely important omitted relation strings, such as 'brother-consort' and 'mother-concubine' (Again, this is just word-for-word from the official notes.)

    Game Content

    • You can wear the Pope's hat, in case you only had one thesis to nail to the door and that was it.

    • You can now pardon a subject's crime for opinion instead of just right-clicking on the imprisonment suggestion to make it go away because you really don't care who your steward's landless second cousin's wife has been sleeping with.

    • Added the ability to be an emotionally abusive parent

    • You can now tempt an independent person with lower taxes in exchange for supporting your unhinged, violent, nationalist policy goals. +10 to realism

    • Added a narrative event for betraying the Old Gods, or for when your liege does so.

    • Characters with Vow of Poverty will no longer galavant around in a raiment made of platinum, unicorn hair, and angel whispers.

    • Added a decision for independent Norse rulers who move to a foreign realm to betray the Old Gods and forsake their ancestors.


    • William the Bastard is now clean-shaven, and therefore significantly less hot.

    • Nizhny Novgorod is now independent in 1066, and held by a Mari Finnish pagan who insists that his is "The Cooler Novgorod"

    • Iceland now has each of the four Quarter Courts represented as an independent county, which is very exciting to me and 8-10 other people reading this. Now we just need them to add an assembly government type so they can be represented properly.

    • The de jure Kingdom of England in 867 will no longer be able to see into the future somehow and decide to put the capital in London, which at this point basically sucks.


    • The Pope no longer uses exploits, other than the ones that were available to him historically.

    • Characters will no longer get wounds that never heal. Unless you count the wounds of the heart. Redoes my hair all emo and shows up to the council table in black lipstick

    • Regiments can no longer have so many negative modifiers that they literally drop dead before the battle even starts.

    • Crusades and Great Holy Wars should no longer be completely called off just because some Turkish adventurer of the same faith as your original target got to Jerusalem before you.

    • Raiders should no longer join the county owners in battle against other raiders from a different realm if they arrive after such a battle has started. We'll deal with the dirt farmers first, THEN we can kill each other over who gets to take their stuff.

    • It's no longer possible to win a battle so epic that God runs out of numbers and ends up having to award you negative piety.

    • Valid interaction is now based on the highest diplomatic range out of the two parties involved, so the Byzantine Emperor won't be unable to get a message to some rando Slavic chieftain with his massive bureaucratic machine just because they haven't built any roads yet.

    • Getting married doesn't break your betrothal if it's to someone other than the person you were betrothed to. And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that Lord of Castamere...

    • Your vassals should no longer form two separate claimant factions for the same person, because they agree about who should be king but Earl Wicmund will be DEAD IN A WELL before he fights alongside that whoreson Athelwulf!

    • Andalusian Arabs have determined that horses are probably better suited to Iberian terrain than camels.

    • Bookmark characters no longer have a randomized sexuality, but this will not stop me from writing steamy fanfiction about that Haralds called "Beneath Stamford Bridge".

    • Characters under 18 will now hold council props

    • You can no longer call your ex back the day after you drunkenly broke up with them and ask if they still want to elope.

    • The Faroe Islands and Iceland will now keep all their weird grammar rules and pants made of human skin and other assorted weirdness after the Scandinavian culture fracturing events fire, as they did historically.

    • Vassals should no longer get so pumped about adopting feudalism that they go around randomly building castles in land they don't own.

    • Claimants backed by a faction that has already started a civil war will no longer believe you when you say you want them to come over to this side of the bridge because you found a really cool rock and they've just gotta see it.

    • Made it easier to put your kids in Super Time Out. (Super Time Out is just the dungeon.)

    • Theocratic vassals can no longer ask for reduced tax obligations because of how religious they are when their faith is a heretical or infidel one. "But I need all that money to kill the Demiurge!"

    • Vassal refusing to surrender will no longer refer to themselves in third person, unless it's Duke Arnulf. Duke Arnulf always speaks of Duke Arnulf in the third person, because Duke Arnulf is better than you. Respect Duke Arnulf or perish!

    • You can no longer put people in Gay Jail for being witches, cannibals, or kinky if those are not also criminal in your religion. For all you know, that was a totally hetero Satanic blood orgy.

    • You can no longer become a double-drunkard. Apparently the CK3 devs didn't know me in college.

    • You will no longer be encouraged to raid your own liege or fellow vassals, because this game is a party-pooper.

    • Court Physicians will no longer be fired for no reason on every inheritance.

    • Your child will no longer be left without a personality because you tried to meddle too much, though anyone raised by a narcissist could probably tell you that this is a thing that can happen.

    • Added a minor cooldown to the Select Personal Deity decision, because this is Asgard, not fucking Grubhub.

    • The AI can now occasionally attempt to escape from prison, a thing that I think we all kind of assumed they could do at launch but apparently not.

    • Bosnia is now included in the 'Unite the South Slavs' decision, which will surely upset no one.

    • Removed the Asatru holy site from Denmark, which is probably the most Swedish thing we at Paradox have ever done. It is now in Jorvik, so you'll need to remind the Saxons of the ancestors they forsook before reforming the religion.

    • Removed the Asatru holy site from Frisia and moved it to Kiev, which has had a few Scandinavian people living there for less than 100 years who would ultimately assimilate into Slavic culture within a stone's throw of the start date. Totally makes sense.

    • Added All-thing cultural innovation to Norse culture, so you can ignore the cooldown on raising tribal authority as long as everyone agrees that you're a Proper Badass.

    • Tribal rulers can now change their gender preference succession laws without having to first reform into a less egalitarian form of government.

    • After a long-fought war that cost many lives, all the Crocodiles in Scandinavia have been exterminated. Fafnir's foul kin flee back to whence they came.

    Official Notes: https://www.crusaderkings.com/en/news/dev-diary-52-1-3-corvus-patch-notes

    These take a very long time to make. If you got a good laugh and want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee:


    submitted by /u/AsaTJ
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    Sometimes you *really* gotta tell those AI (Corvus Patch Notes)

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:56 AM PDT

    We really should be able to mix Norse culture to whatever culture we conquered

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 03:13 AM PDT

    My top champion's kill history reads like Monty Python's 'Brave Sir Robin' song.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 10:21 PM PDT

    I’ll save you, m’lady’

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    An Ode to Stress, and a suggestion

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    Stress is the greatest addition from ck2 to ck3. Period. The devs implementing it clearly understood that if ck3 wanted to focus on its roleplaying aspects, it needed to focus on the most fundamental aspect of a character's dynamic: the contrast between what the character wants and what the character needs.

    Stress does just that. You may need to engage in diplomacy, but you're shy and you do not want it, hence stress. You may need to have someone killed, but you're just and you do not want to do it, hence stress. These are narratives. (Incidentally, it's pointless for the CHARACTER to have a bunch of traits and modifiers, if then the PLAYER is allowed to ignore them and do whatever else they want. This was a big flaw of ck2, from a roleplaying standpoint. Stress is the enemy of min-maxing.)

    Thus, stress should be the focal point of the roleplaying mechanics of ck3, and, here is my suggestion, should be made even more dangerous.

    The source of difficulty for ck3 does not stem from the difficulty in winning wars and expanding. You can blob with anything, and, all in all, it's pretty easy. The real conflict, and the source of difficulty, should stem from your character's nature in relation to their duties as a leader. But right now, although there are a BUNCH of interactions involving stress, I still think it's far too easy to ignore it. There's no health penalty before lvl 2, and the fertility malus of lvl 1 is not that big of a deal.

    If you believe in the roleplaying aspects of ck3, but still think that ck3 is still kinda too easy (I believe both things), I think one easy solution would be to make the accumulation of stress even more dangerous. Perhaps they could implement an "hardcore" gamemode in which, say, an unjust murder is sufficient to break a just character, or a sinful act is sufficient to break a zealous one, etc…

    Don't you want a game in which it is a very real possibility to fail as a ruler? I do! What do you think?

    submitted by /u/MercyMachine
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    This hardly seems fair

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    norse adventurers in distant lands cant learn anything because of a dumb guy in sweden

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 02:23 PM PDT

    Got the North Sea title first try, took two lifetimes

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    A peculiar Jomsviking

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    New loading screen art with Northern Lords. Clear image for wallpaper

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    Just a proud father

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    These Asatru fundamentalists are a strange group

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    The update gave Muhammad hair and a beard!

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    just your average "pretty ck3 ruler" post

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    When you don't really have the monthly income to build upgrades..

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    Exiled Harald only for him to conquer Brittany. The question is, who gave him the army?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 07:20 AM PDT

    The new soundtrack from Northern Lords is so GOOD, it really helps selling the whole package.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    I tried out the new flavour pack yesterday as an astaru noble for the first time (I usually stick to Western Europe, so this whole tribal thing is very new for me), and started my first war relatively early on to get some more characters because I could not fill my entire council. I was already enjoying the new, more chorus heavy soundtrack a lot, but then the war theme started and it's so good, it felt more like a massive war rather than a minor conflict between two relatively weak warlords.

    I can't wait to see how the tracks for future flavour packs are, because this one really puts the whole thing together. What do you think of the Soundtrack so far?

    submitted by /u/theSpartan012
    [link] [comments]

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