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    Wednesday, April 29, 2020

    Crusader Kings Dinar printer go brrr

    Crusader Kings Dinar printer go brrr

    Dinar printer go brrr

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    Based on a real experience

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    TIL If you have a Pagan great stone circle with 'Sacrificial Altar' upgrade and reform 'Bloodthirsty Gods' doctrine, you can eat a person's heart

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    Noooo Glitterhoof

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    I did it boys!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    The Vassal Kingdom Experience

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Tibet forgot how to Tibet

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    Today's CK3 Q&A with the devs, April 29th

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    Q: Is there a game rule that allows you to keep playing as whoever your heir is if you die without any dynastic heirs?

    A: You can switch characters when you "game over" to keep playing (no ironman tho)

    Q: Will we be able to continue playing after the "official" end date like in Europa Universalis?

    A: There is a game rule for it

    Q: will we be able to customize title names like in CK2's customization dlc?

    A: You will be able to rename titles

    Q: Whats your favourite robe in the game?

    A: I like when there is a bug and the characters nipples poke through

    Q: Will adamites be completely (or with censorhip) naked in game? If yes, will we be able to use this mechanic for custom faiths?

    A: The Natural Primitivism Tenet makes adherents naked and you can choose it when you make a new faith

    Q: You've mentioned that no supernatural events will occur in CK3, does this mean that fan favourites like Glitterhoof and the polar bear won't come back?

    A: Not at release at any rate

    Q: Will pets exist? Will they give us piety in some faiths that worship them?

    A: They will exist! And you can even name your dogs and cats yourself

    Q: Does the pet system include horses as the most important animal in the era?

    A: Yes you can have a horse

    Q: will our pets be able to defend us from assasins or defend us in a duel?

    A: They can save you, yes! They might not make it tho... :frowning:

    Q: will there be a game rule that allows AI rulers to create their own custom heresy?

    A: No, the custom faith system system requires player input to work correctly.

    Q: will there be a rework to the "political concerns" modifier whem making alliances, marriages, ect

    A: All of those modifiers are scripted now and the exact reason breakdown is shown

    Q: How many custom faiths can we create in one game?

    A: Only one per lifetime, but there's no campaign limit

    Q: Are basic and fundamental religion doctrines moddable?

    A: Yes! All the doctrines and tenants are very moddable!

    Q: Will Magyar paganism have the same holy sites as Tengrism?

    A: No they have their own

    Q: Slightly off topic, will random Coat of Arms generation follow heraldic rules ?

    A: I believe they will actually, our Artists and CoA designers have been very diligent!

    Q: About the DD "Dev Diary #22 - A Medieval Tapestry" we saw a screenshot of the religious map of the british islands with a "insular" faith in Ireland. My question is, is "insular" faith the "celtic christianity"? And if yes will this faith have the ecumenism doctrine?

    A: Yes and yes

    Q: Will it be possible, if not in by default, to enable the ability for a faith to possess more then three Tenet's or is that a hardcoded amount?

    A: It is moddable

    Q: How is custom faiths named? Will it be based on the ruler, the title, or can you choose yourself?

    A: You name them yourself

    Q: How moddable will faith tenets and religious groups relations be?

    A: Very!

    Q: Will all these new features concerning Holy Orders be already in the base game, or will there features left out for future DLCs?

    A: Everything we presented in the DD will be available for release!

    Q: In CK2, your character can only convert religion under certain circumstances, e.g. religion of spouse, liege, capital. Will such conditions lower the conversion cost in CK3?

    A: Yes

    Q: Will shattered realms be in the game, and if so has it been expanded on?

    A: We have a game rule that breaks the vassal-liege hierarchy on game start and makes everyone go independent

    Q: Are all current doctrines and tenets used by at least one faith, or are there some that are left to the players only?

    A: Not all of them are used in historical ones, some are there for player reformation or heresies

    Q: Will option of random world/shatter world be also included at the start or will it be added later?

    A: No shattered world on release

    Q: Does the Nestorian faith appear on the map in the default start date?

    A: Yes, in Socotra and parts of Mongolia

    Q: What happens if a newly created heresy has exactly the same set of doctrines as some other religion elsewhere?

    A: It won't be allowed to be created, they are not allowed to be identical as otherwise you should just convert to that other faith

    Q: Can multiple pagan faiths exist under a wider Religion and be reformed independently?

    A: Yep!

    Q: will you be able to reform the Roman empire

    A: Yes the Roman Empire exists as a title that can be created

    Q: will different Muslim faiths have their own caliphs? Or will every Sunni and Shia faith have one caliph representing them?

    A: Each Faith has its own Head of Faith

    Q: What are the proportions of heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals and asexuals in the default setting ?

    A: Currently 89%, 5%, 5%, 1%.

    Q: what's the average age that a character can form a heresy

    A: Depends on the amount of piety you have, if you gain a lot early it will be younger, but generally it takes a while to get enough

    Q: When you make your own religion, does it become hostile with the previous one or does it depend of the religion group, like in CK2?

    A: It depends on the religion group

    Q: Can you create a new papacy/religious head for your custom faith?

    A: Yes.

    Q: Will you be able to use favours to force a matrilineal marriage?

    A: Yes you can, in some cases not always though

    Q: ... When you reform a pagan religion or create a heresy, do you inherit the holy sites from your old faith? Or is it possible to customize them?...

    A: You inherit them from your old faith, yes!

    Q: is there any chance that if a religion changes in size, the hostility will increase/decrease? For example if Gnosticism is powerful, the difference between faiths is more important?

    A: No hostility is static in that way

    Q: Can we convert to a religion even if there is no courtiers following it and no provinces(this wasn't possible in ck2) would be nice

    A: you can convert to such dead faiths, but it will cost more piety to do so

    Q: Will we be able to change the high god of any faith? Instead of Odin could we worship Loki or Thor or even Baldur as the high god?

    A: No God names can be changed

    Q: Will you be able to mod in new sexualities? With an attracted to block perhaps, so characters with that sexuality would be attracted to a person if they fulfil certain conditions, modifiers, traits and so on.

    A: No, that is not supported. You might be able to emulate it, but it wouldn't be part of the actual sexuality system; we only support all possible permutations of attraction or lack thereof to men and women.

    Q: Will the Roman Empire, in the form it took after Rome fell to barbarians, be represented as such in the game?

    A: Yes the Byzantine Empire is in the game :slight_smile:

    Q: anything on zunism?

    A: Praise The Sun :sunny:

    Q: Can you get multiple holy warriors trait? (eg. Crusader and Mujahid at once)

    A: No

    Q: what's the name of the magyar religion?

    A: Magyar Vallás

    Q: will there be beard growth in game?

    A: no "dynamic growth", but kids don't have as big beards

    Q: Will we be able to form British Anglicanism early?

    A: Using the custom faith creation system, yes.

    Q: Why does being a pious memeber of your religion (so having a lot of piety) makes you more likely to create a Heresy that's excessively diffrent compered to the original, with their practices being close to oppposite?

    A: You're able to convince others that you have seen the true way with your vast religious knowledge

    Q: will every year between 1066 to the late ages be playable or will you only be able to play specific start dates?

    A: Every year in the game's timeframe is of course playable, but you will only be able to start from the set start dates.

    Q: how will heresies with very small differences from the parent faith be represented? Like iconoclasm, where the only real difference was they didn't worship icons

    A: They will share most Doctrine and Tenets

    Q: Can you make whole new religion, or only new faiths in religions?

    A: Only new faiths in existing religions

    Q: Will there be more customization options for formable Duchies, Kingdoms, Empires (i.e. choose your own emblem, heraldry) and support for Old Germanic and Norse letters?

    A: There are more letters supported but no custom coat of arms

    Q: Can holy orders do banking?

    A: Yes, and you generally do not want to default on your loans...

    Q: What are all the different start dates currently in the game?

    A: There is 867 and 1066

    Q: If I create my own religion can I select new holy sites and the like or am I strictly limited to the holy sites from what ever religion parented the new on?

    A: you keep the holy sites of your original faith

    Q: You mentioned that low-fervour Heresy outbreaks won't always contain other faiths from that religion, that sometimes it'll come from others... does that mean, for example, a heresy outbreak in Greece might be Hellenic instead of any Christian heresy?

    A: Hellenic no, but you can have instances of things like Dualist sects arising in Christian lands, or Jews converting to Christianity, or Hindus converting to a Buddhist Faith

    Q: Will custom faiths have a limited amount of doctrines?

    A: You can have 3 tenets and then you choose your "stance" on the doctrines

    Q: We're given around 50 different tenets to choose from, will these be categorized for easier navigation? Additionally, will character/diplomatic actions be categorically nested?

    A: They are not categorized currently. Character interactions are

    Q: For a mod, I want to create a religion that supports custom "currency" as a mechanism, and an interface for it. Will user interface modding be simplified in CK3?

    A: You can fully mod the interface to show new values and buttons and lists etc. So your new currency can be modded in and shown quite easily :slight_smile:

    Q: are there only 1 holy order per land or per character you can create? , can you make one of your sons the head pope ?

    A: If you're already a patron you cannot found a new one

    Q: When making your own religion, can you give yourself the same amount of power that, for example, the Catholic Pope has? Or making yourself the religion head is handicaped?

    A: No, the Pope is a Spritiual head and has different powers from a Temporal Head of Faith

    Q: will you be able to form heresies of unreformed pagan religions?

    A: You cannot make a heresy of unreformed faiths, only reform them, once reformed you can make heresies of the new faith though!

    Q: planning on working on a conversion mod from release, will an I:R style map tool be available?

    A: Yes we have a similar map editor

    Q: What is the craziest/weirdest relgion you have managed to create ingame? And are we able to make religions with human sacrifices and cannibalism?

    A: Probably nudist warrior-priests. And yes.

    Q: will there be a set amount of holy orders for each religion or will certain religions get more holy orders?

    A: There is no limit on how many can be created but there is a limited amount of historical names and coat of arms

    Q: Will Catholic and Orthodox be separate religion in the 867 start date?

    A: Yes.

    Q: Will province names be dynamic depending on the ruling culture like in CK2? If yes, could we get a quick sneak peek?

    A: Yes. No. :stuck_out_tongue:

    Q: Will Zorostarianism have close-kin, parrent-offspring and sister-brother marriage?

    A: Some Faiths in the Zoroastrian Religion have unrestricted Marriage

    Q: Will we have Zoroastrian Holy Orders and how many? Also Zoroastrian holy wars?

    A: Zoroastrians can create holy orders through the same mechanics as other religions

    Q: can we revive hellenism?

    A: You can if you want

    Q: how many dev dairies will there be in total for ck3?

    A: At least two

    Q: will religions with no religious head be better balanced vs. religions with one this time? I liked the more decentralised flavour a lack of religious head gives, but if it's just flat worse than having one...

    A: Faiths with no head of faith will have better Fervor to compensate

    Q: Is there a Tenet or Doctrine to give the king religious authority without being a Head of Faith?

    A: No

    Q: Can you clarify the god names. Will I be able to worship Jesus above God?

    A: When you create a faith you retain the God name of your original Faith

    Q: Will GHWs be limited to religions with Struggle and Submission doctrine?

    A: Struggle and Submission and Armed Pilgrimages unlock GHW's for your Faith

    Q: will character traits affect/be affected by the sexuality of the sexuality of the characters? Because if not, It would be hilarious but also a bit depressing to try to imagine the mindset/sexual frustration of an asexual character who also happened to be lustful.

    A: No you can still be lustful and asexual (in real life too)

    Q: When something affects hostility does it set to a specific level or is it raised by one?

    A: It sets the level to be something specific

    Q: Will titles have dynamic names depending on holder's faith and culture?

    A: Yes

    Q: will cultural units like horse archers have unit models on the world map?

    A: No

    Q: I saw in a dev diary that there is Christian syncretism tenet for non-Christian religions. Will there also be tenets for syncretism with specific brand of paganism?

    A: Not on launch, but may be added in the future (and can of course be modded in earlier).

    Q: How is the religion icon selected for custom faiths?

    A: With your mouse

    Q: How much freedom is given to the player in regards to naming new faiths? Can we only rename the faith itself or can we also rename the gods, scripture, etc.?

    A: You can name the Faith and the name of its adherents

    Q: In the terrain mapmode, will there be some sort of coloured glow around the edges of your borders like in Imperator Rome, so we can more easily distinguish our borders?

    A: We have the gradient borders with the glow on zoom to show the nations yes

    Q: Will creating a catholic heresy which uses the 'Ecumenism' doctrine make you only 'astray' with catholics ?

    A: You can not create a new Catholic heresy with Ecumenism. Ecumenism represents a shared history of religious dialogue, and new heresy will due to it's nature lack that history.

    Q: Could I reform my faith to allow me to be some kind of God-Emperor? Descendent of the gods or something like that? Basically a more extreme version of the temporal head of a religion.

    A: No

    Q: will we get more details on the sex scenes you want to add into ck3

    A: Not yet :blush:

    Q: Does Fervor loss from declaring holy wars have a cap of sorts ?

    A: No cap, but it only has a small influence on a Faith's overall fervor to begin with.

    Q: Have you guys gone into detail how modders could work with the portrait system/character customization? Thinking of mods that delved into other universes and added several different races and such.

    A: We haven't gone into detail about this, no

    Q: Will the anglo-saxon Witenagemot system be represented in any fashion?

    A: We have a succession law for that, yes.

    Q: Will exist something like college of cardinals that elect a new pope?

    A: No

    Q: can you force someone to convert to your religion?

    A: Yes

    Q: will the new main menu music theme be as ear-blasting-loud as always? (please :pleading_face:)

    A: No, but you can increase the volume yourself :slight_smile:

    Q: Will we be able to reinstate old faiths like hellenism and Old Egyptian? Reform them?

    A: Yes

    Q: Will Jihads have a Jihad Screen, like the new Crusade screen¿

    A: yes

    Q: which dead fates can be brought back to life besides hellenism and zunism?

    A: Any dead faith

    Q: Will there be a video recap about last diaries?

    A: Yes

    Q: If i owe a lot of money to holy orders and im really poor can i just pull a Philip the IV and destroy them to fix my debt?

    A: If you are their patron, you can revoke their lease and there isn't much they can do about it. Otherwise you can just refuse to pay, but the Pope will not be happy...

    Q: one of tenets mentioned fewer deaths from childbirth, I believe. Is this a concern in CK3 now? And is child mortality much higher than before?

    A: It can happen, but not overly common.

    Q: have there been changes in boosting and losing moral authority? Are we still able to raid churches to help boost it?

    A: Check out the most recent dev diary where we covered fervor, the replacement for moral authority :slight_smile:

    Q: You already stated that there would only be one commander per army, how is the battle itself going to be representated, like in Imperator, EU4 and vicky2(3)?

    A: It is different from those games

    Q: what's your favorite heresy you've made so far?

    A: Sacred Scheming + Pursuit of Power = 24/7 Murder Fest

    Q: Will it be harder to form a religion if that religion is so far of from the catholic faith?, like the canabilistic warmongering?

    A: It will cost more piety to make your heresy more different to the base faith

    Q: can you build your holdings in the same fashion or is it going to be different.

    A: Yes you can create new Holdings within your Realm

    Q: Will Italian culture exist in CK3 like in CK2 or will it be split up into regional dialects(such as Venetian, Umbrian etc.(like in EU4)?

    A: There is more regional variation within "Italian" culture(s) in CK3.

    Q: will historical heresies spawn at random locations or will historical heresies stay at their historical locations?

    A: Depends on the game rule setting you choose :slight_smile:

    Q: will there be a way to acknowledge bastard when the husband didn't realize he isn't the father? Maybe requiring to kill the husband or something. Also without acknowledging them to the world, keep track of them secretly (when you die you lose the information because it's not public knowledge)

    A: Yes and yes

    Q: What will the rating of Ck3 be? Just how graphic will the game be with nudity/gore/all the wonderful sicknesses Nurgle can give me?

    A: Around Age 16 or so

    Q: will i be able to play a magyar tribal who reformed to a clan rocking a moustache that brings all the tengri ladies to the yard?

    A: No mustaches do not increase attraction :frowning:

    Q: will we be able to change hair and beard styles like in the barber DLC for CK2 ?

    A: Yes

    Q: Will there be Orthodox Holy Orders?

    A: Yes

    Q: Will there be ingame rules for altering the percentages of how prevalent sexualities are

    A: Yes!

    Q: So we've heard about randomly generated event text, is such random generation available for modders to use?

    A: Yes!

    Q: will there be an option to disable nude portraits?

    A: Yes

    Q: Will I be able to create the biggest khaganate and explode it with 20 sons?

    A: Yes

    Q: will magyars have mixed portraits like they do in ck2? (for example finno-ugric faces and cuman hair styles in ck2)

    A: Portraits are 3D now

    Q: is it possible to remove catholics from the world? just get rid of the religion?

    A: I guess. It'll be hard

    Q: can you make your own descriptions to custom faiths?

    A: yes

    Q: ck2 is a pretty random and wacky game but a lot of people think that that is its charm , do you worry that you have removed a lot of the wackiness and randomness for ck3 and it wont appeal to as many people ? or are there some wacky things that can come out :slight_smile:

    A: We sure have some wacky stuff in there!

    Q: is there a sort of 'ADN' to render 3D portrait ? dad, son etc ...

    A: I assume you mean DNA? In which case yes we do!

    Q: Will we have the option to load a save game when you're in the middle of one, which is unavailable in ck2?

    A: YES

    Q: when forming heresies will all tenants cost the same amount of piety or there will be a system for costs?

    A: There is a system based on a variety of factors, such as how much the Tenet diverges from traditional religious practice and how much power it gives to secular rulers.

    Q: will different evens trigger depending on the cultures , like paganism, catholic, religion etc ?

    A: There are unique events that can trigger for certain cultures and religions, and many other events will also vary slightly depending on your culture and religion.

    Q: Can you queue lifestyle perks or will you have to select a new one every 2-3 years? Could you plan the whole course of a tree in advance, or up till a convergent point, like Prophet?

    A: You don't have to use them immediately, no. They will wait around for when you are ready to sue them

    Q: Will some tenets/doctrines be mutually exclusive?

    A: Yes

    Q: Will there be any limitations on holy order creation, beside piety and gold cost, so we won't end up with 67 Catholic holy order after 3 successful crusade?

    A: You cannot found a holy order if you are the patron of one

    Q: will mod support be available on launch?

    A: Yes

    Q: About making "personal sex cults" and custom faiths. Can player allow polygamy, unrestricted marriage and other bonuses only for the head of religion or the emperor, when other members of the religion can only use ordinary marriages without other bonuses? If not, can we do this with mod?

    A: The doctrines and tenet you select for a new faith will always apply to all adherents.

    Q: Are there special units like in CK2, where I guess the French could for example have more Heavy Cavalry men at arms and a special building that produces them?

    A: There are cultural men at arms

    Q: What are some interesting game rules?

    A: Rulers can be shuffled around randomly at game start

    Q: can a religion die out and return ?

    A: yes

    Q: how many Muslim faiths are there in total?

    A: Around 20

    Q: What is the most hilarious bug you've had to fix recently?

    A: A bug was making vassals far too Claimant-faction happy, causing rulers of realms to 'ping-pong' as vassals would push their liege's brother's claim, then once the brother was on the throne push their original liege's claim, then when he's back on the throne re-push the brother's claim... ad infinitum.

    Q: what's the wackiest/coolest kingdom you can form/revive?

    A: The Holy Roman Empire :wink:

    Q: will we be able to see traits like dwarf, giant, hunchback, and disfigured in 3D? please-

    A: Yes some of them

    Q: You added new game rules to prevent border gore in one of the last updates for CK2, will these rules be in the base game for CK3?

    A: Yes

    Q: will many religions get a Great Holy War, or are they more limited? Will generic GHWs have a similar mechanical depth to Crusades?

    A: There are two types of Great Holy Wars, 'Directed' and 'Undirected'. Crusades are Undirected, and other Faiths can also have Crusade-like GHWs if they also have the correct Tenets to unlock Undirected GHWs.

    Q: will there be a unique decision to mend the great schism and give every character of the other faith a choice to convert to the now dominant faith, like in ck2?

    A: There will be a decision to mend the schism, yes

    Q: Are there any Men-at-arms which clasify directly as knights or are knight numbers generally far lower than in real history ?

    A: Knights are separate to men at arms, men at arms are unit regiments whereas Knights are characters with their military strength based on their prowess

    Q: Can periods of religious violence fracture empires?

    A: Factions can start where areas of the "wrong" cutlure/faith can break free

    Q: what exactly is the Miracle Worker trait?

    A: The final tier of the 'Mystic' lifestyle trait. It does not actually confer magical ability (no supernatural content in CK3) but the character who possesses it may still have cultivated a reputation of being able to do so.

    Q: so most units will be represented as a homogenous blob of 'levies'?

    A: The majority of your soldiers are of the Levy Type yes

    Q: will holy orders exist across most religions, or do they need a certain tenant to enable them?

    A: All Faiths can create Holy Orders IIRC

    Q: what is the most distinctive difference between ck2 and ck3?

    A: For me it is the lifestyles and better events

    submitted by /u/Agamidae
    [link] [comments]

    Nobody tell him.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    Migration time

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    So this was the purpose!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    It accomplishes nothing.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    If the game is going to generate a character from nowhere for a specific purpose, it could at least be more subtle about it.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:13 AM PDT

    Had an ironman game and the resemblance is uncanny. Both were nearly assassinated in their regency, were scarred in battle after coming of age and they were the last surviving members of their dynasty

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    A tip in the loading screen said choose your Spouses traits carefully and then I looked at my spouse.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    It's been one of those games.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Must have a pretty good fake ID

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    My genius attractive king got a simple flu. The doc healed him by making him a eunuch... Paradox *facepalm*

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Do you ever think, 'Oh God, what am I doing?'

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    My first time as a demon child with broken attributes

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    Tace! I need that health and fertility boost

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:27 AM PDT


    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Hey guys am new to ck2 need help vassal limit. What do I do now I am playing as Viking. I won a war and got 15 vassals suddenly.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    Classic Red Dwarf reference

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:50 PM PDT

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