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    Friday, June 19, 2020

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : June 19 2020

    Crusader Kings Feudal Friday : June 19 2020

    Feudal Friday : June 19 2020

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Welcome to another Feudal Friday, a place for you to regale the courts of Europa with your tales. Stories, screenshots and achievements are all welcome.

    Previous Feudal Fridays

    Current Tutorial Tuesdays

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    It is mine, by right!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    haha subjugation go splat

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    when you play with defensive pacts on

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    Rate my accidental Roman Empire

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Glitterhoof wants to help me assassinate my wife, I'm so proud...

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    When the magic uterus delivers...

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    f*** me!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    my first saint is a possessed homosexual

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Unpopular opinion: Inheriting as a child is better than inheriting as an adult.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:16 AM PDT


    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Who would know "byzantine" cultures and the Han had so much in common

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    I encourage everyone to start a game in 1337 at least once

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    1066 and 1081 are the "vanilla" start dates of CK2, but as you play games during those start dates, you notice the same irritating events:
    France declares a holy war for Valencia and goes for the reconquista all on their own. The HRE will attack France for a de jure war for Zeeland within seconds and will rush to vassalize Barcelona and Pisa, resulting in an invincible & stable blob that eats up Africa and Iberia through holy wars.
    1081 simply removes the coin flips of 1066 and unlocks crusades instantly. Though a crusade for Egypt will always result in an unbeatable crusader state.

    I've always preferred starting in 936 to keep Europe and blobs in general in check: France can not not easily win a holy war for Valencia, the HRE doesn't exist yet, large de jure kingdoms prevent silly and unstable borders to happen and Islam has time to prepare for the crusades. More importantly, Seljuk will make sure that there is always a threat lurking in Persia, as he and his dynasty will keep receiving event troops.

    1337 checks all of those marks as well: As the HRE is disconnected from Italy, it can not expand into Corsica and eat up Africa as a result. The region around Egypt is in firm Sunni control and the Timurid invasion makes sure that there is a threat lurking in Persia, just like Seljuk in 936 (though I do not know whether his dynasty will receive free 40k event troops every couple or years similar to Seljuk). You are fairly close to a pandemic and crusades are unlocked instantly.
    The only things you miss out on are the reconquista in Iberia and the struggle against Norse pagans in northern Europe. You can even get a "second" forth Crusade, which is a bit silly.
    The "short" play time of 116 years is usually enough to finish a playthrough in a satisfying way; most of my 936 playthroughs were finished by 1100 anyway.

    An interesting start is the kingdom of Naples. You can press a few of your vassal's claims against the kingdom of Trinacria. Expanding into Greece against the Byzantine Empire and Venice is possible, as you control an incomplete duchy over there. Your own dynasty is spread around Europe, which can result in some interesting inheritances.
    Granting the county of Amalfi to a burgher and keeping them as your direct vassal will result in a free merchant republic within a couple of months.
    Speaking of merchant republics, Venice and Genoa are expanding along their coasts like crazy.

    Bonus points if you disable matrilineal marriages as well as all casus bellis that were introduced in Jade Dragon (border disputes and force vassalization in particular).
    Disabled matrilineal marriages make it so that not every single female heir is married to a random low born matrilineally. Running into a game over is an actual threat now, making elective gavelkind an actual desirable succession law.
    Disabling JD casus bellis nerfs Christian realms, as they can no longer expand indefinitely through border disputes. Brittany will no longer get eaten by France instantly and Pisa & Genoa will now stay independent.
    Though losing access to permanent tributary states is a shame :(

    submitted by /u/__--_---_-
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    The Seniority Succession Experience: My slow, ugly, hunchbacked Emperor came to power with more rivals than members left in my family. He died a month later.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Biggest battle I've ever seen (and of course I lost)

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    CK2 time

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    I'm being pelted with bibles

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    So i'm trying to do a hellenic restoration game from the one county in byzantium that start hellenic in 769, i created a secret society and apparently so did the iconoclasts and catholics, and now out of the blue i get the "bible on the bed" event literaaly every week, sometimes i recieve 3 bibles in a single say, is this a common bug or am i the only one experincing this (i'm on ironman btw)

    thanks in advance

    Edit:apparently it just stopped after a while, i still get the events but a lot less

    submitted by /u/Zenar45
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    My Lovely wife and Queen of Scotland died last night��

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    But I got with her 14 y/o kind genius sister tho!!!! How's that for a rebound??!!

    submitted by /u/Lord_Mozes
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    Well, now you're just f-ing with me.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    I belive imprisoning all the missionarys and letting them all die in the dungeons was a bad idea. Total of 56 against me

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Very relatable for some people.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Road to 1453: Day 8-9

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    AVE MARIA Dev Diary 2# : Personality and Education Traits

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 03:08 AM PDT


    Hello ! Welcome to a second wall of text where I talk about my crazy modding of Crusader Kings 2 in a project I dubbed very concisely: A Very Extensive Modification for Appropriate Realism and Improved Authenticity.

    Today I will talk about to what I did to traits, both personality and education traits, and why I felt vanilla traits needed to be changed. This is a part of the rework that is done and should not get touched on a lot except maybe with a few ideas gathered from the latest CK3 dev diary (more on that towards the end).


    Issues with Vanilla Personality Traits

    Traits are supposed to represent a character's personality, their abilities, reputation, and physical characteristics, but I personally did not feel that vanilla traits really conveyed the personality of characters, or rather that they were incomplete.

    The reason might be that their focus is on the Seven Sins/Virtues, which is rather limited for others parts of the map outside of the christian kingdoms, and that it lumps anything that is not a virtue/sin into a nebulous and vast "other" category.

    Additionaly, vanilla traits have for me big gameplay and immersion issues: they get removed randomly after a certain threshold and they are very extreme from one another.

    Random Trait Removal: If you have played a lot of CK2 you should know that there are events removing you personality traits if you have more than 6 of them. It does not matter if you have have this trait since 50 years of 5 days, it will simply be removed. This feels rather punishing for the player when he has spent years acquiring some traits through various events or Lifestyle focus, time and/or effort vanished in a MTTH.

    From one extreme to the other: From the same series of events that decide to remove some of the traits you had for your whole life because the War Lifestyle you recently chose gave you the Wroth trait causing you to go over the threshold of 6 traits (everyone knows that being a medieval fighter trained to kill means you must be angry all the time /s ) you could gain the exact opposite of the trait you just lost in a few months due to the MTTH.

    Again you could have had the Brave trait your whole life but it would get removed through this event because you have too many traits et get replaced by its exact opposite, Craven, as there are no triggers to compensate for that in the event Monthly Time To Happen modifiers.


    Issues with Vanilla Education Traits

    Vanilla Education Traits are rather monodimensional. They feel like a class specialization in an RPG especially as they remove stats from their supposed opposite category: Being a Grey Eminence, the highest education level for the Diplomacy stat category somehow means that your Martial, that is your ability to lead armies from a tactical and strategic standpoint, is reduced. From an immersion perspective, it does not make sense.

    Additionaly there are not a lot of theoretical difference between the stats of a 16 year old and a 55 year old character that should have accumulated a lifetime of experience. Thanks to a good tutor or other circumstances, a 16 year old can be a Brilliant Strategist and have more Martial that the jaded war veteran of a lifetime of war who did not have the chance of the MTTH to progress his Martial Education.

    Finally, the Education traits do not really represent the known reality of education as it is known to us: the education of the youth was a central topic as much as it is today, and a well-rounded education was central to the elites of the time. Gender expectations were also different although the regional and cultural variations could be great on the necessity of educating the girls of the nobility into their leading roles1.


    Objective with modding and solution

    So as we have stated the perceived issues, we can create the modding specifications. We need several things:

    • A better way to represent character's personalities so they feel more alive
    • An higher gradient between good and bad traits.
    • A gradual change to character personalities in order to avoid instant pick by the player and instant personality changes.
    • A trait progression over life course's and events.


    HEXACO System

    The HEXACO model of personality structure is a six-dimensional model of human personality that was created by Ashton and Lee and based on findings from a series of lexical studies involving several European and Asian languages.

    This choice of the HEXACO system is not a perfect solution. The biggest critique that can be made is that as the universal validity of the HEXACO system can be doubtful for some contemporary societies it can hardly be projected into the society of the 11th century...

    Nevertheless, I feel (and I hope you do too) that it is a better base alternative to vanilla as it gives a more immersive representation of characters.

    Here are all the HEXACO Personality Traits. as I adapted the system into the game.

    Each category give some bonus/malus to stats but does not have the same RPG stat affect as in vanilla.

    Additionaly, events do not make you flip from one trait to the other. Rather they add points on the related Personality scale. On a certain threshold, your trait is changed from one level to the other. For now the scaling of the points is from one extreme to the other, from -15 to +15 with a trait every 3 points.

    (This event is one of severals others made by The Strawbaron from the book "Roman Festivals in the Greek East : From the Early Empire to the Middle Byzantine Era" by Fritz Graf)


    New Education Traits

    In order to diversify and make traits a bit more contextual3, there are new Education traits somehow related to the basic stats of the characters:

    • Etiquette: Refers to the various abilities regarding the cultural norms of politeness and the good manners of the character.
    • Fighting Skills: Personal Combat skill is differenciated from Martial in the Education trait. The main concern for the fighting elite was related to the personal combat skill. Not to say that the art of war (tactical/operational/strategic) was neglected, but it should be handled by a different branch of knowledge.
    • Mathematics: Rather self explanatory
    • Read-Write: Various level of alphabetization and appropriate high cultural language (Latin for Western Europe for instance)
    • Riding: For most cultures concerned on the map, the horse was central to society or at least to the elites.
    • Theology: Normal characters should have usually a basic knowledge of it but clergy characters will have increased levels of it.
    • Philosophy: Restricted to certain education paths and usually clergy characters
    • Law: Restricted to certain education paths and usually clergy characters or those having retained a certain legalistic background.

    Similar to the trait progression, characters have "xp" in those Education traits and can improve them over the course of their life and various events.


    New Childhood Focuses

    I did not entirely covered the issues with vanilla Way of Life childhood traits and mini-game but suffice to say that it favoured only picking one option every time for every child and did not really favour more diversified choices.

    In order to integrate with the new traits system, the vanilla childhood and adolescent focuses have been removed.

    Instead, you can choose to favour one category of the HEXACO system during childhood: Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, eXtraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Openess to Experience. where the child will have chances to gain "points" and progress towards the positive end of the category's scale with the various events linked to each focuses.

    Adolescent focuses are also changed and are less numerous than in vanilla: focusing on the Fighting capabilities of the child, his Etiquette, Written Knowledge and finally Theology.


    Sociopathy, Player's Agency and Characters

    Reading the latest dev diary for CK3 regarding stress and player choices I added some new levels and "xp" for stress as well, so it follows the logic of not flipping entirely from one situation to the other.

    However, the dev diary still left me with thinking about player's agency, the character they play and the actions that are optimal for their dynasty/kingdom objectives with conflict with their character personalities.

    It would be relatively easy to adapt the same CK3 system to CK2, but maybe another solution might be possible: restricting some actions (executing/murdering brothers/sisters for instance) to certain personality traits instead of allowing them at a sanity cost (and all the stress reduction associated with it), what do you think ?


    Anyway that's it for this week, I will post the next dev diary in two weeks again. If you want to help, we have a Trello and a list of tasks ranging from the simplest to more complicated depending of your modding knowledge. Here is the discord if you want to hop in.

    Cheers and stay safe.



    1. Didier Lett, Hommes et femmes au Moyen Âge, Histoire du genre, xiie-xve siècle, Paris, Armand Colin, 2013, 222 p.

    2. Fritz Graf, Roman Festivals in the Greek East : From the Early Empire to the Middle Byzantine Era, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press « Greek Culture in the Roman World », 2015, XVI-363 p.

    3. Pierre Riche, Ecoles et enseignement dans le Haut Moyen Age, Paris, Aubier, 1979, 462 p.

    submitted by /u/Linred
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