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    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    Crusader Kings They Know Their Players So Very Well...

    Crusader Kings They Know Their Players So Very Well...

    They Know Their Players So Very Well...

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:48 AM PST

    The real power fantasy

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:11 AM PST

    It's good to be the (Master Seducer) King

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:51 PM PST

    We will finally be able to dispose ourselves of our children in Ck3!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:42 AM PST

    The provinces needed for the SPQR achievement.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:13 AM PST

    When the lecture is too boring

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:12 AM PST

    When your dad knows the right people, so you jump from unpaid internship straight to top-management

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:40 AM PST

    Today's CK3 Q&A with the developers. Feb, 27.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:59 AM PST

    A few interesting answers:

    Q: How many different pets are currently planned to be in the game?

    A: cats and dogs, depending on how lonely you get in prison you can get a lot more, a pet rock for example

    Q: will I be able to seduce the Pope?

    A: Yes, and there's a special event for it

    Q: are non-crusade 'Great Holy Wars' (if that's still the name for other religions) also modeled on the Holy Fury crusade system?

    A: Yes.

    Q: Do you have a funny bug encountered while developing the Lifestyles and Perk trees to share?

    A: (So I'm not one of the people working on it, but) My favorite tale was that nudists could get events about how much to spend on updating their wardrobe. Emperor's new clothes, indeed.


    Q: Will it be more simple than CK2?

    A: no

    Q: will there be single barony city states only beholdand to the Emperor?

    A: Baronies are always held either by the count, or a baron under the count. So only barons in counties the emperor hold will be beholden directly to the emperor.

    Q: How varied are the Romance / Elope / Seduce events? They were a little repetitive in CK2, do they vary more in CK3?

    A: The events are very varied between the different schemes. I also like to think that the internal variety is quite significant. You'll definitely feel the difference depending on who you're romancing or seducing!

    Q: Hi! Will the tribal goverment that used to be nomadic in ck2 have any difference from other tribals? will the game represent some difference between them?

    A: Nomads will not exist on release; realms that were nomadic in CK2 will be tribal.

    Q: Will there be a way for modders to create fortresses that cannot be passed without taking them first?

    A: That is not planned.

    Q: With the livestyles conveying huge boni to the character how viable will we be to interact with mechanics outside of the current chosen lifestyle

    A: You'll still be able to interact efficiently with any system that isn't specifically unlocked by the lifestyle (such as Absolute Control or Befriend). It helps a lot to have the lifestyle, though!

    Q: Will more lifestyles be able to be created with mods?

    A: It is very easy to mod in more lifestyles, focuses, and trees.

    Q: Will the game speed options be similar to CkII's?

    A: Yes, speed ranges from 1 to 5. These roughly match the CK2 speeds.

    Q: Will you give Harold Godwinson the right amount of troops this time so that he doesn't get stomped William or Hardrada?

    A: I hope we've got it right so there's a real competition! He's still fighting an uphill battle facing off two powerful invaders at once, though

    Q: whats the feature you are most excited about that isnt in CK2

    A: The lifestyle system is my personal favorite.

    Q: Is the Romance scheme available for same-sex targets with the right orientation?

    A: Yes, you can use romantic schemes on people whose orientation matches your gender.

    Q: You mentioned one ability which would notify you when your ruler is one year away from death. Does this mean that there will be a hardcoded lifespan (with the exception of illness, assassination, battlefield accidents, etc)? How will this work?

    A: no it's not a hard coded life span, it's still random but the alert just is us being sneaky and delaying the outcome of death instead of having hard coded timings

    Q: With the Learning Lifestyle with a Medicine Focus can you discover herb based contraceptives, (spermicide) to have lovers with a lower chance of bastards?

    A: We have something similar to that, but it's not specifically tied to the Medicine Focus

    Q: Hi, CK3 devs! I was wondering: will different cultures or regions tend to have different troop compositions, or will it only be dependent on buildings and such?

    A: Some men at arms are cultural, and the AI will tend to have more of those.

    Q: Will AI focuses be chosen at random or will for example, an AI character in a relatively peaceful part of the world be less likely to chose martial focus while characters in wealthy parts will be more likely to chose stewardship?

    A: AI's will choose focuses based on their education and personality, less so based on their region.

    Q: Will there be any minigames?

    A: no

    Q: You guys are awesome, thanks for making this game :slight_smile:

    A: Well thank you. You'll all be fantastic human beings if you pick up and play it.

    Q: Last chat session, it was mentioned that everywhere on the map was playable on release, but also that merchant republics would not be playable on release. Does these two statements contradict each-other, or will you be able to play as feudal Venice?

    A: The statement about "everywhere" was playable is a bit misleading in that manner. It's supposed to mean there are no regional restrictions based on religion like at the release of CK2. However republics will not be playable in CK3 at release (in vanilla).

    Q: Do the Lifestyle focuses generally play out the same way for every character ala. CK2? As in, you get a largely similar series of events every time and it ends with a trait? Or will you have a significantly different experience between characters even following the same lifestyle tree?

    A: The traits are unlocked by the perk trees themselves, rather than events. That also means you don't have the semi-linear progress Lifestyle events had in CK2. Instead there's a huge pool of possible events for all Lifestyles

    Q: what playable religions will we get at launch with no expansions?

    A: all of them

    Q: Will there be any new playable government types?

    A: We will talk about government types in a dev diary next month most likely.

    Q: is ck3 gonna have a different system for traveling over (neutral) land? Crossing borders etc

    A: That is not planned

    Q: Is King Jadwiga of Poland (1373-1399) in the game? As a female king she's pretty unique so it'd be fun to play as her

    A: There's no start date that late.

    Q: There will be any kind of Naval Battles?

    A: not for release, maybe one day who knows

    Q: if you reach age like 60 or 70, how many perk and tree you complete inside the lyfestyle?

    A: A single tree generally takes a few decades, so at this point you'll likely have finished about two trees

    Q: what made you pick a giant eyeball to represent Martial - Authority?

    A: :eye:

    Q: How is vassal interaction with the liege compared to CK2? Is there still a favor system and with laws and council power?

    A: The favor system will be replaced by the more involved hooks system. There will be laws that govern your vassals and succession laws.

    Q: Will the Learning focus trees have some impact on your ability to create custom reformations/heresies.

    A: Yes, in a major way

    Q: Can you elope with soulmates or does it only work on regular lovers? Basically I want to know if you can romance someone and then later elope with them.

    A: Being Soulmates can have a massive impact on the success of an Elope Scheme, so it's actually a really good idea to romance them beforehand!

    Q: Can you try to romance anyone you could try to seduce?

    A: Yes, but the Success Chance factors will vary greatly depending on their personality

    Q: Is there anything different added in terms of tyranny?

    A: There's also a dread system, letting you intimidate people into subservience.

    Q: how long do you expect a tree to take to complete, will children be able to begin the tree or have any impact on them?

    A: A tree takes a few decades to complete. Only landed adults start on trees, though upon landing we simulate them having had a lifestyle up to that point and add perks based on that

    Q: Is there any benefit to switching lifestyles or is it always best to follow one tree

    A: it depends on your situation in game, you might know you're going to war in your future plans so should switch over to the martial trees to get some perks before your grand conquest etc

    Q: I've noticed in your map of Italy that a lot counties(or in the case of CK3, baronies) are missing from CK2, such as Trapani and Amalfi. To me, this leads to the map having vast open provinces, even though the popularity of mods like the Historical Immersion Project has shown that players prefer the polar opposite. I might be mistaken since this is an early version of the map and it might change upon release, but in case not. What is the main reasoning behind this reduction of provinces in Italy? Has it to do with preformance issues, or is it a way to make it more approachable to new players or something else entirely?

    A: Did I fail to answer this on my previous try? Anyways, the map is in continuous development along with the game, but our key priority is to have a map that works well with out new on-map holdings

    Q: Will there be multiplayer available on release?

    A: yes

    Q: Is it possible to nudge your children towards a specific lifestyle or is the AI completely autonomous in choosing one?

    A: Your children will heavily tend to go for the Lifestyle corresponding to their education, which you have full control over as their guardian.

    Q: will immoratality be a trait in ck3?

    A: Immortality will be supported for modders, but will not be in the vanilla game on release.

    Q: What's the youngest can you be to start a lifestyle?

    A: an adult

    Q: since only rulers use the lifestyles system, what happens when a ruler loses his land?

    A: They will stop progressing in their lifestyle until landed again.

    Q: Do lifestyles unlock decisions like how choosing the learning focus in CK2 allowed you to go on a pilgrimage, for example?

    A: Some Perks unlock decisions, but there are no decisions that are unlocked by just having a lifestyle, the way some were in CK2

    Q: Will having multiple lovers affect your stress level in a more significant way? In ck2 one could easily have 20 lovers or more giving a child almost every other week without it affecting your health too much, but in real life that would turn most people insane? How would a scenario like that affect the player in ck3?

    A: there are events around how man lovers you have and keeping them and it effecting your stress yes

    Q: Will raising tribal armies depend on Prestige like CK2 or will it depend on something else like Control, Prowess, etc?

    A: The levies will have a gold upkeep. Men at arms will cost prestige. Constructing buildings will cost both gold and prestige.

    Q: Just as a matter of opinion: do you feel as though it's more beneficial to focus on one or two perk trees to the exclusion of the others, or to mix and match different perks from different trees as needed?

    A: That's highly situational; sometimes mixing and matching makes more sense, other times focusing on your education's matching lifestyle makes more sense. It all depends on what you're trying to do.

    Q: With the AI choosing their lifestyle focus based on their education, how much control will we have in what education trait children end up with?

    A: You set the education focus for your children, so you have great control

    Q: Is there going to be changes to how Gavelkind works? A way to have less bordergore

    A: There will be a future dev diary touching this subject.

    Q: Is there going to be some kind of hunting options to compensate that it's not a Lifestyle?

    A: you will be able to take a decision to go on a hunt like in CK2, it's primarily a stress outlet for your character

    Q: Does Groomed to Rule perk give the 1-3 skill points to all your children or only to the ones who are born after you take the perk? I noticed it gives more points than Sound foundations which specifically gives 1 point to all living children.

    A: all of them, it applies retroactively

    Q: You've added "Soulmate", does "Lover" still exist for less than licit relationships?

    A: yes lover still exists as a relation as well

    Q: Can a Chivalry focused man acquire their homosexual Soulmate via the tree?

    A: Yes.

    Q: Do the amount and/or types of Men-at-Arms regiments available to recruit change as the game goes on?

    A: Yes.

    Q: A filled-out skill tree seems really powerful from these dev diaries. How does the game play out when so many characters are so powerfully specialised?

    A: It offers different courses of action when playing as different characters. AI characters will naturally be noticeably better at the stuff they specialise in, but that also means they by extension have weaknesses relative to other characters with other specialisations

    Q: if your character lives long enough(beit through immortality or some other means), can you collect multiple lifestyle traits(such as both seducer and scholar) or are you stuck with one lifestyle trait per character at any given time?

    A: You can have multiple lifestyle traits; that's common even without immortality. Immortality can be modded in, but is not in the vanilla game.

    Q: Will bisexuality/asexuality/other sexual attractions be modeled in CK3 (rather than the homosexual/not homosexual binary in CK2)?

    A: yes

    Q: can i sacrifice people for the bloodgods?

    A: Depends on what gods No comment until the religion DD

    Q: What defines the unit model of a troop on map?

    A: Currently the model depends on the quality of the troops and the culture.

    Q: Will there be any way to see what lifestyles and perks another character has chosen, besides seeing if they have the trait from the end of a tree?

    A: Yes, you can inspect anyone's lifestyle trees.

    Q: how will lifestyles and educations work if you end up as a landed child? Is it relatively simple like Ck2 or are there new systems there to play with?

    A: Only adults have Lifestyles. The education system is slightly different than in CK2, but not much more complicated

    Q: Can/will members of your family leave your court and seek out titles on their own?

    A: Yes, if they are not close in line to inherit something, they can become wanderers.

    Q: Can you romance close family members? Would be nice to ... er ... forge a strong bond with my siblings/children before I put them on foreign thrones.

    A: Yes

    Q: To what extent can a liege influence the lifestyle trees/traits that his/her vassals pick?

    A: You can't influence your vassals to take specific lifestyles

    Q: since the hunting event got brought up, will that not be genderlocked this time? I always thought that was a bit at odds with many historical cultures of the time period

    A: There's no gender lock on it in CK3.

    Q: In CK2 many decisions are hardcoded (declare war, propose marriage). Will these systems be more transparent or moddable in CK3 (such as enabling modders to add gay marriage or change the factors for AI acceptance)?

    A: these actions are a lot more in script now, some parts still have hard coded tie ins to use special interfaces etc, but all the conditions and effects can be worked with in the script and acceptance factors changed

    Q: will there be tribal specific lifestyles?

    A: No.

    Q: Will women be attracted to homosexual men in CK3 and vice-versa? It does not make much sense for the other gender to not be attracted, unless the homosexual in question has been found out and been a public scandal about and even then, non-existent attraction from the other gender to the homosexual individual is not realistic. Is it deemed to OP to receive attraction opinion bonuses from both genders?

    A: Attraction doesn't consider the sexuality of the target character, only your own. Heterosexual women will get attraction opinion increases towards homosexual men, but not the other way around

    Q: Mortal Adoration perk makes lovers less likely to want to murder you and they may save you from murder attempts. Does the benefit also apply to soulmates?

    A: Yes

    Q: It was mentioned that only landed characters can choose/have a lifestyle progressing. How does this work with randomly generated characters? Do they only spawn with an education trait and never with a lifestyle trait?

    A: Characters that become landed get their lifestyle progress simulated, and will get perks based on their age and how the AI would've selected perks.

    Q: Are Merchant Republics going to be playable from start or will they come with a DLC? And is it goint to be a playable normal Republic government?

    A: As said before they will not be playable at release, and we don't have any details yet about after release.

    Q: With so many bonuses and perks included in the lifestyle system, how much character potential will remain in their basic stats?

    A: A lot will still be determined by a character's basic stats

    Q: Can we upgrade our retinues quality?

    A: More info on this in future DDs

    Q: can I still accidentally contract syphilis(the great pox) from putting my sausage where it doesn't belong(even though syphilis didn't exist in Europe before columbus)?

    A: keep your sausage in a safe place and you'll be fine

    Q: will ck3 at launch have Holy Fury style crusades or base ck2 style crusades?

    A: CK3 crusade mechanics are heavily inspired by Holy Fury crusades.

    Q: How realistic is your character's seduction ability? As some random Countess, can I secude the Pope, or the Byzantine Emperor? (despite him being in love with his wife?)

    A: Tier differences affect success chances for succession, so it's harder to seduce above your station. You can definitely seduce the Pope or Emperor if you're good enough, though, no matter how lowly a Countess you are. Whether that's "realistic" or not really comes down to your real-life seduction abilities, I guess

    Q: were there any lifestyles that you scrapped in development? what were they and why did you scrap them?

    A: not full lifestyles but the effects of some perks were changed, generally when they would've been to bad for performance or taken too long to implement compared to their value

    Q: Will it be possible for modders to add other variables that affect character appearance and clothes (such as fantasy races)?

    A: yes

    Q: Will there be options for forcibly accelerating progress through the lifestyle skill tree?

    A: Only by using the console.

    Q: Will your lifestyle choice reset when you're locked behind bars like in ck2?

    A: No.

    Q: With Marriage and Children being such a huge focus in ck3 and something the ck2 players are obsessed with anyway, will the genetics see an upgrade from the "only father and mother" approach ck2 had?

    A: Yes, more of this in a future DD

    Q: I found to my surprise that none of the Diplomacy lifestyle trees is about dealing with vassals. Considering that in CK2, the most important effect of the diplomacy ability was to keep vassals happy, I'm rather surprised that there is no lifestyle tree dealing with that. The closest thing we have is, in fact, the Administrator tree under stewardship. Does that mean that in CK3, stewardship will determine vassal opinion, rather than diplomacy, and, if not, why is it that a stewardship lifestyle rather than a diplomacy one grant bonuses to vassal relations?

    A: There's a bunch of stuff in the Diplomacy Lifestyle that helps you maintain your relationship with your vassals, such as friendships and general opinion bonuses

    Q: Will it be possible to force a landed member of your family (e.g your heir) down a certain lifestyle tree?

    A: No

    Q: I get that ai will decide according to the education, but how will they pick between the three trees?

    A: A mix of randomization and weights where it makes sense. E.G., a lustful character is significantly more likely to pick the Seduction tree.

    Q: What are the lifestyle icons that weren't covered by the DDs?

    A: If you're referring to the picture including the Lifestyle traits, there are some more traits in there that you get by other means than the perk trees. Mostly depending on what you spend your life doing!

    Q: Do people still get released from your dungeon after you torture them by default? That's one thing that bugged me in CK2 and though there was a game rule for it, it disabled achievements.

    A: No, they don't get released after torture.

    Q: In CK2 there are rare cases when one realm could control holdings in another realm's county, (which would actually give you a casus beli on the rest of the county) when this happens in CK3 will it be reflected on the borders since baronies are now visible on the map?

    A: In ck3 barony titles will always have their related county as their liege. No exceptions.

    Q: Instead of asking a question I want to give my compliments to whoever came up with the Gallant perk tree and the Romance and Elope scheemes in particular. Eloping especially will not only be useful for gaining claims, but will also be a great tool for creating interesting narratives. Good for gameplay and RP, well done. I'm excited to play a gallant knight now when in CK2 I tended to stay safely inside my castle while others died for my ambitions.

    A: thanks for the kind words! :pray:

    Q: will there be blood effects after combat on portraits like in ck2?

    A: No

    Q: "Control" was also mentioned as, like, some kind of trait you have over a county in your realm? Does that depend on like, how much the vassal in charge obeys you, or is it more like, a new way of describing how likely the townsfolk are to revolt against you?

    A: Control is a county-level attribute that influences the levies and tax the county provides. It slowly trends towards 100%, but is reduced by occupation, conquest, and some events.

    Q: will there be nicknames tied to completing branches?

    A: No, you'll get your lifestyle trait. There are some Lifestyle events that can lead to nicknames, though

    Q: Will we see any pop culture or other references in CK3 like CK2?

    A: yeah... some...

    Q: Will there be different semi-random tactics that will be used during a battle like in CK2?

    A: The combat system has been completely reworked for CK3.

    Q: What is the highest developed province at start?

    A: Constantinople, closely followed by Delhi, Rome, Cordoba, etc.

    Q: Will it still be possible to take prisoners as consorts (assuming your religion/government allows those)?

    A: yes

    Q: Are you able to seduce your wife/husband with seduction?

    A: Yes, you can make them your lover or soulmate.

    Q: Are there certain lifestyle events you will only get if you are of a certain culture: for example: can choosing the seduction tree have consequences for Christians that it won't for Pagans?

    A: It's heavily dependent on your Faith's view on Adultery. If it's not a crime, then the events have different outcomes, for example.

    Q: Since family is becoming a bit more involved can you (as head of the family) get family members too do certain things. Like marrying someone your want or declaring war on specified targets etc?

    A: Not marrying someone specific (unless you're responsible for them), but there are numerous new ways of interacting with your house members if you're the house head

    Q: Can new, unlanded characters spawn in the world with a lifestyle trait?

    A: Yes, and wandering characters can accrue them

    Q: With there being fewer courtiers then in ck2, will there also be fewer possible spouses to choose from? (I want my genius spouse though! :smile: )

    A: there are definitely still a lot of character, just less directly at court and more as guests and wanderers around the map

    Q: When you have 2 sons, one is a genius and one is an imbicile. Will you be able to murder one of them so you can choose your heir? Or are we unable to kill our own children like in Ck2?

    A: certain traits may allow you to plot to dispose of your children

    Q: Will there be any way to disown children, without resorting to murder?

    A: Yes, there's a Dynasty Head interaction to Disinherit members of your dynasty

    Q: what is the most shockingly immoral thing the game has 'encouraged' you do while playtesting?

    A: Just yesterday I wrote up a bug that had the reproduction steps "Murder your child son and heir. Then murder your other child son." That's just the most recent thing, though

    Q: Will we be able to customize the outfit,hairstyle, etc. of our characters mid playthrough?

    A: Yes

    Q: will it be possible for us to adopt kids/orphaned child courtiers if our characters are childless? The adoptee would then have to gain legitimacy on their own once their new parents pass, or something along those lines? that could be pretty cool, although I'm not sure if it is historically accurate.

    A: There are no adoption mechanics.

    Q: Do we get any hints as to what the new religions in the game will be or not until a later dev diary?

    A: Not until later. Be patient! :wink:

    Q: Followup question: Will it be possible to force unlanded prisoners into marriage? In CK2 religions with consorts could already do that in two steps (take prisoner as consort, marry consort), so this would just level the playing field between religions.

    A: you can recruit prisoners, if they accept, and then once they are your courtier you can marry them

    Q: Will raised levies require only gold for support or shall there be any kind of supply mechanic? Will besiegers starve due to lack of food for instance?

    A: We do have some supply mechanics.

    Q: will there be event chains similar to the robin hood one in ck2? will they have special interactions based on your current branch/tree?

    A: there are longer event chains in the game, but they are not going to necessarily tie into your lifestyle though

    Q: will yazidi finally be seperate from the muslim religion group?

    A: Yes it will! Hopefully we can explain more after the religion DD

    Q: It seems as if the Stewardship - Duty lifestyle bleeds over quite heavily into Diplomacy. Is this sort of crossover intended?

    A: Yes, there being a bit of overlap between lifestyle is intentional; see for instance the romance options in Chivalry, while Seduction still exists.

    Q: Will the level of stress affect ai behaviour/decisions?

    A: sometimes yes, depends on what they're trying to do

    Q: Do any lifestyles interact / conflict with each other? For example if I choose a more pious lifestyle along with one focused on torture / dread?

    A: you can pursue both if you choose to

    Q: Modders can put their own (maybe non-human) 3D characters into the game switching the originals? They can make changes on the looks of the original models by hand and not just facial hair but the complete face?

    A: yes portraits are fully moddable

    Q: The diplomacy/alliance system will be the same as CK2?

    A: It's similar to CK2.

    Q: Will there be unique clothing or appearances for certain important historical characters?

    A: We will assign specific appearance to some important historical characters. But they will generally use assets that other characters could also use.

    Q: What effects the likelihood that your character will be targeted for seduction by others? Will there be ways for you to manipulate or entice favours your lovers, especially if they are powerful rulers? Will your lovers be able to manipulate you in-turn?

    A: There will be some ways, yes, but you'll have to wait and see exactly how

    Q: What area of the game are you most excited to show off or proud of?

    A: that varies a lot per developer! So the cop out answer is all of it depending on who you ask :wink:

    Q: In the game there is a perk that allows the formation of an Alliance without marriage is there a away too receive more than one?

    A: Yes, for example there are alliances formed by event outcomes.

    submitted by /u/Agamidae
    [link] [comments]

    Nobody expects the Roman invasion of China

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:07 AM PST

    Put on your helmet boy!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:37 AM PST

    I dunno what could make her so depressed

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:15 AM PST

    Well, that didn't last long...

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:57 AM PST

    Same old story

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:51 PM PST

    My Immortal Rival event caused an Immortal Horse god to kill my son before being murdered after a philosophical debate

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:16 PM PST

    Dear Pulad! May wisdom ever elude you. I refuse to comply with your outrageous demands. You are no longer my friend!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:06 AM PST

    After 900 Hours, I found Greenland

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:30 AM PST

    I mapped my Dynasty in an Outremer Ironman game

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:36 PM PST

    Why is Hardrada Catholic?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:33 AM PST

    I know it's technically preschism, but he was a follower of the Russo-Byzantine Christianity who spent time in the Varangians and Kiev and introduced Eastern priests from these areas to Norway so I assume he should be Orthodox. Is this just to make the game a little easier post-England Invasion?

    submitted by /u/Ego_Nondum
    [link] [comments]

    Would the real Arabia please stand up? Please stand up? Please stand up?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Long-distance relationship my ass

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 11:57 PM PST

    Always tough in an Iron Man game when you don't know whether you can win a war or not...

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:05 AM PST

    Harald Hardrade. Christian. Husband. Father. She/Her.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:42 AM PST

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