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    Saturday, September 5, 2020

    Crusader Kings A long haird, bearded dwarf with outstanding diplomacy. My chancellor is literally Tyrion Lannister

    Crusader Kings A long haird, bearded dwarf with outstanding diplomacy. My chancellor is literally Tyrion Lannister

    A long haird, bearded dwarf with outstanding diplomacy. My chancellor is literally Tyrion Lannister

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:49 AM PDT

    About a week ago there was a user who had a brother named Lucas, who explained in a post that how he used to played CK2 MP with his brother that passed away a few days before the release of CK3. To pay respects to Lucas, I present to you his in-game counterpart; Lucas the Great.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    Thomas had never seen such bullshit before

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    It's so loud

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    A small price to pay for clean vassal borders...

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 01:39 AM PDT

    The Dynamic Duo

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    I made a fullscreen barbershop, with poses and backgrounds for screenshots

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Ah yes, the foreshadowing

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    An absolute unit of a ruler

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    Dear god no

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Thanks Bill

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    All wars consist of me running back and forth because the ai always takes a boat direcly to my capital

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    I am loving this game but I feel something has to be done about the fleet mechanics. Getting on boats, even in early game, is way too easy. Most wars consist of me sieging enemy territory and then running back to protect my capital from siege because the enemy ai always take the boat there. It is really annoying and no fun.

    What are your thoughts on the naval situation right now? How do you deal with this?

    submitted by /u/Nacke
    [link] [comments]

    Greetings to CK3 from r/Stellaris!

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    Me immediately upon opening CKIII

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Finally got this achievement��. Wanted to get this before I move on to CK3

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 04:20 AM PDT


    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    She sure does, honey!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    Kidnapping rulers to forcibly convert them like

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    Well that was fast.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    Liking the game, but my crusading skills are...

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Did...did I just get a happy ending massage?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:45 AM PDT

    CK3: The Saddest King I’ve Ever Played

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:27 AM PDT

    I wanted to share this story with you all, it happened within the first couple hours of playing CK3 on launch and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since.

    So we start with the heir to my kingdom, Balthazar. Second son to his father, but married to the daughter and de facto heir (after some accidents in the woods with her brother, the previous heir) of a large duchy to the north. This put him in a favorable position to inherit everything, because his son would then inherit both lands, thereby expanding the dynasty's reach. So the firstborn was disinherited and it was given all to Balthazar.


    His father was an angry, short tempered, and feared man, who had a tendency for black mailing and killing babies. Balthazar was none of these things, he was kind, trusting and even tempered, so I set his lifestyle toward family and friends. He really was the sweetest guy.

    Only a slight problem, his wife was busy ruling her own lands so she never came to his court. Kind of annoying to have the spouse on the council wasted but no big deal I thought- little did I know how big of a deal this would be.

    So Balthazar is living his life, learning from his fathers council and ride or die spymaster, when/ hooray!- his wife gets pregnant. Very exciting for Balthazar, this kid would be a great king some day. But then, tragedy strikes. His wife dies during childbirth, leaving him heartbroken. And I'm sitting here like "wow, that's really sad for him, he really liked her, but he'll have to press on by himself and-"

    I get a notification. It's my 0 year old, Javert, and he's declaring war on me to take what's rightfully his- literally everything I own. And he's coming with all of almost 3000 of my wife's soldiers to utterly wreck me. ...

    So I'm laughing and going "wtf is happening" as my infant son decimates all my soldiers and lands, thinking "oh I'll die in battle and play as my son Javert, kinda funny but he's in a better spot anyway."

    But I don't die- I'm instead imprisoned for a few years before my son releases me to what's left of my now petty earldom. So I'm like, oh ok I'll just send my non existent soldiers to war again and hopefully die there. I'm imprisoned, again, this time indefinitely. I start getting the normal child events, so at this point, Javert has Balthazar in his dungeons, taking him out here and there to teach him life skills and feel what it's like to have a father figure. He eventually pays hid own ransom with a favor, his child wants him on his council as steward in lands Balthazar used to own, he accepts, if only to spend time with his child.

    At this point, I'm starting to worry that I have to play through this whole mess, when a big juicy entree of a ruler is taunting me from the other side of Balthazar's death. And then I find the suicide button.

    I figure, Balthazar has seen is child grow up from behind bars, all that was left of this woman he's loved and known since childhood is turning cruel and cold under the influence of others, and Balthazar's a sensitive guy. So I choose to have him jump from the highest tower he can find. So there he is, ready to jump, when out of nowhere his mother appears and starts crying for him to not do it, the only family he has left, the person who taught him to be kind. But he's to far gone (and I don't want to play him) so he decides to jump, but a guard grabs him, dragging him away kicking and screaming shouting "m'lord! Your not in your right mind!"

    So I'm like, fuck. I have a timer on the next time I can do it so I have to keep playing. I'm planning on smashing that button as soon as it appears. On speed 5, Balthazar's depressive state worsens and he begins to neglect his duties. His mother, ever the saint, appears in an event asking him if he's "been alright since the... incident" and I don't have the heart to tell her to go away and I'm still planning his death, so he tells her he's feeling much better and she looks so visibly relieved and heart warmed that her sons okay. Balthazar eventually gets remarried, deciding to wed a barren women since he doesn't want more children (since all that trauma with the first one). So he marries a nice older woman and I'm thinking, well here's something for him, maybe he can find love again. As he tries to court her however, he finds out the reason she's "infertile" is because she's a lesbian.


    Despite that they become good friends, but at this point I'm getting impatient. I try to take a crack at dying in battle again and declare war on Javert once more. I'm wiped, but imprisoned. AGAIN. But this time it ends worse, Balthazar's loyal spymaster (the only one who stood by him on his council), brother, wife, and mother are all imprisoned. Balthazar's brother is executed in prison, and his loyal spymaster dies of old age in a cell. All that's left is him, his wife, and his mother. And javert isn't letting him out this time. All his pleas for release are denied instantly. Javert does agree to release Balthazar's mother on his request however, I can only imagine in an act of familial goodwill.

    Balthazar stays in prison for a long time, around 10-15 years, occasionally getting an event with his son, but it seems this last war really effected him. And his son institutes high crown authority and starts to tax the shit out of everything Balthazar has left. Eventually, Balthazar is released, harboring no I'll will towards his son. In fact, their relationship is still good- if... quiet.

    When Balthazar gets out of prison I could not hit the "pass away" button fast enough, I decide to pick a kinder option, poison. But here comes my mother, AGAIN. Begging him not to do it, again he fails, again guards drag him away. Balthazar and his mother are really all they have left for eachother at this point.

    So in the mean time while the years go by I decide to focus hard into piety, and Balthazar goes on a long pilgrimage, sort of hoping he'll get sick and die on the way. He doesn't. He wracks up a crap ton of piety however, and starts to contemplate starting his own religion. Things are looking up as time passes this time, and the option to die disappears. He starts to take better care of his people, and becomes good friends with a lot of foreign rulers. Some time away from it all seemed to center him, as he became a fairly competent guy for a few months.

    And then his mom died. And foreign dignitaries started spouting rumors about how she was sleeping with the chaplain for the entirety of her marriage to Balthazar's father. (A shock to me as well)

    And he's left with the hollow feeling of having never known anyone very well at all. His son had been ruined by this life, and any chance he had at the family he wanted so badly was gone the minute he betrayed his sons wide eyed hope of hearing his fathers wisdom on his council. And now his only blood left, his mother, the only one that ever stopped him, was gone.

    It was time.

    The option appeared again as he fell into extreme melancholy. And this time he chose to bleed out in the tub. This time there was no one left, it would work.


    I don't know why this guy perpetually failed so hard at everything he did, but he was stopped AGAIN, but a visiting penpal and was dragged away, seemingly naked and screaming by another guard. It was almost impressive. I wish I could say things turned out well for Balthazar after that, but it didn't, he fell into extreme nihilism after a mental breakdown at a feast, and closed himself off entirely. There was even a revolt faction at some point but it seemed even the peasants didn't have the heart to put this guy through more mess.

    Balthazar eventually died, with his lesbian wife and friend, miserable and despondent as he watched his son rule from afar, waiting to die. I like to think he was just as eager for his son to do better as I was. When he finally died the message read something along the lines of "he longed for death his whole life" and it just sorta hit me. I felt awful that in my hurry to play as a more powerful ruler I basically ruined this guys life.

    The story of a the second son of a ruler, who never wanted to be heir, and was never quite right. Thrust into a position of power and wanting nothing more than to feel the love of a family he never really felt growing up, only to never succeed at ANY OF IT. Man, I was sitting there in near tears as the weight of his sad life settled. This game really is all about the stories.

    Sorry Balthazar, you deserved better.

    TL;DR: My 0 year old declares war on me, crushes my kingdom to the ground and ruins my rulers life that comes to an end with 3 botched suicide attempts and a mental breakdown from a guy who just wanted love.

    submitted by /u/BaeCat
    [link] [comments]

    I see your 5689 dynasty and raise you my 7858

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    [Tip] Oh, no! The 6 vassals that hate me will lose decisively and die/get captured, what would I ever do?????

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 12:38 AM PDT

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