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    Wednesday, August 12, 2020

    Crusader Kings AI pls

    Crusader Kings AI pls

    AI pls

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    When one isnt enough

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    Kingdom of the Danelaw

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    Cursed harelip

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Broke a crusade, got all of Egypt as Ireland, all the titles and all the crusade treasure

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    CK3 Q&A with the devs, Aug 12

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Q: Can a character take interest in another culture and adopt their fashion?

    A: Fashion is tied to culture, but you can use your barbershop to dress up your subjects and close family. Like shave everyone's heads and dress them in prison rags!

    Q: We saw the character switching button in the Escape menu, is it going to be possible to use it in Ironman?

    A: You are free to change to any character with the "Switch Character" option. You cannot, however, use it if you are playing in Ironman.

    Q: is there more than one mask fro disfigured people?

    A: Yes!

    Q: Will children have a higher risk of dying just like back in the day?

    A: Child mortality is not as high for nobles as it was for peasantry, that said children can be born sickly or develop sickly in their infancy.

    Q: - Will a cadet branch ever be able to split away and found a new dynasty of their own or is it permanently locked in the original one?

    A: Currently cadet branches do not form their own dynasty.

    Q: I know we have giant and dwarf traits for height, but will there be varying heights for normal characters without those traits as well??

    A: Yes "normal height" characters will have heights that vary quite a bit, and it is inherited like other genes

    Q: Will we have some tools to work with portraits?

    A: Yes there is a portrait editor available that lets you tweak DNA for characters

    Q: do we have sex, murder or execution animation in the event window ?

    A: No, characters will be performing adequate animations based on their relation in the event, but no actual "naughty" stuff. PG16, people!

    Q: How is the dev-team doing? I assume the pre-release phase is quite stressful!

    A: We're doing pretty well. At this point the release has been finalized, so we're focusing on work that'll be released later. We're thus not especially stress other than the natural nerves about what the players will think

    Q: Are vassal levy/tax contributions also dependant on their relations with you in addition to the feudal contract?

    A: Feudal Contracts are just that - a contract. Opinion/relations do not play into it, but a pissed-off vassal will be likely to go for the Liberty faction in order to lower their obligations. The more extortionate the contract, the less they will like you. Opinion is still a thing in Clan realms though, so there you have to make sure all your vassals love you!

    Q: will ck3 have navigable rivers like imperator has?

    A: There are navigable rivers in CK3, like in CK2.

    Q: Will ck3 dna system be able to change how the family looks overall with time for example will you be able to make a family with a dominant feature that follows through centuries like eye color, hair color and so forth..?

    A: Yes but if you marry people without those features into the family their features might be inherited instead

    Q: what is the maximum age of a ruler? and could we become immortal?

    A: Maximum age of a ruler is based on their health (modified by various health traits etc.) so it's hard to say. We've had people live past 100 years old, but they are quite rare. And you can't be immortal (but you can be immortalized. :wink: )

    Q: If the parents are of different ethnicities the children will be of one of the two ethnicities or will be a mixture of the two

    A: A mixture!

    Q: Will there be cheat codes? If so, will they be like in CK2?

    A: CK3 has a console, yes. You need to use the -debug_mode startup parameter to make them available

    Q: can Cadet branches form new Cadet branches?

    A: Yes.

    Q: A liberty faction faction seeks to "lower either the realm's crown authority laws or their obligations to their liege." How does the second one work?

    A: They gain hooks on their liege, which they can spend on lowering their contractual obligations. Of course, they could use it for something else as well, but most vassals prioritize their contracts.

    Q: will we get events generating random characters in our courts frequently? I remember getting lots of events of random people trying to join my court

    A: A lot of this will be handled by our guest system!

    Q: what happens when the main branch of a dynasty dies out but there are still cadet branches?

    A: The dynasty lives on!

    Q: what was the hardest thing to optimise performance-wise?

    A: Threading is always hard due to having to deal with dependencies and so on

    Q: In terms of modding, is it possible to create non-human characters, such as the dragons in AGOT?

    A: It should be possible but with some limitations. Humanoids like orcs and elves should be easier to achieve

    Q: with the dynasty perks system, we've seen an option to make certain congenital traits more common. Is there one of these to make Albino characters more common?

    A: Yes there is

    Q: Is there a tenet that you can select in the faith creation menu that makes certain injuries a sin or virtue? eg. castrated is a virtue or one eyed is a virtue.

    A: Not at the moment, only certain traits can be changed based on tenets.

    Q: Can rulers mutually use hooks against each other, for example, if one of them threatens to reveal a secret, can the ruler being blackmailed also threaten to reveal the secret?

    A: If someone threatens to expose your secret if you don't do what they want you can always basically say "go ahead"

    Q: In the later stages of a game in CK3 when you get succession laws like Primogeniture, will children attempt to murder each other to attempt to become the designated heir?

    A: You don't have to wait until you have Primogeniture for that...

    Q: How many dynasty perk trees will an average player complete in a game from 867 to end date?

    A: That depends massively on your playstyle. If you don't have dynasty members abroad for instance, you'll gain far fewer unlocks.

    Q: Is defenestration possible in game?

    A: I don't know but this sounds like a must have feature if its not possible

    Q: will there be hot reloading of all files for modders? not just gui, but decisions, events, etc

    A: The vast majority of script reloads. I think you might need to use the "-debug_mode" startup parameter for that to be enabled.

    Q: will the changes to portraits based on traits be moddable? either which traits create such changes and the changes themselves?

    A: Yeah that is all moddable

    Q: Will there be a 'diplomatic range' limit when interacting with characters?

    A: Yes, there is a maximum range of interaction.

    Q: Where else can we add new UI elements? Will we be able to create new interfaces like Empire of China's?

    A: You can add new elements under any existing interface, so it should be entirely possible to create your own interfaces for mod only features

    Q: In what different ways can we kill our character?

    A: Murder, stabbing, killed in war, succumbing to disease, suicide and more. You should find your options... Satisfactory.

    Q: How many levels will genetic traits have?

    A: Certain genetic traits will have levels (like beauty), and those levels usually go from 1-3. Certain non-genetic ones are also levelled, like wounded!

    Q: Will it be possible to mod higher tiers than Emperors?

    A: No, the tiers are not moddable, its too core a part of the game code to be changeable in mods easily

    Q: Roughly how many events are in the game right now? Like flavour events for characters and what not.

    A: I think the technical number is a lot

    Q: Can we rename our house/dynasty name ingame?

    A: Yes

    Q: Which region/culture is your favorite to play in/as?

    A: Personally, there is a bunch. I like playing in 1066 Poland since it's such a volatile region with plenty to do. Vikings is also fun since options to expand, reform and raid are aplenty. Ghana is also very interesting - only realm that I could find where you can start with a female-led government for a bit of a twist in 867.

    Q: Can the quality of the levies be improved through technology to a degree where at some point in the late game having men at arms will be considered a waste of gold ?

    A: Men at arms are never a waste of gold.

    Q: Will there be a barbershop option at release?

    A: Yes

    Q: can you add or change genes using mods to create some amazing (or less amazing) looking characters?

    A: Certainly yes. Trust me it's easy to create monstrosities

    Q: Multiplayer will it include Hot-Join including Observer mode where you can pick and control countries?

    A: Hot join is in yes and you can pick to observe when you do that

    Q: can much larger armies be beaten through prep and terrain?

    A: yes, if you're good...!

    Q: assuming I'm not adding any unique techs or features, how easy is custom culture modding in CK3 (especially compared to CK2)

    A: The basic culture setup is rather similar to CK2. So changing or modding in new cultures shouldn't be that different. There'll be a few more things to keep in mind, such as updating history files to set what Innovations they should have available, etc.

    Q: What is the effect of dread on heirs? Will my heir also be dreaded, will it be a opinion penalty or something else?

    A: Depends on the specifics. If you are dreadful - characters will be scared of you, including heirs. If heirs have dreadful traits and they are rulers - they will be dreadful to their subjects and heirs and so on.

    Q: could we pause the game in multiplayer with space?

    A: No, only by clicking in the interface (in order to avoid accidental pausing)!

    Q: how easy is it to mod the requirements of a council seat? Could it be modded to require someone of a certain culture to have it? (such as you must have someone Irish to be your steward)

    A: Its a script file so it is moddable, so you can put cultural requirements in the triggers

    Q: Dev diaries have said that Vassal Contracts can be negotiated "once per lifetime". Is this once per ruler lifetime, once per vassal lifetime, or does it reset whenever anyone changes title? Eg. if I've renegotiated a count's title and he then inherits a duchy while remaining me vassal, can I renegotiate the duchy contract?

    A: Once per vassals lifetime, even if ruler changes or vassal gains more titles. Pick your battles carefully!

    Q: Are there any extra assets to use with UI modding?

    A: Not sure what you mean by extra assets, but you can use any of the existing assets we use or add your own to change how the UI looks

    Q: Can we add new holding types via modding?

    A: Yes, that's pretty easy to do

    Q: It is a long journey to finish a CK2 game if you assume you don't fail, which can be daunting for some people. Do you think CK3 plays somehow faster, due to design differences, performance improvements etc.?

    A: Very much depends on your playstyle. IF you want to blaze through the game to the end date, you can (especially with a good machine and Meneth's performance improvements). But if you really want to do a lot of thinking and planning - that will slow your game down. (Pro tip: Speed 5 is the only speed - prove me wrong)

    Q: are there systems in place to incentivise promoting your own nobles to council positions/commanders over using the people finder?

    A: Inviting people in CK3 is much harder than in CK2, so you'll generally use your own courtiers and wandering guests. Like in CK2, your powerful vassals will also be rather upset if you don't put them on the council

    Q: If I have specs below the minimum of the game (such as an Intel HD 620) how badly should I expect the game to run, if at all?

    A: they are the min specs for a reason, so your mileage will vary if you give it a try, just don't say we didn't warn you if you play and it performs badly with your below min spec machine :wink:

    Q: Is Character Education functioning the same way as CK2?

    A: Yes!

    Q: will we be able to add new levels to traits?

    A: Yes

    Q: Will we be able to mod completely new portraits/models in, that don't use the human models as a base? E.g. mythical creatures like dragons or elves?

    A: Yes it should be possible but will be tricky, especially for non-humanoids

    Q: In CK2 one of the disappointing parts about playing in most regions other than Europe was that when it came to province density they were lacking in comparison. In CK3 will regions other than Europe have a comparable province density?

    A: We've payed a lot of attention to the entire map, since most of it has been reworked rather significantly. Province density will in general be more similar across regions than what they are in CK2. It's about striking a balance between how rich an area should be, in terms of the number of baronies, and how "populated" an area should feel. There is still a varying degree of density across the map, with important areas such as Europe, the Middle East, and India, having a bit more than other regions.

    Q: Is there a maximum amount of branches a dynasty can have? If not, how easy or hard will it be to manage a dynasty with a lot of branches?

    A: In theory I don't think there is, eventually you'll run out of memory if you make too many but that would definitely be a ludicrously large number of them :smile:

    Q: Will the AI have their own gameplay style procedurally generated based on existing traits, or can you set the AI personality before the game starts? ex. Setting ALL rulers to warmongering conquerors, peaceful and defensive rulers, etc.

    A: It's a tricky one. AI will have a personality based on their traits and will try to act accordingly, but you can't set all AI in the world to be the same, since every character is so unique.

    Q: Can you die from stress?

    A: Stress can lead to your death, either by making your health worse or giving you a heart attack, though it has to be at extreme levels for that to happen

    Q: How conscious will the AI be about using the new systems in place regarding dynasty legacies, cultural innovations, lifestyles, etc?

    A: The AI will use all those mechanics of course

    Q: are deers in the game? Cause nothing is better than be an inbred pagan 70year old finnish santa

    A: Bruh

    Q: Could you kill all of your court and country so you have an empty country just were you as the king exist? (Asking for friend cough cough)

    A: Because guests are inclined to join empty courts it would be VERY difficult, but I'd like to see you try. :wink:

    Q: All traits have levels? In the case of those that have levels, is there any way to improve them to the maximum level?

    A: Not all traits, only certain ones (like Beauty, Strength, Ugliness) - these can't be improved. But there are ones such as Blademaster or Reveler that can!

    Q: does the DNA system work with dominant and recessive genes like in real life?

    A: Its a very simplistic representation of dominant and recessive traits for genes, its definitely not a direct mimic of real life

    Q: Can Traits and Modifiers directly interact with genes? Example: a trait that adjusts values related to the chin?

    A: Traits can affect genes, yes. Ugly for instance affects your genes, so you'll see some impact on your children even if they don't end up ugly.

    Q: How far does the unrestricted marriage option allow us to go with marriages?

    A: As far as any other AI character/ruler you are trying to ask is willing to accept

    Q: Will the title of "knight" have cultural specific names at launch, or perhaps in the future?

    A: They have some cultural names for launch, for example tribes and pagans will call them Champions

    Q: Can torturers wear the flayed faces of their victims?

    A: Bruh

    Q: Do tenants effect the clothing style of relevant courts? Like do warmongering faiths wear armour casually, monastic faiths favour more mundane and "peasentlike" clothes, and lustful faiths favour skimpier clothes?

    A: Clothes are based on character's culture and position, so not really based on personality or traits at the moment.

    Q: What is the lowest rank you can start out as?

    A: Count.

    Q: can your character be born with heterochromia?

    A: Not ATM, it's a good idea though

    Q: What modifiers will cause the AI to choose execution over imprisonment of characters?

    A: The AI will want to execute people they really hate if they're vengeful, otherwise they'll try to execute people they can inherit titles from if they're greedy. There are some other factors as well, but those are the main ones.

    Q: will the game have title name localization? havent seen it thus far but might as well ask anyway. things such as instead of polish "king" he's the polish "krol". and if a french man were to rule over lands in germany the counties would change their names to a french variants.

    A: Yes, some titles have cultural, faith and other triggered names. For example in the British Isles Counts are called Earls etc

    Q: in CK2 you lost if your heir was not of your dynasty is it the same here so if the house you play as die but your heir is of of another house of your dynasty will we still be able to play or is it locked to houses?

    A: As long as a House is within your dynasty, you will not game over if you play as them.

    Q: is the army quality determined purely on the ratio of men at arms, or cam you actually increase the quality of your realm's levies?

    A: Army quality is an indicator for how good the average soldier is in an army compared to the number of soldiers. It's based on the amount of Men-at-Arms and Knights, along with how good they are. Having a few powerful Knights may increase quality more than having a bunch of really bad ones for example.

    Q: What happens when characters with two opposite genetic traits have children? Such at someone with ugly 2 marrying someone with beauty 1?

    A: They might cancel out, or one might win out.

    Q: Is it possible to block lifestyles behind a trait?

    A: You could mod that in, yes.

    Q: will the relationships between parents and children be more deep than in CK2. Like having a favorite child, shunning a child. Also, will your spouse be more involved too- also trying to influence your children and mold them?

    A: Really depends on what kind of person YOU want your ruler to be. You can disinherit or denounce children as a house head if you think they have wronged you or are just bad. Spouse can always be a guardian and, if you are playing a child, can provide some motherly guidance.

    Q: If I die and everybody hates me will they hate my heir as well?

    A: They'll start off with a worse opinion of your heir, yes.

    Q: How many trees can one lifestyle have?

    A: In the base game they all have 3. But you can mod in more or less.

    Q: is it possible to cross-dress my character?

    A: It's something we wanted to do but it didn't make it in unfortunately, due to the amount of work it would've meant

    Q: Will people in MP have to rehost the game if one player gets a game over or can players switch characters in MP without rehosting the game?

    A: We allow character switching in multiplayer as well!

    Q: I understand that the head of the most powerful house head becomes the head of the dynasty, but what determines who is the most powerful house head? Which factors are the most relevant?

    A: Military strength is the main factor

    Q: What will happen to your "tech tree" when you start playing as an heir of a different culture? Will this mess up your progression in anyway? The new system seems to incentivize the player towards not changing culture too often, if at all.

    A: You wholly adopt other culture. It has it's benefits and disadvantages, as everything else in life. :sweat_smile:

    Q: How far can we change our character with the console? (Looks, traits, ...)

    A: traits and skills, fully!

    Q: When you have units embark does the cost also take into account where you are traveling to and the distance. For example if i'm in Ireland will embarking my troops to Jerusalem cost me more than if I were to embark them to Santiago??

    A: In a way, yes. The intial embarkment cost remains the same, regardless of where you put your movement order. Your army will however, have an increased troop maintenance while at sea.

    Q: are the vassals still going to get total mad when the kings have 3 or more duchy?

    A: They will definitely get more upset the more duchy titles you hold.

    Q: Will we be able to support custom variables with localization keys?

    A: Yes, you can get text out of variables in localization

    Q: Will we able to mod in screams when we execute people?

    A: You can, you sick bastard

    Q: Will bastards of a dynasty having children result in a new house for the dynasty?

    A: Yes, if an illegitimate bastard has a child then they found new house in their parent dynasty

    Q: Has it been difficult to consider why anyone would ever play as the Kingdom of Denmark when they could just play as Sweden instead?

    A: 👀💦

    submitted by /u/Agamidae
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    Found the Vandals in the History Tab of the Kingdom of Africa

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    I just started playing this f*cking mod

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    Child naming in CK3

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Just cut the Sassanian Army in half

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    A absolut ace of a guy I got during a mp game.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    BUT... I don't want Barney dead:(

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    �� Introducing CK3 - Vassals

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    [NOW LIVE] First official Livestream of Crusader Kings III ��

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    "By the grace of God, I crown you King... the King of going to Hell, that is! Hahahaha!"

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    mom come pick me up i'm scared

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    I had second thoughts about this game might not give classic Crusader Kings experience but now I'm relieved.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    How is everyone feeling about that second stream?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    I liked that it was longer, and I think the length of the stream gives a more fair look at the game. It was a lot of fun to watch and enjoy the chaos, but it also showcased some of the game's shortcomings and bugs--but all I saw were really minor problems.

    That torture costs piety while the passive piety gain is extremely small seems like an odd choice--it seems like it would paradoxically be very hard for an evil character to do evil. It also seemed like, when the controlled character revealed his bastard son's parentage, it revealed not only his love affair with the barmaid, but also the love affair with the sister; if that is working as intended, that is strange.

    Again, those are minor gripes. Everything else was really interesting to watch. The on-action events are great to see in motion, and it really makes it seem like the feedback in CK3 is much better.

    submitted by /u/thespouseofthesun
    [link] [comments]

    Race mixing causes assyrians

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    Imagine you're having a great night out with the lads but then you see the pope himself hitting on your wife before getting smashed out of his mind on the booze.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 03:43 AM PDT

    It looks like the Byzantine Empire in CK3 will be classified as Feudal.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Slavic Reconquista - finished

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:12 AM PDT

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